Although, much to my dismay, the Trump Administration is continuing to admit refugees (including hundreds of Somalis), I’m happy to see news like this about illegal alien Somalis being found and deported to Somalia. For years we didn’t send Somalis back even when they committed one crime after another, but at least this portion of the Trump agenda is being carried out.
(BTW, the theory about not sending illegal migrants, even criminals, back to hellhole countries has been that it is too cruel for them and they will be in danger there.)
From the Voice of America:
Somalia’s U.S. ambassador says his embassy has learned that U.S. immigration agents are planning to deport about 4,000 Somali nationals now living in the United States.
Obama welcomes Somali Ambassador to US. See here in June 2016, Obama was beginning deportation of Somalis, or so he said.
“We learned through immigration sources that the total number of the Somalis that are in the books of [U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement] to be removed are close to 4,000,” Ahmed Isse Awad told VOA’s Somali service Saturday. “Most of them are not in detention centers.” [Good luck finding them! They are probably on the way to Canada!—ed]
Since Somalia’s embassy in Washington reopened in November 2015, the ambassador said, about 170 Somali immigrants who either ran afoul of U.S. law or had their asylum applications rejected have been deported to Mogadishu, the Somali capital.
Most of those previously deported had applied for but been denied political asylum in the U.S., he added. Another group of Somali applicants whose requests for asylum have been denied are now in detention centers or prisons, awaiting deportation.
Is Virginia a magnet for criminal aliens?
ICE agents recently arrested 82 people from 26 nations during a five-day operation in and around the U.S. capital.
According to a statement from ICE, 68 of those detained March 26-30 had previous criminal convictions, for crimes including armed robbery, larceny and drug offenses. All but three were arrested in the state of Virginia.
Be sure to see the whole story. VOA reports on one Somali deported in the past who simply returned with a new name. He has been here for decades. How many more like him are out there?
Expect to see a spike around the time when Trump takes office until refugees get a sense of the direction in which the new president may take immigration policy.
(Canadian Immigration lawyer Bashir Khan)
Readers might want to first check out a post from a few days ago where we reported that ‘refugees’ from Ghana were found freezing after a long walk across the US/Manitoba border, click here. For new readers, just a reminder, we have a Canada category, here, with 186 previous posts going back nearly 10 years.
Canadian immigration lawyers are saying there is an increase in the number of mostly Somalis leaving the US and heading north and they predict that when Trump is inaugurated (in 9 days) the numbers will tick up even higher. What concerned me most about this news is that if these Somalis were legally admitted to the US, they have nothing to fear. Why bother risking their lives traveling to Canada? So, that can only mean that they were in the US illegally and were possibly waiting on asylum claims to be processed and simply disappeared. How many more illegal Somalis are wandering around America? Editor: I had previously posted a photo here that I now believe came from a fake news site. I apologize and have removed it.
From CBC Manitoba (hat tip: Joanne). Emphasis is mine:
The number of asylum seekers crossing the Canada-U.S. border into Manitoba on foot instead of through official ports of entry has risen fivefold in the past three years. [Keep in mind that the numbers were going up before Trump even came on the scene!—ed]
In the 2013-2014 fiscal year, 68 people illegally crossed the international border near the small, southern Manitoba community of Emerson and claimed refugee status, according to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). That jumped to 340 in 2015-2016.
This fiscal year’s numbers have already surpassed that, with 410 asylum seekers making the journey between April and December 2016.
Emerson is just north of the United States border at the point where the province of Manitoba and states of Minnesota and North Dakota meet.,_Manitoba
According to Jacquie Callin, a CBSA spokeswoman, most of those crossing near Emerson are from Somalia, which has been wracked by civil war and political instability since the overthrow of military dictator Siad Barre in 1991.
Canada has the reputation of being a land of liberty and appeals to the unprecedented number of refugees displaced by the world’s various conflicts and crises, said immigration lawyer Bashir Khan. [Business must be booming for Mr. Khan!—ed]
CBSA reports 119 asylum seekers came to Manitoba in the coldest winter months between December 2015 and March 2016 without passing through a port of entry or border checkpoint.
Pay attention to this next line! Legitimate asylum seekers are to ask for asylum in the country in which they first arrive. If this international understanding was enforced everywhere then many of the problems the world is experiencing with migrants would be solved. Instead migrants now believe they can wander around the world looking for the best deal! It is called asylum shopping.
Under the Canada-U.S. Safe Third Country Agreement signed in 2002, individuals must seek asylum in the country in which they first arrive, with a few exceptions. For instance, if a Somali refugee who arrived in the United States presented themselves at the Canadian border seeking asylum, they would be sent back to the U.S. unless they had family in Canada. [But were the illegal border-crossers sent back, there is no mention!—ed]
People entering the country without visas or proper immigration papers have been spotted walking through fields and gravel roads near the border in Emerson, whose southern boundary borders the states of North Dakota and Minnesota.
RCMP D Division patrols 520 kilometres of the Canada-U.S. border, the world’s longest undefended border.When officers find a person trying to illegally cross, they bring them to the nearest port of entry to be assessed by a CBSA official.
If there’s no admissibility concerns and the person’s refugee claim is legitimate, they are released and a date is set for the claim to be heard. [How many ever show up?—ed]
Khan said he expects to see a spike around the time when Trump takes office until refugees get a sense of the direction in which the new president may take immigration policy.
LOL! I bet some of you are wondering if you could hire buses to take loads to the border of Justin Trudeau’s ‘welcoming’ Canada.
Invasion of America…..
This is nothing new, it’s been going on for all the years I’ve been writing this blog. However, I expect the pace has been picking up lately as they fear that Trump might be serious about the wall.
You know that anyone, supposedly impoverished, but with the resources to travel across the world to get to our border, has to be up to no good. In fact, since we take thousands (over 8,000 Somalis this year alone) of supposedly legitimate refugees from Africa, my first question is, so why didn’t they apply through regular channels? So how do the poor, struggling asylum seekers know exactly where to go? Who is instructing them? The same person or persons paying their way?
This latest storyis at Breitbart, but first revisit a post I wrote in 2011 in which I said Congress should be doing some serious investigation of the supposedly poor Somalis who know to “make their way” to our border and ask for asylum (who is instructing them? and who is giving them the money for such an expensive trip?).
Where is Congress? I think Congress isn’t investigating because then you would be alerted to a really really scary security situation not so different than Europe is facing. Invasion on a smaller scale, but nevertheless an invasion.
Here isIldefonso Ortizat Breitbart:
Hundreds of African asylum seekers have flooded Mexican border cities with the U.S. in an effort to get to California and Texas to obtain U.S. asylum — many of the unvetted migrants are from the terror hotbed of Somalia. Rather than having to hide along the way, the African migrants have been getting a special permit from Mexico that gives them a free pass to the U.S. border.
The influx of asylum seekers from African countries who entered Mexico illegally has been building for several weeks as hundreds of individuals continue to arrive primarily to Mexicali to cross into Calexico, California, in order to seek asylum. Mexican immigration authorities have been spotted ferrying the asylum seekers from shelters and plazas to international bridges with the U.S.
Mexican immigration authorities have largely kept quiet about the wave of African migrants who have been entering Mexico through that country’s southern border and then making their way to the U.S. border to seek asylum. Some of the cities they seek include Calexico and San Ysidro, California, and El Paso, Texas.
Continue reading here.
For new readers, asylum is part of the Refugee Admissions Program. These Africans ask for asylum and then wait for a court date (many of them loose in America). If granted asylum (with the help of dozens and dozens of immigration lawyers wanting to help them) they get the same welfare goodies and a resettlement contractor to help hold their hands through our welfare system and eventually to American citizenship.
Wow! Check out this story from Seattle—first, because it gives us a few clues about Unaccompanied Alien Minors, not all from Central America and Mexico, who know how to game the system, and secondly because here we see that the Office of Refugee Resettlement is trying to ferret out frauds among the ‘children’ only to be thwarted by a judge. The lower court judge ruled and Judge Pechman affirmed that a scientific bone density scan couldn’t be used to show that the illegal alien Somali was a teen or not. Photo:
Gosh, does this mean the Somali, who could be an adult, will be sent back to hang out in high school?
Sure looks like he was returned to foster care (and presumably high school) according to another article at The Seattle Times.
Message to all young men from around the world who want to break into America, get rid of your passports and any other identification before you arrive at the border and then lie, lie, lie!
A judge affirmed a ruling this week that federal immigration officials unlawfully used a dental exam to determine that a teenaged Somali asylum seeker was an adult, and wrongly detained him in the Northwest Detention Center in Tacoma.
The teenager, identified in court documents by his initials B.I.C., had entered the United States in August 2015 and applied for asylum as a minor. He was issued a special immigrant juvenile visa and sent to live with a foster mother in Portland. However, in December the Office of Refugee Resettlement said that based on a dental bone scan, they no longer believed that he was a minor.
The teenager had traveled through South and Central America in order to reach the United States, and had destroyed his identification documents so he would not get sent back to Somalia, according to the court filings, so he had no documentation for his age. [So, he committed fraud by destroying his ID papers!—ed]
With the dental bone scan as the only piece of evidence that he was an adult, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) arrested the teenager from his high school near Portland and took him to the Northwest Detention Center in December.
He was released after two months, after the Northwest Immigrants Rights Project filed a suit seeking the teenager’s release. Chief Magistrate Judge James Donahue ruled that using a bone density scan as the sole piece of evidence of someone’s age violates federal law and that the teenager should be freed.
Donahue’s recommendation was adopted this week by U.S. District Judge Marsha Pechman, who also threw out ORR’s determination that he was an adult when he was first taken into custody.
According to The Seattle Timesstory he will be released from foster care when he turns 18 (whenever that is, or was), but what next? Does he just disappear into the American Somali community? Or, will the Northwest Immigrants Rights Project take responsibility for him? (surely not!) Or, better still, maybe the good judge will take him in!
Make room Malta, here we come—more jobless immigrants looking for a ticket to America!
He was talking about a Somali on the island nation of Malta who had just been apprehended while in the process of stealing money from an open van. From the Times of Malta on Friday (hat tip: Charles):
Mohammed Nur, 34, of Somalia, was jailed for 18 months after he pleaded guilty to stealing cash from a van in Marsa at around 5pm yesterday.
Mr Nur, who resides at the Marsa open centre, was also charged with slightly injuring the owner of the vehicle.
Lawyer Cedric Mifsud, appearing as legal aid, said his client had problems because he was an immigrant and could not find a job, which led to him “doing these stupid things”.
Then don’t forget it was only two months ago that a bunch of “refugees” were charged with wrecking their living quarters on Malta apparently just for kicks here.
Lawyer Mifsud must be the go-to guy for crimes committed by the flood of illegal aliens who have arrived on Malta—many surely in hopes of being the lucky ones who get their ticket to America.
For new readers, we—the US State Department (cheered on by Catholic Charities)—is partially to blame for the increasing tide of Africans ‘finding their way’ to Malta because during the Bush years we set a dangerous precedent, we magically transformed Somalis who arrived on Malta (seeking asylum?) into legitimate refugees to be taken to your cities and towns. Refugee law requires that legitimate asylum seekers ask for asylum in the first safe place they arrive—that would be Malta and by extension the European Union.
It’s not just petty thieves and toilet-wreckers who are on Malta but here, on the same day as the first story above, Lawyer Mifsud is defending two Somalis (jobless men doing stupid things?) charged with raping an Italian woman. Also, from the Times of Malta:
Two Somali men have been remanded in custody after they pleaded not guilty to raping an Italian woman in Hal Far on March 25 between 2 and 4am.
The men, Abdiraman Abukar, 26, and Liban Mohamoud, 26, both of Floriana, were also charged with are violent indecent assault, holding the woman against her will, harassing her, offending public morals and slightly injuring her.
The 21-year-old Italian, who resides in Valletta, filed a police report saying she was raped on Sunday night by a number of foreigners.
The men also pleaded not guilty to stealing her mobile phone and using violence against the woman.
Mr Mohamud, alone, was charged with driving a car without a licence and breaching bail conditions. Mr Abukar was charged with relapsing.
Police Inspector Yvonne Farrugia told Magistrate Neville Camilleri the men were arrested after their mobile phone numbers were traced from a number of records.
She objected to a bail request because of the nature of the crime, to which, she said, there were several witnesses, including the victim.
Mr Mahmoud had breached previous bail conditions and did not even respect the curfew imposed by another court, Insp. Farrrugia said.
The Abukar had been found guilty of raping another woman.
Insp. Farrugia said the victim identified the two men as her rapists.
More on the way!
Also last Friday there were several reports of boats on the way from north Africa where we—the Obama Administration—is also to blame for creating more lawlessness in Libya. Most of these boat people are launching from there.
Eighty migrants rescued off Malta, from
A PREGNANT woman and a baby were among a group of 82 African migrants rescued from a dinghy off the coast of Malta.
The migrants were spotted some 110km south of the Mediterranean island after they had sent out an SOS via satellite phone. Officials said they had left Libyan shores.
The group, made up of 82 Somalis, including 10 women, were taken into custody upon their arrival in Malta. Their condition is unknown.
Three other boats with 260 people on board were intercepted by Italian coastguards early on Friday and taken to an immigration centre on the island of Lampedusa.
I was hoping that some of this trafficking would be brought under control when we learned in January that two bigwigs had been arrested at the Italian Embassy in Nairobi for trafficking Somalis to Malta (and Europe), here. Guess not!
Readers, the Western world and our way of life is in deep trouble. Forget the terrorists and nuclear bombs—the real nuclear bomb is third world immigrants flowing across and around the globe looking to survive. And, we better dump the politically correct b.s. about the joys of multiculturalism or we are doomed. Most Americans have no clue what is coming our way (forget Europe their goose is already cooked!).
For more on Malta, type ‘Malta’ into our search function and I bet we have over 100 posts on the mess the US helped create there.
About the photo: It was originally published in a story at New Europeon the hundreds (including the 82) who arrived on Malta and on Italy’s Lampedusa Island Friday.