This is insane! Illegal aliens (mostly Somalis) arrive on the island nation of Malta and we transform them into legitimate refugees and fly them to America!
We have been following this perversion of the refugee program for years (longer than the 5 years mentioned in this short article—the Bush Administration started this!). These illegal migrants are the European Union’s problem, not ours!
Will Europe reciprocate and take some of our illegal Mexicans—NO!
And, by doing this we actually encourage more illegals to try to get to Malta.
Opposition leader Simon Busuttil with US Department of State officials. WHO ARE THESE WOMEN REPRESENTING THE US STATE DEPT? Photo: Malta Today
The United States will continue resettling irregular immigrants who arrive in Malta within their nation. The news follows a meeting between Opposition leader Simon Busuttil and American Department of State officials.
“Every year, the US accepts around 70,000 refugees from around the world and for the past five years it has also started taking in 500 refugees a year from Malta.”
“With its gesture, the United States is acting as an example to other countries,” Busuttil said. “As Opposition, we hope that it’s a gesture that will encourage European countries to help lift the weight of immigration off Malta through a system that observes the dignity and rights of all the concerned people and countries.”
We have written more than 50 posts (extending back to 2007) on the US State Department’s outrageous departure from the norm of international refugee resettlement. Can we now expect the US to take some of the illegal Muslim migrants from the UK, Italy, France etc?
Click here for our extensive Malta archive. Want to write a book—your research is done!
WND investigative journalist Leo Hohmann has done it again! He has been putting the pieces together over recent weeks to educate us about the goal of Islam in the world and especially in America. (Click here to see Hohmann’s series on Islam, immigration and the refugee resettlement program!).
Along the lines of what we mentioned this morningabout the “new colonizers” here is the latest from World Net Daily (Secret weapon to take over America revealed). It’s long but worth reading every word. Emphasis below is mine:
Much has been reported about Latin Americans sneaking across the U.S. southern border, but there may be a greater danger looming in America’s heartland in the form of nearly 2 million Muslims who have made their way to the U.S. since 1992.
And, unlike the surge at the southern border, most of those coming from the Middle East have done so legally, with the full support of the U.S. federal government.
Scholars such as Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller and Daniel Pipes have warned for years of the Muslim Brotherhood’s doctrine of immigration, or “al-hijra,” as the long-term strategy to transform America into a different type of society – one that subjugates all other religions under Islam.
Now, another man has stepped up to sound the alarm. And his credentials make him hard to ignore.
Dr. Mark Christian at Frontpage magazine.
Dr. Mark Christian, an obstetrician and former Egyptian Muslim with direct family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, is talking a lot these days about “stealth jihad.” He says it’s the Brotherhood’s way of exploiting liberal immigration policies while working relentlessly through various Islamic front groups to pressure government, education and religious institutions to make concessions to Islam.
Stealth Jihad in the churches!
Don’t you ever wonder if anyone in the US State Department or in the “church” groups resettling refugees ever ask themselves if they could be destroying America?
The article is filled with facts, graphs, comments, but near the end is one section that interested me greatly:
It is through these three groups [CAIR, ISNA (Islamic Society of North America) and the Muslim Students Association] that the Brotherhood wages “cultural jihad,” or what Christian calls “stealth jihad.”
“They want to influence the whole United States,” Christian said. “They see the U.S. as three things – it’s a government, it’s a religious institution and it is colleges and education; so we have three organizations and all are designated to each one of those things.”
ISNA concentrates mostly on outreach to Christian and Jewish religious groups.
“They say they are building bridges, but in reality they are building death tracks for these churches, watering down their theology, trying to influence the Christian teachings of the Bible and find common ground with Islamic teachings,” Christian said. “Basically they are trying to find common ground so they can kill it.”
He cites the Shoulder-to-Shoulder movement as one of ISNA’s crowning achievements.
Shoulder-to-Shoulder is a coalition of 20 religious groups that includes many of the major Christian denominations. Members include the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, the United Church of Christ, the Episcopal Church in the USA, the Presbyterian Church (USA), the Reform Judaism movement and left-wing organizations such as Sojourners magazine.
Their stated goal is to fight “anti-Muslim bigotry,” but that’s just the window dressing, Christian says. [Christian goes on to say they don’t bother with the little churches, only the large denominations.—-ed]
“We’ve become the visa clearinghouse for the world.“
Every time I see a news program where the talking heads are going on about our “porous Southern border” I want to shout at the TV—it’s not just the border that is a threat to our security. There is no screening on earth that will keep Islamic terrorists out if they want to get in here on a visa of some sort, or as a refugee.
Bartlett (the Refugee Admissions Director at the US State Department) assures us that we screen for terrorists hidden in the refugee population.
By the way, when you hear a government official (or a contractor) say that refugees are thoroughly screened, don’t believe it! How do you screen someone from a country in complete chaos like Syria, Iraq or Somalia?
Do you think those countries have any sort data base on terrorist wannabes, especially those who have become radicalized only recently?
Or, do you think when interviewed a would-be Islamic supremacist is going to tell the truth? Yeh, we are coming to take you over from within!
Kenneth Palinkas, the head of the union that represents more 12,000 officials from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) bureau, says that terrorists from ISIS and other extremists are likely to try to exploit the immigration system that President Barack Obama has systematically weakened for over the past several years.
Palinkas, an immigration official himself, speaking on behalf of those other immigration officials, said it is a serious threat that ISIS “has already or will soon slip across our porous southern border” but also may “exploit” the weakened interior enforcement of immigration laws to get in and attack the U.S.
Palinkas noted that the president’s changes in immigration policy that essentially prohibit immigration agents like the ones he represents from enforcing interior immigration laws mean that USCIS, the agency he works for, is like a “rubber stamp” for illegal immigration. He concluded:
Many millions come legally to the U.S. through our wide open immigration policy every year – whether as temporary visitors, lifetime immigrants, refugees, asylum-seekers, foreign students, or recipients of our ‘visa waiver program’ which allows people to come and go freely. Yet our government cannot effectively track these foreign visitors and immigrants. And those who defraud authorities will face no consequence at all in most cases. Our caseworkers cannot even do in-person interviews for people seeking citizenship, they cannot enforce restrictions on welfare use, and they even lack even the basic office space to properly function. Applications for entry are rubber-stamped, the result of grading agents by speed rather than discretion. We’ve become the visa clearinghouse for the world.
When I pulled up the photo of Lawrence Bartlett, I came across a discussion (a kind of press pep talk) in New York City a couple of years ago where David Robinson, then acting Asst. Secretary for Population, Refugees and Migration, and Bartlett were talking to reporters about how the refugee program works. It strikes me as a good summary for those newly following this program. Click here for the interview.
Marie Harf at the US State Department sending out the first signals! The Syrians are coming!
As I predicted yesterday, it is coming—the announcement that we will be taking several thousand Syrian permanent refugees starting in a few weeks. The new fiscal year begins on October 1.
I’m using the word “permanent” for a reason. Some of the Syrians going to Europe are only going to be allowed to stay until the conflict is resolved, but our refugees are permanent.
From Middle East Monitor. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said this apparently in response to a question:
The United States has resettled 166 Syrians since the outbreak of the Syrian Revolution in 2011, a State Department official said on Thursday.
Marie Harf, US state department deputy spokeswoman, said during her daily press briefing, “The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) began in mid-2014 to refer Syrian refugees in large numbers to the United States.”
She pointed out that there are several thousands of Syrian refugees waiting to gain entry into the US, noting that the number will continue to increase.
And, we are expected to pony-up another $2 billion for the Syrian refugee crisis by the end of the year.
Don’t forget! Back in February, the Obama Administration bowed to pressure from “human rights” lobbyists/federal contractors to relax security screening so as to accommodate a Syrian migration to America, to your towns and cities. I can assure you that most of the Syrians admitted to the US will be Sunni Muslims.
In light of the fact that Syrians have arrived in Georgia and that news is by far our most-read post of the last week, I went out scouting for more news on the Syrian refugee plans of the US State Department and found a story I missed in June (at the time of World Refugee Day) where a State Department honcho told a group in Florida that the big crush of Syrians would begin arriving late in 2015.
Simon Henshaw: significant amount of Syrian refugees to enter the US next year!
Nearly 30,000 refugees come into Florida every year from countries all over the world.
With ongoing violence in Syria, Simon Henshaw from the State Department says very few Syrian refugees have arrived in the U.S., but that’s about to change.
“We have pledged to take a significant number and we will start interviewing Syrian refugees soon. But it takes about 18-24 months for someone to run through our system. So, we will not, as a country, see a significant amount of Syrian refugees come into the U.S. until the end of next year and then into 2016.”
Henshaw works in the bureau of population, refugees and migration. He’s visiting Tampa on World Refugee Day to see how Tampa is integrating refugees. Most are from places like Haiti and Cuba where refugees have been displaced for years.
The number of Syrians being bandied about (for resettlement to the US) is 12,000-15,000 per year.
I don’t know if this is great timing—if the feds start pouring Syrian Muslims into the US in a Presidential election year, the voting public will not be thrilled (just saying!).
Expect the time table to be sped up as surely the UN is losing patience with the US on the issue.