This is the same hearingthat the Dept. of State said they couldn’t attend last week because they were too busy hobnobbing at the United Nations. One of those scheduled to testify is Bob Carey the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (HHS). Carey came to his government job from a major refugee contracting job at the International Rescue Committee. He had previously served as chair of the Refugee Council USA, the lobbying arm for the refugee industry. (Revolving door!)
The hearing in Sessions’ subcommittee ‘Immigration and the National Interest’ will be this coming Wednesday, the 28th.
Go herefor details. I’m thinking that maybe you should tell your US Senators on Monday and Tuesday to take the time this week to attend Sessions’ hearing so they won’t be so ignorant about this program that is changing (and endangering!) America. It is a good excuse to call them.
Heck, you could even tell your House Members to walk across the Hill and stop in since the House Judiciary Committee (Rep. Trey Gowdy is Sessions’ counterpart in the House) isn’t doing anything.
Again, check out the Senate Subcommittee website here. I expect they will be live-streaming the event.
For a reminder of what happened at this same hearing last year, go here.
And, by the way, until Sessions’ hearing last year, Congress had not been doing its legally required hearing on the Presidential Determination. I believe that hearing was the first since 9/11. Here is what I saidlast year about the law! LOL! I wonder if there is anyway to sue the House Judiciary Committee for breaking the law?
One week ago today we had two Islamic terror attacks perpetrated by a refugee and another by a man whose family we gave political asylum to…
And, one week from today, October 1, 2016 expect the flood gates to open as the Obama Administration’s 110,000 refugees begin to flow into your towns.The word coming from the over-joyed refugee industry itself is that 20,000-30,000 will be Syrian (mostly Sunni) Muslim refugees. Frankly, I expect Obama’s open-borders-pushers throughout the government will see these last nearly 4 months of Obama’s presidency as their opportunity to go on an orgy—admitting refugees with complete abandon—especially as they know there seems to be no will in Congress to stop him!
Forget Obama! These two men, Senator Mitch McConnell and Rep. Paul Ryan, are DIRECTLY responsible for the refugee flow to your towns and cities. I wonder does McConnell have a wall around his home like Ryan does?
For right now, forget your mayors, your city councils, your state legislators and your governors with their lawsuits, there are eight key people (all REPUBLICANS) who could stop the invasion if they wanted to join forces: In the Senate it is Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, Subcommittee Chairman Jeff Sessions and Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad Cochran.
In the House it is Speaker Paul Ryan, Judiciary Chairman Bob Goodlatte, Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy, and Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers.
Only one so far, and that is Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions, has the guts to stand up for sanity as Obama brings in thousands upon thousands of refugees. Forget security for a minute and consider how unsustainable Obama’s plan is on a fiscal level.
Thanks for listening to my tirade! Here are the Top Three Posts of the week. No surprise, they all relate to the St. Cloud Somali terror attack of last Saturday night.
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Want to keep up with all the news from your favorite writers on this issue? Visit Richard Falknor’s Blue Ridge Forum for his excellent blogroll! It’s one-stop shopping! Click here where Richard has hot links to so many great websites and writers. You won’t have to search all over the web every day for all of the important news on this issue and others, your sources are right there in the right hand column blogroll.
I’m headed over there now to see what is new!
The Refugee Act of 1980requires a hearing in both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees on the Presidential ‘determination’ on the number of refugees the President is proposing for the upcoming fiscal year—in advance of the fiscal year.
FY2017 begins a week from today!
We know that Senator Jeff Sessions scheduled a hearing and that the Obama State Department refused to attend (see here). ***Update*** Senate hearing postponed from last week is now scheduled for Wednesday the 28th of September. Details here. But where is the House? Rep. Trey Gowdy is Chairman of the subcommittee responsible for the Refugee Admissions Program. He did not sign the Babin letter where more than 30 of his colleagues (found the time to sign) are asking that funding be stopped for refugees coming from terrorist-producing regions of the world. We are told that Gowdy has since written his own PRIVATE letter to Speaker Ryan on the subject. If there is a letter (doubtful). Why the secrecy? I just checked the House Judiciary Committee hearing schedule and there is nothing scheduled this week on the largest and most dangerous number of refugees we have proposed to admit to the US probably ever!
Immigration Subcommittee Chairman Trey Gowdy has a hearing scheduled this week on how New Orleans became a sanctuary city, but nothing else.
(It is Gowdy’s subcommittee that would be responsible for reforming the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, but no one in 30 years, including Gowdy, has had the guts to tackle it.)
I’m sure that New Orleans illegal alien problem is a very important issue, but….
…no where near as important as 110,000 refugees (20,000-30,000 Syrians) arriving in the US beginning next Saturday!
And, so far, Chairman of the full committee, Rep. Bob Goodlatte, doesn’t have any hearing scheduled either when you know that the Administration will open the flood gates in October trying to get as many of their 110,000 in here before Obama leaves office in January.
Are Goodlatte and Gowdy going to sit by silently and watch?
I want you to have a look at the Congressional calendar (below) as it stands right now for the last few months and through the end of they year. They can’t wait to get that Continuing Budget Resolution (CR) done and get out of DC so they can campaign.
And, the reason we once again will be looking at a Budget rush-job is that Congress (under the leadership of Speaker Paul Ryan) once again did not get their work done in a timely fashion.
Look at this calendar! Frankly they shouldn’t be off for 6 weeks beginning this Friday!
Most recent calendar I could find, there may be an updated one.
But, don’t despair, you have perhaps one of the best opportunities to make their lives miserable as the majority of your representatives will be up for re-election on November 8th. You will need to reach them in their districts on this, in my opinion, the most critical issue this country faces—immigration and specifically refugee resettlement! Be at every townhall they hold. Picket their offices and their homes if you must to get their attention.
Don’t let any member of the House, or US Senator, tell you it is too late for this year! They will be coming back to finish the budget during the lame duck session and you need to ‘educate’ them at home because they can cut out funding for the refugee program in the lame duck! More on that later.
BTW, I don’t know where they are at the moment on the CR (short term funding of the federal government), but keep telling them you want the Refugee Admissions Program defunded (use the word moratorium!) because as frustrating as it is trying to get through to them, your persistence alone sends them a warning message about how important this issue is to you (and to the future of America!).
For any of you who want to read-up on the issue, everything I’ve written on Congress’ role as the branch of government that doles out the money for Obama’s programs is tagged ‘Where is Congress.’
Just to recap, Obama’s final ‘determination’ sent to Capitol Hill a week ago calls for a ceiling*** of 110,000 refugees from all over the world for Fiscal year 2017 which begins in 8 days. He did not indicate how many of those would be Syrians but recently we learnedthat 20,000-30,000 would likely be Syrian Muslims. Hillary and John Podesta (working for George Soros) started the Center for American Progress and you can bet if she gets in the White House, the two of them will open the floodgates to the third world.
Thanks to Richard at Blue Ridge Forum for spotting this story at the Center for American Progress (CAP) where the resettlement contractors and their friends spell out what they really want. They want the 110,000 to be a floor and not a ceiling and they want 100,000 Syrian Muslims on top of 110,000 other refugees.
They also drop some astounding numbers about how many billions of dollars they want from the REPUBLICAN Congress. Hereis the story from earlier in the week:
After a slow start in fiscal year 2016—in which, by the end of May, the United States had only resettled one-quarter of its stated commitment of 10,000 Syrian refugees—the administration announced on August 29 that it had hit its target. According to the administration’s report to Congress laying out its 2017 resettlement goals—the “Proposed Refugee Admissions for Fiscal Year 2017”—the administration now believes it will surpass its original goal, bringing in up to 13,000 Syrians by the end of September.
Most importantly, the report to Congress makes clear that the United States will surpass even the commitment made by Secretary of State John Kerry in September 2015 to bring in 100,000 refugees in FY 2017: It raises the target for resettlement in FY 2017 to 110,000 refugees.
Human Rights First, for example, has called for the administration to admit 100,000 Syrians next year in addition to 100,000 refugees from the rest of the world.
Whatever number of Syrians the administration ultimately decides to admit, it should view the commitment to resettling 110,000 total refugees in FY 2017 as a floor, rather than a ceiling, and should do everything in its power to increase the number of refugees admitted.
They know what we have been trying to say for weeks! Congress has the power to slow the invasion if they want to because the resettlement contractors have virtually no money of their own.
They need your money to change your towns!
CAP continues:
Funding is critical, and the ball is in Congress’ court
While the Obama administration has stepped up to raise the numbers of refugees to be resettled, Congress has not, to date, provided a corresponding increase in the funds available to ensure that these individuals are able to resettle smoothly, find livelihoods, and become self-sufficient soon after arrival—a key goal of the U.S. refugee program.
The funding Congress appropriated for FY 2016 was based on an estimate of only 75,000 refugees being resettled. When the administration raised its target to 85,000 refugees, Congress did not increase the funding to match. This means that over the past year, the government has had to resettle more refugees with fewer funds. To make matters worse, Congress will most likely only fund the government for the remainder of the calendar year using a continuing resolution—a stopgap, short-term funding bill rather than a full-year appropriation—likely holding the amount of funding for resettlement to FY 2016 levels. This will become all the more difficult to sustain as the number of refugees admitted grows to 110,000.
Take the Office of Refugee Resettlement, or ORR, as an example. This agency helps integrate newly arrived refugees into American life and society, providing financial and medical assistance, social work and case management, and language and job training programs. It also has primary responsibility for the housing and care of unaccompanied children who arrive in the United States. In FY 2016, the ORR received a little less than $1.7 billion to accomplish these tasks. With an increase in the numbers of both refugees being resettled and unaccompanied children arriving, however, ORR’s budget is stretched thin.
The Refugee Council USA (mentioned below) is the lobbying arm of the resettlement industry in Washington.
The administration’s FY 2017 budget, based on the original goal of resettling 100,000 refugees, calls for the ORR to receive about $2.2 billion, while Refugee Council USA—the main umbrella group for organizations working to resettle and protect refugees—has called for the ORR to receive $2.95 billion. Either way, Congress must come together to provide more funding to the agency.
The Continuing Budget Resolution as it now stands has barely half that much and we are urging Congress to cut even more deeply. Keep calling them and tell them that you know they, the Republican leadership, hold the cards—not Obama!
We have written a lot about the Refugee Council USA and also about the Center for American Progress, so please use our search function if you want to learn more.
***On this ‘ceiling’ issue: for all the time I have been writing this blog, the industry has been working to make sure the ceiling is met. But, it is only a ceiling. The President can, during the course of the year, go below the ceiling and in some earlier years a president has. So it strikes me that if Donald Trump is elected, he could very well just (at minimum) go way below the ‘ceiling’ (tell his Secretary of State to slow it down) after he is inaugurated without even initiating a battle (over Obama’s last determination) in the opening months of his administration.
I don’t know exactly what is happening. I don’t have any inside track, but since you all have been calling your members of Congress to defund the Refugee Admissions Program (Rep. Babin’s strategy is a good one), I need to tell you what some House Republicans proposed two days ago. Republican Congressional leaders have been enabling Obama for years. And, they are about to do it again on refugee funding. Why? Go here to page 8 of HR 6071(Title III Ensuring vetting of refugees to Keep Americans Safe).
It is the same old scam they tried to pull last year where the Director of the FBI and the Director of National Intelligence would certify that individual refugees from only Iraq and Syria would have to be ‘certified’ terror free.
This is what Senator Jeff Sessions said last yearwhen Congress was addressing the same issue!
The Republican Congress decides how many are brought to America by how much funding they make available.
Senator Jeff Sessions last year:
There is only one true check now against the President going it alone: Congressional funding. In his annual budget request, the President asked for more than $1 billion to fund the Refugee Admissions Program. All Congress has to do is make clear that the President’s funding request will not be granted unless he meets certain necessary Congressional requirements – the first of which should be to make clear that Congress, not the President, has the final say on how many refugees are brought into the United States and from where.
Apparently negotiations are on-going between the House and Senate to get the Continuing Budget Resolution done so they can get home to campaign so they can get back in there in January and not do their work again next year.
Will let you know what I learn later today or tomorrow (you may know before me!).
See my tag ‘Where is Congress’ for everything I’ve written on the funding issue in recent weeks.