Open Borders gang wants more Africans admitted to US and questions DNA testing requirement

That is basically the gist of the post at a blog called Immigration Impact.

Who are these political activists pretending to be non-partisan policy analysts?  Frankly, I don’t know exactly because I see they reference the Immigration Policy Center which is an arm of the American Immigration Council which is itself a spin-off of the American Immigration Law Foundation.  By the way, Guidestar says of AILF (whose file doesn’t open there):

AILF promotes public understanding of immigration law and policy through education, policy analysis, and support to litigators. We seek to counter anti-immigrant groups that would close America’s doors to future newcomers, making the case that America is a Nation of Immigrants.

My point in stating this, about the tangle of groups, is that this is typical of organizations most likely connected to George Soros and/or the Tides Foundation—one cannot follow the money trail partially because they are always changing names and spinning off new groups and casual readers believe them to be independent analysts when in fact they are activists.

Family reunification fraud

But, back to my story today.  Regular readers are well aware of the the fraud that was discovered in the P-3 (family reunification program) of the US State Department.  It was learned in 2008 that as many as 80% of the refugees entering the US as family members (primarily from East Africa) arrived here falsely claiming a family relationship to others already here.  The State Department puts the estimate of the number of illegal Africans (largely Somali) at 36,000 admitted from 2003-2008.

Now the State Department is getting ready to re-open the P-3 program that has been suspended since 2008.   It is imperative that anyone concerned about re-opening the program with some evident loop holes, should send comments in response to the Federal Register posting.   (Reader Tony Lee, gives us instructions on some problems we can raise, here).

Now to that Immigration Impact post entitled, ‘Underrepresented African refugees and potential problems with DNA Testing ‘(emphasis mine):

Earlier this month, President Obama announcedthe annual refugee allocations—80,000 total for Fiscal Year 2011, the same total as in 2010. However, while the total yearly allocation is the same, African refugees are being underrepresented. The 2011 ceiling for African refugees is 15,000, which is slightly lower than in 2010 and nearly 25 percent lower than the average for the previous decade (2000-2010). In reality, the number of African refugees actually admitted has fallen considerably below the ceilings due to processing problems. Why? New data documenting the underrepresentation of refugees from Africa in the U.S. looks at allegations of fraudulent African family reunification applications, DNA testing programs, and its implications for U.S. refugee and immigration policy.  [Readers, I recommend reading the source to follow links which did not transfer easily here.–ed]

Implications are then made that the US State Department wasn’t being fair in its DNA testing program:

However, the P3 program was suspended in 2008 due to allegations of fraud. The program relied on attestations of relationship from family members, and there were concerns that many applicants purporting to be blood relatives were not, in fact, related. A DNA testing pilot project to test DNA samples of P3 applicants was initiated in several African countries. Refugees were asked at their interviews (with no forewarning) to provide a DNA sample. Large levels of fraud were reported. However, counted in the fraudulent cases were people who refused to submit DNA. In cases where one family member’s family relationship was not as claimed, the entire family would be coded as fraudulent.

Next we are presented with that old excuse about the definition of a family in Africa implying that we must be sensitive to their cultural norms (and forget about ours!).

While some of the reported fraud was actual fraud, in some cases cultural differences played a role.  [You can read what follows yourself—ed]

Now comes the crux of the concern by Open Borders activists—they are afraid DNA testing will be required in other areas of immigration!

In September of 2010, the State Department published proposed rules that would change its procedures for processing P3 applicants, including mandatory DNA testing to prove claimed family relationships. The prospect of mandatory DNA testing is of concern to refugees themselves, refugee resettlement agencies, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and other human rights advocates. Moreover, the implementation of DNA testing in the refugee context may portend required DNA testing in other areas of immigration admissions.

When the United States once again begins to allow relatives of refugees to enter the country through the P3 program, DNA testing will be required. All the details are not entirely clear at this point. DNA testing brings up questions of cost, privacy, discrimination and delays, in addition to the definition of family relationship and cultural differences. Strict rules regarding the use of DNA testing are necessary.

LOL! They’ve got to get Africans in here, by hook or by crook, to vote for Democrats as we heard yesterday from Portland, Maine, here.

Send in comments, you can bet the Open Borders activists are doing the same!

As I said earlier, it’s not too late for concerned readers to comment on the new regulations published in the Federal Register on the new DNA testing requirements which we believe need to be more stringent.  Check out this post  at RRW about a Center for Immigration Studies analysis to learn more about the weaknesses in the proposed regulations.  Don’t delay because the deadline for comment is next week sometime.  The Federal Register notice was published for a 60-day comment period on September 9th.

Comment worth noting: Reader tells us we need to comment on DNA testing regulations

Update:  More on the regulations and how the Open Borders groups are not happy with DNA testing of Africans, here.

Yesterday reader Tony Lee posted this comment here on the Somali brothers food stamp scam post.

Regarding the regulation opening up “family reunification” for refugees, readers are invited to comment at the federal register website or simply by sending an e-mail to (Subject line must read: DS-7656 AOR).
a week or so remains to comment.

This regulation will open a mini floodgate of fraudsters. Commentors may ask :

1. Why aren’t refugees who petition for relatives via the I-730* program being tested?

2. Why aren’t refugees who petition for relatives via non-refugee programs being tested?

3. Why must the taxpayer pay instead of the so-called “sponsors”?

4. Why is the original family unit not being tested for relationship?

federal reg is here

See this Center for Immigration Studies summary of the regulations for more ideas on what issues to raise. 

* I-730’s are visa applications for relatives of those who came as asylees.  This is a potentially huge pool of immigrants as the granting of asylum is now a flood after having been a trickle for many years.   Here is one of only a few explanations I found.  In laymen’s terms, an African (Aunt Zeituni! or any alien) who comes illegally across our border and is granted asylum can apply for relatives to follow who will, under the new regulations, not be required to supply a DNA sample.  I note in scouting around that there are lawyers ready and willing to help with the paperwork!

Portland, ME immigrants, noncitizens, say it’s only fair they should be able to vote

……and vote for Democrats!

I hope the big immigraton control groups like FAIR and NumbersUSA are on this case.  On Tuesday, November 2nd, voters in Portland, Maine will vote on whether noncitizens will be allowed to vote in local elections.

From an AP story at the Lewiston Sun Journal (where they too have a stake in the outcome as regular readers know):

PORTLAND (AP) — Like his neighbors, Claude Rwaganje pays taxes on his income and taxes on his cars. His children have gone to Portland’s public schools. He’s interested in the workings of Maine’s largest city, which he has called home for 13 years.

There’s one vital difference, though: Rwaganje isn’t a U.S. citizen and isn’t allowed to vote on those taxes or on school issues. That may soon change.

Portland residents will vote Nov. 2 on a proposal to give legal residents who are not U.S. citizens the right to vote in local elections, joining places like San Francisco and Chicago that have already loosened the rules or are considering it.

 Opponents say:  become citizens!

Opponents of the measure say immigrants already have an avenue to cast ballots — by becoming citizens. Allowing noncitizens to vote dilutes the meaning of citizenship, they say, adding that it could lead to fraud and unfairly sway elections.

Illiterate Somali says:  I want to vote for Democrats

He has been here for 18 years (since he was 22 years old), but can’t speak enough English, and hasn’t become a citizen!

The Maine League of Young Voters, which spearheaded the drive to force the question on the ballot, estimates there are 5,000 to 7,500 immigrants in Portland, roughly half of whom are not U.S. citizens. They come from more than 100 countries, with the two largest groups from Somalia and Latin America.

On a recent day in a small lunchroom at the Al-Amin Halal Market, a group of Somali men ate lunch and talked in their native language. A sign advertised the day’s offerings, including hilib ari (goat), bariis (rice) and baasto (spaghetti).

Abdirizak Daud, 40, moved to Minneapolis 18 years ago before coming to Portland in 2006. He hasn’t been able to find a job. Some of his nine children have attended Portland schools, and he’d like to have a say in who’s looking over the school system and the city, he said.

But between his limited English and the financial demands, Daud hasn’t been able to become a citizen.

“I like the Democrats. I want to vote for Democrats, but I don’t have citizenship,” he said.

As the Rolling Stones song goes, you can’t always get what you want (even in America)!  Well, at least I hope that is the case!

Endnote:  Be sure to read the comments at the Sun Journal.   As we have often noted, comments from Lewiston and Auburn are generally lively.

Canada’s American actor “refugee,” one Canadian’s opinion

This is a short follow-up to my post of last night about American actor in trouble with the law in the US, Randy Quaid, seeking refugee status in Canada.  While reading another article on the controversial issue of asylum seekers seeing Canada as their “sugar daddy,” I noted this comment from reader ‘let me tell you how it is:

Look at the hilarious spectacle of what American actor Randy Quaid and his wife are doing in Vancouver with claiming refugee status. This American with US arrest warrants is showing what a farce and how Canadians are such gullible suckers for any hard-luck story.

He is likely just getting free publicity for some upcoming movies he’s releasing or product he’s peddling.

Only a Canadian would take seriously this claim from an American unemployed class c actor with obvious mental health issues of paranoia.

That a IRB judge wouldn’t immediately deport him to face his US arrest warrants reveals what a farce the system is. The judge billing at $350 and hour will now have to figure out what to do with this clown and fill all the paperwork out. Meanwhile American Randy and his wife get free money and free health care for up to 2 years.

Surprise, surprise!  Not all Canadians are so “welcoming.”

Update on those Somali brothers who ran Michigan food stamp scam

I first told you about this story in August, here

What interests me about the news about their guilty plea a week ago is that this food stamp scam story went beyond local news outlets.   I’ve been following these cases for several years and they rarely go beyond local newspapers or local TV stations.  This story is at Business Week and I’ve seen it elsewhere as well.

Two brothers from Somalia who were accused of $400,000 in food stamp fraud and of illegally transferring money overseas from their western Michigan store pleaded guilty Monday to federal charges, prosecutors said.

Mohamed and Omar Sufi, owners of the Halal Depot store in Grand Rapids, redeemed electronic food stamps for cash and nonfood items, taking 30 percent commissions, the government said. The men were accused of taking up to 50 percent from benefits under the Women, Infants and Children programs.

Prosecutors said the brothers wired thousands of dollars through an unlicensed money transfer business known as a “hawala.” The money went to the Middle East and Africa, and the men charged a commission of 6 percent to 7 percent, prosecutors said.

The brothers deliberately kept transactions below $10,000 so that financial institutions would not file currency transactions reports to the Internal Revenue Service, the men admitted in their plea agreement.

When those Somali ‘voters’ in Columbus, Ohio whined about not being able to easily send money to Somalia, they have only their fellow Somalis to blame for restrictions.  However, I don’t know why they are complaining.  This case demonstrates it’s pretty easy for Somalis to wire money—-your tax dollars—to the rest of the world.

For new readers: We have admitted well over 100,000 Somali refugees to the US.   To check out the numbers visit this post, probably our most widely read post over the last few years.   In FY2010 which ended September 30th the US State Department resettled 4,884 Somalis (here) to towns near you.

Also, after being closed for nearly two years, the US State Department is on the verge of resuming the fraud-ridden family reunification program that admitted as many as 36,000 Somalis fraudulently to the US between 2003 and 2008.  See the latest on new regulations, here.