Southern Poverty Law Center's war on women!

The filthy rich Southern Poverty Law Center announced its list of 12 women it claims are anti-sharia activists according to Judicial Watch blog yesterday in a post entitled, ‘SPLC Issues Hit List of U.S. Women Against Sharia Law.’
***Update*** The full report is here.

Mark Potok is one of the authors of the hit on twelve brave American women.

So this is what I would like to know, if any of these women are harmed (God forbid), could the Southern Poverty Law Center be sued and possibly charged with instigating a ‘hate’ crime? Just wondering…..
Here is JW:

The Obama-tied leftist group that helped a gunman commit an act of terrorism against a conservative organization has assembled a starter kit for Islamists to attack American women who refuse to comply with Sharia law, the authoritarian doctrine that inspires Islamists and their jihadism.

It’s the summer special from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), an extremist nonprofit that lists conservative organizations that disagree with it on social issues on a catalogue of “hate groups.” A few years ago a gunman received a 25-year prison sentence for carrying out the politically-motivated shooting of the Family Research Council (FRC) headquarters after admitting that he learned about the FRC from the SPLC “hate map.” Prosecutors called it an act of terrorism and recommended a 45-year sentence.

Now the SPLC, which has conducted diversity training for the Obama Department of Justice (DOJ), is targeting female bloggers, activists and television personalities who refuse to comply with Sharia law which is rooted in the Quran.

There is more, continue reading here.  I wonder how much the SPLC gets from CAIR?
Readers will remember that last year we learned about a Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society report in which HIAS said it was bringing in the SPLC to investigate anyone who is involved with pushing back against the refugee resettlement program, here.  Haven’t seen any sign of them yet!

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society wants “Local Anti-Refugee Leaders” investigated by SPLC

….And, then what?

This is not hot news just off the presses, but is buried in recommendations in a report that the J.M. Kaplan Fund and Suzette Brooks Masters commissioned with the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) and published in February 2013.

HIAS is one of the top nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.***  See we want more money from Congress now too!  (Just like the Catholics want more money!)

We first mentioned the report on how to counter the local backlash here just ten days ago.

Let me say at the outset!  This is classic Saul Alinsky/hard left stuff on the part of HIAS and Suzette Brooks Masters and so it makes me laugh!  If you are a “local anti-refugee leader” you should be proud to be identified by them, because it means you are getting under their skin and disrupting their plans to bring more leftwing voters and more Muslims to America!

Suzette Brooks Masters and to her right is Garrett Johnson who was Senator Lugar’s staff person who helped investigate problems in Indiana in advance of the critical GAO report in 2012.

Frankly, I’ve been bummed to not yet have been added to the Southern Poverty Law Center‘s hate groups list!  (See Southern Poverty Law Center stands up for Hamas!).

Plea to SPLC, please add me to your list of hate “groups.”  I would be honored!

One of the funniest things I ever read was Daniel Greenfield writing about how he and his cat became a SPLC designated hate group.  Read it and laugh!   Hey, I have a cat too!


My first response on finding out that I was now a hate group was to look around to see where everyone else was. A hate group needs the “group” part, and one man and a cat don’t seem to be enough. Even when the cat is a well known bigot who hates mice, birds, car alarms that go off in the middle of the night, the plumber and sudden noises.


But, I digress…..

Yippee! In Resettlement at Risk: Meeting Emerging Challenges to Refugee Resettlement in Local Communities, RRW does get a mention on page 10:

Online forums such as Refugee Resettlement Watch have emerged for individuals critical of the resettlement program to share their concerns. Many of the posts express disdain for the refugee resettlement program, particularly the resettlement of Muslim refugees, along with anti-Muslim views.

Their footnotes lead readers to this post we wrote in 2012 about Congressman Keith Ellison being their go-to guy in Congress!

Check out the report especially if you are in one of the three states with pockets of resistance identified by HIAS at that time (there are more now!)—Tennessee, New Hampshire and Georgia.

Now to the recommendations and especially the one suggesting that if you have problems with changing America forever by importing tens of thousands of third-worlders every year and more Muslims, you should be identified, investigated and then what?

Page 16: Recommendations

 Adopting the following recommendations would help counter the refugee backlash and keep communities open and welcoming to refugee resettlement:

Read all of them, but note this one:

Conduct Research on Local Anti-Refugee Leaders: The national refugee agencies should partner
with groups such as Center for New Community and Southern Poverty Law Center to learn more
about individuals and groups leading local efforts to resist resettlement, to determine if they belong to organized anti-immigrant or anti-Muslim organizations or networks.

And, so what if we do?  You people belong to organized networks!  This is America.  You know that old-fashioned notion about freedom of association, it still exists!

Why do these Jewish groups want more Muslim immigration to America?

One of the great mysteries of our times is how the Jewish leaders of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society and the J.M Kaplan Fund don’t get it—frankly, a large percentage of the world’s Muslims want them dead and facilitating Muslim migration to America is not going to make that Islamic imperative go away.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is also a Jewish-run organization.

Are they that naive?

About the photo:  It is interesting that HIAS apparently invited a staffer in the now former Senator Lugar’s office who did some of the research on the program in Indiana that resulted in a damning GAO report on the refugee resettlement program.  Were they, at this 2011 event, trying to convince him to move along—nothing to see?

***The contractors



Weekly Standard has major expose’ of Southern Poverty Law Center

Morris Dees from the cover of The Weekly Standard

King of fearmongers!

I was on Capitol Hill this week visiting offices and spotted the April 15th issue of the Weekly Standard (in office waiting areas) with it frontpage story on the “poverty palace” and its founder Morris Dees.  Entitled ‘King of Fearmongers: Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center, scaring donors since 1971,’ by author Charlotte Allen, is a must-read!

Check it out here, a fascinating (and disgusting) story about a con artist.