Immigration: Legal or Illegal it’s all the same to many

I guess things have not calmed down in Waterbury, CT, at least according to this letter to the editor to the Republican American.  The letter writer is director of something called CT Citzens for Immigration Control.  Notice that it doesn’t specify “illegal” immigration.   In my post on Maryland a few days ago, I tried, perhaps inarticulately, to make the point that increasingly citizens fed up with illegal immigration have begun to make no distinction between legal and illegal.

So, when refugee promoters continue to cozy up to groups and individuals promoting ‘open borders’ it will definitely be hurting the refugee cause.

Here is a portion of Paul Streitz’ letter:

Letter to Editor
Republican American, Waterbury, CT

The International Institute of Connecticut claims on its website, “we have assisted over 7000 people each year integrate into American life. We have paved the way for them to find a place to live, to find employment, to learn English and to generally improve their lives and be happy and adjusted in their new country.” These are for profit organizations engaged in trafficking human cargo, paid for by the U.S. State Department. They bring over hapless people to Waterbury, dump them in roach invested apartments, and then abandon them after ninety days to local welfare. What great humanitarians!!


Lewiston, Maine has 2,000 Somalis, with about 13,000 [82,230] in the United States. The problems of the world are dumped on unsuspecting towns and cities across the United States. Welfare, fights in schools, endless charges of racism, xenophobia, etc.


The best solution to this problem is to return the Burmese, Somalis and Hmong. Pay them off and set them up in their own countries. They would be better off and so would citizens of the United States.

Paul Streitz
CT Citizens for Immigration Control


We have covered the controversy in Waterbury, CT extensively here.