Gov. Sam Brownback: Don’t bring those Somalis to Kansas!

Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback, friend of Norquist, we love refugees, just not Somalis in Kansas!

A few days ago, likely spearheaded by Grover Norquist and his sidekick Suhail Kahn***, a group of Republican open borders enthusiasts made a public appeal to bring in more refugees and remove barriers (what? those terrorism bars) preventing them from entering the country. Said the ten:

Our policies toward refugees are at the heart of our American values.

One of those signing the letter, here, asking for more refugees, was none other than former Senator Sam Brownback, now Kansas governor, who, even as he sat on a key immigration subcommittee in the US Senate, said of the Somali Bantus whose resettlement he was advocating for some other communities in America—DON’T SEND ‘EM TO KANSAS!

You can read more about this Republican’s hypocrisy here at VDARE in 2003.   The New York Times obliquely referred to Brownback’s backpedaling here.

***Don’t miss the damning report on Norquist and Kahn just released by the Center for Security Policy—Islamists’ assault on the right, enabling the Muslim Brotherhood in America!

So, much for those American values—-just not in Brownback’s backyard!

Somali sentenced to life in prison for North Dakota mass murder

Good deal for the American taxpayer? You paid to resettle him here and you will now pay for his incarceration for life!

Brenda Walker at VDARE (they are on top of the news, visit them and follow them on twitter!) has the whole story here.

Go there and read it.

Our original coverage on the case began here in 2011.  The family he killed was of Native American origin (which is neither here nor there, they are dead, but might be of interest to our liberal readers.)

Your tax dollars will now support him for life—he is 28, so if we are unlucky, for 50-60 years we will clothe, house and feed him special Halal meals!

One new consideration—we are now deporting Somalis back to Somalia, here.

For new readers: We have admitted well over 100,000 Somali refugees to the US.   To check out the numbers visit this post, one of our most widely read posts over the last few years.

Since the beginning of the 2013 fiscal year we have resettled 3,674 SomalisIf that rate continues we will be bringing  nearly 9,000 Somalis to your cities this year, putting 2013 right up there with some of our top resettlement years (since 9/11!) for Somalis!

Hold the bouquets for Uncle Ruslan

Update May 5th:  Tsarni trying to get his nephew buried in Mass.  But, he has been successful in America, why not ship his body back to Russia.  His grave in America will just serve as a rallying point for protestors.

In the midst of the media storm created by the Boston Bomber Brothers Tsarnaev, their Uncle Ruslan Tsarni (why did he change his name?) came forward to condemn his nephews’ actions and, if I heard it once, I heard it a zillion times—Ruslan is the kind of immigrant we want!  (Personally I thought he sounded like a phoney, like someone trying to save his own skin!)

Ruslan Tsarni with adoring press in front of his Montgomery Village, MD home.
Photo by Allison Shelley/Getty Images

If you were among those gushing fans, think again.  Steve Sailor writing at VDARE directs us to a website that has been researching the question about how this extended family of Chechens got asylum here in the first place. Yes, how?

Where is Fox News on this?  (hmmmm!)

See MadCow Morning News:

The uncle of the accused Boston Marathon bombers incorporated, in 1995, a company called the “Congress of Chechen International Organizations.”

Even as the company was sending aid to Islamic terrorists in Chechnya, its listed address was in the home of former top CIA official Graham Fuller.

Ruslan Tsarni was listed as the company’s resident agent. The company’s address was 11114 Whisperwood Ln in Rockville MD., the home of Graham Fuller, the one-time Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council at the CIA under President Reagan.

Over this past weekend, Fuller reluctantly confirmed the report published here last Thursday, “Boston bombers’ uncle married daughter of top CIA official.”

He admitted that Ruslan Tsarni had once been married to his daughter.

But then, with the same breath, he derided what he called “rumors” of links between Tsarni and the Agency as “absurd.”

But documents surfaced over the weekend that cast a long shadow of doubt on Graham Fuller’s assertion, which amounts to a beat cop waving his baton, and saying, “There’s nothing to see here folks. Move along.”

Read the whole expose’ and read Steve Sailor at VDARE.

How closely tied is the refugee/asylum industry to our intelligence community, inquiring minds want to know.  See my post here on the International Rescue Committee earlier this week—it raises the same sort of issues.

 And, you all thought this business of saving poor refugees and asylum seekers was all about humanitarianism. 

Oops forgot to mention—our whole category on the Boston Marathon Bombing is here.

Tweet this and follow me on twitter (I’m new and not too proud to say I’m looking for followers!).  AnnC@RefugeeWatcher

No surprise! The world wants to come to America….

….and the Chinese want to have babies!

Steve Sailer writing at VDARE directs us to a recent worldwide Gallup poll that has determined that, of all the countries in the world, most migrants want to get into America!

Here is Sailer:

The Gallup organization just released the results of a poll of 500,000 people worldwide. It turns out that America is the first choice destination for 138 million adult would-be immigrants. (Their children would no doubt add scores of millions more, bringing the total up to around, say, 200,000,000.)

And America Jr. (i.e., Canada) is the first choice of 37 million adults, and America’s nephew Australia is the first choice of 26 million. Most of those would likely go to America instead if they could get in.

138 million want in while the present US population stands at just over 315 million!  

Here is the Gallup Report and the top countries most desired by would-be migrants.

I hate to break it to the 29 million who want to get into Saudi Arabia, but they don’t allow their Muslim brethren in except for limited slave labor.

Then here are the nationalities of those trying to escape to America and the West:

There is more, read Sailer’s whole commentary.

The Chinese are coming!

No wonder the Chinese are the largest group of asylum seekers slipping into the US.  Here Jason Dzubow writing at The Asylumist tells us why.   Babies!  They want to have babies, lots of babies and for that reason we grant them asylum.

Here is Dzubow (emphasis mine):

A new report from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (“UNHCR”) shows that asylum claims in industrialized countries have increased 20% from 2010 to 2011.  The United States continued to receive the most asylum seekers among the countries surveyed: approximately 74,000 asylum seekers in 2011.  This compares to approximately 55,500 asylum seekers for 2010, a 33% increase (among all countries, South Africa received the most asylum seekers).

The increase in asylum seekers to the U.S. is due largely to higher numbers from three countries: China (+20%), Mexico (+94%), and India (+241%).

The U.S. receives more asylum seekers from China than from any other country.  In 2010, we received 12,850 asylum seekers from China.  In 2011, we received 15,450 asylum seekers from China, an increase of 2,600 people or about 20%.  The large numbers are probably due to special provisions in the Immigration and Nationality Act that provide for asylum for victims of forced family planning–these provisions were created specifically to assist people from China, and they certainly seem to have encouraged Chinese nationals to seek asylum here.  Indeed, of the 24,400 Chinese asylum seekers worldwide, the U.S. received about 63% of all cases.  This is a very high number, given our physical distance from China.

For new readers:  The Refugee Resettlement Program and our Asylum Program are two sides of the same coin.  The difference is that with refugees certain nationalities are usually targeted for resettlement—right now the top groups we are taking are Iraqis, Bhutanese/Nepali, and Burmese.  They are screened and flown here and placed in your towns by US State Department contractors.

Asylum seekers get here on their own steam (usually helped by traffickers and paying large fees) and then ask for asylum at our borders or other ports of entry.  Immigration lawyers are ready and waiting for their business—to help them prove they are persecuted for an ever-growing list of complaints (including spousal abuse, sexual orientation and because they want to procreate)!

Update:  Asylum seeker numbers rise sharply in Australia, here.  (I have too many potential posts backed up, so am just linking this story here so as not to lose it).

More people willing to speak and write negatively about refugees, and mass migration generally

When I started writing Refugee Resettlement Watch nearly six years ago (this is my 4,001st post!), rarely, except at VDARE (and the Center for Immigration Studies occasionally), would anyone utter a word about “refugees” other than in the most reverential tones.  Refugees were the untouchables, but that seems to be changing.  Fear of the collapse of the West due to mass migration is openly being discussed.

Now, the word “refugee” is no longer sacrosanct.   Here Daniel Greenfield last week calls the migration of the third world to the first world what it is—colonization, with no end in sight.   They are coming and are not assimilating (if that’s what you have been counting on!).

The old paradigm that a country has the right to decide who enters it has been decisively overturned in Europe, it’s under siege in such first world countries as America, Canada, Australia and Israel by the creed that says it’s the human rights obligation of every nation to accept every refugee.

Given a chance a sizable portion of the third world would move to the first, a minority because of oppression and a majority because the opportunities and freebies are much better there. Even low ranked first world nations still find themselves swamped with refugees looking to move in.

International law does not assign any priority to a nation’s citizens over any person who happens to stray across the border. At the ground level that means the end of borders and the end of citizenship which is why immigration isn’t just a touchy issue in Arizona, it’s a touchy issue in Sydney, Tel Aviv and Birmingham. You can hardly open a newspaper of the liberal persuasion without being treated to another group of refugees in some troubled part of the world walled up behind fences and trying to get over to London, Sydney or New York.   [Watch for it!  Syrians next?—ed]

This sort of thing can’t be called immigration anymore, it’s a straightforward migration and it has no apparent limits. However many you take in, there will be more waiting and always burdening you with an unsolvable crisis.

Read it all!


Ann Coulter for President! says Peter Brimelow at VDARE

Coulter spoke at CPAC yesterday and probably assured herself a disinvite next year (just as happened to Pamela Geller)* when Coulter declared that she was a one issue voter and would support only candidates opposing amnesty for illegal aliens.

She said with no equivocation that Ted Kennedy’s 1965 mass migration strategy will kill America.  And, remember that was not about illegal aliens already in the US, but opened the doors of America to mass migration from the third world.

Check it out here at VDARE and watch her speech (in my view the most significant CPAC speech this year).

Has she assured her place in Grover’s ‘war on loud bullfrogs’ enemies list?   You betcha!

*Update!  Funny! organized a panel for the un-invited including Geller and Robert Spencer—watch Spencer finger Suhail Khan and Grover Norquist!