Here they come! State Department announces that 9,000 Syrians are on the way to the US

Update December 12th:  There are two other news accounts of this story you should see.  First, at Investor’s Business Daily: “US Vetting 9,000 Syrian Refugees To Weed Out Jihadists Before Granting Asylum.”  And, at World Net Daily: “U.N. sending thousands of Muslims to America.”  As of right now there are 975 comments to the WND article.

Where might they be going? Click here.

Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State went to that UN meeting in Geneva this week (we mentioned the “pledging conference” here) and dropped the bomb.  The UN has picked our Syrians for us, and if the war ended tomorrow, you can be sure that once the pipeline is flowing it won’t stop for years! Security is a big concern and apparently the reason for the delay, but we are taking them anyway!

Anne Richard Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration: We take the refugees the UN picks for us.

From the Los Angeles Times (emphasis is mine):

The U.S. government intends to dramatically accelerate efforts to resettle refugees from the Syrian civil war and is preparing for a “surge” of thousands in each of the next few years, State Department officials announced this week.


They have some catching up to do: The United States has so far accepted only 300 of the more than 3.2 million refugees who have fled Syria since the war began almost four years ago.

The United States is the world leader in refugee resettlement, accepting 70,000 displaced people a year, more than all other countries combined.


But the U.S. has come under criticism from aid groups for its pace in taking in refugees from the Syrian war, which is by far the largest refugee crisis of recent years.


U.S. officials say the resettlement program has moved slowly because the United Nations refugee agency, which they look to for referrals, didn’t begin making recommendations until late last year. And the United States takes 18 to 24 months on average to carefully vet each applicant to make sure he or she poses no security risk.

In this next section note that we will take those “persecuted by their government.”  Christians are not persecuted by the government in Syria, but the Sunni Muslims are.  There is no doubt the majority of Syrians to be admitted to the US will be Muslims because it would be unlikely there would be a “security risk” with the Christians.

The State Department will resettle only the small minority who are in the most dire need, including the very young, ailing and elderly, and people who have been persecuted by their government. Even so, applicants have to be screened by counter-terrorism agencies, the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security in a process that is more selective than what is used for anyone else who wants to enter the United States.


The screening has become more rigorous since 2009, when authorities were alarmed to discover that two members of Al Qaeda had entered the country posing as Iraqi refugees. That concern has been sharpened by worries that fighters from the Islamic State militant group may try to enter the United States, refugee advocates said.

On Tuesday, Anne C. Richard, assistant secretary of State for population, refugees and migration, said at a U.N. meeting in Geneva that the Obama administration was going to step up its efforts because the refugee outflow had swelled “to a mass exodus.”

She said that the department is considering 9,000 resettlement applications and that “we expect admissions from Syria to surge in 2015 and beyond.”  [Surge beyond 9,000?  Most likely as the contractors*** are agitating for at least 15,000!—ed]


At the Geneva meeting, 28 countries agreed to take in 66,000 refugees. But that was far short of the 300,000 Syrians that officials at the U.N. refugee agency believe need to be resettled.

Everyone reading this page from an already over-loaded resettlement city (or a prospective new one!), must contact your Member of Congress or US Senators and speak up NOW!  The chickens probably won’t listen, but give them an earful anyway!

***Contractors lobbying for Syrians to add to their collection:

Iraqis top list of refugees resettled in first 2 months of fiscal year; Texas top resettlement state

Two months of fiscal year 2015 are now behind us and the US State Department and its contractors are off and running with a surprising number of refugees resettled so far.

These were the top 5 states in FY2014. Right now Arizona is edging out Florida and Michigan has moved to number 3.

According to the statistics kept at the Refugee Processing Center, Iraqis top the list.  Here are the Top Five countries of origin for refugees arriving in the US in October and November 2014 (the 2015 fiscal year began Oct. 1):

Iraqis:  3,367

Burmese:  2,530

Somalis:  1,856

Congolese:  1,004

Bhutanese:  870

The Syrian push is not on yet we see. Only 112 have come so far this year.

We then checked out any state that received more than 400 refugees in two months (which is a lot when supplying them with their welfare needs), and here they are:

Texas:   1,386

California:  997

Michigan:  585

New York:  584

Arizona:  564

Florida:  530

Washington:  529

Ohio:  514

Illinois:  475

Minnesota:  435

Georgia: 435

North Carolina:  434

Pennsylvania:  433

If you are wondering which nationalities have arrived in your state, you are out of luck because the State Department has removed the data base that tells us that.  Instead they have a completely useless data base that only tells us the ‘processing country’ from which your state’s refugees arrived.

Well, maybe I shouldn’t call it completely useless because it does give us some bits of information to ponder. For example, we learn that we took another 116 of Malta’s illegal aliens off their hands (probably Somalis).   466 came to the US from South Africa (the safe Rainbow Nation country), so who were they?  I noticed a bunch (79) of those South African “refugees” went to Minnesota.

I was interested to see we processed 1,070 from Turkey and a whopping 1,504 from Malaysia (who were they, illegal aliens trying to reach Australia?).  And we helped out the United Arab Emirates by taking 45 “refugees” off their hands.

This post is archived in our “where to find information” category and our “refugee statistics” category.

First month of FY2015, Iraqis top the list of refugees resettled by US State Department

The Refugee Processing Center is the keeper of the US State Department’s statistics on refugees arriving in the US. I am asked all the time, do they keep records of religions, and the answer is yes, but those stats are not available to the general public. Only special people have that access.

October 31st marked the end of the first month of Fiscal Year 2015.  You can have a look at which refugees the US State Department has admitted in those 31 days by clicking here.

Topping the list is Iraq with 1,790 Iraqis going to your towns and cities.

The next five after Iraq are as follows:

Burma:  1,240

Somalia:  871

DR Congo:  625

Bhutan:  370

Iran:  309

And, so far 51 Syrians entered the US in this fiscal year.

By the way, do you see the table listed here entitled: Arrivals by State and Country (Posted after the 5th of the following month).  It is virtually useless to you because the refugees’ nationalities are not given, only the processing country.  So if you look at Minnesota for instance, you can be sure MN got some of those Somalis, but Somalia isn’t listed.  Much to my surprise South Africa is listed! 

WTH, surely we aren’t bringing persecuted white South Africans, but I will bet you a buck we are bringing some of the unwanted Somalis from the RAINBOW NATION!  48 went to Minnesota in just the last month!  So much for South Africa’s image as a welcoming country!

Just one more example of how the State Department keeps information from the general public:  there previously was a data table available for which refugees went to which CITIES, but that is no longer listed as available to you (or me).  You can be sure they have that information!

Remember Obama is shooting for 70,000 total refugees for the year, but dissatisfied resettlement contractors, like the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, are looking for 100,000.

New Somalis arrive in Minneapolis in droves after 2008 dip; end up in homeless shelters

I didn’t mean to make this Somali Sunday but here are our two other posts just this morning (here and here) on the impact of Somalis arriving in extremely large numbers in the US right now as part of the Obama Administration’s increasing focus on Somali refugees (Syrian and Iraqi Muslims feature prominently too).

This is some really good reporting at the Minneapolis Star Tribune yesterday by reporter MILA KOUMPILOVA .  Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’

As I began reading the news, I was expecting to see no information about why the Somali pipeline to America came to a grinding halt in 2008—the discovery that a large number (thousands) of Somalis had lied on their application to come to America to join family members who were found to be not related at all to the applicants. 

I am happy to report it is all here.

US State Department: We want them to stay where we have allocated money through a contractor for them. They want to be with their own people in Minnesota. Nevertheless, we will keep bringing them in! Photo:

The article also sheds light on how Somalis resettled in other cities are hightailing-it to Minneapolis to be with their own kind of people (something we would be vilified for should we admit we want to be with our own kind of people).

As they move too quickly to Minnesota they leave behind their financial support (welfare set-up) that comes through the original refugee resettlement contractor.

We won’t be able to highlight as much of this as we would like, because it is jam-packed with information, but here are a few nuggets that interested me.  Be sure to read the whole article yourself!

Star Tribune (emphasis mine) setting the stage:

A week af­ter the Unit­ed States gov­ern­ment re­set­tled them in Con­nec­ti­cut this sum­mer, Nur Ali and his wife, Mahado Mo­ha­med, had de­cid­ed: They were mov­ing to Minnesota.  [Lucky Connecticut!—ed]

Tales of the state’s large So­ma­li com­muni­ty had in­trigued them back in the Ken­yan ref­u­gee camp where they had mar­ried and had five chil­dren. Now, a So­ma­li man they met in Hartford told them all re­cent ar­ri­vals head to Minnesota, home of “Little Moga­dis­hu.”

After a major dip in 2008, the year­ly num­bers of new So­ma­li refu­gees in Minnesota have re­bounded stead­i­ly. The num­ber of So­malis re­set­tled in the state has more than trip­led in four years. As resettlements nationally have picked up, more So­malis are also arriving here after brief stints in other states — often trading early support from resettlement agencies for the company of more fellow Somalis.

“You tend to go some­where you can con­nect,” said Mo­ha­mud Noor, the head of the Con­fed­er­a­tion of So­ma­li Community in Minnesota. “Be­fore peo­ple even ar­rive from Af­ri­ca, they know they are com­ing to Minnesota.”

But without the Twin Cities family ties of earlier arrivals, these newcomers often can’t lean as heavily on longer-term Somali residents. Mary’s Place, a Minneapolis home­less shel­ter, has be­come ground zero for fami­lies like Ali and Mo­ha­med’s. Somali participation in the state’s public food assistance program doubled in the past five years. Meanwhile, the Minneapolis School District, its So­ma­li stu­dent en­roll­ment up 70 percent since 2011, launched eight class­rooms with in­struc­tion in both Eng­lish and So­ma­li to help new­comers catch up.   [So who pays for all this?—you do!—ed]

State Department discovers massive fraud in family reunification program for Somalis!

Ali and Mohamed are part of a new wave of Somali refugees. Until 2008, the state resettled only refugees reuniting with family here.

But that year, DNA tests showed only about 20 percent of ap­pli­cants in a ref­u­gee fam­i­ly re­u­ni­fi­ca­tion program, most of them from Af­ri­ca, were ac­tu­al­ly re­lated to their stateside sponsors. The program was sus­pend­ed, even as So­malis ar­gued a broad­er defi­ni­tion of fam­i­ly was as much a factor as fraud. The num­ber of new So­ma­li ar­ri­vals plum­met­ed, from a high of more than 3,200 in 2006 to 180 in 2009.

Mean­while, more strin­gent back­ground checks for refu­gees in 2010 snarled the ap­pli­ca­tion proc­ess. Lar­ry Bart­lett, the U.S. Ref­u­gee Ad­mis­sions program di­rec­tor, says the stream­lin­ing of se­curi­ty checks since and the re­sump­tion of the fam­i­ly re­u­ni­fi­ca­tion program in 2012 led to the re­cent in­crease in So­ma­li ar­ri­vals — a trend he ex­pects to con­tin­ue in the next few years.

Somalis move even though their benefits don’t follow!

When these refugees move too soon after arriving in a different state, they get cut off from resettlement agencies there responsible for finding homes and jobs for them. Noor, whose group tries to assist newcomers with navigating the transition, says the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment needs to do more to dis­cour­age this early migration. At the U.S. State Department, Bart­lett says staff members strive to honor refu­gees’ host city pref­er­ence. Some refu­gees even sign a docu­ment af­firm­ing they are going to the city where they want to stay.

“The prob­lem with mov­ing quick­ly is that the bene­fits don’t al­ways fol­low you,” Bart­lett said. “We re­al­ly try to im­press that upon them.”  [So, does the contractor still get its cut of each refugee’s allocation?—ed]

 Read it all!

Who is responsible for the Somali mess in Minnesota besides the aforementioned US State Department?  Lutheran Social Services, Catholic Charities, and World Relief Minnesota.   See one of our top posts (from 2011) of all time here.

Minnesota readers should be sure to save this important and informative story.

US State Department’s Anne Richard in Berlin: We have 5,000 Syrians in the pipeline to America

The Obama Administration has been dancing around the issue of how many Syrians are on the way to your towns and cities and I suspect that is because they don’t need one more thing before Tuesday to rock the Democrats’ boat.

Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration Richard: 5,000 Syrians are being processed to arrive in the US soon (Not enough to satisfy the UN however).

Anne C. Richard is the Assistant Secretary of State who represented the US this week in Berlin, Germany where a confab was held to discuss what the heck the (western) world is going to do to help all those Syrian Muslims flooding UN camps.

Obama announced our refugee plan for FY2015 at the beginning of the month, but was pretty quiet about how many Syrians we are going to admit.  At about that time, it leaked out that the UNHCR had lined up 4,000 Syrians to arrive soon.  However, watch this news clip (just before the 3 minute mark) of Richard in Germany where she says we now have 5,000 in the pipeline.

Germany has accepted 70,000 Syrians (not clear if they are all in the country yet), but check out how the arrival of more Muslims is sitting with the German people as thousands rioted in Cologne last weekend.   See our post of a few days ago by clicking here.

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society would like to see 30,000 real soon!  See our post of two days ago where we learned that HIAS (a federal refugee contractor*** being paid to resettle refugees) is getting up a petition to tell Obama to increase our total refugee quota for the year from 70,000 to 100,000.  Why HIAS wants more Muslims in America is beyond my understanding.

*** For new readers (we have many every day) here are the nine major federal refugee contractors (they then have 300 or so subcontractors spread out through America).   And, btw, Anne C. Richard was formerly the VP of one of them—the International Rescue Committee—and before that she worked at the US State Department.  She represents the classic case of the federal contractor/federal agency revolving door.  See also in her bio that she worked for the International Crisis Group which George Soros played an instrumental role in forming.