Malta ‘invasion of Europe’ news: More die crossing Mediterranean, UN says EU must rescue them

But, how about using the Australian model (which is saving lives) and turning the boats back to Libya and other launching points in North Africa?  It is the only option to save Europe!

Our correspondent in Malta is reporting that this latest wave of migrants is (according to Italian press) being herded on to boats in failed states (Libya! Thanks Hillary!) without even having to pay traffickers.  In other words, it is a deliberate plan to push invaders to Europe, something ISIS is promising to do!

From Malta Today:

Rescuing the invaders. Malta Today photo: MOAS/Darrin Zammit Lupi

With a new and large-scale boat tragedy reported on the Mediterranean, UNHCR has appealed afresh to governments across the region to prioritize the saving of lives, including by urgently expanding and upgrading search and rescue capacities.

The latest incident involves the capsizing of a double-deck boat on Monday in waters about 120 kilometres south of Lampedusa. 142 people were rescued and eight bodies recovered.

But some 400 others said by survivors to have been aboard are feared lost.

“I was deeply shocked when hearing the news that another boat, an overcrowded boat capsized in the Mediterranean and where four hundred people died. This only demonstrates how important it is to have a robust rescue-at-sea mechanism in the central Mediterranean,” UN High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said.


So far in 2015, some 31,500 people are known to have made crossings to Italy and Greece – the first and second largest countries of arrival respectively. And numbers have recently been picking up further. According to the Italian Coast Guard more than 8,500 people have been rescued from several dozen boats and rubber dinghies since 10 April. If the 400 deaths are confirmed from the latest incident the death toll so far this year will have reached 900.

Amnesty International said that all indications point to a continued rise in the number of migrants and refugees making this trip as the weather improves, violence and persecution continue in countries like Syria and Eritrea, and instability persists in Libya, the launching point for the majority of the people-smuggling voyages across the Mediterranean.

See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here.

Americans this affects you!

US readers, pay attention to Malta since some of those same illegal migrants rescued by the Maltese navy are being sent to your towns in America

This week we learned that some went to South Carolina!

Update:  NGOs want safe and legal access to Europe for all! Here!

Kenya: UNHCR out! Somalis out!

Update April 16th: Lutherans and Catholics squabble about whether it’s a good idea or not to close Dadaab, here.

In the wake of that horrific attack by al-Shabaab at Easter where over 100 Christians were slaughtered by Somalis, the Kenyan government wants the massive camp (where we get a large number of the US-bound Somalis from!) closed.

They are also planning a border wall with Somalia!

Close the camp! The US is accepting refugees from this massive UNHCR camp, Dadaab, in Kenya which the Kenyan government now wants closed in order to move the Somalis and the UN out of Kenya!

From AP (hat tip: Joanne).  The UNHCR has three months to get out!

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The United Nations High Commission for Refugees has three months to close a refugee camp in eastern Kenya and send the more than 400,000 Somalis living there back to their country or else the Kenyan government will relocate them, Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto has said.

The Kenyan government says the Dadaab refugee camp in eastern Kenya has become a recruitment center for the extremist group al-Shabab whose gunmen last week killed 148 people at the country’s Garissa College University. Ruto said in a rally on Saturday that Kenya must be secured at all costs.

Garissa is our 9/11:

“We have asked the UNHCR to relocate the refugees in three months, failure to which we shall relocate them ourselves. The way America changed after 9/11 is the way Kenya will change after Garissa,” Ruto said in a statement distributed by his press office.  [Only problem is that our lesson was short-lived!—ed]

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta vowed a sharp response to last week’s attack at the university. Kenyan warplanes attacked suspected militant positions in Somalia, and the government said Wednesday that it was freezing accounts of organizations and individuals suspected of financing Islamic extremists.

Earlier in the week, the Kenyan government broke ground on a border wall with Somalia.  Learn more here.

UN choosing refugees for us from UN camps in Kenya!

A large number of our new US Somali refugees come from the UNHCR camps in Kenya.   We don’t take Kenyans as refugees so when you visit the State Department data and see that 1,424 refugees were processed into the US from Kenya from October 1, 2014 until April 6, 2015 (a little over 6 months!) know that they are largely Somalis the UN has chosen for us!

We have admitted to the US in that same time period a total of 4,425 Somalis picked up around the world!  (See data here) That means we will surely surpass 9,000 new Somalis in the US by the end of the fiscal year on September 30th.

If the FBI says we can’t screen the Syrians, how on earth are we screening the Somalis?

Editor:  This is our 4th stop around the world this morning.  See Australia, South Africa, Spain and now Kenya.

The path a refugee takes to America, note that the UN is the primary gatekeeper

I found this flow chart this morning while researching my earlier Texas post and thought it might be useful for all of you asking what the steps are to enter the US.

Pay attention to the fact that they list war as a reason one could be a refugee, but in fact war itself is not a trigger for the internationally understood definition of “refugee” which says one must be PERSECUTED.   Here (below) is the definition of refugee (the word “war” is not mentioned).

Obama bastardizing the refugee definition!

It should be noted that ‘economic migrants,’ or people fearing crime in their home country, are also NOT refugees, but Obama is further bastardizing the definition to include the “children” from Central America!  (What is going to stop him from adding every poor country in the world to the program once he gets the Central American “refugee” program up and running?)

From Geneva Academy:

The Definition of a Refugee

International legal protection of refugees centres on a person meeting the criteria for refugee status as laid down in the 1951 Refugee Convention. Under Article 1(A)2, the term “refugee” shall apply to any person who:

“…owing to well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it.”

Thus, according to this provision, refugees are defined by three basic characteristics:

* they are outside their country of origin or outside the country of their former habitual residence;

* they are unable or unwilling to avail themselves of the protection of that country owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted; and

* the persecution feared is based on at least one of five grounds: race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion.

It is important to stress that the term “asylum seekers” refers to persons, who have applied for asylum, but whose refugee status has not yet been determined.

See also, besides the UNHCR, that the federal contractors (VOLAGs), which monopolize the program, also control one of the steps.

From the Office of Refugee Resettlement:

Journey to Resettlement in the United States

682 Syrians admitted to US so far, seeded throughout America, 90% are Muslims

Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne C. Richard, is traveling and making some news on the Syrian refugee resettlement plan.

Asst. Sec. of State Richard and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees socialist, Antonio Guterres. The UN has selected 11,000 (90% Muslim) Syrian refugees for the US!

But, there is nothing much new here.  Nevertheless readers, especially new readers, need to know that this is a very very low number compared to what the Obama State Department wanted for this year and you can bet there is much gnashing of teeth going on in the contractor community which wanted 12,000-15,000 THIS year.

The main reason the Syrians are not yet on the way big time is that the FBI can’t get them screened for security.

Do not forget that the contractors have recently begun lobbying to raise the ceiling for all refugees arriving in the US from 70,000 set by Obama last September to possibly 100,000.

From Channel News Asia:

BEIRUT: The United States has admitted 648***refugees from Syria’s civil war and expects to allow in several thousand more, a U.S. official said on Thursday.

The 648 had been selected from 11,000 cases referred to the United States by the United Nations refugee agency, said Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard.  [By the way, by creating this backlog of referred cases the UN puts pressure on the US to get moving!—ed]


Richard said it took the United States one or two years to process each refugee case, with checks that included security and medical assessments as well as analysis of whether individuals were at risk of persecution or death.

“I think that the numbers will go up, I know we are expecting to bring 1,000-2,000 to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand next year,” she said.

Look at this next line!  They are blaming the slowdown on the Republicans when it is Obama’s own FBI that is the hold-up (thankfully!):

The Republican-led House Committee on Homeland Security has criticised the programme, saying the United States lacks the resources to fully investigate the backgrounds of refugees from Syria, where Islamic State militants and other hardline groups are active.

Richard said it was clearly not the intention of the programme to allow in militants.

“The people that we seek to bring are those who have severe medical conditions, widows and orphans,” she said. “These are very vulnerable cases and these are the ones that we are particularly focused on.”  [These are very expensive refugees—ed]

So, to which states have the Syrians been distributed so far?  

We checked the State Department data bases beginning in early 2012 to the first of April and here is what we learned:

***The number is actually 682 (as of 4/1/2015).

617 are Muslims and 65 are from other religions.  The vast majority are Sunni Muslims.  That makes the Muslim refugees 90% of the flow which is what we have been predicting because the UN is picking our refugees!   I expect that percentage to hold into the future.

Here is where they went (top five states in red):

Arizona (33)

Arkansas (1)

California (87)

Colorado (8)

Connecticut (3)

Florida (30)

Georgia (19)

Idaho (13)

Illinois (70)

Indiana (25)

Kansas (5)

Kentucky (5)

Maine (1)

Maryland (26)

Massachusetts (28)

Missouri (6)

Nevada (7)

New Hampshire (3)

New Jersey (31)

New Mexico (6)

New York (8)

North Carolina (34)

Ohio (15)

Oregon (1)

Pennsylvania (42)

Tennessee (17)

Texas (86)

Utah (12)

Virginia (16)

Washington (22)

West Virginia (1)

Wisconsin (1)

 Click here for what is now a massive archive on ‘Syrian refugees.’

Endnote:  I can’t impress upon readers enough that this Syrian Muslim pipeline has to be slowed. And, in fact, there is absolutely no justification for the huge flows of Iraqi and Somali Muslims to the US either!


A picture worth a thousand words! UNHCR supplies go to ISIS

The very same United Nations agency that is choosing the refugees for your towns and cities—The UN High Commissioner for Refugees (which receives millions and millions of your tax dollars every year)—is apparently in the ISIS supply business!

This is from Allen West’s blog (hat tip: Lynn):

Well, since some people like Nancy Pelosi think terrorist groups are “humanitarian organizations” or like the Catholic university who thinks they can use some humanitarian support, is it any surprise supplies from the United Nations are finding their way to ISIS?

Yep, ISIS released these images from one of their training camps in Aleppo, and there they are, kneeling on lovely tarps carrying the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) logo.

There is more, read on!

For more on the UNHCR and the present High Commissioner, Antonio Guterres (former socialist Prime Minister of Portugal and former President of Socialist International), click here.   Guterres has 10,000 Syrians in the pipeline to America right now, while the FBI says they can’t be properly screened for security!