Suck-up Jim Justice hugs the President, but follows the dictates of the ‘religious Left’ opposing the President on refugee resettlement for his poor state. Guess they have run out of poor Americans in WV, they will now import more from the Middle East, Africa and Asia.
Jim Justice the West Virginia governor who has been a Republican, then a Democrat and now a Republican again, not only joined the fab-15 dumb governors who came out of the chute long before they needed to and declared their support for more refugees, but also foolishly embraced (in writing) the leading activists in the West Virginia Open Borders Left with plans to include them in mapping out a future for the state “in the interest of all West Virginians.”
West Virginia has gotten only a tiny number of refugees over the years.
So I guess the governor plans to change that—so much for supporting one of Trump’s major campaign promises of 2016 to rein-in the dysfunctional UN-driven Refugee Resettlement Program.
WV won’t get its MONEY?
By the way, the word is that the governor thought he must consent ASAP in order to get his funding. Funding for what—is there a rat in the administration telling governors that some funding will be cut off if they don’t agree to ‘welcome’ refugees. What exactly is that funding?***
Here below is the text of the governor’s press releaseearlier this month:
Gov. Justice responds to presidential executive order concerning refugee resettlement
CHARLESTON, WV – Gov. Jim Justice today sent a letter of consent to Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo in response to an executive order issued by President Donald J. Trump on Sept. 26, 2019, concerning enhanced state and local involvement in refugee resettlement.
“I am grateful for the Trump Administration’s consideration of states’ rights with this Executive Order and with other policies that impact what happens in West Virginia,” Gov. Justice said in the letter.
“Further, I understand that refugees who come to West Virginia will have been vetted and approved by the appropriate federal agencies, including the Department of State, and be granted legal entry to make a new home in America before settling here. [This is your usual refugee contractor lingo. He didn’t write this on his own!—ed]
“West Virginia has had great success with our refugee resettlement agency, which has been in operation since 1978. Refugees who have resettled here have become productive citizens and are welcomed into our West Virginia family. Therefore, as Governor of West Virginia, I consent to refugee resettlement in West Virginia, as per the terms of the Executive Order.”
Gov. Justice has reached out to Catholic Charities of West Virginia, The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, The Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia, The West Virginia Council of Churches, and Temple Israel and Congregation B’nai Jacob in Charleston to set up a meeting in the coming weeks to further determine the best way to move forward in the interest of all West Virginians.
Does the good Mr. Justice think it is in the “interest of all West Virginians” to invite third world poverty and cultural tensions to West Virginia?
I have an extensive archive on West Virginia, click here, to see how patriots there have held back the tide so far.
***On this issue of losing federal funds, if you live in a state where your Republican governor has caved, see those governors here, try to find out if they were threatened with the loss of some sort of funding. Clearly WV gets a tiny number of refugees—none in the last year—so they surely weren’t being threatened with any loss of federal money for refugees.
In some ways I almost don’t want to report on the latest from because I don’t want more Americans who stand up for America and Western Civilization to live in fear of our own government, but you need to be forewarned! Hohmann’s chilling piece is about our friend Brenda Arthur in Charleston, WV entitled:
Deep state attacks: Gov’t ‘Fusion Centers’ spying on patriots concerned about Islam
Brenda Arthur testifies on refugee resettlement Feb. 22, 2017, before the West Virginia House of Delegates Homeland Security Committee in Charleston. West Virginia.
Below is some of the story, but please read the whole thing. I’m just setting the stage with the following snips:
Brenda Arthur received an unexpected visit on March 8 that, one week later, leaves her feeling more than a little uneasy.
At her door that day was an officer with the West Virginia State Police. He wanted to know about her involvement in a Freedom of Information request regarding a local mosque.
Arthur, who will turn 67 this summer, serves as leader of the West Virginia chapter of ACT For America, whose mission is to educate Americans about the advancement of Islamic principles in Western societies.
Islamic Association of WV was expanding presumably to accommodate Syrian refugees the local ‘Interfaith’ community was pushing to resettle prior to the election of Donald Trump.
As a Jewish American, she was concerned about a major expansion of the Islamic Association of West Virginia in her hometown of South Charleston. This mosque has hosted an openly anti-Semitic preacher in the past, and so she went to city hall in late January to have a look at its construction permits and site plans, something that is within the right of every American citizen under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act and state open-records laws.
She had no idea that this perfectly legal activity, performed every day by citizen watchdogs across the U.S., would prompt a visit from the state police.
Workman’s [the officer who came to Arthur’s door] unit is part of the West Virginia Intelligence Exchange, a secretive outfit that works closely with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s “intelligence fusion center” in West Virginia.
All 50 states have at least one DHS fusion center, and the story of Brenda Arthur lends credence to the views of civil libertarians that these centers, whatever their stated purpose, have been weaponized against law-abiding American citizens.
Do not talk to them!
Whitehead [John, founder of the Charlottesville, Va.-based Rutherford Institute] has strict advice for any law-abiding citizen who is approached by law enforcement asking questions about their personal activities.
“If they come to your door, do not talk to them. If they call you on the phone, do not talk to them.”
Whitehead said the intimidation tactics used by fusion centers are similar to the East German Stasi and other secret-police agencies.
“They’re copying the tactics of former totalitarian regimes and the slightest mistake can get you in trouble,” he said.
Hohmann continues, please read it allso you know how to handle the situation should it happen to you. It is going to get harder before it gets better, so please hang in there all of you!
You might not have Brenda’s bravery (or that of Johnson in my previous post), but there are so many things you can do to save America and save Western Civilization—find your niche and work at it every day!
Read more about Arthur by clicking on my Charleston, WV archive here.
…which describes a brazen push with school system permission to indoctrinate teachers about Islam reportedly using allegations of bullying in the schools as the pretext for ‘educating’ the teachers.
This demonstrates a pattern of aggressive proselyting we have observed as Muslim immigrants begin to make their presence known in cities that have had little experience with this kind of ‘diversity.’ The city’s only mosque – Islamic Association of West Virginia – doubled in size about two years ago. CAIR, or the Council on American Islamic Relations, announced plans last year to open an office in Charleston…
They are often aided and abetted by local so-called ‘Interfaith’ groups representing the religious Left. (Ring a bell South Dakota!).
But, first a little background to set the stage:
Catholic Charities has had a small resettlement office in Charleston for a long time, but a couple of years ago, as the Interfaith group jumped on the ‘we-want-Syrian-refugees’ bandwagon, they found Episcopal Migrations Ministries (99.5% funded by taxpayers) willing to put in for a new office in Charleston specifically seeking Syrian Muslims. I wrote abouttheir unusual desire to specify a particular ethnic group in 2016.
Normally a budding new subcontractor is happy to get whatever ethnic groups are sent their way. After all, it is about ‘humanitarianism’ right!
They didn’t get their wish, as Hohmann relates, and the office approved by Obama’s State Department was killed when Trump came in, partially due to Trump’s ‘ban’ on Syrians and partly due to organized citizen opposition in Charleston.
They aren’t getting their New Americans yet, but readers need to know that they are just waiting for Trump to be gone from the White House! So, in the meantime, they are “educating.”
Fast forward to this past week when we learned that the The Islamic Association of West Virginia had sent an invitation via the school system directly to individual teacher’s mailboxes inviting them to learn about Islam at a special upcoming event—-The Islamic Association of West Virginia: Get to know your Muslim student event!
Can you imagine if the local Baptist Church (any other faith group) went to the School Board and asked to put invitations in to teachers’ boxes about an upcoming ‘know your Christian students event.’ They would be laughed out of the office!
It would never happen.
So why did the Islamic Association of WV have success? It is spelled F-E-A-R!
Now, see Hohmann’s riveting reportingon what happened and is happening in Charleston, WV! See how teachers are afraid!
Do you see the pattern where you live?
See my archive on Charleston, WV by clicking here.
The US State Department has sent a notice to Episcopal Migration Ministries that an office approved for Charleston, WV in the waning days of the Obama Administration will not be opening after all.
Here is the news from the Charleston Gazette-Mail, a first sign that refugee numbers will continue to be low in the coming year, but maybe the whole program will be suspended (wishful thinking)!
Before I get to that good news, see my previous post.
America has its own refugees—‘Harvey’ refugees—so tell the President to suspend the entire UN/US Refugee Admissions Program for FY18.
He is required to make his decision in the coming weeks and send it to Congress before October first!
The U.S. State Department of State won’t move forward with resettling refugees this year through a Charleston-based affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries, according to organizers who had been working to bring more refugees to West Virginia.
Members of the West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry had been working to bring more refugees — those fleeing violence or persecution in their native countries — to West Virginia, by establishing a Charleston-based affiliate of a national resettlement agency. Lynn Clarke, a leader with the group, said last month that they planned to open an affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries in Charleston on Aug. 1, and that they anticipated 85 refugees would arrive between October 2017 and September 2018.
The Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson, director of Episcopal Migration Ministries, and Antigona Mehani, who was hired to direct the office, both later said too much was unknown to anticipate how many refugees could arrive and when.
On Wednesday, Rabbi Victor Urecki, leader of Charleston’s B’nai Jacob Synagogue and a member of the West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry, provided a statement from Episcopal Migration Ministries and the West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry. [Urecki has been a leading advocate involved with the local ‘Interfaith’ effort to bring Syrian refugees to Charleston.—ed]
The statement from Episcopal Migration Ministries said that on Monday, Episcopal Migration Ministries “learned that the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration will not move forward with resettling refugees in several sites in the coming year,” including Charleston.
So, other sites won’t get refugees in the coming year—where are they?
By the way, two things made this Charleston site different in my view. First, those pushing the resettlement were pushing for Syrians from the outset, not any refugees from anywhere which is the normal case, but Syrians specifically.
And, secondly, that cash-strapped EMM had closed other established offices in other states, yet was hoping to open this one. Why?
I have a substantial archive on Charleston, click here, because citizens there were actively engaged against the idea of bringing more poverty to West Virginia.
LOL! Did any of you call Rep. Mooney’s office and ask him to get you the FY18 R & P Abstract for EMM in Charleston? Did he get it for you?
It is not too late. You will find the Abstract very informative (if they give you all the pages) because it will describe all the amenities Charleston has to offer its new third world refugees—jobs, housing, medical care, etc.
As I pointed out in my previous post, the open borders activists and the contractors*** are looking ahead to October when they think the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program will be back and moving full steam ahead. This newsfrom Charleston, WV confirms one of two things—-either the contractors know something we don’t know, or they are setting up a media opportunity to bash the Trump Administration for dashing their hopes (again) should the Trump team keep the refugee flow low (or even halt it altogether!) come September. These two Senators could stop the placement of mostly Muslim refugees in Charleston, WV by the new Episcopal resettlement agency IF THEY WANTED TO. Senators Shelley Moore Capito (left) and Joe Manchin!
Before I give you this news from an Episcopal Migration Ministries(99.5% funded by taxpayers!) wannabe subcontractor in the capitol city of West Virginia, I need to once again remind readers (and tell new readers) about the process. Scoping meeting….
Normally in May of each year there is a “scoping meeting” held by the US State Department to seek input from the public about the ‘size and scope’ of the refugee admissions program for the coming fiscal year. They pretend it is to get public input, but it is mostly an appeal to the contractors to send in their wish lists.
I don’t have time to go over the whole history of our involvement with these phony ‘hearings,’ but suffice it to say, they do not want to hear from the general public. In fact, I don’t think there was even a “scoping meeting” at all this year. R & P Abstracts….
Along about May, all of the contractors’ subcontractor offices go to work on their R & P Abstracts. These documents, discussed many times on these pages, are wish lists of sorts. The subcontractor will decide how many refugees a community has the capacity to take, from where in the world they will come from, and what amenities your town has for them—housing, jobs, health care, schools etc.
The best Abstract I ever saw was for Reno, Nevada, see here.
Big no-no! Do not read RRW!
And, surprise (not!), a couple of years ago, World Reliefactually sent a letter to its subcontractors alerting them to the fact that I told listeners on a Minnesota radio show to “get your abstracts.” The leadership at WR told it’s subcontractors (they call them “affiliates”) to not give the abstracts out when people call. Oh, and this is funny, they told their staff to not read RRW! The leadership would screen my writing and inform the underlings if they needed to know about something we said at RRW! As of July 3, 2017, the US State Department has an up-to-date affiliates list, go here, find an office near you (even within a hundred miles), call them and ask for the FY18 Abstract they have prepared for the US State Department! REPUBLICAN Rep. Alex Mooney represents Charleston and by his silence indicates support of Syrians, Afghans and Iraqis being placed by a federal contractor in his district. Have fun! Call Mooney’s office and ask him to get the R & P Abstract for FY18, for you. Tell him you want the whole document including the descriptions of where the refugees will work, what amenities are available and what organizations (letters of support) are behind the plan.
Be prepared to be told such a document doesn’t exist (one of their tricks) and for those who admit there is such a plan for your town, they will tell you that you can’t have it anyway! But, it is a good exercise for you, to be told that THEY have plans for your community that YOU can’t see! Presidential Determination…..
The R & P Abstracts are the basis for making the “determination” to be announced in September about how many refugees the Trump Administration is going to ‘welcome’ to America for FY2018 which begins on October 1, 2017. The process appears to be going forward just like any other year (not surprising since Trump has no people in the DOS refugee office).
The President sends his ‘determination’ (which includes how much of your money he wants Congress to appropriate) to The Hill for “consultation.” Consultation traditionally involves rubber stamping whatever the President wants. The majority of the power for refugee resettlement is vested in the President.
Now that I have gone way too long (I hope you are still reading!), here (below) is a bit of the Charleston Gazette-Mailstory that would indicate that the US State Department is welcoming in the abstracts just like in a normal year and this wannabe resettlement agency is acting like it is a done deal and that Charleston will be getting 85 refugees from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Why this particular Episcopal office wants only these particular (mostly Muslim) ethnic groups is a puzzle. What! No impoverished Africans? No Somalis, no Christians from the DR Congo? Hmmm! It is by no means a done deal! But, by making it sound like it is, if they don’t get their hypothetical refugees, at least they can blame Trump in the end.
(There is a Catholic resettlement agency already working in Charleston, this would be a new competitor as the contractors ‘bid for bodies.’) Charleston Gazette-Mail:
A Charleston-based refugee resettlement office will assist in placing 85 refugees in the area during the Oct. 2017- Sept. 2018 fiscal year, according to the director of the group organizing the effort.
Lynn Clarke, chief advocate for refugees in Charleston.
The West Virginia Interfaith Refugee Ministry, a group that has been working to bring refugees to West Virginia, plans to open the office of a refugee resettlement agency affiliate on the third floor of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Charleston on Aug. 1, according to Lynn Clarke, director of the group.
Antigone Mehani, who previously served as the employment services manager at another resettlement agency in Louisville, Kentucky, also begins Aug. 1. Clarke anticipates Mehani will hire one part-time employee. The agency is an affiliate of Episcopal Migration Ministries, one of nine national refugee resettlement agencies that work with the federal government and local groups to place refugees. [We learned herethat EMM is closing offices elsewhere, so why open a new and controversial office in Charleston?—ed]
Episcopal Migration Ministries has about 30 offices nationwide. In the ministry’s “resettlement communities,” local organizers assist refugees with finding health care and work, translation and other services.
Mehani will be an employee of the Episcopal Diocese of West Virginia, which will assist with administrative tasks. [One important criticism of EMM is that it keeps no separate accounting available to the public because its federal money flows directly to the church, come on Congress, where are you?—ed]
The group has raised about $100,000 in pledges, donations and grants, according to Clarke.
The refugees — people who have had to flee their homes because of war, persecution or other violence — will likely come from Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Clarke said half will be children.
Clarke said the refugees likely won’t have ties to the region, so they won’t begin arriving until the ban is no longer in effect. She anticipates arrivals in November.
“I always believed this would happen for Charleston,” she said. “There’s always been concern that things would change, but I don’t remember ever thinking that this office wouldn’t open.”
There is more, continue reading here.
(This “new” office of EMM is not listed on the recent updateof State Department subcontractors.)
Again, as I said in my previous post, you must focus your energy on getting the Trump Administration to come in with a zero ‘determination’ in September for FY18. It is my view that if they go back to some normal number—like 50,000—there will never be any incentive to EVER reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program!
I have written on many previous occasions about the controversy in Charleston, WV and visited there on my 6,000 mile tour of refugee hot spots last summer. ***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizerspaid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities. At this minute they are sending ‘abstracts’to Washington which are their personal wish lists and plans for who will be ‘welcomed’ to your towns.
Because their income is largely dependent on taxpayer dollars based on the number of refugees admitted to the US, the only way for real reform of how the US admits refugees is to remove the contractors from the process. I have ideas on how to do that, but no one in Congress every asks!