Refugee resettlement: why are we doing it and how do we stop it?

I’ve been writing this blog since the summer of 2007 when I first became aware of the fact that the Virginia Council of Churches was bringing mostly Muslim refugees to our rural county in western Maryland.  At first all I wanted to understand was the governmental process that would allow an out-of-state “church” group to drop off refugees in lousy neighborhoods and then not take very good care of them.  I’ve been working almost daily since then to bring news about the refugee program to you, the readers.

The comment I received yesterday from Rowana and posted here this morning is more detailed than usual but typical of the comments we receive.  We also had a commenter named Gary who commented on this post yesterday as well.  Gary said:

Is there a process in San Diego, or any other town or state, that requires local permission to be granted before George Soros, The State Department or the United Nations sends refugees? It seems that the entire government now acts without our permission or the permission of our elected representatives.

In addition to Rowana and Gary, Lion of Kabul (also yesterday) sent a news report from France about how Islam has taken over sections of some cities in that country.

I feel like screaming to all of you—STOP COMPLAINING AND GET TO WORK!    I’m not talking about Rowana, Gary, and the Lion of Kabul, but all of you.   At least those three have taken some action by writing.

Frankly, it is time (past time!) for a moratorium on all immigration.  No one will say that, not even the major immigration restrictionist groups like NumbersUSA or FAIR.  I will say it because our economy is crashing and that is partly (maybe largely) due to the importation of impoverished immigrants who come either legally or illegally. And, we must impose a moratorium on the thousands upon thousands of Muslims we are admitting who have no intention of becoming Americans.

Why is this happening?  Why are we allowing America to be overrun?

As Gary noted, George Soros, the State Department (even under Republicans!) and the UN are all involved.  The drivers of immigration are one-worlders and Socialists.  They are also control freaks and have some notion that, if they can just run the world their way, they will even-out the differences between the rich and poor, erase ethnic tensions and we will live in one big happy sustainable world.  To accomplish that mythical goal, they need to erase boundaries and destroy capitalism by overloading our welfare system (Cloward-Piven).  They need the do-gooders for cover.

And, like parasites, Muslim extremists are tagging along with the Socialists and Marxists and will just wait their chance to impose Sharia law in the West once the Leftists have brought enough chaos to bring down governments.

This is not a conspiracy theory.  We just saw it happen in Egypt—the do-gooder Left, the hard core Marxists and the Muslim Brotherhood took over Egypt.  Unfortunately for the do-gooders and the Marxists, the Muslim Brotherhood is about to devour their Leftwing host. (Update:  See Egypt Muslim Brotherhood and the modesty police, here)

The more important question is how do we stop it?

When I am tired, I think it’s too late.  Then at other times, I pledge to myself to go down fighting for freedom and for our God-given country—America.

I urge all of you to stop dithering around with the Why-question and move on to the How-question.

As Gary asks, how do I stop the importation of poverty and a radical element to my city?

You have to work—plain and simple—work!  You are up against a media that has long ago given up doing any real investigative work especially on a topic where the wrong word will bring the name callers down upon you, so you must do it.   You must investigate and let the word “racist” roll right off your back.   Then you have to figure out how to disseminate what you have learned, but with all the new social media you can do that too!

You have to work! Work involves digging into documents, learning how the various immigration programs work, learning who the political leaders are who are behind it in your city or county.  You need to find out if certain business interests are pushing for more immigrants for cheap labor.  You need to put pressure on your US Congressman and your two US Senators.  You need to get to work on the state level as well, putting pressure on elected representatives and your governor.

Also if you are a member of one of the nationwide immigration control groups, put pressure on them too to start looking into one of our largest importers of Muslim immigrants—refugee resettlement.

Then you have to get the word out.  I RECOMMEND THAT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU FRUSTRATED BY IMMIGRATION-GENERATED POVERTY AND CRIME WRITE A BLOG TO PUBLISH YOUR FINDINGS.  If I can do it, you can.  Or, start a facebook page to get your information out past the old media filter.  Write letters to the editor, get on radio talk shows, start or join local groups of like-minded people.

Just stop complaining and focus your work. We are all short of time, so stop with the forwarding of cutsy or outrageous e-mails to your friends, stop with the TV reality shows, and become an investigator, a reporter and a political activist who doesn’t mind being called a racist, bigot, xenophobe, Islamophobe, hatemonger, etc. etc. etc!

To Rowana, in about 5 minutes I found the following links for Ohio Refugee Resettlement here, here, here and here (scroll down to Ohio).  You must start to pull the information together for your location and then get the word out to the public where you live.  By the way, there is also something fishy (besides the terror connections) going on in Columbus with micro-loans to Somali businesses and someone there needs to dig into that and tell the public who is funding those micro-loans (probably international shariah finance outfits!).

By the way, Rowana, there are 10 or 11 major federal contractors and some 300 plus subcontractors so its hard to keep track of which ones are operating in your city.  One of those links above lists some subcontractors.  That is why I recommend a local investigative approach and news outlet (blog or website written by you).

One more thing, Rowana, you have a pretty good governor right now, why not get a little delegation together to go and tell him what you know about corruption in the Somali community in Columbus.

To Gary,  by law the resettlement contractors are supposed to “consult” with local government.  Some do and some don’t, but you can be sure the “consultation” is cursory and does not include you—-the citizen and taxpayer.

Get in touch with me if you are serious about working on exposing the flaws in our legal immigration system by e-mailing me here:

Comment worth noting: Columbus area resident says send Somalis back to Africa

This is a comment we received yesterday from reader Rowana to a post I wrote in January entitled, ‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?here.  It’s clear that Rowana has had enough—how about you?   He/she, not hampered by concerns about political correctness, suggests that instead of fighting the three wars we are already in, let’s clean up Somalia and send them all back.   And, heck, as we learned in my previous post on Columbus Somalis, they are going back and forth now anyway!

Rowana (original comment did not have breaks in the text, so I added those):

You suggest there are various agencies which resettle the Somalii here. You mention christian churches. In Columbus, Ohio, it was reported in the Dispatch that it was Jewish Family Services which brought in thousands of these radical Muslims into the city. Why not list exactly what agencies brought them to Minneapolis? Don’t we have the right to know exactly who brought these angry, hostile people here to raid our government services, fill up low income housing, stuff our schools, etc.? And when will it end?

How can anyone claim to be a loyal American and bring in such people to pillage our government services, lower our standard of living, plant terrorists among us, etc. And why would the Jewish Family Services bring them here? They have sure not made Columbus Ohio a better place to live! And they are NOT “melting” into the culture.

Numerous of their population have already been found to be planning terrorist attacks on our country! Maybe they should stay in their own county and fight for it.

I was told by one government worker that they nearly bankrupted the state’s Medicaid funds. They set up sham “health care” companies and billed for phoney services. They DEMAND Somalian interpreters (to keep their clansmen employed) and then refuse (or pretend not to understand)to learn English. They DEMANDED home health care workers from their own clans, while the rest of America takes who is assigned to them. They refused to interpret for their own grandmothers unless paid to do so.

If hired, they demand to have a place for their prayers and take their prayer breaks on their knees while everybody else works.

In the schools, they demanded the kids have a room for prayers (but nobody else got such privileges). Watch them walk around with half a dozen kids trailing behind them. How long will the American people have to feed these new generations of dependents and when will they finally call a halt to it?

When the women get a job, the men come in to pick up their checks and scream “discrimination” if one refuses to give it to them, not the woman. The men are completely contemptuous to women (white women especially) and will not be told what to do on a job by a woman.

Go to juvenile court halls in Columbus and they are lined up, with problems. Some have figured out how to give their kids custody every two years or so to a tribal member, to circumvent the limitations on government benefits. Anything to milk the system which was designed to serve the tax paying American in an emergency or crisis.

If a man separates from his wife, just try finding him for support. If his employer is served withholding support papers, he will bring in a “brother” who is to receive his paycheck, so his wages can’t be garnished. It is somebody else’s problem (aka American taxpayer) to feed his kids. It was so bad the clerks refuse to assist them in filing these change of custody papers, knowing what is going on.

I think all you feel good christians and jewish liberals should all line up and sign over YOUR paychecks to these Somalii terrorist breeders. They are a cancer upon our land and no friend to us. We would be better off cleaning out Somalia instead of the three wars we are in, and returning them all once we pay to make it “safe” and call it a very very bad learning experience.

Next I’m going to write a post on what you can do because I had another frustrated commenter to my post yesterday about San Diego asking how can anyone stop this.


Feds question friends of Columbus, OH Somali on possible terror connections

Update April 6th: More on this story here.

Here we go again—one more story in a long line of stories about possible Somali terror networking and fundraising in the US.

From AP:

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Federal authorities have been questioning several U.S.-based supporters of an American citizen originally from Somalia who leads a group that advocates for the rights of people living in the northern part of the embattled African country, The Associated Press has learned.

Suleman Ahmed, president of the group known as SSC Somalia, was briefly detained a year ago in Kenya on suspicions of terrorism, and says he believes authorities in Columbus, Ohio, are looking into the same allegations.
“Somebody approached them and told them that I am a terrorist and SSC is a terrorist group,” Ahmed told the AP.

“I think that’s what they’re trying to find out, which is something that does not exist.”

Fred Alverson, spokesman for the U.S. attorney’s office in Columbus, declined to comment.

As many as 13,000 Somalis live in the Columbus area, according to the most recent Census data, although Somali community leaders maintain the figure is much higher. The city has the second highest concentration of Somali immigrants in the U.S. after Minneapolis.  [Well, actually San Diego is claiming it has more Somalis, here—ed]

Somalis began arriving in the United States in the early 1990s* after their country — which has not had a functioning government in two decades — disintegrated amid a civil war.

Ahmed, a resident of Columbus for more than a decade, says his organization has only one goal: to protect residents of the region in northern Somalia where his clan lives, and ultimately to seek a functioning, unified Somalia.

These back and forth trips to Somalia are not new to us.  My question is, if Somalia is so dangerous and Somali are seeking refuge here, why keep going back and forth?

Ahmed was last in Somalia in December for about two weeks. In March 2010, he was arrested in Nairobi, Kenya, on suspicion of terrorism along with two other men as they tried to board a plane to Somalia. All three were released after a day. Ahmed blamed the arrest on “African politics.”

Federal investigators have been concerned for years about alleged terrorist recruiting in U.S. Somali communities.

Somali women going door-to-door for Somali terror group!

Last year, federal authorities questioned a handful of Somali women in Columbus who raised money door-to-door for health care aid in their native country in a case that tied the money to terrorists.

A federal indictment issued in Minnesota said one Columbus resident — who was not charged and not identified — helped a Minnesota woman raise money for al-Shabab.

Ahmed, US Citizen, father of 9 kids and he ran a home health care business!   Readers should know that along with food stamp fraud, home health care businesses run by immigrants are the second best way to scam the US taxpayer.

Ahmed, 44, came to the United States in 1995 and lived in Phoenix and Minneapolis before moving to Columbus in 1999. He became a citizen in 2001.

He is a married father of nine children who recently sold a home-health care business and now focuses full time on his duties with SSC. He travels throughout the country encouraging people to donate directly to families in the SSC region. Several members of his family still live there.

LOL!  Wait until you see the comment I’m posting next from a reader in Columbus!

* Actually we began bringing Somalis to the US in the 1980’s.   For new readers, a 2008 post in which I compiled all the numbers of Somalis coming to the US each year from the first stats I found beginning in the 1980’s is here.   Almost every day this old post is the top post or one of the top most visited posts at RRW.  You should also know that the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement is now hiding the numbers from Congress because they have not submitted a legally required Annual Report to Congress since 2007, here.  We continue to resettle Somalis by the thousands each year.

Murder trial for Ethiopian refugee opens in Virginia

He is charged with brutally murdering his girlfriend and his three-year-old daughter a year ago.  The daughter was nearly decapitated.  I first reported the case last May, here, when authorities called him a “monster” with a long criminal record.

Note that the reporter opens his story referring to the “frail-voiced” killer (good coaching by his lawyers?).   Looks like the mental illness from African trauma defense again.   Only yesterday we had the kid on Staten Island, here.

From the Alexandria Times:

A frail-voiced Simon Bahta pled not guilty by reason of insanity to murdering his 3-year-old daughter and ex-girlfriend Monday at Alexandria’s courthouse.

Alexandria police found 27-year-old Seble Tessema and the former couple’s 3-year-old daughter, Eden, dead in Tessema’s West End apartment on April 11, 2010. Both of their throats were slit and Tessema was stabbed 40 times, authorities said.

Police arrested Bahta, 35, also known as Simon Asfeha, in New York later that month after a national manhunt.

Nearly a year later, the defense’s case rests on Bahta was psychotic at the time of the slayings. Public defender Melinda Douglas used the gruesome crime scene to claim her client’s innocence Monday.


Bahta’s lawyers will prove several years of mental illness stemming from his forced conscription into the Ethiopian army as a 14-year-old during the Eritrean-Ethiopian War….

No mention in this story of whether he was a refugee resettled by one of the federal contractors or an asylee who got into the US illegally and then asked for (and was granted) political asylum.  He was one or the other because there is no mention of illegal status.

By the way, the man on trial for murder also used the name Simon Bahta Asfeha, so am not sure why the full name is not being used here.