I’m going to be busy (possibly bore you), but I am going to have to follow through on my promise of yesterday and point out the fact that Catholic Bishopsare paid handsomely to do their ‘good works’—paid by you, the US taxpayer.
Once again we have a ‘welcome the stranger’ sob story with no mention of the millions of federal dollars the refugee industry, the nine federal contractors*** (including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops), has enjoyed for near FOUR DECADES!
I have a dream that one day I’ll see an article in the mainstream media that actually tells the public about the Bishop’s pipeline to the US Treasury.
(CBSDFW.COM/CNN) – The bishops of Dallas and Fort Worth are among the 16 Texas Catholic bishops who have denounced Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision to reject new refugees in 2020. Texas is the first state to do so under a new executive order signed by President Donald Trump.
The bishops released a joint statement Friday after the decision was made. They called Abbott’s decision “deeply discouraging and disheartening” and “misguided.”
“It (the decision) denies people who are fleeing persecution, including religious persecution, from being able to bring their gifts and talents to our state and contribute to the general common good of all Texans,” the statement read.
“As Catholics, an essential aspect of our faith is to welcome the stranger and care for the alien,” the bishops added. [Yes! But with private Christian charity, not with money taken from taxpayers!—ed]
Bishop Olson of Fort Worth: We need to get our MONEY! Well, no, he didn’t say that and that is why I am posting on their MONEY again.
Texas is home to about 8.5 million Catholics, nearly 30% of the state’s population. Bishops Edward Burns of Dallas and Michael Olson of Fort Worth represent the dioceses in North Texas.
Since 2010, Texas has received more refugees than any other state — about 10% of the nationwide total, the governor said in the letter. The Pew Research Center reports that since 2002 Texas has accepted more than 88,000 refugees — more than any state but California.
“Texas has carried more than its share in assisting the refugee resettlement process and appreciates that other states are available to help with these efforts,” Abbott said.
This is why they are so upset! From USA Spendingposted yesterday.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has lost millions of federal dollars under President Trump’s refugee resettlement reform effort.
From USA Spending. Federal grants to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Do the 8.5 million Catholics in the state of Texas condone the Bishops living off the US taxpayers and keeping that fact secret?
I bet the vast majority of Catholics think that they are taking care of refugees by passing the plate at mass.
By the way, the Bishops were not alone. Texas Muslimsblasted Governor Abbott as I reported earlier today.
*** For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.
A ‘religious’ message from CWS’s “ministry!” CWS is one of three federally funded contractors suing to stop the President’s effort to reform the UN-driven Refugee Admissions Program.
And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.
The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?
Go here to see that the nine contractors sucked down over $3 BILLION in federal grants in the last 11 years.
(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)
I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.
“It’s unfortunate that Gov. Abbott once again chose to make Texas distinct with its hate.”
(Imam Omar Suleiman)
Of course the first thing I wanted to know was who are the ten, and I’ll be darned, I couldn’t find out. Maybe one of you can, but this story at the Dallas Observer only identifies a few of those who blasted Governor Greg Abbott for asking for a brief break in the stream of refugees being placed in Texas.
Just so you know, Abbott asked for a break that would last from only June to September 2020, surely not enough time to significantly slow the transformation of Texas from a conservative red state to a socialist blue state—which is what this is all about.
And, look who is prominently featured at the presser—CAIR and professional protester Imam Omar Suleiman.
Far Left: Imam Omar Suleiman, founder and president of Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and Faith Forward Dallas.
Dallas Refugee Organizations Unite Against Abbott’s Ban
Since when are CAIR and the Muslim American Society refugee organizations.
I don’t think the Trump White House planned it that way, but Trump’s September Executive Order sure is helping identify the political players working to change America by changing the people.
Ten Dallas refugee, immigrant and religious organizations spoke in unified opposition Friday to Gov. Greg Abbott’s refusal last week to continue accepting refugees to Texas. [But, who are the ten? The reporter names a few, mostly Muslims.—ed]
In a joint press conference, representatives of those agencies, who collectively offer housing, job, language, legal, social and general support to refugees and other displaced people, spoke directly to Abbott, arguing that refugees are an asset to Texas and asking him to reconsider his decision no longer to be a resettlement location for refugees.
“Today, we have a large multifaith, multicultural group of people coming together … to stand united to let the world know that Texas welcomes refugees of all backgrounds. And that we unequivocally condemn and stand against the governor’s decision to not allow refugees to come to our great state,” said Faizan Syed, executive director of the Texas DFW chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.
Advocates and agency heads one by one called out Abbott’s ban as shameful, detrimental to Texas and contrary to the state’s values. [I still want to know who are the ten groups.—ed]
“It’s unfortunate that Gov. Abbott once again chose to make Texas distinct with its hate,” said Imam Omar Suleiman, founder and president of Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research and Faith Forward Dallas.
Suleiman, like other speakers, compared the present government policies toward refugees with those during the 1930s and 1940s, in which the country rejected many Jewish refugees fleeing the Holocaust. [Crocodile tears!—ed]
You met Imam Suleiman participating in an illegal sit-in at the US Capitolin March of 2018. The corny demonstration was organized by our old friends at Church World Service.
That is Suleiman, CAIR’s Nihad Awad and Linda Sarsour about to be arrested at the demonstration against the President’s plans to end the DACA program for young illegal aliens.
The Leftwingers love this stuff—demonstrating, holding press conferences—and it works for them or they wouldn’t do it.
It occurred to me—where are our immigration restriction groups holding press conferences in support of Governor Abbott either on the national level or in Texas?
I’ve told readers innumerable times that Texas has carried the weight of the most refugees resettled in any state for years, and now given a chance by the President to take a break—Texas Governor Greg Abbott has said enough is enough!
Texas Governor Greg Abbott is the first Republican to support the President’s effort to reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
His action is incredibly brave in light of the fact that 18 of his fellow REPUBLICAN governors have already caved in to the pressure of the Leftwing Open Borders Inc. and are now facing stiff criticism by a heretofore silent majority of citizens in their states who also agree that enough is enough.
(Big question now is what about Florida and Georgia, the two remaining states which have carried excessively large burdens handed to them by the UN and the US State Department for decades!)
***Update*** All Texas patriots should be sure to thank the governor! He will be getting some mean criticism from the Left!
According to a letter sent today to U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that was just obtained by The Daily Wire, Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott has announced Texas’s refusal to accept any additional refugees for fiscal year (FY) 2020.The letter was prompted by Executive Order 13888, on “Enhancing State and Local Involvement in Refugee Resettlement,” which was issued by President Donald Trump on September 26, 2019.
“Texas is one of the most welcoming states for refugees seeking to escape dangers abroad,” Abbott begins. “Since FY 2010, more refugees have been received in Texas than in any other state. In fact, over that decade, roughly 10% of all refugees resettled in the United States have been placed in Texas. Even today, the process of resettling continues for many of these refugees.”
“In addition to accepting refugees all these years, Texas has been left by Congress to deal with disproportionate migration issues resulting from a broken federal immigration system,” the governor continues.
“In May 2019, for example, around 100,000 migrants were apprehended crossing this state’s southern border. In June 2019, individuals from 52 different countries were apprehended here. And in FY 2018, the apprehensions included citizens from disparate countries like China, Iran, Kenya, Russia, and Tonga. Texas continues to have to deal with the consequences of an immigration system that Congress has failed to fix.”
“At this time, the state and non-profit organizations have a responsibility to dedicate available resources to those who are already here, including refugees, migrants, and the homeless — indeed, all Texans,” the Republican writes in his denouement. “As a result, Texas cannot consent to initial refugee resettlement for FY2020. This decision does not deny any refugee access to the United States. Nor does it preclude a refugee from later coming to Texas after initially settling in another state.”
“Texas has carried more than its share in assisting the refugee resettlement process and appreciates that other states are available to help with these efforts,” Abbott concludes.
Abbott’s bold stand will please immigration hawks, who have long sounded the alarm on America’s shoddy, loophole-ridden refugee system and our wholly inadequate vetting capabilities for prospective refugees.
Abbott’s move also follows closely on the heels of at least 15 separate Republican governors [actually 18 caved, see below—ed] who have all affirmatively signed onto more refugee resettlement in their states in the aftermath of Executive Order 13888. Immigration hawk Daniel Horowitz recently excoriated these governors at Conservative Review: “Except for New England, these are all states carried by Trump, some of them by a very wide margin. Trump won every single county in West Virginia and Oklahoma, for example. Why are conservatives with platforms not talking about this? … Who needs George Soros when you have GOP governors endorsed by Trump doing his bidding, along with the help of so-called evangelical groups?”
Governor Abbott will take no shortage of heat for this move, even within the still-reliably Republican Lone Star State. But he should rest well at night, for he has done the right thing for his state.
See which Republican Governors virtue-signaled to Open Borders Inc. and the Refugee Contractors! An X means that the governor has said, yes, sure send us more poor people to take care of we have run out of vulnerable Americans!
You should know that Wyoming has never participated in the program that was supposed to be VOLUNTARY in the first place, so Texas is just asserting a prerogative that was available when the law was passed in 1980! Kennedy, Biden and Jimmy Carter all asserted it was voluntary when they pushed it through!
But, Texas isn’t sending him back to Colorado immediately because they are investigating potential other crimes he may have committed in Texas.
Mother of three dead in Colorado
This reminds me of something a friend said yesterday.
Going forward, any governor or county commission that tells the President—send us more refugees—will ‘own it’ when a refugee takes an American’s job, costs us for consuming social services Americans need, or commits a violent crime in their jurisdictions.
The consenting elected official will not be able to blame Washington, but it will be on them and I’ll be right here to point out that connection going forward.
Man suspected of killing woman at Sheridan hotel arrested in Houston
HOUSTON — A man suspected of killing a woman in the Denver suburb of Sheridan has been arrested in Houston.
According to law enforcement sources, Abbas Abdal Kathem Abed was found at a Houston homeless shelter. Sheridan police worked alongside Houston police and the U.S. Marshals Service to find Abed.
Abed’s minivan had been located in the Houston area a few weeks ago, but law enforcement sources say Abed was arrested Thursday shortly after they received a tip from the shelter.
Abed had been on the run since Dec. 1, 2019, when 31-year-old Chelsea Anne Snider was found dead at a hotel in the 2900 block of West Hampden Avenue.
Snider died from blunt force trauma and stabbing, law enforcement sources said Thursday.
Abed had been employed as an Uber driver. Following Snider’s death, Uber said Abed no longer has access to the app. Uber does not believe their ridesharing app had anything to do with the crime because the platform was turned off at the time of the incident.
Abed is an Iraqi refugee. Investigators believe he may have gone to Houston because of Iraqi friends he met there when he first came to the U.S. [Begs the question—what sort of people are his Iraqi friends?—ed]
A law enforcement source says Abed’s extradition to Colorado could be delayed because Houston police are investigating crimes he may have committed there, including attempted murder.
Every time there is a violent crime or attempted terrorist attack by a ‘VETTED’ refugee (vetting is a joke of course!), we should be told which of the nine federal contractors were responsible for placing that criminal in an unsuspecting community. There ought to be a law!
I can’t pin this alleged murderer on Texas Governor Abbott, but if he signs on for more refugees for Texas, I will be holding him responsible for future criminals arriving in the state and you should too!
Jen Smyers of Church World Service: “The impact if Texas doesn’t allow refugee resettlement to continue will be really dismal.”
The Leftwing federal contractors *** are on pins and needles waiting to see if they can reel in their big fish—Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
Texas is their most desired catch because although Abbott tried to get out of the program several years ago, the state remains the top refugee placement state in the nation(the Left is turning Texas blue!).
Smyers told reporters that many church groups on the ‘religious’ Left and advocates for Open Borders have met with Abbott’s staff.
Abbott silent as refugee resettlement deadline approaches
The article suggests that the deadline is “looming.” It isn’t! as I explained herewhen I told you about the dumb Republican governors who jumped on the consent bandwagon prematurely when they obviously hadn’t read the guidance from the US State Department.
I wonder, did Governor Little get a call from Pompeo too? Did he get any suggestion from anyone in Washington that his MONEY depended on his consent?
Governor Brad Little joins the list of governors thumbing their noses at one of the the President’s major goals—reforming the dysfunctional UN-driven Refugee Admissions Program and reducing refugee admissions.
Although Idaho doesn’t receive the massive number of refugees that Texas does, it nevertheless has been one of the major controversial locations in the country where many citizens there do not want to see more diversity and more poverty moved from Africa, Asia and the Middle East to their rural state.
County, Little offer support for refugee resettlement, but questions over jurisdiction remain
You can read the story yourself, but I want to be sure you see the Governor’s letter to Secretary of State Pompeo:
You should consider this a weasel letter. The Governor is saying (sigh) if Twin Falls County wants it, it’s okay with me.
Twin Falls County
Three cheers for a government body that actually read the rules.
More important than the governor’s weak letter is this letter that Twin Falls County sent to the Dept. of State. In the opening paragraphs, commissioners criticize the Funding Guidancefor its lack of clarity, but toward the end of the three-page letter, they penned an important few paragraphs.
Don’t forget, this whole exercise is about whether federal contractors will get MONEY (your tax dollars) later in 2020.
Shut out of so-called ‘stakeholder’ meetings!
They want to be included in consultations in the future (having been shut out so far) and if this exercise is to be repeated they want to hold “robust public hearings.” That is exactly what should be happening across 49 states (Wyoming has never been in the program).
Don’t forget the 100-mile radius rule!
When a contractor is ‘hired’ by the feds and approval is given by, in this case, Twin Falls County (and the governor), contractors may place certain refugees in a 100-mile radius of the resettlement office.
With its consent, Twin Falls County has granted permission for refugees to be placed in these locations within a hundred miles. See radius calculator.
This region includes 11 counties: Blaine, ID; Butte, ID; Camas, ID; Cassia, ID; Elmore, ID; Gooding, ID; Jerome, ID; Lincoln, ID; Minidoka, ID; Power, ID; Twin Falls, ID
***For new readers these (below) are the nine federally-funded refugee contractors that operate as a huge conveyor belt monopolizing all refugee placement in America.
Church World Service poster girl!
For decades they have decidedin secrecy where to place refugees and they don’t want to lose that power because even as they pontificate about their religious convictions and humanitarian zeal, they are Leftwing political activist groups working to change America by changing the people and using your money to do it!
And, they do not limit their advocacy toward only legal immigration programs, but are heavily involved in supporting the lawlessness at our borders.
The question isn’t as much about refugees per se, but about who is running federal immigration policy now and into the future?
(I plan to say this once a day from now on!)
I continue to argue that these nine contractors are the heart of America’s Open Borders movement and thus there can never be long-lasting reform of US immigration policy when these nine un-elected phony non-profits are paid by the taxpayers to work as community organizers pushing an open borders agenda.