WND becomes first major news outlet to report on Syrian refugees soon to arrive in the US by the thousands

This is long, but a must-read.  World Net Daily writer Leo Hohmann dug out more news (beyond what we have published) on the pending resettlement to America of thousands of Syrian Muslims.

World Net Daily entitled: U.N. to dump flood of Muslim refugees on U.S

Displaced Syrians will likely make up the next big wave of Muslim refugees coming to America.

“You know, we have real problems, they’ve disarmed the American people, misinforming them or not informing them at all,” Geller said. “There are no human rights under the Shariah for non-Muslims, and so the U.N. is deeply problematic. And we do their bidding.”

Since the early 1990s, the United Nations high commissioner for refugees has selected more than 200,000 refugees from Islamic countries to be resettled in the United States. Most of them have come from Somalia and Iraq.

Syria could soon be added to the mix in the midst of that country’s brutal civil war. The Obama administration has been greasing the skids for the Syrian refugees for months, WND has learned, and the refugees will soon be dumped on American cities throughout the U.S.

In February, the State Department moved to ease the rules that protect the U.S. from accepting refugees with potential ties to terrorist organizations. The rules were seen as “too strict” by the refugee-resettlement groups that lobby Congress and the administration to continuously let in more Muslims from the war-torn Middle East.

Then on Sept. 4, a U.S. State Department spokeswoman hinted at her daily press briefing that a new wave of refugees will soon be coming from another predominantly Muslim nation – Syria.

“The United Nations high commissioner for refugees just this year started referring Syrian refugees to the United States for processing,” said Marie Harf. “Obviously, we have several thousand in the pipeline, and that number will continue to go up.”

Obama’s State Department is expected to present Congress with a list within the next two weeks that shows the total number of foreign refugees it wants to accept into the country over the next year and the countries from which they will come. The new fiscal year begins Oct. 1.

Read it all.

Be sure to see WND reporter Hohmann’s article from July in which he reveals the fact that ‘religious charities’ are federal refugee resettlement contractors operating almost exclusively on your tax dollars.  Those Christian and Jewish quasi-government agencies will be responsible for bringing the Syrian refugees to your cities.

Our entire Syrian refugee archive is here.  See especially the announcement made about Turkey, here.

An afterthought:  If anyone in the refugee industry (the UN, the State Dept., ORR, or resettlement contractors) challenges assertions about the numbers of Muslim refugees vs. other refugees (of all other religions) we are bringing in, then tell them that the US State Department should be releasing to the public all of those statistics (which they keep closely held).

Business publication beats up on Israel (again) over refugees

….and reveals more about UN/Obama Administration plans for thousands of Syrians to arrive in the US soon!

Our “refugee” alerts are full and overflowing with Syrian news.  Here is an article from the Business Insider which shows which countries are taking Syrian refugees (something we have reported many times).

Business Insider / Oxford University Refugee Studies Centre

But, what caught my eye was the criticism toward Israel for not taking in Syrians.

Readers, Israel is one of only a few countries in the world trying to save itself from being overwhelmed by the third world on the move.  Everyone in their right mind can see that Israel would be committing suicide if it opened its tiny country to the mostly Muslim migrants on the move around the world.

Business Insider:

Israeli Intransigence

Israel, which shares its northern border with Syria, has steadfastly refused to receive refugees.

Yuval Ben-Ami, an Israeli journalist and author based in Jaffa, told Business Insider, “at this point in its history, Israel seems determined to barricade itself, primarily of its immediate neighborhood.”

Ben-Ami says the idea of Israel accepting Syrian refugees is “extremely foreign” to Israelis, and that even refugee advocates speak little about the Syrian issue because it seems fruitless.

But near the end is another important part of this story. Once again we are being alerted to expect thousands of Syrians to arrive in the US soon.

We are going to be up there with Germany!  20,000?

While the United States is the largest donor to Syrian relief efforts, it has accepted only 63 Syrian refugees this year.

However, the UNHCR told Business Insider it expects the U.S. to rank up with Germany as one of the top two receivers of Syrians in 2015.

The U.N. said the U.S. accepted a request to load its resettlement intake toward the end of this year, with the organization already submitting 2,500 applications for consideration over the coming months.

Click here for our extensive archive on Syrian refugees.

UNHCR: Not letting a good crisis go to waste! Big push to change definition of a “refugee”

The international Socialist and Communist One-Worlders who call the UN home are making their big move! 

Antonio Guterres, the present UN High Commissioner for Refugees, is a life-long Socialist. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B3nio_Guterres

If Obama’s US State Department concurs with this brazen initiative we will be stuck with thousands (millions ultimately) of people claiming to be fleeing crime in their country.

To date fear of crime does NOT MAKE ONE A REFUGEE and thus eligible for all of the “protections” and social service goodies refugees receive.

From the Associated Press (Hat tip: Edward)

SAN JOSE, Costa Rica (AP) — United Nations officials are pushing for many of the Central Americans fleeing to the U.S. to be treated as refugees displaced by armed conflict, a designation meant to increase pressure on the United States and Mexico to accept tens of thousands of people currently ineligible for asylum.

Officials with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees say they hope to see movement toward a regional agreement on that status Thursday when migration and interior department representatives from the U.S., Mexico, and Central America meet in Nicaragua. The group will discuss updating a 30-year-old declaration regarding the obligations nations have to aid refugees.

While such a resolution would lack any legal weight, the agency said it believes “the U.S. and Mexico should recognize that this is a refugee situation, which implies that they shouldn’t be automatically sent to their home countries but rather receive international protection.”

Most of the people widely considered to be refugees by the international community are fleeing more traditional political or ethnic conflicts like those in Syria or the Sudan. Central Americans would be among the first modern migrants considered refugees because they are fleeing violence and extortion at the hands of criminal gangs.

Here is what we said in a post on Sunday.  Changing the definition of what constitutes a “refugee” is something they have been after for years!

Here is the definition of a refugee as updated in 1967 (from the original 1951 UN Convention):

A person who owing to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it..”[8]

Do you see anything in there about wars, violence or natural disasters?   Refugees and asylum seekers are supposed to be able to prove they are being persecuted!  Economic migrants and people who claim they are fleeing crime are not refugees!

Obama said he would transform America.  Well this is it folks!  This is the big move and the dumb Republicans in Washington apparently can’t see it!

UNHCR: Detention of asylum seekers ist verboten

Or, so they would like it to be forbidden!   Think about this!  The UN High Commissioner for Refugees is telling certain countries (to start with! others will be next!) to allow anyone claiming asylum to simply roam free and get “services.”

Who the hell do they think they are!

And, why countries that want to save themselves from invasion don’t just get out of the UN is beyond me.

One-worlder Volker Turk: Detaining people is not the answer. Let them roam free and give them “services.” http://www.cassese-initiative.org/global-education/summer-schools/faculty/9-global-education/73-turk-bio.html

LOL!  One of the countries the UN is telling to release asylum seekers is Mexico—well obviously Mexico is not detaining the tens of thousands of asylum-seeking “children” passing through Mexico to get to the US border.***

And, note that the UN is not (yet) telling the US to stop detaining illegal migrants.

From Malta Today:

The UN refugee agency yesterday issued a new global strategy aimed at helping countries move away from the detention of asylum seekers, refugees and stateless people worldwide.

Detention of asylum-seekers and refugees has become routine in a number of countries. It has serious lasting effects on individuals and families and the UNHCR said that it is concerned about the growing use of immigration detention, particularly of children.

The new strategy, ‘Beyond Detention’, calls firstly for an end to the detention of children, secondly to ensure that alternatives to detention are available in law and that they are implemented, and thirdly to ensure that conditions of detention – when unavoidable – fully meet international human rights standards.

“Seeking asylum is lawful and the exercise of a fundamental human right,” UNHCR’s Director of International Protection Volker Türk said “The detention of asylum-seekers as a routine response should be avoided. These are people who need protection. We are ready to work with governments on this, particularly to end the practice of detaining asylum-seeking children.”  [Who isn’t an asylum seeker these days?—ed]

Türk said that the UNHCR recognised that irregular entry or stay presented many challenges to countries, but he said that detaining people was not the answer. “UNHCR recommends that people seeking asylum be properly received, allowed freedom of movement and access to services in the community. Seeking asylum is not illegal under international law and people have a right to be treated humanely and with dignity.”

UNHCR has identified a number of countries to work with initially to revisit detention practices and to strengthen alternatives to detention, including Malta, Hungary, Indonesia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Thailand, UK and Zambia. UNHCR plans to expand this group of countries over the coming five years.

The international Left is busy, busy, busy these days!

Follow our history of poor little Malta as it became a target for illegal aliens especially when the US State Department (egged-on by Malta’s Jesuits) started taking some of their illegal economic migrants to America calling them refugees.  One could write a book about the ‘invasion of Europe’ and how Malta became a beach head.  See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

*** See all of our posts on the invasion of the US by ‘unaccompanied minors.’  Forgotten in all of the hullabaloo is that legitimate asylum-seekers are, by international law, supposed to ask for asylum in the first safe country in which they arrive.  They are not supposed to be shopping for countries of their choice!  All of  those “vulnerable” kids  should have asked for asylum in Mexico!

UNHCR says US has pledged “open-ended resettlement numbers” for Syrians

What the heck does “open-ended” mean?

We have been puzzled in recent weeks about why there is no announcement from the US State Department about the number of Syrians they expect to resettle in the US this fiscal year (the fiscal year ends Sept. 30th).  As regular visitors to RRW  know, the contractors*** want 12,000-15,000 this year.

As of May 31st we have resettled 42 Syrians as “refugees.”   And, there isn’t much squawking coming from the contractors.  Do they know something we don’t know?

Here is the news release from the UN High Commissioner for Refugees:

Socialist UN High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2013/07/26/unhcr-guterres-looking-to-resettle-tens-of-thousands-of-syrians/

Geneva, 27 June 2014 – New offers of resettlement or humanitarian admissions for Syrian refugees were today pledged by Belgium, Ireland, Switzerland and Uruguay. In all, 565 new places were announced during a high-level meeting of 42 countries, taking the total number of offers received since mid-2013 to more than 34,700 places. In addition, the United States has pledged open-ended resettlement numbers.

The majority of offers to date come from European states, with Germany having offered over half the global total. [Invasion of Europe!—ed].   In all 22 countries have offered places for Syrian refugees so far.

High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres said: “I hope this momentum continues over the coming months. Resettlement and other humanitarian admission programmes are critical and can be life-saving for the victims of the conflict in Syria.

Now, go to the US Refugee Admission numbers for this year (so far, as of May 31).

Obama set the ceiling for admissions from the Near East/South Asia at 33,000 for the fiscal year that ends Sept. 30th.  (See Presidential Determination for FY2014.)

We have taken 11,660 Iraqis so far.   6,005 came from Bhutan, and smaller numbers from other countries in the region bringing the total to 20,278.  There are also 2,000 spaces labeled as ‘unallocated reserve.’   It is those 2,000 spaces that most observers believe will be available to Syrians.

There is no such thing as open-ended resettlement, EXCEPT as this President has shown us time and again, he can make law since most members of the Legislative branch of government have abrogated their duty under the Constitution and are letting him get away with it!

Will the announcement on Syrians arriving in large numbers during the remaining 3 months of the fiscal year be the next stunner out of the lawless Obama Administration?

***The contractors: