New Yorker mag describes how Trump Admin set the 45,000 refugee cap for FY18

The first story I read this morning has got my blood boiling! Not because it is one more blast at Trump, or at Stephen Miller (he can take care of himself).

And, although I have now learned more about the secretive process thanks to the leakers (the blabbermouths!), what has me steamed is that the Trump Administration clearly still has many people throughout government (the State Department!) and in the White House who are not loyal to him and are so willing to dish the dirt on his Presidency.

Whose fault is that?

It is Trump’s fault for not placing enough of his own people in leadership slots—people who would be loyal and keep the bureacrats in check.

Trump shrug
Was he even paying attention?

Indeed the US Refugee Admissions Program in the State Department is still being run by career bureaucrats who saw Obama’s fantasy 110,000 refugee ceiling last year as the holy grail!

For new readers, know that I have maintained that there is nothing heroic about this 45,000 (split the baby) ceiling.

Trump had the perfect opportunity to suspend the program entirely, to put off setting the ceiling.  He could have done it for 6 months and told Congress to investigate the entire program with an eye to reforming it or setting up an entirely new system to admit only the most desperate people. (There is likely zero chance any reform will be initiated in election year 2018!)

So, as you read through New Yorker reporter Jonathan Blitzer‘s story, meant to paint Stephen Miller as the boogeyman (written thanks to so many blabbermouths), know that I believe Trump flubbed this one and took an easy way out.

(You should read the whole thing. I couldn’t snip it all! So, I picked out what interested me most and the emphasis below is mine.)

Late last month, the White House announced that next year’s cap would be forty-five thousand, a record low. The State Department, the Defense Department, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Office of the Vice-President, and the Office of Management and Budget had wanted the number to be higher.

But they had all been forced to compete with one influential White House official: Stephen Miller, the thirty-two-year-old former aide to Jeff Sessions who has become Trump’s top immigration adviser.

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I’m still laughing! They are all angry because Miller knows how the “sausage is made.”

I recently spoke to four Administration officials [come on chickens, who are you? put your names out there!—ed]  involved in the refugee-cap process to try to understand how Miller was able to outmaneuver an array of powerful factions in the federal bureaucracy. Each official described Miller as a savvy operator who understands how to insert himself into the policy-creation process. They also described him as the beneficiary of a dysfunctional and understaffed Administration. Miller hadn’t completely gotten his way on the refugee cap, they told me; he wanted it to be lower. The forty-five-thousand figure—which past Administrations would have considered impractically low—amounted to a kind of compromise.

Miller, who has gone from the political fringe to the White House on the strength of his reputation as an anti-immigration ideas man, joined the Trump campaign early.

So the process begins in June. We will remember that for next year!

Blitzer continues…

The chain of events that led to the announcement of the new refugee cap began on June 5th, when Miller met with officials from the State Department, the National Security Council, the Department of Homeland Security, and a policy group called the Homeland Security Council. Every summer, the State Department and the N.S.C. lead a series of discussions to decide the next year’s cap. Officials weigh dozens of different considerations, solicit input from the various stakeholder agencies, and ultimately bring a number to the President for his approval. [Could the stakeholder agencies be the federal contractors?—ed]


Miller introduced the officials to Gene Hamilton, another former aide to Sessions, whom the Administration had installed at D.H.S. This year, Miller and Hamilton explained, D.H.S.—not the State Department—would present the refugee-cap number to the President. Hamilton would be Miller’s key ally in the process. “They were in direct and constant contact,” the second White House official told me. “If there was ever a question you had for Hamilton, he’d say, ‘Hold on,’ and call Miller.” According to the first White House official, “It was clear that there was some precooked plan here.”

On this issue of asylum (in the next snip)…

….know that there are an estimated 270,000 asylum seekers presently in the country waiting for their day before a judge to make a pitch for asylum. Under the Refugee Act of 1980, once granted asylum, they are REFUGEES in every sense of the word and are on track to citizenship. The only difference is that they were not screened abroad at all and did not have their airfare to the US paid by the US taxpayer.  So, Miller is making a very important point on numbers.

Blitzer continues:

When officials pushed back against these kinds of changes, Miller would point to the backlog of asylum cases at D.H.S. and argue that the refugee program was unsustainable. All four officials believed this argument was disingenuous. “This was a manipulation to get the result he wanted,” one White House official told me. “He basically just had a political agenda: to limit the number of foreign nationals who come into our country.”

This next bit made me laugh! The bureaucrats who basically run the State Department were angry that Miller knows how the “sausage” is made in Washington!

Simon Henshaw is a career bureaucrat running the Refugee Program under Tillerson.

You can bet the biggest blabbermouths Blitzer talked to came from the branch of the State Department called ‘Population, Refugees and Migration.’

I asked the officials how Miller, with his limited experience in the executive branch, had become such a formidable bureaucrat so quickly. “Look at who the senior advisers to the President were and are—Bannon, Kushner—Miller’s the only one with prior government experience,” the State Department official told me. “He knows something about government, and it turns out to be useful. He saw how the sausage was made. And he’s smart enough to make his own sausage. The chaos of the Trump Administration helped. “The White House remains in utter disarray,” the official said. “If you don’t have an established set of procedures in place, it’s very easy to create your own process.”


In early September, officials at the State Department and N.S.C. were told that the Department of Homeland Security was ready to propose to the President that next year’s refugee cap be between fifteen thousand and twenty-six thousand people.


Elaine Duke
Duke: No number below 40,000 was permissible.

Officials at the other government agencies involved in the process balked. “If we go below fifty thousand, we won’t satisfy the optics that the program was designed to generate, and that functionally hurts national security,” one White House official told me. “We look scared.” Miller and Hamilton weren’t swayed by the arguments, but when Elaine Duke, the interim Secretary of Homeland Security and Hamilton’s boss, insisted that the number couldn’t be lower than forty thousand, they were forced to retreat. (The White House disputed this account.)

Putting up a modest resistance, the State Department proposed a cap of fifty thousand. “People felt beleaguered and betrayed,” the official there told me.


“By the time we talked about splitting the difference, we were already two-thirds lower than where we were previously,” the State Department official told me. “We’d gone from a hundred and ten thousand”—which President Obama had set for the current year—“to around forty thousand, with no evidence to support the decision. It was purely political. The process has never been this corrupt.”

In mid-September, Tillerson lowered the State Department’s desired number from fifty thousand to forty-five thousand. The State Department official said the Secretary’s staff was surprised. “He undercut his deputy,” the official said. “He undercut the recommendation of the staff. He broke with every other federal agency except D.H.S.” The other agencies had all previously said they would back the State Department, so forty-five thousand was the only number that went to the President.

“The President would never know that almost all of his Cabinet wanted a higher number,” one of the White House officials told me.

So who is the White House blabbermouth?

There is much more, continue reading here.

If you are looking for something to do, contact the White House and tell the President to put his LOYAL supporters in key positions in order to begin reining-in the blabbermouths!


Looks like deep state bureaucrats are blabbing to the New York Times on refugee ceiling issue

If Donald Trump continues to make no move to replace the top levels in the US State Department with people supportive of him, he has more than three years of this c*** ahead of him.

Here are some snips from the New York Times yesterday:

miller at podium
It is worth reading the whole NY Times piece. You will see how they are gunning for Miller.

WASHINGTON — President Trump plans to cap refugee admissions at 45,000 over the next year, according to current and former government officials briefed on the decision, setting a historically low limit on the number of people who can resettle in the United States after fleeing persecution in their own countries.

Blabbermouth bureaucrats:

Administration officials plan to inform senior lawmakers of the decision on Wednesday, according to the officials, who insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to pre-empt a formal announcement.

Mr. Trump’s decision follows a fierce internal debate among senior members of his administration. Military and foreign policy officials pressed for resettling more refugees as a national security and moral imperative, while other top officials, led by Stephen Miller, his top policy adviser, and backed by John F. Kelly, his chief of staff and former secretary of homeland security, advocated slashing the number to as low as 15,000 based on concerns about cost and safety.


But Rex W. Tillerson, the secretary of state, ultimately lowered his recommended limit to 45,000, the people said, and that was the number presented to Mr. Trump.

The White House declined to comment on the decision or on the deliberations surrounding it.

Linda hartke 3
Of course the NYT will never tell you that Hartke’s Lutherans are paid by the head to resettle refugees and that her organization is 96-97% funded by you, the taxpayer.

I’ve been telling you, the refugee contractors are going to scream bloody murder over 45,000, so Trump should have gone for some really significant number—heck, even zero!

Refugee assistance groups reacted with outrage to the anticipated cap, calling it a departure from the American tradition of welcoming immigrants in times of need.

Partner! Partner! (grrrrr!) Does the NYT intentionally lie or are their reporters just lazy?


“Today a dark shadow has passed across the great American legacy and promise of protecting refugees,” said Linda Hartke, the president of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, one of nine agencies — most of them faith-based — that partner with the United States government to resettle refugees. “The threat of a drastically low ceiling on refugee arrivals in the U.S. is contrary to American values and the spirit of generosity in American churches and communities.”

Just when I think I can’t do this anymore, I see the NYT write this deception (by omission) about the contractors and it energizes me to continue to get the truth out to you.

Here is the latest financial information on the refugee agencies (federal contractors) whose budgets are based on the number of refugees (aka “clients”) admitted each year. As the numbers decline, so too do their federally-funded budgets!

BTW, the outraged Hartke is pulling down a salary/benefits/related income package of over $300,000 a year—doing very well by doing good! 

(That is a government-funded salary larger than a US Senator or a Supreme Court Justice makes annually!)

Finally, here, toward the end of the article, is the PR stunt letter I told you about in my previous post:

On Monday, 34 senators — all Democrats except for John McCain of Arizona and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska — wrote to Mr. Trump pleading for a cap higher than 50,000, calling the refugee program “a critical pillar or our national security and our foreign policy.”

Read the rest of the NYT piece here.

It is not too late, Donald Trump could still suspend the program and send Hartke (WHO WORKS FOR HIM!) to Puerto Rico and help American refugees for a change!

***Update*** Jordan says on twitter that she wants to hear from you:

High paid Brit lectures us about the American story…

This is rich!

I’ve told you about David Miliband in many previous posts.  He is the former UK Labor Party Foreign Minister (his brother is known in the UK as “red Ed”) who came over to New York to head up the fabulously wealthy International Rescue Committee where he is sucking down a salary of $591,846 annually.

miliband laughing
David Miliband: Have I got a cool gig or what? Living in Manhattan, deciding which third world migrants will be seeded into American towns, hobnobbing with Hillary, schmoozing Soros, smacking down Donald Trump, weighing in on British politics and being handsomely compensated by American taxpayers! Wow!

(The IRC is the wealthiest monetarily of nine federal refugee contractors, although we are told that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops handles a higher volume of refugees each year.)

Btw, if you follow Miliband even tangentially you will see he is still busy mucking around in British politics.

Here is some Lefty website called Death and Taxes on British national Miliband and that meany, Donald Trump:

“It’s not an exaggeration to say the very existence of refugee resettlement as a core aspect of the American story, and America’s role as a global leader in this area, is at stake,” David Miliband, president of the International Rescue Committee said.

I’m willing to give up our supposed “global leader” role, aren’t you?  (But, wait, didn’t we just hear from Human Rights Watch that Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon are the global leaders giving protection to refugees?).

Here is erudite reporter Tosten Burks at Death and Taxes on Trump White House aid Stephen Miller (LOL! this was my tip-off about the nature of this ‘magazine’):

During a meeting at the White House on Tuesday, Homeland Security officials proposed a 2018 cap of 40,000, the Times reports. Racist booger Stephen Miller has pushed for an even lower cap of 15,000, sources said. No final decision has been made.

This post is filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category, here.

Miller “smackdown” of CNN reporter, a video for the ages

I’m sure you’ve all seen it, or at least bits of it!  White House immigration expert Stephen Miller takes down an uneducated CNN reporter—Jim Acosta.

Stephen Miller (right)—takes no prisoners!

Here is what Howie Carr said at his website following the exchange:

It is about damn time that someone put Jim Acosta in his place.

It’s like this clown and Keith Olbermann are in a never-ending competition for the “most smug human on Earth” award. I wish we could just declare one of them the winner and send them back to their mothers’ basements.

But Jim Acosta’s smugness was cut short today by my new hero Stephen Miller.

Miller happens to be very bright, well-spoken and most importantly aggressive.

Check out this smackdown as Jim Acosta tries to claim that the White House’s immigration policies are not keeping with the “spirit” of America.

Maybe Acosta will think twice before he opens his yapper. Then again, knowing these libs–he probably won’t.

Go here to see the video.

Someone should start a movement to have the poem, which changes the entire historic meaning of Lady Liberty, removed from the statue!

Two things I was particularly interested in were these (besides Acosta’s incredible smugness).  First, Acosta cannot say what is the right number of immigrants America should take.

I urge all of you to use this line of reasoning when confronted with a No Borders agitator.  I saw Bill O’Reilly do it once to an advocate for not closing our southern border. He asked her what was the right number, could anyone come? no restrictions? the whole world?

She was flummoxed because even the most rabid of them know America would crash if the whole world was ‘welcomed’ to the country.  They will refuse to say what is the right number!

And, secondly, I was delighted to see Miller demonstrate Acosta’s ignorance of history about the damn poem on the Statue of Liberty. I know a lot about the National Park Services’ historical parks and how they badger communities (when it suits them) to maintain historic accuracy—so why has the NPS continued to foster this historic inaccuracy about the statue?  (See my post here in 2015)

If anyone really wanted to strike a blow against this ‘nation of immigrants’ mumbo-jumbo, start a campaign to remove the damn poem!

Dear White House: it isn’t just about the numbers!

I’m sorry to keep repeating myself, but this whole refugee controversy has devolved in to a discussion about two issues—the number of refugees we admit and security screening.

What happened to the idea that communities would be informed about refugees arriving in their neighborhoods? What happened to any discussion about the enormous costs of resettling refugees with little education who will be dependent on welfare most likely for life even as they take jobs from low-skilled Americans? What happened to any discussion about massive cultural disruption in some locations? What happened to any discussion about the fact that health screening of refugees seems virtually non-existent with cases of TB and HIV Aids stressing local health departments?

In short, what happened to any discussion about dumping or reforming the whole UN/US Refugee Admissions Program? Or, getting rid of the contractor middlemen***?

Are we simply going to battle over numbers? 

Sure sounds like it!

I’m told I should be heartened by the news that someone in the  White House (Stephen Miller) will be the point man on refugees, but really, can we expect Anthony Scaramucci to peg him as a f****** racist tomorrow? (If Scaramucci is crazy enough to say something about Miller like that, Trump can forget about his base!).

From Reuters:

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The White House Domestic Policy Council (DPC) is taking the lead on a decision about how many refugees to admit to the United States next year, two current and three former officials said, a move that may empower those who wish to reduce immigration. [Who are Reuters sources—the leakers in Tillerson’s State Department and its hangers-on?—ed]

Rebecca Heller, Yale law 2010, director of the International Refugee Assistance Project tells Reuters that we have to help Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon by permanently resettling refugees in your towns. She says it will make us safer. Go figure!

The council, which reports to U.S. President Donald Trump’s senior adviser for policy Stephen Miller, an architect of Trump’s initial travel ban, is adopting a role traditionally handled by National Security Council and State Department officials.

The shift may strengthen the hand of officials who, like Trump himself, wish to cut the number of refugees resettled in the United States, against foreign policy experts who view the issue through an international humanitarian lens and say taking them in is vital to getting others to keep their borders open.

The bureaucratic maneuver appears to be part of a wider Washington fight over steps that the Trump administration has taken to limit immigration to the United States.

Continue reading, there is lots more.

Again, if we see simply a slight reduction in the number of refugees to be admitted in FY18 (Trump will announce in September), and no effort to tell Congress to reform the monstrosity—Ted Kennedy’s Refugee Act of 1980—Trump will have (hugely) let us down.

***Federal contractors/middlemen/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities.  Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.  Every week representatives of the nine meet with DOS officials and literally divvy up the refugee dossiers deciding where in 49 states (WY takes zero!) they will be (without your knowledge) placed.

The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US. Those Aussie rejects (I told you about here yesterday) come with a dollar value to the contractor and they have no obligation to tell community leaders/police who they are placing in US towns and cities.

The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors/propagandists/community organizers from the process.