Rasmussen: 46% of Americans say ‘no’ to more Haitian refugees

Here is a report from last week (hat tip: Susan) about results of a poll by the Rasmussen group on Haiti.

Authorities are preparing for a potential surge of Haitian refugees to the United States following their country’s horrific earthquake.

Though the surge has yet to materialize, the latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that just 31% of Americans believe Haitian refugees should be invited to live here. Forty-six percent (46%) say the refugees should not be invited to live in the United States. Another 22% remain undecided.

They asked many more questions relating to the earthquake crisis, read it all.

Former Congressman, consummate insider lobbyist, Dan Glickman to head Refugees International

I guess that is what a lobbying group needs, a lobbyist who knows the ropes in Washington.  And, surely a lobbyist who headed the Motion Picture Association of America is just the ticket to head a refugee organization.  Maybe its Glickman’s old contacts on the Intelligence Committee that commends him for the job.

Refugees International must have a lot of money kicking around to hire this guy, but then again keeping refugees flowing to the US, keeping the climate refugee issue alive, and mucking around in international affairs is a big job.

From the Capital-Journal:

A former 4th Congressional District representative has been named president of Refugees International, the leading advocacy organization on refugee crises worldwide, the agency announced Friday.

Dan Glickman served in the U.S. House of Representatives for 18 years, beginning in 1974. During his time in Congress, he was a member of the House Agriculture Committee, the House Judiciary Committee, and chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

He currently serves as Chairman and CEO of the Motion Picture Association of America and will start at Refugees International in April.

“While I have truly enjoyed my experience at the MPAA, it is time for me to return to my true passion: public service,” said Mr. Glickman.

“Refugees International has important work to do and I can’t sit on the sidelines as the world sees more and more people forced from their homes every day. I am very excited about this extraordinary opportunity to make a significant difference in the lives of the most vulnerable people in the world.”

Glickman succeeds the late Ken Bacon* who became president of Refugees International in 2001 and led the organization until his death in August.

“I could not be more enthusiastic that Dan has chosen to lead Refugees International,” said Farooq Kathwari**, Chair of Refugees International’s Board of Directors and Chairman and CEO of Ethan Allen.

Readers, if you have any information on Glickman send it our way!

* Political junkies will recall that Ken Bacon was the Pentagon spokesman during the Clinton/Monica Lewinsky scandal who released Linda Tripp’s personel file to the media causing the media to focus their ire on Tripp (to destroy her) which played a role in saving Clinton’s bacon.

** Farooq Kathwari is involved with the Kashmiri separatist movement.  His son died a jihadist in Afghanistan.  Here is just one of several posts on Kathwari.

Kansas City update: profile of an African family’s continued troubles

We first reported problems with refugees in Kansas City, MO, here on January 6th.  Now, here is an update (I’m a little late since this incident was reported twelve days ago) about one African family featured in the earlier report at The Pitch.   This time they lost their heat and electricity.

I urge readers to read the entire article because it will give you a good idea of the insanity of the program whether you are a reader who wants more refugees to come to the US, or if you oppose the program altogether. 

Read the comments and note that one commenter defends Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) and says they have no control over the number of refugees they resettle.  YES THEY DO!  They can say ‘no’ to their parent federal contractor, in this case the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (known as USCRI).

However, in light of the news from the Obama Administration we reported two days ago that the federal taxpayer is going to fork over double the amount agencies were paid per head to resettle refugees (while apparently not slowing the flow into the US), it is highly unlikely USCRI will slow the flow to JVS—consider it a kind of ponzi scheme.

Anyway, here is The Pitch on the Burundian family:

In late November, Foibe Nibitanga spoke clearly and calmly about the challenges her family faced since arriving in Kansas City. On Sunday, her assertive demeanor had disappeared. With a handful of her eight children pouncing on an old couch beside her, Nibitanga’s words were quiet and her eyes were wet.

The Burundian family is among the hundreds of refugees resettled by Jewish Vocational Service using government dollars. By JVS’ own admission, money is tight and the organization is challenged to make ends meet for the large number of newcomers. The first few weeks, Nibitanga told The Pitch, her family suffered food shortages, wasn’t taken for medical screenings and feared for their security after a relative was injured during an attempted burglary of their Prospect Avenue apartment. (Officials at JVS insist Nibitanga was given all necessary provisions and services.)

On Sunday, she was even more fearful. Last week, she says, the lights went dark and the heat petered out in their apartment. Making her even more anxious: JVS officials told her that, from here on out, she’s on her own when it comes to paying her bills.


Nibitanga receives food stamps and cash assistance from the state, but she doesn’t think it will be enough to sustain her family. She says she’s strong and willing to work, but has only been taken to one job interview since she arrived in October. Because she can’t speak even basic English yet, she can’t find employment on her own.

As I read this I’m thinking how on earth could a woman with 8 children be able to hold down a job to support the family, but note there is a father.  What is up with that?  Why isn’t he out job hunting?  What is this about him turning down a job?

The article ends with this:

Standing in the chilly apartment, Nibitanga is quick to consider whether her family would be better off in the refugee camp in Tanzania.

“Africa,” she says quickly, “is much better.”

Read it all!

Haitian “orphan” ping pong

Update February 3:  No Haitian orphans going to San Antonio, yet, here.

In the wake of the horrible earthquake in Haiti we have reported on efforts of do-gooders to round-up the “orphans” and bring them to the US.   Most notably it was all over the news about  Pennsylvania Democratic Governor Ed Rendell organizing a mission within days of the quake to bring 50-plus orphans to PA.  Also, Catholic Charities was getting in gear for a massive recreation of Operation Pedro Pan.

Now comes a report that cooler heads are prevailing, and agencies such as the International Rescue Committee (I can’t believe I’m agreeing with the IRC and this radical publication!*) are obviously at odds with Catholic Charities.

International Social Services and the International Rescue Committee concur, stating “in general, international adoption should not take place in a situation of war or natural disaster, given that these events make it impossible to verify the personal and family situation of children. Any operation to adopt or to evacuate children that are victims of the earthquake to another country must be absolutely avoided, as was the case during the 2004 tsunami….”

A professor in the Netherlands tells readers to follow the money! 

The Quebec government has followed the advise of these experts, putting a hold on new adoption applications for Haitian children while the U.S. and the Dutch have sent planes to bring children out of Haiti in the midst of the recovery efforts despite Professor Rene Hoksbergen of Utrecht University, the Netherlands, warning that authorities should take great care in dealing with orphans from such a disaster, fearing the hurried evacuation could send a wrong signal.

“You have to be very careful in adopting these children from a country in chaos,” he said. “It might look like when a country is a disaster it is easy to adopt children there.” Worse still is the fear of all NGOs of corrupt baby brokers and opportunistic child traffickers using such disasters to their advantage.

When confused by pro and con statements about adoption, with both sides claiming to have the best interest of children at heart…follow the money.

Adoption agencies, even religious and non-profit rely on the redistribution of children to pay their bills, including salaries. This motivates their “concerns.” They have lobbyists that pressure government into quick “feel good” bills and “rescue” actions that don’t always look so quite so good in hindsight, and by those “rescued” and their families – or snatched – depending on your point of view.

I’ll reiterate my opinion, with all this foreign concern and presumably funds, these agencies should set up first rate orphanages in Haiti and make every effort to reunite Haitian children with their families, a project that might take a couple of years.

*  Read the whole article. I think they have picked a few cases, and possibly overstated them, where “orphans” were hurt by quick action.  But some were surely helped and within those groups they cite I feel sure there are many former “orphans” who are glad they were saved.  Surely, all those little Jewish girls saved from the Nazis did not go into mental institutions.  Still, I concur with the general theme of this article—keep the kids in Haiti until the crisis is over, and try to find their families!

Supreme Court to hear Somali case? Do we protect war criminals?

That is what All Gov* is reporting yesterday.  Here is the whole story from Noel Brinkerhoff:

The former head of Somalia’s military is now the focus of a potential landmark case before the U.S. Supreme Court which will decide whether foreign officials now living in the country can be subject to U.S. law.

Mohamed Ali Samantar, once Somalia’s minister of defense under the Siad Barre regime in the 1980s, now lives in Fairfax, Virginia. He has been accused by some Somalis of overseeing a campaign of torture, imprisonment and executions directed at political prisoners. The allegations include authorizing the 1988 military attacks that killed more than 5,000 people in Hargeisa, the nation’s second largest city.

The Center for Justice & Accountability has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Somali survivors who want Samantar punished for his actions. The case, Yousuf v. Samantar, relies on the Torture Victim Protection Act which Congress passed in 1991. The law states that foreign government officials accused of torture who now live in the U.S. can be accountable under American law as long as there is no effective judicial system in the country where the crimes were committed. Plaintiffs are arguing that the chaotic state of Somalia today makes it impossible to bring Samantar to justice back home.

Samantar insists that he is protected from legal action in the U.S. under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act which grants immunity from American lawsuits to government officials from other nations.

I’m not a lawyer but I wonder if this case will have some bearing eventually on Gitmo prisoners  should they be released in the US (I heard about the possible release of some on a  talking-head show yesterday).

*  I was not aware of All Gov (Everything our Government really does) before I saw this story, but it’s an interesting website, check it out.