Lifelong Socialist, Islam apologist, chosen as new Secretary General of the UN, Antonio Guterres

Longtime readers of Refugee Resettlement Watch will surely know the name since Guterres served for ten years as the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and his office was primarily responsible for the flow of refugees coming to the US now. He is responsible for the fact that most Syrians chosen by the UNHCR to come to America are Sunni Muslims, not Christians.

Socialist Guterres, the new Secretary General of the UN. Why are we still funding an organization working for the destruction of the US?

I thought when I heard the news that his tenure as UNHCR ended in December 2015, that he would be disappearing into the sunset (or catching some rays on a Portuguese beach) after arguably helping create a migrant crisis (or at least his leadership did nothing much to stem it) that looks like it will ultimately swallow the European continent.
Frankly, as I read about him, saw him in person once***, and followed the UNHCR, I saw him as a sullen, lackluster, uninspiring socialist ideologue that he is.  But, he must have something going for him at the UN to be chosen over other more colorful, less ideological and more accomplished contenders. I’m guessing he was a favorite of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
Perhaps my impression of him as an apologist for Islam was seared in 2009 when he wrote a forward to a study that maintains that it is Shariah law that underpins the world tradition of helping refugees, of welcoming the stranger—not Judaism and Christianity. I was stunned and wrote a post listing all of the Muslim countries headed by Saudi Arabia that do not welcome strangers, not even their fellow Muslims (none have welcomed the Palestinians!), and God forbid would never welcome Jewish or Christian refugees.
Here is the news story that I was responding to:

New York, 23 June (AKI) – The 1,400-year-old Islamic custom of welcoming people fleeing persecution has had more influence on modern international refugee law than any other traditional source, according to a new study sponsored by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

High Commissioner Antonio Guterres said that more than any other historical source, Islamic law and tradition underpin the modern-day legal framework on which UNHCR bases its global activities on behalf of the tens of millions of people forced from their homes around the world.

This includes the right of everyone to seek asylum as well as prohibitions against sending those needing protection back into danger, Guterres said in the foreword to “The Right to Asylum between Islamic Sharia and International Refugee Law: A Comparative Study.”

In the study, Professor Abu Al-Wafa, Dean of the Law Faculty at Cairo University, describes how Islamic law and tradition respects refugees, including non-Muslims; forbids forcing them to change their beliefs; avoids compromising their rights; seeks to reunite families; and guarantees the protection of their lives and property.

Now, again, check out my list from 2009 showing just how Muslim countries are NOT (in fact) helping resettle refugees but are moving them on to the West, Australia, and the US.
Since 2009, when I wrote about Guterres comments, several Muslim countries have taken in Syrian refugees (they had no choice as they flowed across borders). Countries such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey are flooded (Saudi Arabia still takes none).  However, whenever someone starts to give you that equivalence argument, always remember that the refugees in those countries will not become permanent, voting, citizens. Their residence is temporary. That is not so with refugees coming to the US—they come permanently and become citizens. And, it is the permanent requirement that Guterres has been pushing for years.

Back to Guterres

We are told in several news accounts that he became a member of the Socialist Party in his native Portugal in 1974 (at age 25).  By the way, Portugal, to this day, takes very few refugees.
Here is one account at the BBC:

Speaking earlier this year, Richard Gowan, a UN expert at the European Council on Foreign Relations, said insiders believed Mr Guterres, from Portugal, “could give the UN the kind of kick up the backside it needs”.

Mr Guterres was born in Lisbon in 1949. He studied engineering and physics at the Instituto Superior Tecnico, before going into academia after graduating in 1971.

But academia only held the fervent Catholic’s interest for a couple of years. He joined the Socialist party in 1974 – the same year five decades of dictatorship came to an end in Portugal – and soon became a full-time politician.
In 1995, three years after being elected the Socialist party’s secretary general, he was voted in as prime minister, a position he held until 2002.

Missing from this resume and other accounts I have read is that he was not only a Socialist in Portugal, but lead Socialist International as its President from 1999-2005, immediately preceding his tenure as UNHCR.  See more here at wikipedia.

Guterres with Asst. Sec. of State Anne Richard. As a political appointee, Anne Richard should be among the first to go if Donald Trump is elected President of the United States.

Get out from under the United Nations’ thumb!

So it strikes me that this might be a good time for Americans to reignite a  demand that we begin to extricate ourselves (and our money!) from the United Nations.
Indeed we are placing refugees in your towns and cities that have been chosen by the United Nations for us and what do we see—a rapidly expanding increase in the Muslim refugees chosen for us.
And, btw, I don’t believe there is anything in the Refugee Act of 1980 that requires us to do what the UN says regarding refugees. We could pick our own refugees!
We know what the UN is and what they are up to, choosing Guterres as Secretary General is a clear indication that the UN is on a mission to change America by changing its people, and has placed one of the world’s greatest proponents of doing just that at its helm.
See our extensive archive on Guterres by clicking here.
***If you want to learn more, scroll down in this post about a big refugee pow-wow at Georgetown last year and read about Jim Simpson questioning Guterres about why so few Syrian Christians are being resettled.

Refugees from all 50 states in DC today lobbying for more $$$ and more refugees

We have told you about the ‘Refugee Congress’ in past years (here the 2014 lobby campaign was run by the Lutherans).  This is the time in September when the refugee contractors help to bring in refugees from all over the country to lobby Congress.  It is always at this time of year because it is now, just before the new fiscal year begins that Congress (having not completed its budget work during the year) is in a crunch to get it done so they can go home.
The lobbyists for the resettlement industry are not stupid (and they have a lot of money) and they know that bringing some very presentable refugees to DC now is a good move on their part. You know tug on the heartstrings, blah, blah, blah.

Update: USCRI tweeted this photo of refugees on the Hill right now.

This year we see that the Refugee Congress is being funded largely by a new non-profit—USA for UNHCR—which is getting much of its funding from businesses who benefit from cheap migrant labor.
One of those (and proud of it) is Hamdi Ulukaya CEO of Chobani Yogurt.  You know, that is the company that has caused social turmoil in Twin Falls, Idaho*** as it brings in, with the help of the US State Department and the refugee contractor USCRI, hundreds of refugee workers for its huge plant there (Chamber of Commerce loves this plant!).
I continue to wonder if any of the humanitarian do-gooders working with refugees ever think about how the refugees supply labor that keeps wages low for the benefit international corporate giants?
Here is the Refugee Congress website (refugees were in DC for the last couple of days and are visiting their representatives today, looking for more money for the refugee contractors).
And, now go to the 2015 annual report for USA for UNHCR and see their corporate sponsors including their star of the year—Hamdi Ulukaya:
Some readers have asked recently what other companies are in on the refugee advocacy bandwagon, go here, to see a larger list (but certainly not a  complete list).
***See our complete archive on Twin Falls, Idaho here.

Creeps me out! UN helps create The Hive (a modern day propaganda machine)

Hive_PrimaryOneColor_redoIf you’ve wondered how so many warm and fluffy stories are popping up on the issue of refugees, you might look to The Hive as one reason for the latest flurry.

Brian Reich
The Hive’s brain, Brian Reich.

Truly I’m creeped-out when I read about the small group of social engineers hired by the United Nations, to create a narrative, to solve what they call the “most pressing issue” of our time—the “refugee crisis.”
Here (hat tip: Julia) is what they say about themselves (of course they don’t tell you what they really are—propagandists!):


So what is the Hive, and what does it do? It’s a team of 10 people working out of New York, exploring the universe of “persuadables” in the context of the refugee crisis. Reich and his colleagues are always asking, “Who can we get to engage around this issue that the UNHCR might not otherwise target? And how can we measure their behavior?” Its hiring practices are unorthodox, for the nonprofit world, at least. “We have the first full-time data scientist in a nonprofit in the U.S. focused on engagement,” says Reich.

And, here they describe one of their recent successes as they work for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (the agency choosing refugees for your towns!):

The Hive has a wide berth to experiment with things that an august body like the UNHCR might not typically try. It made a “Jesus Was a Refugee” bumper sticker, riffing on a line of the Pope’s, and distributed it around the time of his U.S. visit.

The average person just thinks a theme like that springs up from the ether.  Do a google search on ‘Jesus was a refugee’ and see how it is spread throughout social media.
Here is their facebook page: USA for UNHCR where they promote their memes such as the bumper sticker project they brag about.
And, here is what they say they are doing:

We’re building knowledge about issues relating to refugees so that Americans will grow more committed to solving the refugee crisis.

We’re using data science to identify and micro-target prospective supporters.

And we’re developing strategic partnership opportunities for corporations and brands that change everything we know about philanthropy and advocacy.

This is not about charity. We’re here to help the United States. We are here to help the United States solve problems that truly need the United States’ support.

We’re here to unlock the potential of the U.S. market – both in terms of fundraising and advocacy – in support of the most pressing issue of our time.

We can’t make change happen alone or over night – that is why we need you. We are bringing together the smartest and most innovative partners in the U.S. to help us reach, educate and engage American’s on today’s most pressing issue.


One of the most important weapons they have in their propaganda arsenal is STORYTELLING!
The political Left loves stories: warm stories, family stories, children stories, stories of hardship overcome, stories about success and stories about how ethnic groups are reaching out to help each other with love and kindness.  Blah, blah, blah!
But, we have stories too! (and we don’t have millions of dollars and Manhattan brains promoting them).  We have stories about their angels wandering off-message (thus destroying their carefully crafted narrative) and raping little girls (Idaho!), becoming Islamic terrorists (Kentucky) or terrorizing suburbs (Minnesota).
And, therein lies the danger to the UN and its Leftist social engineers of blogs like Refugee Resettlement Watch and other on-line media daily messing up their narrative! by pumping out the “stories” that ‘balance’ their warm and fuzzy multicultural dream theme with some cold hard reality!

Viva La Free Speech!

The system is rigged against Christian Syrians; UN chooses Sunni Muslims for US

We have told you about a zillion times that the United Nations is now choosing the majority of refugees admitted to the US and here is one more confirmation of that (if we needed it!).

Fillipo Grandi
Do you know who this is? This is Filippo Grandi, an Italian, the new UN High Commissioner for Refugees and he is deciding who will live in your towns!

Patrick Goodenough, a reporter at CNS News, tells us every month what the stats look like for the number of Syrians entering the US and what their ‘religious’ persuasion is and here is his June update which includes these few paragraphs well into the report.

Sunnis make up the vast majority of the refugees admitted to date – 5,099 (98.3 percent) of the 5,186.

The proportion of Syrian refugees admitted this year who are Christians – 0.38 percent – is much smaller than the roughly 10 percent of pre-war Syrians who were Christian.

Refugee advocacy groups say this anomaly is at least partly the result of the fact Christians among the fleeing Syrians are loathe to enter U.N. camps in surrounding countries for fear of their safety – something the U.N. refugee agency itself concedes is happening.

Because the U.N. refers applicants at the beginning of the process of seeking refugee status in the U.S., this may mean fewer Christians are referred in the first place.


Christians, Yazidis and Shi’a have been specifically targeted by the Sunni jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL), in what the U.S. government has determined is a campaign of genocide.

So, we are taking the Sunni persecutors in to the US (makes sense! NOT!).
More here and see their excellent graph.

There is nothing in refugee law to stop the US State Department from seeking out Syrian Christians/minorities. It is simply that we are now being led by the nose by the United Nations!  (which we largely support with your money!)

UNHCR: Canada naturalizes more refugees than any country in the world (really?)

More than the US?  That is what The Star (Toronto) is reporting.
I started to wade through the report released by the UNHCR this week for World Refugee Day, but lost patience when I couldn’t quickly find the information on the numbers becoming citizens in their new countries.  I find The Star‘s assertion hard to believe because the US takes in far more refugees each year than does Canada.

obama and trudeau
The boys (Trudeau and Obama) will hold a little pre-summit at the United Nations in September on refugees. Will Trudeau, with his big Syrian resettlement numbers, put Obama to shame? You can bet this is being timed in hopes of whacking Donald Trump. Watch for it! Hillary will be a featured speaker!

But, if true, knock yourself out Canada! You will go down faster than Germany or Sweden!
From The Star:

And the number of those who eventually receive citizenship in their new countries is vanishingly [vanishingly?—ed] small: More refugees became citizens of Canada than any other country last year, with 25,900 granted citizenship, but that represents the vast majority of a relatively tiny number of naturalizations recorded worldwide, the agency reported.

The sobering statistics were contained in the agency’s annual global trends report, released Monday to mark World Refugee Day.


Canada has consistently been among the lead nations in resettling refugees, with the Liberals’ Syrian program helping raise those numbers in 2015.

Approximately 32,000 refugees were granted citizenship worldwide last year, the agency reported. No other nation came close to Canada’s naturalization totals, though there are many gaps in the data as destination countries do not always distinguish when citizenship is granted to a refugee versus a non-refugee.


This fall, Canada will co-chair a special summit on the refugee crisis in New York.

If any of you have more patience than I and find the stats in the report, let me know!