Trump halts (for now) 'refugee' flow from Malta to the US

If you have been reading RRW for ten years, you know this is like Christmas to me!


“New Americans” arriving on Malta (a nation in the European Union) from Libya (Libya the failed state thanks to Hillary/Obama). Photo:

Donald Trump’s EO on refugees stops the illegal flow of migrants who land in a safe EU country—Malta—to your towns and cities.
George Bush started this insanity and Obama continued it.
Boat people from Africa arrive as illegal aliens on Malta. International law requires that they ask for asylum in the first safe country they reach—Malta (or in the case of the failed asylum seekers Turnbull is trying to pawn off on us, Australia)—instead many are just loaded up to Anytown, USA. Many are Somalis, btw.
Where is Congress? There are many tweeks Congress could make to the Refugee Act of 1980 and one is to stop this practice of taking refugees from countries where they are perfectly safe AND WHERE IT IS THAT COUNTRY’S RESPONSIBILITY NOT OURS!

When I first began writing about this practice in 2007 or 2008 (I didn’t look back), a US State Dept. employee contacted me anonymously and told me that this “new” policy was heavily criticized internally.
If you are an ambitious reader, you might consider reading through dozens and dozens of posts I have on the topic by clicking here (or use my search window for ‘Malta.’)
Imagine my joy to see the ABC headline US halts resettlement program from Malta.
It is only for 120 days, but maybe that is time enough for Congress to do something to stop it completely.

You know, and I know, that there is no way to thoroughly screen migrants who came by boat from failed states in Africa!

Here is ABC News:

A decade-old program to resettle a fixed quota of refugees arriving in the small, southern EU nation of Malta to the United States is another casualty of President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigration.

U.S. Ambassador G. Kathleen Hill told Maltese media this week that the refugee resettlement program has been suspended for 120 days under the order.

It isn’t clear what will happen after the four months have elapsed. Hill said that the U.S. government is “reviewing the program” and the embassy is awaiting “further guidance” at the end of the 120 days.

More than 3,110 refugees have been resettled in the U.S. since 2007 to help ease pressure on Malta from the influx of migrants arriving by boat from northern Africa.

Processing country data at Wrapsnet is informative. I told you about it here not too long ago.
During the first 3 months of this fiscal year we admitted 170 of the migrants that Malta (the EU) didn’t accept and that Europeans had no will to turn back to Africa.
The first number is the case number and the second is the individual number. The ratio of cases to individuals tells us that most of those we took from Malta are single (men?).

Here comes the truth! Do-gooder refugee agencies fear job losses—theirs!

Update February 4th: Now the big boys (top nine refugee contractors) are wailing and moaning, see here.
I am just being flooded both from readers and from my alerts with articles expressing concern for refugees (you know those emotional stories they were promoting in the conference call earlier in the week), but many articles make it clear that the refugee agencies—the federal contractors—are worried about THEIR pocketbooks too.

Where is Congress? This whole refugee contractor system must be trashed! These per head payments to federal contractors for refugee placement leaves no incentive for an agency to slow the flow if a town is overloaded!

The original Refugee Act of 1980 contemplated a ‘public-private’ partnership for placing refugees around America, but what has happened over the years is that the ‘non-profits’ (they call themselves volags, short for voluntary agencies!) became dependent on greater and greater amounts of taxpayer dollars to stay afloat.
Indeed, one contractor USCRI is 97% funded by you.  In other words they have become fat and lazy on your money and so charity fundraisers put on by them are a rare sight.
It’s sort of like a Ponzi scheme!

They are paid by the head from the US State Department, so when not enough “clients” are admitted to the US, guess what? They run out of your money!

Now they are admitting it!

Nebraska resettlement agency may lose federal funding, here.

Possible layoffs at Catholic Charities as federal money dries up in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, here.

Wisconsin refugee agencies face reduced funding, here.

Oregon refugee agencies fear closure, here.

Local refugee agency fears Trump’s EO, here, in Tennessee.

Catholic agency in Rochester, New York worries staff will decline like it did during slowdown following 9/11, here.

I have no sympathy for them, they got fat on federal funding.  They should all have been figuring out how to raise private money for their ‘charities!’
And, maybe some of their CEOs like British national David Miliband will have to take a pay cut! Heck George Soros could help him out for awhile!
Readers, send me more stories like these (where they complain about having to downsize) and I will update this post!
For new readers, here are the nine major refugee contractors (the volags!), those mentioned in stories above are their subcontractors:

Administrative tweeks may help school systems cope with refugee kids, but….

….if members of Congress do not grow spines and begin to revamp/rewrite the Refugee Act of 1980, anything President Trump does now will be lost in 4 or 8 years.

And, whether Trump’s EO does even half of what it promises will depend on who becomes the Asst. Sec. of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, and who becomes the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS).

Donald Trump can’t do it alone. Tell your members of Congress and US Senators that it is time to reform US Refugee Admissions Program.

Here is Betsy McCaughey writing at the New York Post about beleaguered school districts coping with large numbers (and costs) of  refugee children the school system wasn’t expecting (due to the secrecy surrounding their placement).
I don’t have time to link all of the places we have identified in the past having such problems, but search RRW for Lancaster, PA, Amarillo, TX, Manchester, NH and Utica, NY.
New York Post (hat tip: Judy and others):

Public schools beleaguered by waves of refugees will get a breather thanks to President Trump’s executive order suspending refugee entry for 120 days. And under Trump’s new policy, when the US reopens its doors to refugees, local communities will be consulted. That beats the Obama administration’s dictatorial approach, which has overwhelmed many school districts. [Bush and all the Presidents before him did nothing to allow communities any say either—-ed]

Until now, refugee children have been placed in districts with little or no advance notice. Arriving from countries like Congo, Burma, Somalia and Syria, they speak no English and bear the signs of trauma from their ordeals. They need interpreters, counselors and attention. But often they’re placed in the poorest school districts — which can least afford them.

Refugee students with their stable of ACLU lawyers sue ‘welcoming’ Lancaster, PA for not giving refugee students a better education.

School authorities try to be welcoming, but no good deed goes unpunished. The American Civil Liberties Union is targeting these communities, claiming they’re not doing enough for refugees. On top of the costs of educating the refugees, towns are getting slapped with lawsuits and legal fees.

The State Department decides where refugees are settled. The feds pay nonprofits such as Catholic Charities to rent and furnish apartments for refugees, enroll them in English class and put their children in public school.

In New York, upstate cities like Buffalo, Syracuse and Utica are magnets for resettlement because the $900-a-month housing stipend goes a lot farther than in New York City or on Long Island.

Buffalo has absorbed 10,000 refugees in the last decade. At Lafayette High School there, 45 languages are spoken, 70 percent of students are just learning English and nearly 40 percent missed years of schooling before arriving.

More here.
BTW, George Soros is one of the ACLU’s biggest sugar-daddies!
See tag ‘Where is Congress’ on this and other refugee-related issues (hint: most are hiding!).

Open borders left, refugee contractors plan days of action

Josh Hoyt is the director.

Replacing ‘old Americans’ with ‘new Americans!’

On Monday hundreds of liberal activists and refugee resettlement agency operatives (you pay their salaries with your tax dollars) held a conference call to plan political action against President Donald Trump’s order, that calls for a moratorium for 4 months on refugee resettlement, and his order to improve vetting for  immigrants coming from dangerous terror hotspots around the world.
***Update*** I see that Breitbart also reported on this news, here yesterday with more detail.

Chicago community organizer Josh Hoyt moderated the call. You may recall that Hoyt joined ACORN organizer Wade Rathke in 2011 when they they traveled to Egypt to organize there during the Arab Spring. That worked out really well!

(Below are some of the groups that participated.)
If President Trump is cutting off federal funding to sanctuary cities how about cutting off funding for resettlement agencies who could be using federal dollars to organize against him.
The call was moderated by Joshua Hoyt, we have reported on him over the years, click here, to learn more.
They will whine about refugees.,but when you look at this list (below) and know what they are planning, it is open borders they are really pushing for—illegals, legal immigrants, it is all the same to them.
Look for the whine-fest!
In fact, on the call they said they would link their national policy agenda to emotions by using individual refugee sob stories! Refugees as pawns for their radical political agenda?
I’m going to have more about the call, but I want to get these two important dates out to you:
This Friday, February 3, they will be joining mosques around the country for a day of solidarity.
If you have a mosque near you, you might want to go out at noon and get some photos of your local activists.  They want to show loud and clear that they stand against Islamophobia! I do not recommend any counter demonstrations at the mosques.

And then on February 22nd they plan to pound Congress in their home districts with demonstrations “in their offices” to pressure them to speak out against the Trump EO.  For those asking me what to do, you should go to your local Congressional offices and counter the radicals.

I’ll have more on this later, but if I accomplish anything in the weeks and months ahead I hope it is to get you, ‘old Americans’ to understand that the pressure must be on Congress now! NOW!  The RINOs and all those who want open borders for cheap labor are undermining Donald Trump at this very minute.

These community organizers UNDERSTAND that they must focus their energy on Congress. You need to understand that too!

Here are some of the groups that participated. Most annoying is that the IRC, run by British national David Miliband, is here too!

And here are the speakers on the call:

Maria Rodriguez, Florida Immigrant Coalition / NPNA / FIRM

Jen Smyers, Church World Service

Suzanne Akhras Sahloul, Syrian Community Network

Rev. Russell Meyer, Florida Council of Churches

Hans Van De Weerd, International Rescue Committee; Chair, Refugee Council USA

Monica Fuentes, Welcoming America

Stephanie Teatro, Tennessee Immigrant Rights Coalition / NPNA / FIRM

Linda Hartke, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service

Oscar Chacon, Alianza Americas

Selena Sujoldzic, LIRS Leadership Academy, refugee from Bosnia

Naomi Steinberg, Refugee Council USA

Tell Donald Trump (here) what they are doing and tell him to cut off any federal funding to those groups possibly using federal money to organize against the President. Nothing would hurt them more!

If they succeed and get Donald Trump and Congress to back down, you will never see reform of the refugee program in your lifetime and by then it will be too late for your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren!
Remember 57% of you support Trump’s EO on a refugee moratorium!

One piece of the Trump executive order speaks to the issue of whether communities have any say in the refugee placement process

Trump Watch!

There is so much to try to absorb in the President’s Executive Order on refugees, but here is one portion to pay some attention to for those of you working in ‘pockets of resistance.’
It is Section 5 (g):

(g) It is the policy of the executive branch that, to the extent permitted by law and as practicable, State and local jurisdictions be granted a role in the process of determining the placement or settlement in their jurisdictions of aliens eligible to be admitted to the United States as refugees. To that end, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall examine existing law to determine the extent to which, consistent with applicable law, State and local jurisdictions may have greater involvement in the process of determining the placement or resettlement of refugees in their jurisdictions, and shall devise a proposal to lawfully promote such involvement.

Indeed this point, that local communities (and states!) have no say in the refugee resettlement process as it has been done for over 3 decades now is one of my basic complaints for the almost ten years I’ve been writing this blog.

Politico began whining about the Trump Administration giving more leeway to states here already a few days ago;

States and cities will find it easier to turn away even those refugees the Trump administration admits to the U.S. under the executive order issued Friday.


….a less-discussed provision in the order goes further, calling for the secretary of Homeland Security to “devise a proposal” to give state and local governments “greater involvement in the process of determining the placement or resettlement of refugees in their jurisdictions.”

Pro-refugee organizations worry that the provision will create a patchwork of refugee policies across the country and further politicize an already-controversial process.

“It just doesn’t make sense that the federal government would give a foreign-policy decision like that to the states and localities,” said Domenic Powell, an advocacy and policy strategist with the American Civil Liberties Union.

Powell said state and local leaders may cave to political pressure driven by fear of terrorism and “make decisions about refugees based on prejudice.”

Until now, authority to distribute resettlement grants and to place refugees in local communities has resided at the State Department. Trump’s order appears to shift at least some of these responsibilities to the Department of Homeland Security.

It is a good start!
I think it is a great idea for the Administration to study the issue, but it will take longer than a few months to get a full understanding of how communities/state governments have been shut-out while non-profit (non-elected!) federal contractors (like HIAS) have been busy SECRETLY picking new towns in which to place refugees.
I recommend the Administration hold field hearings in towns where controversy has been building about the way refugees are placed.

Trump can get the ball rolling, but ultimately Congress will have to change the law!

And, I’m going to be arguing that scrapping the Refugee Act of 1980 is the way to go, and if Congress and the President want a refugee program of some sort, they can write and sign a new law.

A word of caution about this idea of state (or local) governments deciding whether they will or will not welcome refugees!

Remember, this is America and people here legally can move wherever and whenever they want, and surely all of you would agree we don’t ever want that right taken away!
Therefore, if one state welcomes thousands of refugees, but its neighboring state does not, there is nothing to stop those thousands moving from the welcoming state to the unwelcoming state even within days and weeks of their arrival in the US.
In fact, that is happening all the time as Somalis resettled elsewhere in the country high-tail-it to Minnesota and Ohio as fast as they can to be with their own kind of people!
That is why the issue is much more challenging than it appears on the surface and I believe requires a much longer moratorium—the only thing that might ‘inspire’ a thorough review by Congress.
This post is filed in our Trump Watch! category, here.