Arab Muslim racism exposed in Libya for the world to see

I think the world has turned upside down—yesterday the New York Times ran an opinion piece (posted here) praising Sarah Palin (who dares to tell the truth) and then on the same day the Huffington Post reported on Arab racism and by doing so effectively points a finger of blame at the shameful international Leftists who are complicit in helping to hide Muslim Arab racism.

Blackpanther, I hope you are still lurking around here!  You need to hear this!

From Rebecca Tinsley (who dares to tell the truth):

With the liberation of Libya come less happy reports from Amnesty and Physicians for Human Rights of rebels slaughtering scores of black Africans, believing they were all pro-Gaddafi mercenaries. While the dictator did hire some fighters from sub-Saharan Africa, the vast majority of black Africans in Libya are entirely innocent immigrants, one million of whom are guest workers.

According to a Cairo-based think tank, many of the Sudanese being targeted by Libyans are refugees escaping the ethnic cleansing of black Africans in Darfur and the South Kordofan region of Sudan. They have escaped one form of Arab racism, only to find another.

The racism is rooted in oh ONLY about 14 centuries of Arabs capturing and enslaving Africans.

None of this has happened in a vacuum: in 2000 there were deadly anti-immigrant riots in Libya. Nor is there anything unusual about Libyan attitudes: Arab racism toward black Africans is commonplace, even if it remains a taboo subject. For the Nobel Prize winning novelist Wole Soyinka, the unwillingness to confront Arab racism is rooted in the role of Arabs in the slave trade. “Arabs and Islam are guilty of the cultural and spiritual savaging of the Continent,” he writes.

The Ethiopian academic Mekuria Bulcha estimates that Arab traders sold 17 million Africans to the Middle East and Asia between the sixth and twentieth centuries. Yet, there is an almost total reluctance on the part of Arab intellectuals to examine their central role in slavery, past or present.

According to Naiwu Osahon, of the Pan Africa Movement, “Africans are treated like the scum of the earth” throughout the Arab world. He claims that the Arab policy has been “elimination, displacement, separation, marginalization and suppression” of black Africans since the 7th century.

By the way, history also tells us that many black Africans became Muslims only to save themselves from complete annihilation by Arab Muslims.

In Egypt, we are racists!

Arguably it continues to this day. Black African guest workers in Egypt, Algeria and Libya tell of being publicly ridiculed and physically assaulted by Arabs. Egyptian writer Mona Eltahawy tells of watching a Sudanese girl being assaulted and tormented on the Cairo Metro, concluding, “We are racist people in Egypt and we are in deep denial.” She makes a wider point, that the Arab world has ignored the suffering of Darfur because the victims are black. “We only pay attention when America and Israel behave badly.

Hey, maybe later this month Wade and the union/community organizers can set those Egyptian ‘freedom fighting friends of Obama’ straight on how they treat their black brothers.

Arabs using blacks for target practice:

In the early 1900s Winston Churchill was appalled to see the Arab Sudanese armed forces using the black African Nuba people for target practice. [maybe Barack was too quick to send that bust of Churchill back to England—ed].  Nothing has changed, except that now they shoot them from helicopter gunships hovering over the Nuba Mountains where the black Africans citizens have fled. In modern Sudan it is standard practice for those Sudanese who define themselves as Arab to call black African Sudanese ‘abid’ or slave to their faces; the fact that there has been intermarriage for years is ignored.

The Canadian academic Salim Mansur claims: “Blacks are viewed by Arabs as racially inferior, and Arab violence against blacks has a long, turbulent record.”

However, any attempt to confront persistent Arab racism is shouted down by appeals to Arab/African solidarity against the neo-colonialist West.

Amazing, simply amazing!  What is next, some Leftist Feminist (I know its redundant) will admit that women are abused in Muslim countries.  Now, that will be the day!

Update: Uncle Omar Sprung!

More on special deals for special Obamas…..Uncle Omar (first reported here) had been quietly released from custody according to the Boston Globe:

Officials released President Obama’s uncle from Plymouth County jail yesterday after holding him for more than two weeks on an immigration detainer for violating an order to return to his native Kenya in 1992.

US officials refused to disclose any other information about Onyango Obama, who remained in the United States undetected until Framingham police arrested him Aug. 24 on drunken driving and other charges.

Yesterday, federal immigration officials refused to say whether the 67-year-old Framingham resident posted bond, whether they are keeping track of his whereabouts, or even whether they are still seeking his deportation, raising questions about public accountability in the case.

ICE is being secretive about his release and his whereabouts.

Jessica Vaughan, director of policy studies at the Center for Immigration Studies, which favors tougher limits on immigration, said the immigration agency should be more transparent, especially in a case involving a relative of the president. She said the public deserves to know the circumstances of Obama’s release, since he violated a deportation order and is accused of drunken driving. In a criminal court, she said, that would be public information.

Read the whole article at the Boston Globe.

New to this story?  Type ‘Uncle Omar’ into our search function for all of our coverage.

Update:  After posting this I see there is an article with the Obama family tree, here.

Those Arab Springers destroy Israeli embassy in Cairo

So much for the freedom fighting DEMOCRACY movement egged on by Obama and his girls, the “weird sisters” (Power, Clinton and Rice).

Read all about the ransacking of the embassy here at the Iconoclast.

Fox News reported Friday that Egyptians assaulted and ransacked the Israeli Embassy in Cairo. The Israeli Ambassador, his family and staff fled escorted by police, driven to Cairo airport where a military plane took them home to Israel. The embassy was torn apart, documents scattered by the huge mob of protesters who assaulted and pierced the high security wall with sledgehammers. All while Egyptian police stood by watching, not lifting a finger to quell the rampaging mob or make arrests. It is not lost on many of us, that the ruling Supreme Military Council is either indifferent or simply following the course of least resistance since the eruption of the Arab Spring and downfall of the Mubarak government.

Hi ho! Hi ho! It’s off to Egypt we go!

Good luck to America’s entourage of union and “community” organizers headed to Egypt this month.  I wonder if those Muslim Brotherhood ‘Springers’ will see them as friends or spies and agitators from the US (they don’t like Obama too much over there!).

“Statelessness” the new buzzword? Rohingya the poster children

I guess the word “refugee” was getting a bit overused, so now its “statelessness.”

We heard in July that Schwartz was leaving his post, getting out of the Obama Administration while the getting is good?

Here at the Huffington Post Eric Schwartz (Asst. Secretary for Population, Refugees, and Migration in the US State Department) gives us the guilt-trip spiel about the “stateless” problem for which we (US taxpayers) give the UN $700 million a year to try to solve.

Among the most egregious stories are those of the Rohingya, a Muslim minority from Burma’s Northern Rakhine State * who have lived in Burma for centuries, but were excluded from the country’s 1982 citizenship law and continue to suffer persecution, including forced labor, confiscation of property, rape, and other forms of violence. While approximately 750,000 Rohingya remain in Burma, an estimated three million Rohingya have fled to Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Saudi Arabia, and other countries in the region. Although some have been recognized as refugees, many others lack documentation and are at risk of arbitrary arrest and detention, deportation back to Burma, human trafficking, and other abuses. The Obama Administration is working with other donor governments, international and non-governmental organizations, and affected countries in the region to provide assistance to the Rohingya and identify durable [eg. resettlement], humane, and comprehensive solutions for their plight.

Globally, the U.S. government is concerned about statelessness as a human rights and humanitarian issue that impacts prospects for democratization, economic development, and regional stability. U.S. diplomats around the world are working to persuade other governments to amend nationality laws that discriminate against women and minorities and cause statelessness, provide documentation to stateless persons, protect them from abuse, and ensure they have access to basic services. And we are the single largest donor to the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the agency mandated to protect stateless people, contributing over $700 million last year.

Happily, the laws of the United States do not contribute to the problem of statelessness; we grant citizenship through birth in the United States, birth abroad to a U.S. parent if statutory requirements are met, and through naturalization.

* For years we resisted resettling the Rohingya to the US because of some connections to Islamic terror groups, but we see they are the poster children for “statelessness” and our gates are open to them now.  This is our 100th post (over four years) on the subject of the Rohingya, go here to our Rohingya Reports category for everything you ever want to know on the subject.

It’s kind of a classic case in how Americans are kept in the dark and how the country changes—the mainstream media rarely uses the word Rohingya (how many of you who are not regular readers here have ever heard it?)  The public, if they know anything at all knows that we bring in “Burmese” refugees, many of whom are Christians, but mixed in are the Rohingya.  And where they are resettled together tensions have been reported (but never in any publications of any note).   The Left (including Soros prodigy Eric Schwartz, see herehere, and here ) is gradually building an ever-expanding Muslim population, for what?  And, the average American citizen won’t notice it’s going on until……

Brown: “In a fair world” Uncle Omar would be deported

This is one of the few times I’ve heard “boo” from Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown—must be running for reelection!  Why, yes, he is.

From The Hill:

Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) said Tuesday that Onyango Obama, President Obama’s long-lost uncle, should be deported from the United States after being arrested last week on drunk driving charges.

“Well, yeah. He’s here illegally. He’s obviously broken the law. I don’t know enough about the details of the case, but, God, he’s been running around for how long now?” Brown said in an interview on the Howie Carr Show. “Let him go through the process and see what happens.”

Brown said that “in a fair world,” Obama’s uncle would be deported.

Onyango Obama, 67, was arrested last Wednesday when he nearly rammed his SUV into a police car in Framingham, Mass. When asked if he would like to make a phone call, Onyango reportedly said, “I think I will call the White House.”

The White House said last week that the president was unaware that his uncle was in the United States illegally, and would not intervene on his behalf.

“We expect it to be treated — and I refer you to ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] and DHS [the Department of Homeland Security] — like any other immigration case,” White House spokesman Jay Carney said.

Onyango came to the United States to attend school [in the 1960s!], but ultimately dropped out. He was ordered to leave the country in 1992, but remained in the country and has worked at a liquor store for the past five years.

There are millions of Uncle Omars loose in the US right now—fat chance he will be singled out for deportation.  As a matter of fact, his sister (Auntie Zeituni) managed to be granted asylum and the same sharp lawyer will help Uncle Omar.

Our previous Uncle Omar update is here.