Washington Post does the warm and fuzzy Syrian refugee story, so what else would you expect?

Reporter Julie Zauzmer does the stereotypical report on a Syrian family in fear of Assad who have just managed to be in the first batch of Syrians “welcomed” to America.

You can read the lengthy early paragraphs about the family’s long ordeal until they were rescued by America (through the UN), by the US State Department and by the State Department’s resettlement contractor Catholic Charities all geared to get your mind right before we get to the all important question—how are these people going to make it in America without enormous taxpayer support?  He was a journalist who can’t speak English, she a hairdresser who can’t speak English.

Anne Richard Asst. Secretary of State (left) and Antonio Guterres (UNHCR): We take those that the UN sends us and run this whole program on a shoestring (over $1 billion a year) budget!

Washington Post (emphasis is mine):

The State Department has promised that the United States will take in 10,000 Syrian refugees in the next two years.  [Seems to me she said 10,000 annually here—so what is the truth?—ed]


The United States takes in a set number of refugees — 70,000 a year — no matter what troubled part of the world they come from.

The UN picks our refugees!

Candidates for resettlement are nominated by the office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees, then interviewed by State Department officials. The rigorous process involves a background check, review of any documents the refugees can provide to prove their lives are at risk and numerous interviews to make sure the refugees’ accounts of their hardships remain consistent.

“Their stories have to hold water. They can’t be dishonest or criminals or would-be terrorists,” said Anne Richard, the assistant secretary of state for population, refugees and migration.  [She assumes they never lie, but she knows better.  We have admitted terrorists through the refugee program.—ed]

One reason they got in, the teenage daughters were candidates for sexual assault (in a Muslim country, but they never say that).

US State Department Daniel Langenkamp: The vulnerable teenaged girls in the family helped move them up the list. Photo: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/daniel-langenkamp/1a/197/563

In the Smaisems’ case, State Department spokesman Daniel Langenkamp said that the specific threat against Khaled, as well as the fact that the family had two teenage daughters in an environment known for its sexual-assault hazard, may have contributed to moving them up the list.

Richard said that 105 Syrians were resettled in the United States in fiscal 2014. In fiscal 2015, which began on Oct. 1, 112 have arrived.

If she now says it’s going to be 9,000 over two years she is going to really tick-off the contractors who want 15,000 per year!

As of mid-December, 9,972 Syrians had been nominated by the U.N. office and begun the process of applying for U.S. resettlement, Richard said. She said nearly all likely will be accepted within the next two years.

Once refugees arrive, they are assigned to a private organization that partners with the State Department to get the families settled. In the case of the Smaisems, it was Catholic Charities, the largest such group. [Partners!  They are contractors and why can’t these reporters for the mainstream media ever say that! Or, don’t they even know!—ed]

Refugees receive U.S. government stipends for up to three months, and federal grant programs help states support them for longer. But the money quickly tapers off.  [Federal grant money goes to the contractors who then launder it through their offices.—ed]

“This is not a luxurious program. This is very challenging,” Richard said. “It’s kind of run on a shoestring budget.”

Shoestring budget!  It is over $1 billion just to get 70,000 in the door!  That does not include most of the social services they will live on for years and years!

Khaled is keenly aware of that. His family’s initial cash aid has ended. According to Derek Maxfield, the associate director of Catholic Charities of D.C., the family is receiving food stamps, which will end after they have been in the country for eight months; local government cash assistance that amounts to $200 to $300 per month; and $1,000 monthly per family member through a Catholic Charities program. [There is no reason the food stamps will end! And, haven’t we been told many times that refugee resettlement doesn’t cost local taxpayer dollars?—ed]

The large Catholic Charities stipend is not charitable Catholic money—it is federal taxpayer money!   Come on reporters, stop being lazy, or is this to mislead?

That large Catholic Charities stipend, which will end after about four months, is predicated on the family’s efforts to become self-sufficient. Smaisem has been looking for work, though he says that his lack of English hampers him.

After you’ve read the long mushy (superficial) story, tell me—any chance this family is going to be “self-sufficient” any time soon?

Isn’t it about time that publications like the Washington Post and the New York Times begin to do some serious and careful reporting?  I know, I know, stop laughing!

What is going on with the UNHCR in Malaysia, and why are we taking all these “refugees?”

I wish I knew who we were processing into America from Malaysia.  As I told readers here recently we have already “welcomed” to America, 1,504 “refugees” from the safe Muslim country in only the first two months of the fiscal year.

Why is it in our national interest to relieve Malaysia of some of its asylum seekers/illegal migrants?

This is what I said on December 20th:

If you go to this fiscal year’s (FY2015) State Department statistics you can see that we took a huge number of “refugees” from Malaysia in the first two months of this year (October and November)—1,504.  Again, Malaysia is a safe Muslim country so who are we taking?

I bet we took thousands from Malaysia in FY2014, but those stats are no longer available to the general public.

Who are those “refugees?” Are they persecuted Malaysian Christians? Are they illegal aliens (Muslims) who got to Malaysia hoping to make it to Australia?  Is this like our Malta situation where we are taking another country’s illegal aliens?

The State Department does not make public the nationalities of those coming to America from Malaysia!  We can only guess that they are Burmese Muslims, or Somalis, or more Middle Eastern Muslims.  Again, persecuted minorities (like the Christians) won’t be seeking protection in Malaysia.  And, if they are why is the State Department keeping it secret?

If migrants have a valid UNHCR ID card, they can stay. Imagine what the fake ones must cost on the black market. http://durianasean.com/if-refugees-have-valid-unhcr-card-they-can-remain-here-says-shahidan/

Two articles about problems the UNHCR is having in Malaysia caught my eye yesterday.  The first one was about how 365 migrants were caught carrying FAKE UNHCR identification cards.  Those “Myanmar nationals” mentioned are likely mostly Muslims, possibly Rohingya.

From the Sun Daily via UNHCR News on December 23rd:

KUALA LUMPUR: A total of 365 illegal immigrants, mostly Myanmars, were caught by the authorities, possesing fake United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) cards to stay and work in the country.

They were among 416 illegals nabbed in the six-hour integrated operation called ‘Op Bersih’ led by the Kuala Lumpur police contingent and other security agencies, including the Immigration Department, Registration Department, UNHCR, Rela, and the Civil Defence Department at the Selayang Wholesale Market, here, that began at midnight.

Kuala Lumpur police CID deputy chief, ACP Khairi Ahrasa in a statement said the operation to reduce the number of illegals in the country managed to detain 351 Myanmar nationals, 20 Bangladeshis, 30 Indonesians, seven Indian nationals and six other nationals for illegal entry and using fake UNHCR cards.

And the funny part (not really funny) is that just a week before, the UNHCR was blasting authorities in Malaysia for harassing those poor “refugees” carrying UNHCR ID cards.  Here also at the Sun Daily:

PETALING JAYA: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) is concerned over the arrests of UNHCR card holders in the country for various Immigration-related offences.

UNHCR External Relations officer Yante Ismail said these card holders are at risk of being arrested by the authorities as currently there are no domestic laws that can make a distinction between refugees and undocumented migrants.

She said they will intervene with the authorities whenever the registered refugees are arrested for various Immigration-related offences to advocate their release.

According to UNHCR statistics, there are over 150,000 refugees and asylum-seekers in the country from countries such as Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Somalia and Pakistan.

In an immediate response, an Immigration Department spokesman did not deny that Malaysia lacks a legislative and administrative framework to address refugee matters, adding that all of the refugees are allowed to stay in the country only with the government’s compassion.

However, he refuted the allegation of UNHCR card holders being arrested saying that it is always their standard operating procedure not to arrest registered refugees.

“Even if we (mistakenly) detain the refugees, we will check with the UNHCR to find out whether the card is valid or not, if it is valid, then we let them go,” the spokesman told theSun.

Can you just imagine the amount of corruption going on in a place like Malaysia with 150,000 mostly Muslim “refugees” and “asylum-seekers” hanging around waiting for the big prize—a ticket to Australia or America!


Indonesia wants to put Muslim asylum seekers on an island; blasts Australia for lack of welcome

This is actually pretty funny!  Indonesia, a Muslim country, has long served as a transit route for the Middle Eastern and African illegal aliens (boat people) wanting to get into Australia, but Australia has been attempting to stop the illegal migration and is now guarding its borders.  Consequently, the pile-up of “asylum seekers” in Indonesia has become a problem.

Here is a thought—let Indonesia give refuge to fellow Muslims.

Australian Immigration Minister, Scott Morrison: We are taking the “sugar off the table!” Where is America’s Scott Morrison?

From the Global Post (emphasis is mine):

 JAKARTA — Senior Indonesian officials say they are looking for an island to accommodate some 10,000 asylum seekers and refugees waiting for resettlement in the country, as they have become a “burden.”

Asylum seekers flock to Indonesia from the Middle East, Asia and Africa, hoping to reach Australia. But Indonesia’s southern neighbor has recently announced that all refugees registered at the Jakarta office of the UNHCR refugee agency from July 2014 will now automatically be banned from resettlement in Australia.

Australia’s immigration minister Scott Morrison compares the ban to “taking the sugar off the table,” and says it’s in Indonesia’s interest. “We’re trying to stop people thinking they can go to Indonesia and wait around till they get to Australia,” he told Australia’s ABC Radio late November. “This is designed to stop people flowing into Indonesia. It will help Indonesia.”

But Indonesian authorities don’t see it that way. “It’s Australia’s right, but it’s creating a burden for us,” said Indonesia’s Justice and Human Rights minister Yasonna Laoly on Australia’s ABC News. “There are 10,000 foreign citizens, which becomes a burden for us.”

Indonesia has never signed any refugee treaty with the UN!  So, why isn’t UNHCR Antonio Guterres blasting Indonesia?  Is it because it is already a Muslim country and it is Australia that should be Islamized?  (LOL! is that a word?).

As a signatory to the United Nations’ Refugee Convention, Australia is bound by international law to protect refugees. Indonesia has not signed the treaty.


Faisal, a 23-year-old Somalian who calls Australia’s policy “inhumane” and “cruel”…


Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s anti-immigration “Operation Sovereign Borders” was launched shortly after he took office late 2013, and has created tensions with Jakarta. Indonesian authorities haven’t been happy with Australia towing back boats of migrants en route to Australia towards Indonesian waters.

There is more, read it all!

Hang tough Australia!

We are cheering for you as a model for all Western societies!  See our complete archive on Australia by clicking here.

Asst. Secretary of State Anne Richard: we have 1,000-1,500 Syrian referrals coming in a month…

….but not to worry, the UN is identifying for us the widows and children, the elderly, and people with medical needs (all people not likely to be terrorists, just costly)!

Oh brother!  I wonder if the “widows” are those of Sunni fighters?

Asst. Sec. of State for PRM, Anne Richard (blue jacket), tours Syrian camp in Jordan. Photo by REUTERS/Ali Jarekji.

From AL Monitor (emphasis is mine):

US Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration Anne Richard says the United States will dramatically increase the number of Syrian refugees allowed to resettle permanently in the United States from about 350 this year to close to 10,000 annually as the crisis grinds on into its fifth year.  [Previously Richard said we would be taking 9,000 this fiscal year.—ed]

While the number is minuscule given a total Syrian refugee population of 3.3 million, it reflects US recognition that the civil war in Syria is not about to end anytime soon and that, even when it does, Syria will need years for reconstruction and reconciliation. [If the war ended tomorrow, these refugees will be here forever.—ed]

In an interview with Al-Monitor Dec. 22, Richard said, “People are surprised we haven’t taken more.” She said the initial low numbers reflect the reality that “resettling refugees is never the first thing you do when people are fleeing an emerging crisis” and that other countries — in particular Germany and Sweden — have “stepped forward and offered to take a lot” of Syrian refugees.

According to the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), Germany has pledged to absorb 30,000 Syrians just since 2013 — nearly half of those processed for resettlement.

“We thought that was a great offer and unusually generous so we encouraged UNHCR to take advantage of that,” Richard said. [LOL!  Isn’t she magnanimous, let Germany kill itself first!—ed]

After initial vetting by UNHCR, Syrian refugees who want to resettle in the United States must be interviewed by officers of the Department of Homeland Security at US diplomatic facilities in Amman, Jordan or Istanbul, Turkey. That leaves out a million Syrians who have fled to Lebanon and large populations in Iraq and Egypt. Richard said lack of space and security concerns have kept the United States from interviewing Syrian refugees at the US Embassy in Beirut but that US officials are looking at the possibility of setting up a refugee vetting operation in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.

UNHCR seeks to identify the most vulnerable candidates, Richard said. “By Dec. 15, we had 10,000 referrals from UNHCR and they are coming in at 1,000 to 1,500 a month.”  [Do the math! Sounds like more than 9,000!—ed]

Asked how many of those referred would be accepted, Richard said, “I think most” because they are likely to meet the United State’s definition of a refugee as someone fleeing persecution or threats because of race, ethnicity, religion, political beliefs or membership to a particular social group.

As we have reported many times, the UN is picking our refugees!  Since they will come from UN camps, they will be Muslims!

Refugees must also pass medical and security checks. “The last part has been tricky in the past,” Richard said, but added that it is not likely to be a major problem with the Syrians referred by UNHCR. She said she expected them to comprise mostly widows with children, the elderly and people with medical conditions. “It will be fairly clear that they are not terrorists bent on harming Americans,” she said.

There is more, read it all.  The article even mentions the fact that Richard was an executive with one of the contractors she now awards grants and contracts to!

Editor’s note:  I am coming down to the wire on the Christmas holiday crunch, but have at least six other things I want to post.  We’ll see if I can get to them….

Canada may take Syrian refugee minorities as a first priority over Muslims

Update December 17th:  I love it! Leftists are screaming bloody murder over Canada’s conservative government’s possible choice of Christian and other minority Syrians OVER Muslim refugees for resettlement, more here.

Last week when Asst. Secretary of State Anne Richard went to Geneva and promised the UNHCR that the US would take 9,000 mostly Muslim Syrians, the Canadian government made no such promise.  Instead word leaked out that they might speed up their resettlement, but for only Christians and other persecuted minorities.

Alex Neve, Amnesty International Canada: Canada isn’t taking large numbers of Syrians because they are Muslims. And, so ‘Sherlock,’ why do you think there might be a concern?

Squawking refugee advocates apparently want 10,000 or more (mostly Muslim) Syrians for Canada over the next two years instead.

From CBC News:

The federal government is seeking to resettle more Syrian refugees, but only from the country’s religious minorities, according to sources close to discussions around Canada’s position on refugees from the war-torn nation.

Canada has been struggling to meet an earlier commitment from July 2013 to resettle 1,300 Syrians by the end of this year.


On Tuesday, the government updated that number to 703. Kevin Menard, a spokesman for the immigration minister, wrote CBC News on Friday saying the numbers are “going up fairly quickly.”

Refugee advocacy organizations in Canada have been asking the government to take in 10,000 more Syrians over the next two years, and the UN says it is in dire need of assistance as the civil war intensifies.

This suggestion, to take only religious minorities (code for non-Muslims), sure does smoke out the UNHCR and its apparent goal to move as many Muslims to the West as they can.  If the UNHCR was really concerned for the well being of persecuted people, its response would have been: we are thrilled that Canada is giving a home to deserving people.  Instead we hear this gobbledegook:

Sources close to the discussions say Canada is seeking to resettle only refugees from Syria’s religious minorities, something that would likely be difficult for the UN’s refugee agency to accept.

The UNHCR’s policy on refugees says a resettlement state determines the “size and composition” of who and how many refugees it accepts, and “therefore has full control with respect to decisions on individual cases.” [LOL! I guess Canada doesn’t have full control over who it picks if it isn’t who the UN says it should be!—ed]

“Nevertheless, UNHCR urges all states to be guided by the agency’s internationally recognized criteria on eligibility, global needs and priorities,” the policy says.

“To preserve the integrity of resettlement as a protection tool and durable solution for refugees most in need, it is important to ensure resettlement programmes are needs‐based, non‐discriminatory and achieve successful integration outcomes.”  [And, so favoring the Muslims over the religious minorities isn’t discriminatory?—ed]

Keep this in mind (from Pew Research in 2011):

Canada’s Muslim population is expected to nearly triple, climbing from 940,000 in 2010 to 2.7 million in 2030.