Sweden paying 'refugees' to go home (and it is working)

Invasion of Europe news…..
As Donald Trump continues to flesh out his immigration policies (I assume today he will focus on illegal immigration), I think a little sweetener to nudge people to return home could save America a heck of a lot of money since most migrants, legal and illegal! are figuring out how to tap into our welfare system.

Swedish fear
In 2015 this Middle Eastern asylum seeker refused to get off a bus at his new home in Sweden’s frozen north. He said he feared bears and wolves in the forest. (He might have been more afraid of trees than he admits.) https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2015/01/02/refugee-soap-opera-on-a-bus-in-sweden/

Sweden is offering a cash payment to asylum seekers if they withdraw their application for asylum and go home.  Along with longer wait times and living conditions in shelters in the cold north, the plan appears to be working.
Of course, going home for a price is a sure indicator that the migrants were never really ‘refugees’ in the first place, but economic migrants looking for work and/or welfare.
Here is the news from the Independent from late last week:

A record 4,542 asylum seekers withdrew their applications and left Sweden in the first eight months of 2016 as a result of long processing times, strict new rules on family reunion, and payouts to migrants who voluntarily returned to their country of origin.

There were also less than half as many new claims made between January and August 2016, as in the same period of 2015.

Sweden used to be one of Europe’s most popular destinations for migrants, with the number of asylum applications doubling between 2014 and 2015 to more than 160,000.


But for many asylum seekers who arrived during the influx last year, Sweden has proved less of a utopia than they hoped. Many faced a long, cold winter in political limbo, camped out in makeshift accomodation while the state struggled to cope with the large number of new claims. Less than 500 of the 160,000 arrivals have managed to secure jobs.

Concerned about the strain placed on the economy of the country, which was expected to spend about one per cent of its GDP on asylum seekers in 2016, the Swedish Migration Agency, a government department responsible for processing claims, introduced tougher rules at the start of 2016, designed to deter and keep out asylum seekers.

No surprise!

The Swedish public also appear to be have become more hostile to migrants.

A survey released in February showed immigration was the main concern for 40 per cent of Swedes, above worries about failing schools, joblessness and welfare. The change was the biggest opinion swing in the poll’s history.

Continue reading here and learn about the payment strategy.
We have previously proposed a repatriation fund for unhappy migrants (not just refugees but others) to get them a plane ticket home, we could always add a little sweetener to the pot. Surely the Dems in Congress would not oppose such a fund to help unhappy people get back home.
I’m guessing, we have fifty or more posts on Sweden at RRW.  I have long predicted it would be the first European country to fall as the demographic change (and high welfare rate) would push it over the edge.  However, maybe there is a glimmer of hope for them after all.
Go here for our Sweden archive.  See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Great mystery in Sweden: how do we suddenly have more men than women?

And, what will that mean for the social structure of the country?

More Invasion of Europe news…..
You can’t make this up!
I’ll bet there isn’t one of you reading this who doesn’t know the answer right now before you even read the story!

Nuur at Bare Naked Islam
One of those young men is asylum seeker Youssaf Khaliif Nuur, from Ethiopia, who has been charged in the murder of a white aid worker. http://www.barenakedislam.com/2016/05/23/sweden-horrific-photos-from-inside-the-asylum-center-where-a-somali-born-ethiopian-muslim-savagely-murdered-a-beautiful-young-swedish-worker-for-no-reason/

Sweden has opened its doors wide to the Middle East and Africa and who rushed in? Surprise!—young men! Mostly young Muslim men!
Here is how the story at the Daily Mail begins (it is an AP story so maybe that explains its ditzy-sounding opening paragraphs):

STOCKHOLM (AP) — Famous for its efforts to put women on an equal footing with men, Sweden is experiencing a gender balance shift that has caught the country by surprise: For the first time since record-keeping began in 1749, it now has more men than women.

Swedes don’t quite know what to make of this sudden male surplus, which is highly unusual in the West, where women historically have been in the majority in almost every country. But it may be a sign of things to come in Europe as changes in life expectancy and migration transform demographics.

“This is a novel phenomenon for Europe,” said Francesco Billari, a University of Oxford demographer who is president of the European Association for Population Studies. “We as researchers have not been on top of this.”

Ten paragraphs into the story we get the first hint of what has happened to Sweden.

Statistics officials say Sweden’s demographic shift is mainly due to men catching up with women in terms of life expectancy [Oh, really?—ed]. But the arrival in recent years of tens of thousands of unaccompanied teenage boys from Afghanistan, Syria and North Africa is also having a significant impact.

Sweden’s biggest male surplus is in the 15-19 age group, where there are 108 boys for every 100 girls. That imbalance could grow to 115-to-100 this year when the impact of last year’s record number of asylum-seekers — including more than 35,000 unaccompanied minors — is reflected in the population statistics.

You know this will not end well for the white women of Sweden (thousands upon thousands of young men with raging hormones and no women for them).  After citing a warning from an American university researcher, the reporter goes on to quote other ‘experts’ who say everything will be hunky-dory.
A warning from an American:

Valerie Hudson, director of a program on women, peace and security at Texas A&M University, said this should make Swedes concerned, because her research has linked skewed sex ratios in China and India to more violence against women and higher crime levels.

What’s happening in Sweden, Hudson said, “is one of the most dramatic alterations of demography over such a short period of time that I’ve ever seen.” She called it ironic that a country considered a beacon of women’s rights isn’t paying more attention to the issue.

Continue reading here because other women’s advocates downplay the news (naively in my opinion).
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.  And, we have written many posts over the years about Sweden, my pick for the European country that falls to the Islamists first.

Swedes pushed to the brink, attack migrants in Stockholm

Invasion of Europe news….


Sweden masked men
Photo caption: A picture of masked activists issued by the neo-Nazi Swedish Resistance Movement. Photo: Swedish Resistance Movement

You know it had to come to this—a violent response to the bloody violence perpetrated by an asylum seeker earlier in the week.
On Tuesday we reported the murder of a young humanitarian aide worker in a home for “unaccompanied children” in Sweden. She was stabbed to death and now we hear the ‘child’ who killed her was a Somali migrant.
In any country where there still might be a flicker of desire to save ones country and culture from invasion, this news is the inevitable result.
From The Local:

A gang of up to a hundred black-clad masked men marched in central Stockholm on Friday evening, singling out and beating up immigrants, and handing out leaflets threatening further violent attacks against unaccompanied refugee youth.

The march, the most extreme reaction seen so far to the murder on Monday of social worker Alexandra Mezher worker by a Somali refugee, has been linked to football gangs and far-right groups.

According to Aftonbladet newspaper, the men were distributing leaflets with the slogan “It’s enough now!” which threatened to give “the North African street children who are roaming around” the “punishment they deserve.”

“They were scattering leaflets which had the intention to incite people to carry out crimes,” Stockholm police confirmed its website.The march, the most extreme reaction seen so far to the murder on Monday of social worker Alexandra Mezher worker by a Somali refugee, has been linked to football gangs and far-right groups.

According to Aftonbladet newspaper, the men were distributing leaflets with the slogan “It’s enough now!” which threatened to give “the North African street children who are roaming around” the “punishment they deserve.”

“They were scattering leaflets which had the intention to incite people to carry out crimes,” Stockholm police confirmed its website.

More here.
Our Invasion of Europe archive is here.  We have an extensive archive on Sweden as well.  It is the country I have predicted would fall first to the Islamic invasion, but maybe there is still some will to live among the Swedish population.  Maybe they won’t go down without a fight.
Hint to Swedes!  Ikea is one of your significant threats!
We noted (here) that Ikea is one of several global companies working with Chobani Yogurt promoting more migrant labor to be distributed around the world.

Sweden: Teenage migrant stabs refugee worker to death

It is all over the alternative media, so you’ve probably seen it (in more graphic detail) than The Guardian gives us.  Here is The Guardian story which should be headlined: ‘Migrant situation in Sweden completely unsustainable, police resources strained.’

An employee at a refugee centre in Sweden has been stabbed to death.

Paris 2015! How about Sweden 2016! Prime Minister Stefan Lofven visits the bloody scene of the attack. More to come?

Police spokesman Thomas Fuxborg said the alleged assailant was a young man living at the centre for unaccompanied asylum seekers aged between 14 and 17 in Molndal, near Gothenburg on Sweden’s west coast.

He did not give details about the suspect’s age or nationality but said the man had been arrested for murder. Swedish news agency TT said he was 15 years old.

The victim was a 22-year-old woman, and the motive was not immediately clear.

“These kinds of calls are becoming more and more common. We’re dealing with more incidents like these since the arrival of so many more refugees from abroad,” said Fuxborg.

The Swedish prime minister, Stefan Lofven, visited the area in the aftermath of the death.

The attack came as the national police commissioner, Dan Eliasson, requested 4,100 additional officers and support staff to help fight terrorism, carry out migrant deportations and police asylum facilities.


“Many of the problems we are now facing help to prove the point that Swedish police have long been underfunded and under-staffed,” Lena Nitz, the director of the police union, told TT.

“It is obvious that the migrant situation is a great strain. It has become clear that the situation is completely unsustainable.”

See our complete archive on Sweden by clicking here.  It has always been my first choice guess for which country in Europe will fall first to the Muslim migration.
By the way, next time you hear refugee contractors and the globalists talk about refugees bringing economic prosperity, ask if they have factored in the cost of crimes and the need for increased crime prevention (and the cost of imprisonment!).
Send us links for more updates on this story—-is it one more sexually motivated attack?

Sweden 'pulls up the ladder' and closes borders

Invasion of Europe news…..

Sweden registering
Refugees register at Stockholm central mosque on Oct. 15, 2015. Photographer: Jonathan Nackstrand/AFP via Getty Images http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-11/sweden-resorts-to-temporary-border-controls-amid-refugee-crisis

First I saw this story from Al Jazeera about Sweden’s plan to close their border yesterday, and then I’m seeing that Breitbart tells us about the reaction of the migrants who had their feet in the door just the day before yesterday—they are happy Sweden is closing the gates behind them!
(Of course what will this mean for those already on the road behind them working their way northward through Europe?)
Al Jazeera:

Sweden will impose temporary border controls starting Thursday in response to an influx of refugees, a turnaround for a country known for its open-door policies that also threw down the gauntlet to other EU nations hit by a migration crisis.

Sweden’s prime minister is defending his decision to reintroduce border controls, saying it is no longer possible to properly control the country’s borders.

Stefan Lofven told reporters on Thursday that “when our authorities tell us we cannot guarantee the security and control of our borders, we need to listen.”

The decision by a Nordic state that touts itself as a “humanitarian superpower” underscored how the flow of refugees into the European Union is straining its prized system of open internal borders close to breaking point.

Sweden’s government had warned last week that it could no longer guarantee finding accommodation for newly-arrived refugees. [Remember the ‘no beds’ story, here—ed]

The minority government has faced pressure also from the center-right opposition and far-right, anti-immigrant Sweden Democrats — who are rising in polls — to tighten up on refugees.

The Swedish Migration Agency already plans to shelter thousands of refugees in heated tents due to a housing shortage, while some people may be accommodated in venues such as ski resorts and a theme park.

Some 10,000 refugees arrived last week, and 2,000 in one day — both records for Sweden. Compounding concerns, there have been more than a dozen suspected arson attacks on buildings earmarked for refugees in the last few months.

Why would Sweden take so many?

Now be sure to read Breitbart where those who got in are overjoyed that the border will be closed so they won’t have to compete with even more migrants for accommodations and welfare goodies.

One Syrian migrant told the paper: “I’m surprised how it is here in Sweden. If they can’t take care of us properly, they should not take so many”.

Good question!
See all of our posts, going back many years, about the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ here.  And see dozens and dozens of previous stories from Sweden (our Socialist canary in a coal mine) here.