Update on sending testimony to Senator Sessions' Immigration subcommittee

Update of the update!  Here is the Senate Judiciary Committee fax number: 202-224-9102.
Please revisit the post from earlier this afternoon for updated instructions on how to send your testimony.
Unfortunately, unless I get further clarification, you will need to send your testimony in the form of a letter and please mail it Monday so it has the best chance of getting there in time.
This is the Update I just posted there:
***Update***Please take the time to write letters, in a letter format, I’ve been notified by the committee staff that they can’t simply post a couple of lines of e-mails.  They have also asked that I remove the e-mail address I had originally published.  You know how important this issue is to you, so spend a little time writing a formal letter!
Sorry for all the confusion! But, honestly, you all know that saving this country isn’t going to be easy!  It will be a lot of work and take a lot of time if we are serious!

Obama's 110,000 refugee plan for 2017 is a CEILING! A Trump administration could turn off the spigot

For all the years I’ve been writing RRW (9 now), I’ve seen the Open Borders advocates and the Resettlement contractors*** try to make the President’s proposed numbers (his determination) for the upcoming fiscal year a REQUIRED GOAL.  It is not! It is a CEILING. There is no requirement that they must reach that number and in fact most times they don’t.

If Donald Trump is elected and uses his power by cutting refugee admissions, expect much wailing and gnashing of teeth from Senators Dick Durban and Patrick Leahy, two of the most important members of the Senate welcoming tens of thousands of Middle Eastern and African refugees to your towns.

I’ve posted a table below from the Refugee Processing Center so you will have some idea what the ceiling was each year since 2006 and the number they hit.
By the way, failure to reach that number can usually be attributed to not enough resettlement sites and capacity in those sites (very often a limiting factor is the availability of enough cheap housing), or it might simply be that the UNHCR hasn’t processed enough refugees for us that year.
However, I doubt that this administration in its waning months is going to be responsible and consider capacity. 

My guess is that the refugee flow is going to be on steroids for October and in to November.

If Trump is elected they will go completely insane pouring people in here before his inauguration (unless in December the lame duck Congress severely curtails their funding).
To accommodate these vast new numbers Obama has proposed, and because they are wearing out their welcome in existing resettlement sites, we are hearing that there  are as many as 47 new targeted towns to be seeded with mostly Middle Eastern and African refugees.

The Continuing Resolution, being voted on this week, will give them enough money (since the Republican leadership has failed us) to get that ball rolling in the first few months. In fact, that ball will get rolling in two days, on October first!
What about Hillary’s 65,000 Syrians?
In yesterday’s hearing someone (Sen. Sessions?) asked about Hillary’s proposed 65,000 Syrians and if there had to be any “consultation” with Congress if she is elected and wants to bring that many in the opening days of her administration. The answer is yes, probably, but what the hell is Congress going to do other than say, ‘thanks for stopping by and informing us!’  Congress’ only recourse is to stop the funding! Don’t hold your breath!
Conversely, because the Refugee Admissions Program is heavily weighted toward the President’s wishes, if Donald Trump should be elected, he has great leeway to cut back, or even propose a moratorium on Obama’s 110,000 goal. He does not have to reach the ceiling!
Of course, he would have to “consult” Congress too.  The likes of Senators Patrick Leahy and Dick Durban will be WAILING! (That would be fun to see!)
So, bottomline, Donald Trump must win the Presidency and Congress must cut the funding for the program, or we are finished.
Here is the table I mentioned above.  You will be looking at the columns labeled “ceiling” and “admitted.”
The table above is through August 31, 2016. As of today, September 29th, the FY 2016 admissions are at 84,870 with the Syrians at 12,571 (Refugee Processing Center). When you are looking at the table, note also how they completely stress-out towns (local health departments, schools, etc.) by bringing in large new batches of refugees in the last two months of the fiscal year in their zeal to hit that ceiling.
One more thing!  Do you see how far off the mark they were in 2011, that is because those two Iraqi refugee terrorists were discovered living in Kentucky and much security screening had to be repeated.
***For new readers these are the nine federal resettlement contractors who rely almost completely on funding from you, the taxpayer:

Senators Cruz and Sessions let loose in yesterday's Senate hearing on FY17 refugee plan

Yesterday the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, grilled three members of the Obama Administration on the plan to admit 110,000 refugees to the US in the next fiscal year which begins on Saturday (Oct. 1).
This is a required hearing under the Refugee Act of 1980 and we will be looking for the House hearing (where are your Reps Goodlatte and Gowdy?).

Senators Ted Cruz and Jeff Sessions were not happy (understatement!) when they heard details of so-called screening of refugees from the failed state of Syria.

Many issues were raised, but naturally the one that brought out the most angry exchanges involved the vetting process.
Leo Hohmann, of World Net Daily, watched and summarized those key points in his lengthy report, here.
This is how he begins:

President Obama’s top official responsible for vetting refugees testified before the Senate Wednesday that it’s possible for people from Syria and other terrorist-infested countries to have their refugee applications approved based simply on personal interviews with a “highly trained” immigration officer.

Leon Rodriguez, director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, could not deny that in many cases there is no data from the refugee’s home country that would corroborate or refute his story. He tried to reassure the committee by saying the screening process is lengthy and continuously being improved, noting that the United Nations pre-screens the refugees before his office even sees them.

Under questioning from Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Rodriguez at first avoided giving a direct answer on whether it was possible to gain admission as a refugee based solely on an interview. That infuriated Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., who chairs the subcommittee on immigration and the national interest. His subcommittee conducted the hearing Wednesday on Obama’s refugee plans for fiscal year 2017, which begins Saturday, Oct. 1.

Obama plans to bring 110,000 refugees to the United States in 2017, up from 85,000 in 2016 and 70,000 in 2015.

The administration has exceeded its 2016 target on Syrian refugees by 30 percent, resettling 12,500 in dozens of U.S. cities and towns, rather than the 10,000 it had promised the U.N.

At Wednesday’s hearing, administration officials refused to say how many refugees they intend to bring in from Syria in fiscal 2017, only that it would likely exceed the 12,500 brought this year. (See my post on that portion of hearing, here.)

Nor did they say how many would come from Somalia, Iraq, Burma, Afghanistan and other hotbeds of Sunni radicalism.

When the subject turned to the process of “vetting” the refugees, sparks began to fly.

Continue reading and see embedded clips (sparks flying) from the hearing.

At Senate hearing, US State Department refuses to say how many Syrians in next year's flow

I’m writing and listening to the hearing in the US Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest.  Eventually, when the video is available, you should all take a couple of hours and watch this.  Right now Senator Al Franken is talking and doing the ‘my grandfather came from Russia and read the poem on the Statue of Liberty (his ignorance is so profound) act.’

Henshaw says the White House hasn’t told them yet about how many Syrians will be in next year’s migration stream.

One of the things that continues to amaze me, it shouldn’t, and that is the Left is always focused on emotions and the facts be damned!
But I digress…..

One big piece of news is that the Obama Administration is refusing to say how many Syrians they want to see admitted beginning Saturday (the first day of the fiscal year).

Simon Henshaw Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration U.S. Department of State told Senator Grassley only that it would be more than 12,500.
Grassley quipped (I’m paraphrasing), ‘is that because it’s a hot political item.’
Yes, exactly. They know the public would go crazy to hear that we were going to bring in 20,000, 30,000 or more.
The subject of Hillary’s 65,000 Syrian Muslim (98% are Sunni Muslims) proposal was raised and Senator Sessions wanted to know, if she becomes President, could she get that number.  Henshaw answered that the President can change the numbers ‘with consultation with Congress.’ So, that would mean that Donald Trump would have the same power!
We previously reported that a resettlement contractor told an audience in California that 20,000-30,000 is the Syrian target number.
At this moment Senator Cruz is doing a really good job of making the point about the high Syrian Muslim population being admitted to the US in contrast to the tiny number of Christians.