Here is the news being reported everywhere in the last couple of day….
So, if they were all escaping the Syrian regime and it is still in place, why return? Truth is they weren’t all running from Assad, but from rebels and ISIS.
From Qasioun News:
Agencies (Qasioun) – The U.N. refugees agency UNHCR said that nearly half a million Syrian refugees have returned to their homes since the beginning of the year.
How about a hotline for unhappy refugees to call in to the DOS to get help to go home?
Andrej Mahecic, UNHCR spokesman said that humanitarian agencies recorded a “notable trend of spontaneous returns to and within Syria in 2017, with more than 440,000 internally displaced people going back to their homes in the first six months of this year.
Another 31,000 refugees have come back from foreign countries in the same period, particularly from Turkey, where authorities agreed to open the borders to allow thousands of people to celebrate the end of Ramadan with their families. Some of these refugees will opt to return to Turkey, but others will stay, according to local media reports. In total, 260,000 refugees have gone back to Syria from neighboring countries since 2015.
Most people returned to the cities of Aleppo, Hama, Homs and Damascus, over which the government has taken back control from the rebels. The reasons for their return vary: Some are looking for their missing relatives, others want to find out what’s left of their belongings and others think the security situation has improved enough for them to come home to live.
You will never hear this!
As time goes on and if the Syrian situation improves, the US Department of State (and its contractors) will never report how many Syrians resettled in America, at great expense to the US taxpayer, will opt to go home to Syria!
In fact, I previously heard from unhappy Iraqis that they wanted to go home after finding out that the streets are not paved with gold in America.
I think Wrapsnet should keep data on refugees who leave America to go home!
See my post: “Syrians are opportunists” from August 2015, here.
I guess the refugee industry must soon find some new poster children to use as propaganda for their open borders agenda!
….and some plan to stay in Syria!
So, good news on World Refugee Day, right! Syrians want to go home, so why is the UN distributing them around the world?
From Reuters (hat tip: Diane):
Carrying suitcases, shopping bags and toddlers, thousands of refugees walked back home into Syria from Turkey on Thursday ahead of the Eid festival that marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Syrians running home! June 15, 2017. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
Turkey has taken in some 3 million Syrian migrants since the start of civil war in 2011, making it home to the world’s largest refugee population.
Now Ankara is giving Syrian refugees the right to return to Turkey within a month if they want to go home to celebrate the Eid al-Fitr holiday.
Some said they wanted to start again in their homeland, and would return within the month if it did not work out, while others said they wanted to return to Syria for good, citing the difficulty of finding employment in Turkey.
Authorities did not give any figures on how many Syrians have returned so far. A Reuters witness said at least 3,000 people crossed on foot through the dusty Cilvegozu border crossing into Syria during several hours on Thursday.
The offer to return applies to Syrian nationals with valid travel documents who cross through the Cilvegozu and Oncupinar border gates, authorities said. The Eid al-Fitr holiday begins on June 25. Those who wish to return can do so until July 14.
Anyone who comes back after that will be treated as new arrival and subject to the regular immigration process, a local official at the Hatay governor’s office said.
Authorities say thousands of Syrians have since returned to Syrian towns freed from Islamic State.
So that must mean it wasn’t Bashar al-Assad’s government they were running from in the first place! More here.
You should know that the majority of the refugees being processed in to the US right now, by the Trump State Department, are coming in through Turkey.
See processing country map below from Wrapsnet: Turkey is the number one processing country followed by Kenya. Opportunity for fraud? You betcha!
….And, it has nothing to do with any Trump Administration plans. Other actors have stepped in to begin to make it happen and as the story tells us, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees had no comment.
Before critics jump in, it should be none of our business if these families want to put their lives in the hands of Hezbollah, it is not our role (or the UN’s!) to play the papa and tell them where to live and what to do with their lives (which is a large part of the psychology that drives refugee resettlement—the ‘we know what’s good for you’ mentality!).
From Lebanon’s Daily Star (hat tip: Joanne)
BEIRUT: Dozens of refugee families returned to Aasal al-Ward in southern Syria after leaving the Lebanese border town of Arsal over the weekend as part of a deal brokered by Hezbollah and Syrian rebel factions.
Photo accompanying Daily Star story.
The Lebanese Army said in a statement that 30 civilian vehicles carrying an estimated 50 families departed from the northern Lebanese town in the early hours of Saturday and a military escort accompanied them until the last military checkpoint.
According to the Army statement, the move was undertaken in response to a “keen interest of the families” to return to their homeland. Hezbollah’s Al-Manar TV circulated a video Sunday depicting the Syrian families celebrating their return to their hometown.
Local media estimated that 50 families chose to leave Lebanon for Syria Saturday. A total of 500 families are expected to relocate following negotiations earlier this year to establish small safe zones for civilians in the Qalamoun region, brokered by Hezbollah.
A security source in the town of Arsal told The Daily Star Saturday that the return of dozens of displaced families was the result of behind-the-scenes negotiations between Hezbollah and the Syrian regime on one hand, and armed factions present in the area on the other.
The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR, had no comment when contacted Sunday evening.
There is more, but you may have to subscribe to get it.
Truth be told, most ‘refugees’ just want to go home and that should be our number one goal—to get them there—not move them around the world like pieces on a chessboard.
These two cases involving refugees, one in Canada (a Muslim) and one in the US (a ‘Christian’) tell the courts the same thing—no one told them it was against the law to beat your wife (in the first case) or your children (in the second case). They claim they come from cultures where it is aok!
And, you know what! I believe them. I believe that those responsible for placing refugees in far flung communities throughout North America are so steeped in political correctness (with their minds muddled by concepts of cultural relativism) that they leave their refugees (wives and children) vulnerable.
Here is the Canada story of Mohamed Rafia (One of Trudeau’s Syrian refugees who beat his wife, didn’t know it was against the law) cleverly reported by Ezra Levant at The Rebel:
At the court hearing, Rafia said officials didn’t inform him of differences in Canadian laws and more should have been done to educate him.
Yeah, how come you didn’t say it wasn’t OK to take a weapon and smash your wife again and again. How come you didn’t tell him that!
Our second case is going on in New Hampshire where a Congolese refugee woman has lost her children and could be deported if convicted of child abuse.
When you read the long story, note that the NPR reporter gives great details, but leaves out the first pressing question I had, and you will likely have too—which resettlement agency in Concord is responsible for this woman and her cultural orientation to America and American laws and values?
Thanks to Jeanine for alerting me to this story….. From Rhode Island NPR: The Obama Administration told the UN (which is trying to clean out its camps) that we would take in 50,000 Congolese, mostly women (in need of mental health treatment) and children, over 5 years (from FY14-FY19). We have now ALREADY passed the 42,000 mark. 752 were placed in New Hampshire. The Trump State Department is continuing the resettlement.
Nine months ago, Joyce Chance left a refugee camp in Uganda where she had spent the last eleven years. Chance, who was born in Congo, boarded a plane with her two kids, and came to the United States.
A refugee resettlement agency [What, no name?—ed] in Concord, New Hampshire picked them up at the airport, and moved them into a one-room apartment. [One room for a family of three?—likely not allowed under contract with DOS—ed]
Seven months later, the state of New Hampshire took Chance’s kids away. The kids’ teachers had suspected child abuse, and contacted the Department of Child and Family Services. DCYF placed the children – who are 9 and 12 – first with relatives, then later with a foster family.
The agency instructed Chance not to contact her children, and according to her attorney, she didn’t.
A month later, Concord Police arrested Chance, charging her with five counts of assault against her children. If she is convicted, she could be deported.
No one told her it was not okay to beat your children!
“The big issue here is the cultural differences,” she told me. According to Chance, corporal punishment is a common way to discipline children in Congo and Uganda. “When I [got] here,” Chance would later tell me through a translator, “Nobody [told] me it’s not okay to punish your children that way.”
To be clear, a guardian can use physical force against a minor when she reasonably believes it is necessary, according to New Hampshire statue. The state will likely argue Chance’s behavior was reckless and caused substantial pain, making it illegal.
Continue reading here. There is some question about whether the kids are even her biological children.
And, for the curious, like me, the resettlement agency responsible for refugee resettlement in Concord is Ascentria Care Allianceformerly Lutheran Social Services of New England. So, it is a subcontractor of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Serviceheadquartered in Baltimore that did a lousy job of orienting this woman to American culture and laws! Not a surprise because frankly this is a business and they bring ’em in and move on to the next batch of paying ‘clients.’
For new (ambitious) readers, this is post number 2,106 in my refugee ‘crimes’ category, see here.
This is an excellent use of 6 minutes of your time!
I don’t know this program, but thank Paul for sending the youtube clip from The Rebel. I’m guessing that what Faith Goldy learned about Canada’s new 40,000+ Syrian population applies to America’s flow as well.
We have followed Boy Trudeau’s rash Syrian resettlement program since it began in 2015, see our Canada archive for previous posts. The Rebel learned that they can’t speak the language, that they are sick (TB!), and that they use large amounts of welfare because they aren’t finding work, but worst of all it was revealed that the documents, obtained by investigators, are littered with admonitions to not tell the taxpaying public the bad news!
If the video doesn’t play below, then watch it here: