Professor: War on poverty should include refugees

But, but, but….we are told that refugees are self-sufficient very quickly—that they are not costing federal, state and local taxpayers much! In fact, we are told repeatedly that they are actually adding to the local economy!

Although it’s an overt pitch for more taxpayer dollars for refugee resettlement, there are a couple of points worth making about this opinion piece by Dr. Jill Koyama at The Huffington Post.

Dr. Jill Koyama: “…refugees funneled into pipelines of poverty.”

First, for long time readers, you know that the Resettlement contractors are always bragging about how quickly refugees become self-sufficient and get off welfare.  You know it can’t be true or why would this author and others suggest refugee programs need more money from the US taxpayer.  The contractors can’t have it both ways!  Either refugees are in poverty or they are quickly self-sufficient.  Which is it?

If they need more money from the taxpayer to survive, then we are led to two obvious questions:  WHY ARE WE IMPORTING POVERTY?  And, if we can’t afford them, why not lower the numbers being admitted to the US each year?

Dr. Koyama, in her op-ed, is pushing for more English language training and says of the system now:  “…refugees are funneled into pipelines of poverty, with little hope of upward mobility.”

Here she makes a point we often make on these pages—a driving force behind refugee resettlement, for all its talk of helping the world’s downtrodden, is driven to a large degree by employers wanting cheap reliable laborers.  Once the first refugees move upward, employers need to import more at the lower rungs.

My two-year anthropological study, ending last March, of the educational and employment networks of 100 refugees in upstate New York confirms that a lack of English proficiency pigeon-holes refugees into low-wage service and shift work with limited possibilities of promotion. In fact, one fourth of the 12 employers interviewed preferred to hire refugees with “just enough” English skills who were, as one employer stated, “less likely to leave when they landed better paying jobs with more English.” According to the director of a refugee resettlement agency in the area, the focus on getting a job quickly leads many refugees to accept positions below their abilities, especially because refusing any job can jeopardize the receipt of benefits used to support their families, especially their children. This has multi-generational effects on educational outcomes and livelihoods for refugee children and children born in the U.S. to refugees.

A reminder to readers, the Refugee Act of 1980 also foresaw a public-private partnership where the contractors were supposed to use some of their own resources and not use the federal taxpayer as a piggy bank.  I am fully convinced that contractors could, if they worked at it, find enough people willing to do charitable work to teach refugees English without further dipping into the US Treasury.

House Judiciary Chairman makes it clear he has no interest in reviewing refugee program

As we reported here yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing this past week on asylum fraud, but in his opening remarks, Chairman Bob Goodlatte signals that he is pretty happy with the Refugee program we have now.

Rep Bob Goodlatte (R-VA): “robust” refugee program to continue!

Earlier this year I made some trips to Capitol Hill to discuss with staffers the problems (as well as cost) with the program and to emphasize the need for oversight hearings and was met with a wall of resistance.  Bottomline is that even if asylum fraud is open to investigation, no one on the Hill wants to get near the Refugee program with a ten foot pole.

Clearly fearing that they will be called mean “racists” and “xenophobes” for even suggesting there could be problems with the structure of the 1980 law that basically turned refugee resettlement over to unaccountable contractors, no oversight is planned (even though there were staffers who were very aware of the failings).

In fact, S.744, the Senate’s “comprehensive immigration reform” bill will expand the program and the funding for the contractors.

Here are the opening remarks by Chairman Goodlatte (I’m told he was a former immigration lawyer):

Chairman Goodlatte:  The United States of America is extremely hospitable to immigrants, asylees, and refugees.  Our nation’s record of generosity and compassion to people in need of protection from war, anarchy, natural disaster, and persecution is exemplary and easily the best in the world.

We have maintained a robust refugee resettlement system, taking in more United Nations designated refugees* than all other countries combined. We grant asylum to tens of thousands of asylum seekers each year. We expect to continue this track record in protecting those who arrive here in order to escape persecution.

As far as I know, the Refugee Act of 1980 has never been reviewed by any oversight committee of Congress.  Such a review is long overdue!

*See my previous post about the UN picking which refugees we take.

The Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980, a refresher on its 33rd aniversary!

Every day I get up eager to find more interesting stories about our out-of-control Refugee Resettlement program, and I definitely avoid the nitty-gritty tedious work of digging through documents so that the average American wondering where all these third-worlders are coming from and who is paying for it (mostly you) might be better informed.

Today, I made myself do some digging.

An aside:  Readers you’ve probably noticed that government at all levels thrives on secrecy.  If you’ve ever questioned a local boondoggle project or any sort of government program you know what I mean.  They, government officials at any level, fear that the taxpayer will raise questions and they frankly hide stuff as best they can.   In fact, it is easy to do because the government is a leviathan and they don’t even need to purposely hide stuff, we private citizens just don’t have the time to dig for it.

And, by the way, their ability to hide stuff has been made easier since real investigative reporting is rare The mainstream media now appears to be on the side of government rather on the side of the citizens.  So, I’ve learned over the years that the first step in any battle with government is to find their documents—any documents!  It’s actually funny, you may never find a smoking gun, but just having their documents  makes them nervous and is your first step to bring about change.

Today I found something I’ve been wondering about for years—some of the Legislative history of the Refugee Resettlement Act of 1980 (really 1979).   It is here, at the Library of Congress and I can tell this bill summary is filled with all sorts of juicy things you will be hearing more about as time goes on.

Who do we thank for the Refugee Resettlement Act? 

Top honors go to Senator Ted Kennedy and President Jimmy Carter!

The reason we have a Refugee Program—Democrat Party voter recruitment!

I’ve written about this before, but along with Chief Sponsor Ted (don’t bring them to Hyannis) Kennedy we have the following co-sponsors (remember these guys—mostly Dems!):

Sen Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [DE] –
Sen Boschwitz, Rudy [MN] –
Sen Hatfield, Mark O. [OR] –
Sen Javits, Jacob K. [NY] –
Sen Levin, Carl [MI] –
Sen McGovern, George [SD] –
Sen Moynihan, Daniel Patrick [NY] –
Sen Pell, Claiborne [RI] –
Sen Randolph, Jennings [WV] –
Sen Ribicoff, Abraham A. [CT] –
Sen Riegle, Donald W., Jr. [MI] –
Sen Sarbanes, Paul S. [MD] –
Sen Tsongas, Paul E. [MA] –
Sen Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [NJ]

And, I always thought it was funny that Jennings Randolph’s and Bobby Byrd’s West Virginia and Joe Biden’s Delaware resettled only a tiny fraction of the 3 million refugees resettled since 1975!   The top year for resettlement was 1980! with 207,000!  1980 was also the first year we admitted refugees from Africa.

In 1981 we resettled 159,000 and in 1982 it was 97,000.  Reagan must have caught on and we saw a big drop to 62,000 in 1983.

Refugee Council USA (a lobbying group for the contractors):

Since 1975, the U.S. has resettled over 3 million refugees, with annual admissions figures ranging from a high of 207,000 in 1980 to a low of 27,110 in 2002. The average number admitted annually since 1980 is 98,000. [That low year (2002) was because 9/11 happened and they were all scared that a refugee might be a terrorist—that did happen eventually, but not right after 9/11.—ed]

But then get this!

The law specified that the refugee cap for 1980, ’81 and ’82 was set at 50,000 a year unless the President determined there was a great crisis—-did Ronald Reagan actually agree with this?    Although fiscal year 1980’s 207,000 would have been Jimmy Carter’s gift to America (along with having signed the bill into law on March 17th, (St. Pat’s Day) 1980!).

Library of Congress summary, here:

Provides for up to 50,000 annual refugee admissions for fiscal years 1980 through 1982. Authorizes the President to exceed such 50,000 admissions level if, at the beginning of a fiscal year and after appropriate consultation, he determines it to be for humanitarian purposes. Provides that these admissions shall be allocated to groups of special concern to the United States.

Funds were only authorized for those three years as well.  Wonder if they have been just operating ever since without formally reauthorizing the funding?

Endnote:  Ann Coulter reminded the audience at CPAC of Ted Kennedy’s role in changing America with immigration, here, on Saturday.  Readers!  They are changing the people!

We have a “where to find information” category that is chock full and this post will be archived there.