White South Africans petition Trump to allow them to migrate to US

Increasingly news is coming out of South Africa that white farmers are being murdered in ever greater numbers and the government there has made the first moves toward confiscating their prime agricultural lands.

white crosses SA
Crosses represent white farmers killed in a campaign of ethnic cleansing. Be sure to see Katie Hopkins reports from South Africa at The Rebel:  https://www.therebel.media/rebel-south-africa

How did this racism get so far along before you heard about it?
It’s because it goes completely against the Leftist meme that only whites can be racists and indeed the mainstream media told us that South Africa was to be the beacon for the new multicultural world calling it the Rainbow Nation. It is all BS of course as we have reported in previous posts archived here.
South Africa will be a model for the world alright—a once prosperous country is going down due to its black leadership’s hatred for “the other.”
They aren’t just going after whites, but other black Africans (migrants from other African countries) are terrorized there as well.  It is called xenophobia. See one of my posts here.

Readers need to know that we have been taking ‘refugees’ from South Africa for years. 

michelle and mandela
Michelle and Mandela. The whole Rainbow Nation myth is going down the tubes as whites are persecuted but Leftists, including the Obamas, can’t let the myth die!

In the first 4 months of this fiscal year we took 45 from South Africa according to the Refugee Processing Center database.  I will bet not one is white!  The vast majority are other black Africans (maybe a few Asians and Middle Easterners) that the South African blacks don’t like!
But, I’m guessing it is getting harder and harder for the mainstream media to avoid talking about the self-destructive government in South Africa which began that country’s decay when the communists, led by Nelson Mandela, took charge.
(History tells us that all great communist land confiscation schemes turn productive farmland into wastelands in short order, South Africa will just be the latest example.)
However, this time there is a vast alternative media to spread the news in real time…..
But, yikes! even Newsweek (Newsweek!) is reporting with this headline:


More than 12,000 people have signed a petition asking President Donald Trump to let white people in South Africa emigrate to the U.S. amid a vote by the country’s parliament favoring a motion that could see South Africa’s constitution amended to allow for land to be stripped from owners without any compensation.

The motion, which will still need the approval of the South African Parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee before an amendment can even be drafted, has once again stoked fears among the country’s white farmers of a violent and disastrous land redistribution akin to that which crippled Zimbabwe in the 2000s.

The online petition calls on Trump to “take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States.”

Boer is the term used to describe South Africans of Dutch, German or Huguenot descent, who are also commonly referred to as Afrikaners.


The petition suggests that Trump should stop admitting refugees from Somalia and the Middle East, claiming they “cannot be properly vetted,” and allow white South Africans into the country instead.

A similar petition, calling on European Union President Jean-Claude Juncker, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Theresa May to allow white South Africans into EU countries, has gained nearly 17,000 signatures.

The motion was put forward by the Economic Freedom Fighters and supported, but amended by the ruling African National Congress (ANC), with the party promising reforms that will address racial disparities in land ownership.

Much more here.
The Change.org petition is here (while it lasts).

change.org SA
This is a screenshot of the petition as of this writing. Note that Change.org is already attempting to discourage signing it.

You can see that the Leftist agitators are already going after it and frankly Change.org is a Leftwing creation so this ‘update’ at Newsweek is interesting.  I don’t see that the petition claims to be only from people in South Africa, so why this beef?

It is unclear where people who are signing the petitions on Change.org are based.

A spokesperson for Change.org told Newsweek it would look into whether the petitions violate any company policies and whether the website plans to take any action. The website later added a note stating it had “received flags from some Change.org users that facts contained in this petition may be contested,” adding: “You may consider researching this issue before signing or sharing.”

Truth be told, the one-worlders do not want whites to be designated as refugees.

Ahhhh! Whites as refugees! That would turn the world on its head, and they will fight tooth and nail to not let that happen!
OMG what a can of worms that would open at the UN!  The next thing you know ethnic Swedes or Germans (for instance) would be demanding resettlement in whatever bastions of Western Civilization remain as they are persecuted in countries (their countries!) becoming Islamic states.

Bipartisan efforts underway to support Samaritan's Purse exec for top UN refugee job

I told you here earlier this month about the long knives being out to destroy the nomination of Ken Isaacs a Veep at Samaritan’s Purse to head the IOM.
President Trump has nominated Isaacs to head the International Organization for Migration which not very long ago was another NGO receiving millions of US taxpayer dollars to do the foreign end of refugee processing in to the US (among other things).  Now they have been officially folded in to the UN.
Of course, I would like to see the IOM squeezed financially, but at minimum the President should not be bullied by this pair (with the Washington Post!).

Ibrahim hooper
Knife number one: CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper 

In my earlier post I said the President should not back down to the long knives  lead by Eric Schwartz and CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper.
Here is news with the latest on the controversy, hat tip: Richard at Blue Ridge Forum.

A bipartisan group of leading human-rights activists, including a Pulitzer-prize-winning New York Times columnist, has jumped to the defense of President Trump’s choice to lead the United Nation’s International Organization for Migration (IOM), which uses its $1 billion annual budget to promote worldwide cooperation on refugee and trafficking issues.

Trump nominated Ken Isaacs, vice president of the Christian relief organization Samaritan’s Purse, in January to head the 169-member organization, which holds elections to name a leader but typically defers to United States’ choice to run the organization.

Knife number two: Eric Schwartz, a hard Left one-worlder who ran the refugee program in the early years of the Obama Admin, and is a George SOROS protege.

Isaacs, who served in the Bush administration as the director of the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance at the U.S. Agency for International Development, has spent 30 years organizing large-scale emergency relief programs in some of the most dangerous and desperate places in the world, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Darfur, Iraq, Liberia, Somalia, Eritrea, and Rwanda.

The day the White House announced his nomination, Isaacs was in Bangladesh administering diphtheria treatment to Muslim-majority Rohingya refugees.

Now, two weeks later, lifetime colleagues and allies in the humanitarian community are furiously trying to save his nomination after an Obama State Department official and a spokesman for the Council on American-Islamic Relations accused Isaacs of tweeting anti-Islamic and anti-immigrant statements.

In a Washington Post article, the pair of critics took issue with a number of Isaacs’ views, including the belief that the Koran instructs its followers to engage in violent jihad, that Middle East Christians should be given first priority when applying to the U.S. government for refugee status, and that President Obama’s policy of accepting large numbers of Syrian refugees was “foolish and delusional” because some of them could become “security risks” if allowed in the United States.

After the article, Isaacs apologized for his “careless” social media posts and vowed to lead the IOM with “the highest standards of humanity, human dignity, and equality,” if chosen.

The paper later editorialized against the nomination, arguing Isaacs’s views were “venomous,” demonstrated “bigotry,” and that his leadership in the post would be “an embarrassment to the United States.”

Continue reading here.
Dear Donald, don’t let the Washington Post (Bezos), CAIR and Schwartz win this one!

UN: Western countries not 'welcoming' enough 'refugees' now residing in Indonesia

Let’s be clear right off the bat.  Indonesia is a Muslim country and most of those attempting to pass through Indonesia (arriving there illegally), with a goal of being resettled in the US, Australia, Canada, or Europe, are Muslims.
What happened to the supposedly humanitarianism of Islam and governments ruled by it?  Why are these people our problem in the first place?  
The truth is that Indonesia doesn’t want them either!
For years the UN has been processing illegal aliens arriving in Indonesia from Somalia etc. in to your US towns via the US State Department.  Frankly it needs to stop and it looks like it is slowing.
I just checked Wrapsnet for processing through Indonesia to the US and found that we admitted 18 cases (21 individuals indicating most are single (men?) people, hmmm) in the first three months of FY18 (beginning Oct. 1, 2017).

Indonesia waiting
Waiting in Indonesia for a ticket to America, Australia, Canada, Europe…..

Here is Gulf News (NY Times story):
(Journalism 101 requires that every refugee story begins with a sob story!)

JAKARTA: Ebrahim Adam fled armed conflict in his home region of Darfur, Sudan, in 2011, and ended up seeking asylum in Indonesia, hoping to be eventually resettled in Australia or another Western country so he could resume his dream of being an economist. [Usually they want to be doctors, so they say!—ed]

But after languishing for nearly seven years in Indonesia — where he cannot legally work, access public services or obtain citizenship — Ebrahim recently received bad news: His resettlement is unlikely to ever happen. The UN Refugee Agency’s office in Indonesia has begun informing the nearly 14,000 refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia that they should not expect to be welcomed by another country. Instead, they should prepare to assimilate into Indonesian society as best they can, or consider returning to their strife-torn countries.



Analysts said Ebrahim faces additional obstacles: He is single, Muslim and of military age, which could make countries worried about terrorism less likely to take him in.


Globally, there are more than 24 million certified refugees and asylum seekers, the highest levels since the Second World War, according to the United Nations.

Historically, the chances of refugees ever being resettled are only around 1 per cent.

Those refugees residing in Indonesia face the additional obstacle that the United States and Australia, the two main resettlement destinations for refugees here, have put in place more stringent immigration policies, further decreasing their already long odds.

Mark Getchell
“Mark Getchell, the IOM’s chief of mission in Indonesia, said the policy changes in Australia and the United States, combined with a reluctance by Canada, New Zealand and European nations to take in additional refugees, means the number of resettlements are only about 400 people a year now in Indonesia.” (IOM is a branch of the UN)


The situation of refugees hoping for resettlement in the West became more dire after President Donald Trump took office last January. His administration’s travel ban blocks people from eight countries from entering the US, including Somalia, the country with the second-highest number of refugees and asylum seekers stuck in Indonesia.

400 too many!

Last year, only about 400 refugees living in Indonesia were resettled in the United States, according to the United Nations. Indonesia is not a signatory to the 1951 UN refugee convention, which prohibits governments from returning people fleeing persecution to areas where they face serious threats, but the country has allowed certified refugees to remain here as they await resettlement in a third country.


For years, asylum-seekers from the Middle East and South Asia have used Indonesia as a transit point to reach Australia, boarding rickety wooden boats run by human smugglers for the perilous voyage across the Indian Ocean.

In 2013, however, the Australian government adopted strict new measures to discourage future arrivals by immediately transferring those who made it to its shores to spartan detention centers in Papua New Guinea and Nauru, and refusing to ever consider them for resettlement.

But, golly gee, now we get the booby prize!  We admit to America those same lawbreakers who attempted to get to Australia and were detained. And, we pay for it thanks to the Obama “dumb” deal that Trump agreed to!
More from Gulf News here.

It would make enormous sense if the UN spent more time persuading Indonesia to keep their coreligionists, and promote a PR campaign through Africa and the Middle East that there is no ticket to the West through Indonesia!

No surprise! UN Secretary General (Socialist) Antonio Guterres pushing mass migration

Update: Leo Hohmann has more on this story at his new website, here.
In his argument posted at The Guardian, he says more legal pathways are needed because they (from the third world) are coming illegally (whether we like it or not).  Sounds like blackmail to me!
He also confirms my oft-repeated contention that it is the desire by industries for labor that we should be satisfying in the new borderless (dream) world.

Aspiring migrants, denied legal pathways to travel, inevitably fall back on irregular methods. This not only puts them in vulnerable positions, but also undermines governments’ authority. The best way to end the stigma of illegality and abuse around migrants is, in fact, for governments to put in place more legal pathways for migration, removing the incentives for individuals to break the rules, while better meeting the needs of their labour markets for foreign labour.

Thanks to reader Deb for sending me Jihad Watch’s take on his screed here.  See discussion there about hijrah and the OIC.

Obama delivers remarks to reporters as he welcomes Guterres in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington
Guterres in happier times (December 2016)  https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2016/12/03/big-smooch-from-obama-to-new-un-secretary-general-guterres/

Then check out Breitbart’s report :

United Nations Secretary General António Guterres has unveiled his plan to promote global mass migration in the left-liberal Guardian newspaper.


Guterres, a former Socialist Party prime minister in his native Portugal, took over the top job at the UN on January 1st, having previously served as the institution’s High Commissioner for Refugees.

His article, titled ‘Migration can benefit the world. This is how we at the UN plan to help, makes the bold claim that mass migration “powers economic growth, reduces inequalities and connects diverse societies”, in order to promote the Global Compact for Migration.

“This will be the first overarching international agreement of its kind,” he boasted — but claimed it would not “place any binding obligations on states”, but rather serve as “an unprecedented opportunity for leaders to counter the pernicious myths surrounding migrants”.

Trump dumps!

Breitbart continues:Trump at UN

These assurances have failed to convince the Donald Trump administration in the United States, with the White House rejected it as “simply not compatible with US sovereignty”, and President Trump summarizing it as “no borders, everyone can come in!”

Then this….

He [Guterres] made the contentious claim that migrants “take jobs” that local workers “cannot” fill, and asserted that this is a positive thing. He also attempted to spin the fact that migrants send huge sums of money straight out of their host countries and back to their countries of origin as a kind of supplement to foreign aid.

Breitbart continues here.
Pay attention to this last issue above about remittances.  It is huge!
I remember when the Temporary Protected Status for Salvadorans was up for renewal under George W. Bush.  It was quickly renewed with his administration saying that the money the Salvadorans sent OUT OF THE US ECONOMY was propping up El Salvador (so we needed to continue doing that).
Guterres at RRW:
We followed Antonio Guterres here at RRW for a decade since he was previously the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (before moving up to top dog position at the UN).
Go here for my Guterres archive.
Just a reminder that in June of 2009, as UNHCR, he said it was sharia law that underpins international refugee law and United Nations refugee activities. See here:

New York, 23 June (AKI) – The 1,400-year-old Islamic custom of welcoming people fleeing persecution has had more influence on modern international refugee law than any other traditional source, according to a new study sponsored by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

High Commissioner Antonio Guterres said that more than any other historical source, Islamic law and tradition underpin the modern-day legal framework on which UNHCR bases its global activities on behalf of the tens of millions of people forced from their homes around the world.

Take that Christians and Jews! You thought Biblical Judeo-Christian charity predated Islam, silly you.

UN driving “Replacement Migration” for nearly 2 decades (of 50-year plan)

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Our post the other day on Poland’s “breed like rabbits” campaign generated lots of interest.

Here Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily tells us that even we (the US, not just Europe) are in trouble for not producing enough American babies.

From Hohmann:

If anyone wants to know why Western countries import so many migrants from the Third World, the answer may lie in the cultural norms that have dominated over the past 50 years.

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See the Executive Summary here: http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/pdf/ageing/replacement-es.pdf

Women are expected to go to college, become professionals in the work force, and “contribute” to the national economy.

But, as many of these countries are now discovering, the female contributions come with a cost.

With women having fewer babies, there comes a point when there are not enough worker bees to support the growing number of elderly who retire every year in countries like Germany, Italy, Greece and Spain.

All of these countries have dismal fertility rates of between 1.3 and 1.5 children per woman of child-bearing age. Sweden, the U.K. and the U.S. are not much better at 1.8 children per woman.

Economists agree that any nation with a fertility rate of less than 2.1 children per woman will not replace its aging population and ultimately fall into decline. Unless, they say, the nation uses immigration to make up for its birth dearth.


The United Nations acknowledged the demographic crisis with 2000 document titled “Replacement Migration: Is it a Solution to Declining and Aging Populations?” In that screed, the U.N. suggested a controversial solution to the low-birth-rate woes of 10 major nations – mass migration. Among the 10 listed as facing demographic decline if they don’t import younger migrants are the U.S., Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Russia, South Korea and Japan.

More here.

Moral of the story!  You American youngsters better get busy and do your patriotic duty! Or, the UN will overwhelm us with third world replacements!  At the heart of it, this is what it is all about—replacing you!