Sometimes I don’t have interesting news (like refugee crimes or contractor corruption stories), but just basic information on how you can do your own research and find the facts on how the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program works (yes, knowledge is power).
Today I went to Wrapsnet to check on processing country maps that are updated on the 5th of each month. On October 5th the State Department contractor (the Refugee Processing Center) should have posted data through September 30th (for the whole of FY17) showing which countries process the most refugees in to the US (Turkey is usually tops).
(See one recent discussion on ‘processing countries’ here)
I wanted to know how many ‘refugees’ Australia had processed in to the US as of September 30th.
But, over the years I have frequently checked to see how many illegal aliens (transformed into refugees) we are bringing from Europe—specifically Malta.
So what do I find? A blank map supposedly showing processing countries from Oct. 1, 2017-Oct.5,2017. So what is going on? The map for the whole fiscal year (2017) should have been up until the 5th of November.
I was looking for ‘Map Arrivals by Processing Country as of SEPTEMBER 30th….’ at this page:
When I clicked on ‘Map Arrivals by Processing Country’ this is what I get:
Reporting period Oct. 1- Oct. 5? Is Trump’s State Department as secretive as the previous one? Or just incompetent?
I have to admit, I haven’t read it yet, but, for diehard grassroots investigators, know that the report is a treasure trove of information on the US Refugee Admissions Program and Trump’s 45,000 refugee ceiling *** for the year that began this past Sunday.
Don’t miss the tables at the end, often more useful than all the verbiage about why we need to save this or that ethnic group by hauling them to your town.
Here is the table that shows that the US admits the vast majority of permanent refugees.
Be sure to keep this so that the next time some Open Borders pusher says that Lebanon, Turkey, Germany and Jordan are doing more, remind them that ours are PERMANENT, not temporary residents. (note that this table uses calendar year numbers when we usually use fiscal year)
And, here is a table showing the costs of just the resettlement (this year, FY18, for up to 45,000 refugees).
Come to think of it, when those economic studies are done to ostensibly show how much refugees benefit America, do they ever show that it will cost the US taxpayer over $1 BILLION just to get 45,000 bodies in here?
Read the footnotes!
Please note that the anticipated costs do not include taxpayer funding for: educating the kids, Medicaid, some forms of cash assistance, food stamps, housing subsidies, interpreter costs, criminal justice system costs, etc.
Again, go here for the full report. One of the things I’ve noted over the years is that the report has no date on the cover. I can only guess that is because it is always very late and they don’t want any record of the fact that they skirt the law always on the whole determination/consultation process.
***Did you see that the Federation for American Immigration Reformcalled this a “responsible” number! Have friends like these been in the swamp too long?
Readers should know, that until very recently FAIR has not taken much interest in the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.
Throughout 2016 we reported on some of the proposed new “welcoming” communities that the Obama team was quietly targeting as new resettlement sites.
When you look through the guide, you will see that many ‘stakeholders’ in your community were engaged in planning for refugees even while you, the taxpayer, was kept in the dark
One of those was Pittsfield, Mass (here and here).
Today we have news that since the number of paying clients (aka refugees) was declining under Trump, some of those sites are being cancelled. One is Pittsfield. See Feds drop plan for Pittsfield,here.
And, recently we reported that the new Episcopal church office in Charleston, WV was also cancelled.
But, I did see that, although the Rutland, Vermont pro-refugee-welcoming mayor lost his election bid, the arrogant contractor USCRI has applied for 100Syrians and Iraqis again for FY18 (they likely won’t get them, but it makes for a media opportunity to bash Trump when they don’t).
For new readers, (assuming the DOS is keeping it up to date), go hereto see the available resettlement sites. They can resettle within 100 miles of each location.
For all of you trying to stay on top of the issue—-which towns are targeted AND WHY!—here is the Dept. of State’s New Site Guide introduced by none-other than Laurence Bartlett.
Note that it is undated, but I believe it was prepared in anticipation of an expansion of the program toward the end of the Obama Administration (an expansion that obviously didn’t happen).
Bartlett was the headliner at the recent Heritage Foundation event:
One of the things in the document is the list of items that the local contracting agency must have available for its new clients—right down to the towels and kitchen utensils. So, if you get word that your local contractor isn’t meeting its contractual obligations, raise a red flag!
And, take note of the fact that in about 90 days the resettlement agency contractor is done with them, and they are in your town or city’s care.
For new readers, here are the nine major contractors which receive compensation on a per-head basis for each refugee they place in your town:
On the morning we are getting news that the President is selling out American workers and sacrificing the safety of US citizens by soft talk on the border wall and DACA, we see this announcement.
First, readers may remember that the Heritage Foundation published a dreadful report, here, on the Refugee program demonstrating a total disconnect from what is happening in communities where refugees are secretly dropped off, and now this….
Here (below) we have a panel of bureaucrats and policy wonks who will discuss a bunch of esoteric BS in the Washington swamp about “reforming” the program. I don’t see one serious critic on the panel and not one person who knows what is happening in communities where the refugees are placed.
This is Larry Bartlett from the US State Department who is responsible for admitting refugees to the US. He is standing in front of a map showing more than a hundred resettlement towns and cities. That map from 2015 has since disappeared from the State Department’s WRAPSNET website.
There are several very very good spokesmen for our point of view in Washington who could get over to the Heritage Foundation in a heartbeat—at FAIR, at the Center for Immigration Studies and at NumbersUSA—why isn’t one serious critic of the program on the panel?
These people will suggest tinkering, or worse!
And, to top it off the program is headlined by Larry Bartlett, pro-refugee bureaucrat extraordinaire. Just two of many posts on Bartlett you should review are here and here.
In the first post Bartlett went to Twin Falls, Idaho and told the audience a whopper—that they don’t place refugees in communities that don’t want them—and he went on to say that was not because of sympathy for the townspeople, but for the refugees (he feared for them, that some local yokels might hurt them!) (go here for more).
And, here, we see Bartlett tell Senator Jeff Sessions that communities are consulted, but failed to mention that citizens everywhere were being blocked from attending the “stakeholder” meetings where plans were being made for the community, while representatives of ethnic groups could attend.
Here then is the Heritage panel lineup scheduled for next Wednesday:
This is a screenshot, so links are not ‘hot.’ Here is the 800 number for them: (800) 546-2843
Readers are always asking what they can do. Here is something you can do….
Call Heritage and tell them to stop the propaganda about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.Or, better still tell them to have a follow-up panel of experts who know what real reform should look like! (Don’t hold your breath!).
Because Heritage touts itself as a “conservative think tank” that tells Congress what to think, it is up to you to tell Heritage what you think!
If you have been frustrated where you live about how the US Refugee Program is working (about the lack of transparency, crimes, the cultural upheaval going on, and the cost to taxpayers of welfare, etc) tell Heritage what you think!
Here is the Heritage Foundation contact page if you prefer to comment on line:
I reported the news here. The giant New York City-based International Rescue Committeewas found to be placing refugee families in housing that violated local codes and surprise! a local reporter investigated the story.
The original investigation was posted on KPBS (not a rightwing news outlet!).
Over the ten years I’ve been writing about the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program I’ve rarely seen investigations of any of the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors***.
There were a couple of cases elsewhere in the country where a contractor failed to deliver on their DOS contract, left refugees in the lurch in bug infested housing, and where the story was picked up by the mainstream media, but they are rare.
This update by reporter Tarryn Mento is posted at something calledinewsource housed, we are told, inside KPBS.
The national headquarters of the International Rescue Committee says it has found problems with the way its San Diego branch placed refugees in homes. The announcement follows a KPBS investigation into allegations that refugees were told to sign falsified rental documents to get their large families into apartments.
In a statement to KPBS Tuesday, the IRC’s national office in New York said: “We unfortunately have identified housing placement practices in San Diego which were inconsistent with the IRC’s policies and code of conduct. In response, we have taken steps to reinforce housing-related policies and practices with local staff and we have engaged with and are supporting families who may have been impacted.”
Of course the arrogant IRC isn’t going to talk! Reporters will learn that secrecy is the watchword when it comes to the placement of refugees.
KPBS repeatedly requested a phone interview with the IRC’s national office to learn more about its findings and how it was helping families, but the agency has not replied.San Diego IRC Executive Director David Murphy has also not responded to requests for comment.
In 2014, IRC CEO David Miliband traveled to San Diego and announced that they were sending more Syrians there. Miliband, a pal of Hillary and Bill, is a Brit making decisions for American towns and cities.
A spokeswoman for the U.S. State Department, which awards federal dollars to resettlement agencies, said in an email that the agency was satisfied with the measures taken by the IRC.
“The State Department requested that IRC conduct a thorough investigation into the allegations, and they have communicated to us that they have taken appropriate action to ensure that all refugees resettled through IRC in San Diego are served in full compliance with all relevant programs, guidelines, and codes,” the spokeswoman said.
The State Department simply took the word of its contractor! (I think the contractors lead the DOS around by the nose!).
But, see what the reporter found out when she went back to the families!
One of the stories I hear repeatedly is that the refugee contractors have special inside deals with landlords and owners of inner-city housing. Let’s have some more disinfecting sunshine on that issue!
Tell the President and Congress that the US Refugee Admissions Program should be suspended and the contractors thoroughly investigated!
*** For new readers, these are the Federal contractors/middlemen/employment agencies/propagandists/lobbyists/community organizers? paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities listed below. Under the nine major contractors are hundreds of subcontractors.
The contractors income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, but they also receive myriad grants to service their “New Americans.”
If you are a good-hearted soul and think refugee resettlement is all about humanitarianism, think again!Big businesses/global corporations depend on the free flow of cheap (some call it slave) labor. It is for this reason that Republican leaders of Congress are supportive of an uninterrupted flow of refugees into America.
The only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove these contractors/Leftwing activists/big business head hunters from the process.