Job training by Catholic Charities in Ft. Worth, living wage for refugees?

Or, part of a growing fiefdom where the job training is window dressing?

Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Ft. Worth is touting their new jobs training for refugees as the economy and the labor market is sliding in the here-to-fore booming Texas.  We’ve written previously about how Texas has been hauling in refugees by the thousands* in recent years (to do jobs Americans won’t do?) and not everything has gone so smoothly.  See one particularly egregious article from Houston in 2009 (Refugee Horrors in Houston).

Now here is a seemingly innocuous little puff-piece story that sent me looking for more information.  The article in KERA begins:

FORT WORTH, TX (KERA) – As unemployment rises in Texas, Catholic Charities of Fort Worth is creating living-wage jobs. KERA’s Bill Zeeble reports that’s one reason the national charity group held its first-ever Poverty Summit in downtown Fort Worth.

This job-killing economy has created all kinds of complications, from hunger to ruined relationships. So Catholic Charities of Fort Worth concluded one solution might be job training. But Heather Reynolds, Fort Worth Catholic Charities CEO, says not just any kind of training, because many of her clients already work. But the jobs pay little.

Reynolds: So our goal at Catholic Charities Fort Worth is to get them into jobs that pay them a living wage. How do we get them a job that pays a living wage? Get them skills they need to get a job, how do we develop a work force that is ready for what industries need and then match those two together.

Your tax dollars at work!

It makes Catholic Charities sound so nice, so benevolent, doesn’t it?  But, I did some checking.  You can’t find their government grant money in their 2010 annual report but you can in their 2009 report here.    Also, check out their 2009 Form 990 here.  Out of an income stream of just over $14 million half of that, $7 million plus, comes from you the TAXPAYER.  You are paying for the job training to train people to compete against you for jobs, while they get paid by the head by the US State Department to import more refugees to Texas!

But that isn’t all I found!  The Diocese of Ft. Worth, gets half of its funding from you and pays out more than $6 million in salaries.  Ms. Reynolds herself (the CEO) makes a nice “living wage” of $133,000 in salary and benefits.

There is more!  The Diocese paid out $9 million dollars that year to building contractor Steele-Freeman who built them a very nice edifice in Ft. Worth to house all their benevolent work!

Sure doesn’t leave much for the poor between $6 million in salaries and $9 million for a fancy building.  Imagine how far $9 million would go for actually helping the people!

Oh, and one more thing!  If you happen to be in Ft. Worth today—run right over to Billy Bob’s for Texas-sized fun at the POVERTY SUMMIT!   I kid you not, this is from their website today (sounds like a Saturday Night Live skit or a Jon Stewart spoof!):

Please Plan to join us at the Catholic Charities USA Annual Gathering & Poverty Summit September 18-21, and come out for a Texas-sized fun time at Billy Bob’s on Tuesday, September 20th.

* Texas now receives the third highest number of refugees in the nation behind California and Florida (see 2008 Annual Report to Congress Appendix).

Concord, NH: Malicious graffiti found on three refugees’ homes

Update September 21:  Reward offered to find the perpetrator of what is being called a “hate crime” here.

This is not the way to express one’s unhappiness with the arrival of more and more refugees to your towns and cities.  We live in America and we go through a political process (as frustrating as that can be!) to make ourselves heard—not through intimidation of those who are helpless.   Actions such as this deplorable one only play into the hard Left’s political agenda to create chaos and unrest.

From the Concord Monitor today:

Manessee Ngendahayo proudly held the small vase of mismatched wild flowers and pointed at the note attached.
“I wanted you to know I am glad to have you in my community,” the note from “Cheryl” read.

Ngendahayo doesn’t know who Cheryl is, but her words and gift are a comfort to him, he said: “This, this is what we have found here in Concord. Not that.”

“That” is the paragraph of racist, xenophobic graffiti Ngendahayo’s family found on the front of their Perley Street house Sunday morning.

Two other families in the neighborhood, all refugees from Africa, found similar graffiti on their homes.
Written in a small scrawl of black marker across the white clapboards of all three houses, the graffiti declares with slurs that the city was better before refugees resettled here.

“Your subhuman culture has already brought many crimes linked to your mud people,” one of the messages reads.

Another says “the church is destroying our towns just to save a few doomed Africans. This is a bad joke on us.”

The third, at Ngendahayo’s house, begins with, “You are not welcome here. You lower the value and safety of our good town. . . You bring death wherever your cursed people go.”

The Concord police are treating the incident as a hate crime, according to a news release from Concord Regional Crimeline.

Read the whole article.   African refugees were the targets of the graffiti.

For new readers, Concord, New Hampshire (not the deep south!) is having lots of refugee/immigrant related problems.  You can learn more about recent history on that issue in our Concord archive here.

Uncle Omar was never “missing”

[Cross posted from Potomac Tea Party Report]

I’ve been away sans computer and tomorrow will get back to more pressing news, but here is a little bit of information I learned over the weekend while reading the fascinating biography of Barack Obama Sr. by Boston Globe Reporter Sally H. Jacobs.  Entitled, ‘The Other Barack,’ the book tells a truly sordid tale of the rise and fall of our President’s Kenyan father.

Here is a book review from this summer at the Washington Post so you can get an idea of the story line The only point you should ignore is when the reviewer draws the conclusion that the blame for Obama’s (the father) downfall belongs to Harvard for booting him out a year short of finishing a PhD in economics.  The man was a womanizer and drunk with two wives already by the time he got to Harvard; Harvard’s rejection most assuredly did not drive him to drink as the reviewer would like us to believe.

Interesting though is that the INS back in those days was willing to send a student home because of a healthy sexual appetite (and a rumor about two wives) when today you can practically murder someone and still remain in the US.

That’s not what I wanted to mention though—it’s Uncle Omar, his illegal alien Uncle, who interests me.   In ‘Dreams from my Father’ our President-to-be said that Omar (now Onyango Obama) had gone missing in the US in the early 1960′s and no one knew where he was.   Turns out not to be so, he was a well-known figure in the Boston area immigrant community and author Jacobs seemed to know all about him as she tells us on pages 151-154 in her biography of Barack Sr.

So, the shocking revelation the nation just experienced a couple of weeks ago that President Obama’s long lost Uncle Omar had been found through a drunken incident with a cop, must not have been so surprising to all those who know Omar’s story in Massachusetts.

Barack, the big shot, got to Harvard in 1962 (after abandoning wife #2 Ann Dunham and baby Barack in Hawaii).  Then his Muslim father in Kenya asked him to help get his little half brother Omar to the US.   Barack had met (!) a Radcliffe girl named Ellen Frost whose investment banker Dad was connected with the prep school Browne & Nichols.  He pulled strings and Omar Obama came to America for high school.  To  make a long story short, he screwed up, never graduated from high school, but simply stayed in Boston.

Omar legally changed his name from Omar to Onyango Obama and somehow through that name change obtained a drivers license.

Here is one of several things Jacobs tells us about Omar:

“He remained in Cambridge for several years, living in an apartment on Perry Street several blocks from his brother’s old apartment, and his residence became a legendary meeting place and crash pad for visiting Kenyan students.” ….”Perry Street was a rite of passage, an initiation.  If you were a Kenyan in Boston, you had to go there.”  (according to one account by an Obama friend).

Know too that Aunt Zeituni was there (illegally) as well hanging with the cool Kenyans.

There is more, you will have to read the book.  LOL! And, watch for a movie someday! (Not!)

So, Harvard and the INS teamed up to send Barack Obama home to Kenya in 1964, but overlooked Omar Onyango and Zeituni Obama for the next 50 years!

Germany: The rise of the BIG party (Europe Part 4)

The BIG party is a political party for Muslims and Muslim sympathizers in Berlin.  They are all for multiculturalism (they say now).   See my earlier post today— Europe Part 1, here about the coming Caliphate.  Also, visit Europe Parts 2 and 3 posted today as well.

From PressTV:

There are more than 250 000 immigrants from Turkey in Berlin, most of them Muslims. They are being reproached with not integrating, a constant debate – but they are not represented in politics, proportionally only 0.3% of representatives have a Turkish background.

The Big party wants things to change. Their demand an interest free economic system [readers: this is part of Shariah law/finance—no interest–ed], more support for working mothers, a full-time education accessible to all and more fairness and equality.

In a city as diverse as Berlin, citizen´s origins do matter when it comes to democratic representation. The new Muslim-friendly party BIG hopes to entice more immigrants to the ballot boxes and to represent them with values that they share. They also see the need to redress prejudice and racism which in these days is increasing.

Be sure to watch the film clip associated with the story.

Half of immigrants granted residency in Malta are Somalis (Europe Part 3)

I’ve got a bunch of news items from Europe I thought I would post in a series today.  Parts 1 and 2 are here and here.

This story has been kicking around in my list of potential posts for awhile now.  It is from the Malta Indendent:

Almost half of those granted new residence permits in Malta in 2009 came from Somalia – 1,447 Somalis were in fact granted residence permits in that year, Eurostat reported yesterday.

There are lots more statistics in this article and it’s well worth reading.  It looks like the UK may lead the pack in terms of how soon the country will fall under the weight of needy people—a large number of them Muslims.

The number of new permits issued in 2009 exceeded half a million in the United Kingdom and Italy. These two countries granted 28.6% and 21.6% respectively of the total permits issued at EU level, followed by Spain (12.4%), France (8.3%) and Germany (5.2%).

However, if one considers the ratio between the number of permits issued and the size of the resident population, the highest number of permits was granted by Cyprus (32 for 1000 residents), followed by the UK (10.9) and Sweden (9.8).

Malta is fourth, just below Sweden.

By the way, since Gaddafi is blamed for Malta’s illegal alien population flood, now that those freedom fighting democracy loving Islamists are in control we should see the flow of Africans to Malta decrease rapidly, right?  oops!  Maybe not!  Black Africans are not welcome it seems.

For new readers, we’ve written a lot about Malta ever since we learned in 2007 that the US State Department was busily transforming illegal aliens on Malta to refugees to be resettled by Catholic Charities in your US cities and towns.  Search RRW for ‘Malta’ to learn more.