This story is all over the news, so other than for me to acknowledge the latest case of refugees thumbing their noses at the good life in America (paid for by you, the taxpayer) and still wanting to join the Jihad, here is one version of the story from ABC. If you see more detailed stories, send the link as a comment.
If you type ‘Somali missing youths’ into our search window, you will get upwards of 100 posts (going back as far as 2008) on this same topic—Somali refugees off to learn the Jihad trade.
Abdifatah Ahmed aka Abdirahmaan Muhumed (29), killed in Syria last month, left behind nine kids.
The Lewiston Sun Journal has a long interview with one of the wives of a Jihadist killed while fighting for ISIS. He had two children with her.
This should be no surprise to anyone, but the interview gives us a little more understanding of the Somali community and the back and forth going on between Somali headquarters in Minneapolis and other cities with large Somali refugee populations.
By the way, this wife, who is not identified, arrived in Lewiston in the early waves of Somalis who moved to Maine when they didn’t like their first refugee resettlement site in Atlanta, GA (See our 2009 post about Maine as a welfare magnet).
“Amaani” describes it as feeling like she can’t swallow, as sudden and horrifying as a tornado, like a psychological bruise. And so unexpected.
Growing up, Abdifatah Ahmed had been the brother of her childhood best friend. He was kind, fun. They married in 2010. He eventually moved into her Bartlett Street apartment in Lewiston, then bounced between Minnesota and Maine. It took two years before the marriage imploded.
He wanted a second wife. She didn’t. [Note that they are talking about have more than one wife at a time as if this is perfectly legal in America!—ed]
A week after their divorce last fall, she would later find out, he left the country.
Ahmed traveled to Syria and joined ISIS, the radical Islamic group that has beheaded three Western journalists, carried out other public executions and killed thousands in taking over large areas of Iraq. According to news reports, Ahmed died fighting there last month with another Minnesota man.
Be sure to see Pamela Gelleron the story, here (“mosquing the neighborhood”), where she puts this all in a larger perspective.
Al-Farooq Youth and Family Center is under the microscope. Photo:
A federal grand jury in St. Paul is investigating a group of Somali-Americans who were allegedly conspiring to join terrorists fighting in Syria, according to sources with direct knowledge of the probe.
The proceedings, which have been going on all summer, appear to be centered on trying to find out who is behind efforts to convince 20 to 30 people that they should leave Minnesota to fight in the Middle East. That question has stymied federal agents for the last year as they have struggled to build inroads and trust with the Muslim community in the Twin Cities in order to cut off a new pipeline of recruits.
Seven years ago, about two dozen young Somali men from Minnesota were recruited to fight in Somalia with another terrorist group, Al-Shabab. As many as nine were reported killed, and after a series of indictments and high-profile convictions, federal authorities and community leaders believed that the recruiting had stopped.
Instead, it has shifted to a new region.
The group under investigation is mostly composed of young Somalis who have been frequenting the Al Farooq Youth and Family Center and mosque in Bloomington. There, they may have fallen under the influence of Amir Meshal, a 31-year-old American of Egyptian descent who allegedly spoke often to them about joining in a jihad, those sources said.
Meshal, whose alleged actions at the mosque were reported in June to the FBI, was already well-known to counterterrorism agents. In 2007, agents arrested him in Kenya after he fled Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital. He was accused of having received weapons training in an Al-Qaida camp and of serving as a translator for the terrorist group’s leaders in Somalia, according to court documents.
See our post yesterday on the Minnesota Somali nexus to terrorism in the Middle East and in Africa and follow links to other posts.
Addendum: Don’t forget! We brought almost 1,000 new Somalis to America just last month, here, bringing the number for the year so far to 8,278 (a number approaching the three years during the Bush Presidency when we resettled over 10,000 each year).
Between the illegal alien “children” (wannabe refugees) invading our southern border and some of the American ISIS fighters turning out to be “refugees” we welcomed to America, the general public sure is getting an education about our Refugee Resettlement and Asylum Program this summer!
Waging demographic Jihad as well as violent Jihad, the 29-year old Somali refugee we raised, reportedly left behind nine children for taxpayers to support. Photo:
This latest news comes as no surprise to us since we have been writing about the recruitment of Somali “youths” for the international Jihad since 2008. See much of our earliest coverage at this post or type ‘Somali missing youths’ into our search window. [Want to write a book on this? Most of your research is on the pages of RRW!]
We attended a hearing in Washington in March 2009 at which Senators Joe Lieberman and Susan Collins listened to US intelligence testimony which promoted the naive dream-world notion that the “youths” were only giving up the good life in America to go to Somalia to fight the Ethiopian invaders of their homeland. The Senators were visibly relieved to be told it was only nationalism driving the recruitment—but the intelligence was wrong and they were WRONG!
Think about it! Through our refugee program we are bringing young children to America (who otherwise might have died in their homeland) who we pay to raise—school, medical, housing all provided—believing they will melt in our mythical melting-pot and instead we grow healthy fighters to terrorize the world. By the way, just about every Somali in America is here as a refugee or child of a refugee. Some have entered illegally (or in years past, overstayed a visa) and been granted asylum, but the lion’s share came through the US State Department as refugees.
The contractors who brought the Somalis to Minnesota are Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services of MN, and World Relief of MN, here.
Before I get to the breaking news, you need to know that we are on target to receive one of the highest numbers of new Somali refugees since the three Bush years when numbers topped ten thousand (2004, 2005, and 2006). See that post.
As of July 31st we have “welcomed” 7,326 new Somalis to America this fiscal year!
A second American killed fighting with the Islamic State group in Syria has been identified as Abdirahmaan Muhumed, of Minneapolis, two sources told Fox News late Wednesday.
KMSP-TV in Minneapolis reported that Muhumed was killed in the same battle as Douglas McArthur McCain***, who grew up outside Minneapolis in the town of New Hope and most recently lived in San Diego. The State Department confirmed McCain’s death earlier this week, but spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Wednesday that the U.S. has no independent confirmation of the second American’s death. “We’re looking into it,” she said.
A source told Fox News that Muhumed’s family had been sent a photo of his body from Syria, but had not been formally notified by the State Department.
29-years old and the father of nine! So, guess who will be paying to raise his kids? You!
A profile of Muhumed by Minnesota Public Radio this past June described him as a 29-year-old Somali-American who had been married more than once and was a father of nine children. MPR reported, citing the FBI, that at least 15 young men from the Twin Citites’ Somali-American community had traveled to Syria to join Islamic State, the militant group formerly known as ISIS that has captured wide swathes of territory in Syria and Iraq.
In a Facebook messages to an MPR reporter, Muhumed wrote “I give up this worldly life for Allah” and “Allah loves those who fight for his cause.” A picture posted on the social network showed Muhumed carrying a Koran in one hand and a rifle in the other.
Federal investigators believe that approximately 100 Americans have traveled to Syria to join Islamist groups. Most of them are disaffected young men targeted by recruitment videos like those one put out by the Somali-based, Al Qaeda-linked group al-Shabaab that praised Minnesota’s “martyrs.”
***McCain had links to this same Somali community. And, the FBI thought they had this Minnesota recruitment under control years ago. As reader Ed said yesterday when he sent us this link about McCain:
Somali immigration just keeps finding ways to enrich America. It turns Americans into Somalis.
Yesterday we reportedthat Jihadists are continuing to recruit in the Somali refugee neighborhoods of Minneapolis.
In response, reader FatherJon from Australia brought a similar story to us from Down Under. It is from late last year but well worth having a look at again now, especially as the American media may be on the cusp of ‘getting it’ about the Islamic imperative as the nightmare in Iraq continues to unfold.
One young “Australian” who joined the rebels in Syria.
The story is about Australian citizens (previously granted refuge there) going to join the rebels in Syria.
”They don’t consider themselves restricted to a particular country; they see themselves as part of the global ummah [Islamic nation],” he ( University of Western Sydney’s Dr Jan Alisaid). ‘‘Islam brings them together, not Syria.”
Since the conflict began, about 100 Australians, mostly Lebanese-Australian dual citizens, have travelled to fight, and many more have become embroiled in sectarian violence at home.
Lebanon and Syria have a history of hostility but social media and the emergence of extremist groups in Sydney have led many young Australians to view it as a cause to die for.
The emergence of controversial and conservative Muslim groups in Sydney, such as Bankstown’s Al Risalah community centre, the pan-Islamic political organisation Hizb ut-Tahrir and the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah Association, which runs several mosques and the Bukhari House bookstore and prayer hall in Auburn, has created fear that young people are being indoctrinated.
Will they bring their new skills “home” to Australia?
Police have described Australians travelling to Syria as a ”game-changer” for national security because of the risk of bringing skills, knowledge and radicalised views back home.
The 100 believed to have fought in Syria far exceeds the highest estimates of Australian jihadists involved in previous overseas conflicts, Monash University terrorism researcher, Andrew Zammit, said.
Naive western governments and their NGO enablers offer them the “American Dream” (or Australian Dream!) and what do they do, raise up young healthy warriors for Allah.
Since this article is nearly 6 months old, we can only hope that most of the 100 “Australian” Jihadists are dead already.
LOL! At the moment I’m thinking of all the people, dissatisfied with America’s direction, who have said to me over the last few years—I’m going to escape to Australia! Good luck with that!
Although I must say, Australia, Israel and Bulgaria are the three non-Muslim countries we have identified which are actively attempting to close their borders and save themselves from mostly Muslim invaders. We have written 137 previous posts on Australia. Ambitious readers! click here, to view those reports.