$4 million involved in food stamp fraud conviction in Columbus

A reader sent me this story from Columbus, Ohio yesterday. What do you know, another Somali former refugee is convicted of food stamp fraud!  See a similar story I just posted less than three weeks ago from Michigan, here.  

From the Columbus Dispatch:

A federal jury returned eight guilty verdicts yesterday against a Somali immigrant involved in a $4 million food-stamp fraud scheme.

Shuceeb Geedi, 51, showed no emotion as bailiff Andy Quisumbing read the verdicts in U.S. District Court in Columbus. About 10 of Geedi’s friends and relatives remained silent.

After the verdicts, Assistant U.S. Attorney Dave Bosley said investigators from the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S. Department of Agriculture saved taxpayers millions by stopping the fraud.

Geedi was released on his own recognizance. [What a joke, facing 80 years do you think this guy is going to hang around—ed].   A sentencing date has not been set. He could be sent to prison for 80 years.

He was found guilty on all charges – fraud, money laundering, conspiracy and theft – for exchanging food stamps and Women, Infants and Children program vouchers for cash and phone cards at two Columbus markets.

He and seven other men were indicted in January 2008 for the scheme, which involved four markets that catered to the Somali community and lasted from January 2002 to August 2006.

Federal prosecutors said Geedi played a key role as manager of two of the stores.

Geedi’s attorney argued that a culture and language gap kept him from knowing it was wrong!  What a crock of you know what.  This is one of dozens and dozens of similar stories I’ve come across in three years of Muslims (Africans, Pakistanis or Middle Easterners) involved in this massive fraud on the US taxpayer. 

The defense argued that a culture and language gap prevented Geedi from knowing his actions were wrong. A translator was at Geedi’s side throughout the trial.

I sure hope that in addition to these isolated raids (where the local media acts like theirs is an isolated case) the feds are looking into a wider scheme that encourages immigrants to set up such operations where you can be sure some of your taxpayer dollars are being sent abroad.  Then get this—AUTHORITIES DON’T EVEN KNOW WHO OWNS THIS STORE!

Defense attorney James D. Owen said prosecutors didn’t have enough proof to convict his client. Witnesses were even inconsistent about who owned and operated the stores, Owen said.

Another raid!

Just as I was working on this post, I see there is another raid of a convenience store, this time in St. Paul.  The article doesn’t tell us who owns and operates this store, but a video news account shows a man said to be the owner (who is obviously a Middle Easterner) leaving the store.   One neighbor said that the store did so much “business” with people taking in food stamps that she had to wait in line for half an hour to buy a candy bar.

Update September 18th***    Law enforcement must be on a roll!  Here felony charges for food stamp fraud filed against three more immigrant run businesses in Toledo this time. 

For more information:  Use our search function for ‘food stamp fraud’ for dozens more cases like this one.   If I had known this was such a widespread scam when I first discovered it occurring in my county seat in 2007, I would have made a whole category for the topic!

Report: homegrown terrorism the real threat, but we thought they would assimilate

On the eve of 9/11 The Bipartisan Policy Center released this report* entitled ‘Assessing the Terrorist Threat’ about the biggest threat to America now isn’t Islamic extremists who slip into the US and fly planes into buildings.   The threat now is from Islamic supremacists in our midst, including former refugees.

I found this story on a Somali on-line publication called Duhur, but it’s a Star Tribune story that Duhur doesn’t credit or link.

The article discusses the on-going saga of the Somali missing youths, a story we began following in earnest here in 2008.  If you are new to the story, read the article or review our dozens and dozens of posts on the subject. 

This made me laugh:

But, but, but we thought the magic melting pot would work!

Officials have believed that the nation’s melting pot of nationalities and religions would protect it from internal radical strife, the report said.

‘Fundamentally troubling’

The terrorists, said the report, may have discovered America’s “Achilles heel in that we currently have no strategy to counter the type of threat posed by homegrown terrorists and other radicalized recruits.”

“It is fundamentally troubling, given this collection of new threats and new adversaries directly targeting America, that there remains no federal government agency or department specifically charged with identifying radicalization and interdicting the recruitment of U.S. citizens or residents for terrorism. … America is thus vulnerable to a threat that is not only diversifying, but arguably intensifying.”

Federal officials have acknowledged the need to address the radicalization problem, and for the first time, the White House this year added combating homegrown terrorism to its national security strategy.

According to the report, “as the ranks of U.S. recruits have grown, the new front lines have become the streets of Bridgeport, Denver, Minneapolis and other big and small communities across America.”

I’ve been reading and studying about Islamic supremacism and the Islamic Jihad imperative for the last five years or so and I can assure you that experts like Robert Spencer at Jihad Watch, Steve Emerson at The Investigative Project on Terrorism and Pamela Geller at Atlas Shrugs (among many other excellent investigators in the anti-Jihad movement) have been warning the federal government about this since before 9/11.  They must all be saying, ‘told you so!’  

Waaaahhh!  If only we had resources (your tax dollars) the Somali youths wouldn’t be leaving for Jihad training.

Many Americans, and especially American reporters, simply can’t get past their erroneous idea that Islamic radicalism comes from poverty rather than from the Jihad imperative of Islam itself.  See this last section of the Star Tribune piece:

Still, communication and understanding may not be enough, said Abdirizak Bihi, head of the Somali Education and Social Advocacy Center in Minneapolis. The seeds of radicalization may be sown in the hopelessness felt by Somali youth here.

An uncle of a Minneapolis man killed in Somalia, Bihi has been working to give local Somalis alternatives to the seduction of Al-Shabab. But winning the hearts and minds of young Somalis has been stymied by a lack of resources and a seeming indifference on the part of local public officials, he said.

For the past few days, he’s been trying scrounge up enough cash to keep a gym open for basketball.

“It all comes down to resources. There are no resources for Somali-American youth,” he said. “Eighty percent of them who are employable are unemployed. They are isolated from their own community and from the larger community.

Abdirizak Bihi knows better, he is a sensible man.  We have written about him on many previous occasions (archive for posts mentioning Bihi is here).  He knows and we know that available basketball courts do not trump the religious imperative to join the Jihad!

* The report will be downloaded into your computer, so if you don’t want to see the whole report, skip the download.

Surprise, refugees stressed because there are no jobs

As the end of the fiscal year approaches on September 30th we see that the US has admitted 60,566 (figures as of July 31, here) refugees to that date with 14,836 of those being Iraqis.  President Obama, this time last year, pledged to aim to bring a record 80,000 refugees to the US during the recession. It will be interesting to see what the figures are for August which should be available shortly.  I’m guessing they are trying really hard to pour in the refugees in the final weeks in an effort to come close to their goal.

Meanwhile, of course, the complaints keep coming that there is no work for large numbers of these refugees.  Here is a report from Oregon:

But less than half of the refugees coming to the U.S. this year will find work, according to Kay Bellor. She’s the vice president of the International Rescue Committee. Bellor says the bad economy has caused refugees to experience stress levels similar to the trauma they faced in their home countries, even for Iraqi refugees who’ve just left a war zone [emphasis mine].

Kay Bellor: And to come seeking safety and have the safety, but then realize you’re faced with the possibility of not being able to keep that roof over your head, it’s a huge strain on the refugees.

It’s a strain that employment specialist Lucy Merlot knows all too well. She says refugees face evictions. Some have turned to illegal activities like dealing drugs and prostitution. Merlot says they’re getting desperate and frustrated, even with her.

Merlot (Lucy who works for Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization: They are trusting that we are going to be their saviors, and the reality is we are trying our best to assist them, but we have our hands tied.

Merlot and the relief agency she works for have their own set of challenges. IRCO recently laid off a handful of staff members to keep the books in the black. For now, its budget is safe, until the new fiscal year begins in October. After that, even Lucy Merlot may be looking for work.

Shortly, if its not out already and as the recession continues, we will see how many refugees President Obama will be proposing for admission to the US in FY2011.

Watch and weep….

…. and never forget. 

Every American should watch this powerful presentation as we approach the 9th anniversary of that tragic day we call simply 9/11.   I don’t know what else to say but thank God for Pamela Geller.

Update September 12th:  Be sure to see Pamela’s post about the rally yesterday here.   I recommend scrolling back to all her posts over the last day, especially note the hit job Fox’s Geraldo did on the 75% of Americans that think the mosque should be elsewhere.

No sympathy from me for meatpackers!

Regular readers know I have been out of the loop lately, preoccupied elsewhere, and so I’m late on some of these stories that have broken in the last two weeks.   I wanted to be sure to get this posted however because it’s a subject we followed minute by minute two years ago and have a whole category on the topic here (Greeley/ Swift/ Somali controversy).

So, here we go at the Huffington Post, two years after the fact, Swift is being sued by the EEOC  (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) for religious discrimination. The stealth jihad in all its glory.

DENVER — Muslim Somali workers at two JBS Swift & Co. meatpacking plants in Colorado and Nebraska face ongoing harassment because of their race and religion, including being prevented from getting a drink at one of the plants after fasting all day during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission alleges.

A lawsuit filed by the EEOC late Monday in U.S. District Court in Denver alleges JBS officials shut off water fountains at its Greeley meatpacking plant, keeping Muslim Somali workers from getting a drink at sundown.

The suit says the water fountain incident happened in September 2008 and is part of a pattern of religious and racial harassment that continues at the plant. Workers also are denied prayer time and face termination for asking to pray, according to the lawsuit, which names as plaintiffs more than 80 current and former employees.

A second lawsuit filed by the EEOC in U.S. District Court in Omaha, Neb., alleges similar acts at the company’s meatpacking plant in Grand Island, Neb.

Swift officials did not immediately return messages. Many workers named in the suit could not be reached for comment.

Why no sympathy from me, because these giant meatpacking companies (some not even American companies! JBS Swift is Brazilian-owned) have been hustling immigrant labor for a long time simply to avoid paying the higher wages that would keep American workers (see CIS study here).  I am also convinced that they are getting additional benefits (tax breaks?) from the federal government for hiring refugees.   Some meatpackers even have gone so far as to lure hordes of Somalis from one American city to the next for such employment causing economic and social stress in small cities and towns that have to accommodate the influx.

The meatpackers have been a driving force behind refugee resettlement for at least as far back as the Clinton Administration, here.   Readers, this is not about a humanitarian concern for the world’s downtrodden.