Angry about Paris? Time for a moratorium on Muslim migration to America? Start with cutting the funds for it!

Mark Steyn said the “M” word (actually both of them!)—Moratorium and Muslim just a few minutes ago on Fox News (here).
We all know why Europe and France specifically are in the horrible place they are in now (being invaded and attacked from within) and it is because they have long “welcomed” Islamic Shariah-loving migrants to live among them.

So how do we get that MORATORIUM?

Eleanor Acer
Eleanor Acer of Human Rights First is lobbying Congress at this very minute to add a billion dollars to federal funding for MORE Syrian refugees to be admitted to the US! A billion dollars would nearly double what the Obama Administration is asking for.

You can get it by starting with the Muslim migration occurring through the Refugee Admissions Program between now and December 11th when Congress must vote on the funding for the program for 2016.

I was in Washington this week to brief Hill staffers along with Don Barnett (a Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies) at the invitation of ACT for America about the UN/US State Department refugee resettlement program.  (I am going to post the handout I presented, but Paris has now intervened, will do it over the weekend).
The conclusion from several meetings we had was that—there is only one place at this very minute where you can direct your anger and your hard work—-and that is at Congress (both the House and the Senate) and at the funding for the migration!

Tell them to cut the funding for the US Refugee Admissions Program NOW!

Bills such as Rep. Babin’s and Rep. Michael McCaul’s are a good start for next year, but to really send a message from the American people, make Congress use its POWER OF THE PURSE!
And, btw, the No Borders agitators (like Eleanor Acer in photo) are busy just this week praising Senators Lindsey Graham and Patrick Leahy who will be seeking to put a billion dollars into the funding package coming up in early December for MORE Syrian refugees!
Call your Members of Congress, your US Senators and all in the leadership—Senator Mitch McConnell (KY is the leading state getting Syrian refugees right now!), Speaker Paul Ryan, and members of all key committees—tell them to cut the money for the US Refugee Admissions Program right now until they can assure America’s security!
And, don’t tell me that that is “unreasonable.” Our job is to tell them what we want and what we want them to do, not to figure out what sounds like a reasonable proposal or to help the squishy ones with their talking points and their images!
***Update*** How could I forget—the powerful Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Charles Grassley, has already called for a halt to funding for the program!

Calling Senator Ted Cruz!

If you are a Senator Cruz fan, this is his chance to show leadership when the Senate takes up 2016 funding very soon.  (Of the Presidential candidates, you know for sure Marco Rubio won’t do it, but maybe Rand Paul will take a leadership role especially since Kentucky is a leading Syrian resettlement state).
Endnote!  It isn’t just mostly Syrian Muslims entering the US as refugees but thousands are coming from Iraq, Somalia, Burma and Afghanistan to name just a few sending countries.

White House wants to speed up Syrian resettlement, wants more than 10,000 asap!

Obama doesn’t have much time left—he has to get as many refugees resettled (seeded!) in your towns and cities as he possibly can before January 2017.
Here is Reuters yesterday on news that the US State Department is gearing up to open more processing centers in the Middle East so as to speed up the relocation of more Syrians to your towns.

WASHINGTON, Nov 6 (Reuters) – The Obama administration is moving to increase and accelerate the number of Syrian refugees who might be admitted into the United States by opening new screening outposts in Iraq and Lebanon, administration officials told Reuters on Friday.

ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı Nüfus, Göçmenler ve Göçten Sorumlu Müsteşar Yardımcısı Anne Richard, ABD Büyükelçiği'nde Suriyeli sığınmacılarla ilgili Kuveyt, Lübnan ve Türkiye'deki temasları hakkında bilgi verdi. (Binnur Ege Gürün - Anadolu Ajansı)
Asst. Secretary of State for PRM, Anne Richard, is the likely official who “spoke on the condition of anonymity.” Why not just speak on the record?

The move comes after President Barack Obama pledged in September to admit an additional 10,000 refugees in 2016 from Syria, torn by four years of civil war and disorder.

The U.S. State Department confirmed the plans to open a refugee settlement processing center in Erbil, Iraq, before the end of 2015, and to resume refugee processing in Lebanon in early 2016, said spokeswoman Danna Van Brandt.

The White House would not say how many additional refugees it may take in beyond the 10,000, but two senior administration officials said they are seeking ways to increase the number.

“We want to be in a place where we can push out really ambitious goals,” said one of the officials, who spoke to Reuters on the condition of anonymity.

The State Department runs nine screening centers worldwide that serve as meeting points for refugees and U.S. Department of Homeland Security employees who have to decide who is suitable for resettlement in the United States.

And get this, we will re-open the processing center in Lebanon (guess those security concerns have disappeared)!

Homeland Security workers stopped traveling to Lebanon to meet with refugees when the facility there closed over a year ago due to security concerns.

Wouldn’t you like to be a fly on the wall as the US Department of Homeland Security (FBI) says Syrians can’t be properly screened yet Homeland Security is speeding up the process of getting those not properly screened in here faster to satisfy the White House and UN/US State Department and the contractors.

Asst. Sec. of State for PRM Anne Richard is a busy beaver, gotta keep the UN happy and get those Syrians in!

As Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard is the head honcho in the Obama/Kerry State Department responsible for the refugees admitted to the United States.

Richard and Guterres Kentucky post
Anne Richard (left) and UNHCR Antonio Guterres (former President of Socialists International): we both think that 18-24 months is too long for Syrians to wait to get into the US. NPR interview:

Tomorrow she is scheduled to testify before the House Foreign Relations Committee (Subcommittee on the Middle East and North Africa).  See if your representative is a member of the subcommittee by clicking here.
If your ‘pocket of resistance’ is located in one of the districts represented on this subcommittee make sure your Representative knows how important this testimony is to you.
By the way, this reminds me that there is a lot of foot-dragging going on over in the House Judiciary Committee (Goodlatte and Gowdy) which has jurisdiction and a LEGAL requirement to review the President’s Determination for FY2016 that is now already going on 4 weeks old.   An oversight hearing had been planned weeks ago on the Refugee Admissions Program—what happened to it?
Late last week Ms. Richard was pushing the Syrian resettlement at a college in Kentucky (it is about the children!)
What you see happening here is that the US State Department is sending out big-wigs like Richard to help spread the propaganda (to head off the development of ‘pockets of resistance’) and say that everything is going to be just peachy as we admit 10,000 (or more!) Syrians who cannot be properly screened according to the FBI.
The Obama Administration is going to be having a tough time finding enough “welcoming” communities for Syrians so they must get out to states like Kentucky—we reported that Kentucky had gotten the most Syrians so far two weeks into the new fiscal year. Apparently Mitch and Rand are too busy to pay attention to the colonization of Kentucky with Muslim Syrians!  (See also first Syrians arrive in KY with help of Islamic charity.)

Senator Rand Paul’s home town!

See Richard at Western Kentucky University and right under Senator Rand Paul’s nose, here and here (at the Bowling Green Daily News—Rand Paul’s home town!***).  Hat tip: Robin.
And, here she is giving an interview to NPR this past week.  Be sure to see it because the interviewer says thousands of you are sending e-mails to “advocates” opposing the resettlement of more refugees.  That must be in reference to the ACT campaign, here.
You really need to know who these people are—-who are working to change America by changing the people.  Anne Richard is one of those who moves in and out of government from federal contracting agency and back in to government (and will move back out as an activist advancing mass migration to America).  See her bio here.
*** Bowling Green is also the location where the two Iraqi refugee terrorists were doing their ‘work.’  So how does Rand Paul propose to keep America safe if he isn’t watching what is going on in his own backyard!

US State Department Presidential Determination report for FY2016 is available on-line

Obviously Sec. of State Kerry didn’t give a hoot that he was sending the report to the House and Senate Judiciary committees in a timely manner or not!

This is one of the most useful documents researchers and resisters can use to fully understand what the Obama Administration has planned for FY2016 for resettling refugees to your towns and cities.
I haven’t looked at it closely yet, but if you have time on your hands over the weekend, you might want to start digging in.
The document is required to be sent to Congress before the start of the fiscal year, but each year the State Department just squeaks it in at the deadline thus giving the House and Senate Judiciary committees virtually no time to examine it before the fiscal year begins.  (Ha! Assuming they have ever wanted to examine it!)
There has been no meaningful consultation for 20 years or more!  Calling the House Judiciary Committee—-we are still waiting!
This one is here and it is dated October 1, 2015!

Lutheran lobbyist says 100,000 Syrians is a responsible number for FY2016

…..State Department representative says it isn’t possible.

But, get this!  We learn that the United Nations has 22,000 Syrians picked out for us already!

Brittney Nystrom, chief lobbyist for Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service. Since LIRS is almost 100% funded by US taxpayers, you are paying for most of her salary! Photo here:

By the way, one of the arguments Lutheran lobbyist Brittany Nystrom makes is that Lebanon has taken in tens of thousands of Syrians so far and so the much larger US should take in 100 million by comparison.  It is a ludicrous comparison that they love to make.  Remember that the Syrians going to Lebanon are there temporarily, in camps, and they will NOT become citizens of Lebanon.
Refugees who are resettled in America become permanent residents and citizens in a few short years—THEY WILL NEVER GO HOME EVEN IF THE SYRIAN CIVIL WAR ENDED TOMORROW.
You need only look to the Somali resettlement (now three decades old!) we mentioned in our previous post to know that the flow, once begun, will never end.
You know what the problem is with events like this?  Reporters and others in the audience don’t know enough about refugee resettlement so they accept the propaganda that Ms. Nystrom is only too happy to promote.
Please also be assured that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (97% funded by your tax dollars) is a sponsor of the big New York pow-wow we wrote about this morning (probably sponsoring with your $$$).  The gathering is to get their marching orders for the 2016 Presidential election campaign.
Here is how the report from CNS begins (emphasis is mine):

( – Of the world’s 16 million refugees, 4.1 million have emerged from the Syrian conflict alone, a United Nations refugee resettlement officer told a gathering at the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington on Monday.

And as Europe deals with a refugee crisis of historic proportions, “We’d certainly like U.S. to do more,” said Larry Yunck.

For the fiscal year beginning in October, the United States has promised to take in 10,000 Syrian refugees. That number is “woefully inadequate,” Brittney Nystrom of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Center told the gathering.

Kelly Gauger representing the US State Department told the gathering that we simply don’t have enough money for 100,000 Syrians in one year, but Nystrom is quick to spread more propaganda—that refugees are self-sufficient in 8 months and are taxpaying members of society at that point.  That is simply ludicrous (why would we be seeing stories like the one from Erie, PA yesterday about “impoverished” refugees then?).
Remember readers!  The federal government defines self-sufficiency as being OFF OF CASH ASSISTANCE. Refugees can still get (and do get!) food stamps, subsidized housing, Medicaid, and education for the children paid for by you—the taxpayers—long after 8 months.
CNS News continues:

She (Kelly Gauger) said it’s one thing for refugee advocates such as Nystrom to be calling for 100,000 Syrians to come here in FY 2016, but “we need significantly more money than we’re getting now, and I’m not sure that many of us have confidence that we’re going to get that money from this Congress.”

Nystrom said she didn’t want to leave the audience with the perception that refugees are “just sucking up resources.”  [LOL! Of course not!—-ed]

“That’s not the case,” she said. “Most of the refugees that we help resettle become self-suffienct very, very quickly…

“And we know that communities are made richer who resettle refugees,” Nystrom added. “They gain in resources from refugees who open businesses, who contribute to the economy of their community — and the amount of time that refugees are eligible for public assistance is very limited.

“There’s an 8-month window where a refugee receives cash assistance. After that period of time, they’re expected to become completely self-sufficient. So there is an outlay of resources at the beginning of the resettlement process, but the country as a whole benefits from resettling refugees.”

Again, apparently those in audience like this one don’t know enough to ask about ALL OF THE OTHER SOCIAL SERVICES REFUGEES RECEIVE FOR YEARS AND YEARS, or, how much LIRS is paid (out of the federal treasury) to resettle refugees.
Gauger reported that the UN High Commissioner for Refugees has referred 22,000 Syrians to the US for resettlement.  97% of the Syrians admitted in FY2015 are Muslims from UN camps, so I guess we can conclude that the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is not concerned about saving Syrian Christians as a first priority.