It’s about Muslim colonialism….

Judy sent me an article yesterday posted at CNN written by Steven Kull about his theory and his new book (Feeling Betrayed: the roots of Muslim anger toward America) about why Muslims hate America so much (no doubt released just in time for the tenth anniversary of 9/11).  The upshot of course is that we have to let Muslims be Muslims wherever they are (and wherever they want to be!)—or they will be angry with us (as they still are!).  So, what else is new in the history of the world?  Read the CNN article that just drips with an appeasement message.

Then read Daniel Greenfield (Hat tip: Gary) and see that letting Muslims be Muslims means colonialism.  Greenfield begins with a discussion about how Arab Muslims (rebel “freedom” fighters) are now persecuting black Africans (presumably also Muslims but some Christians as well) which I reported here a couple of days ago.

[Dear critics:  before you jump in and say it was all our fault for colonizing their countries, I will be the first to say—let’s just get out of the Arab world and let them sink or swim on their own.  Frankly, it’s the Left now and Obama that are the aggressors in Africa.]

When you read these two pieces, you will immediately be struck by the contrast between authors Kull and Greenfield on how we should look at the Muslim “problem.”

As always every paragraph of Greenfield’s writing is memorable and worth repeating, but here are a couple of good points. You will have to go here and read the rest of ‘Remembering Muslim colonialism on September 11.’

From Asia to Africa to the Middle East, the story remains the same. Muslim colonialism destroys the histories, the cultures and the lives of millions– and the world nods sympathetically. Resistance to Muslim colonialism is harshly quashed, whether it’s in Cote d’Ivoire in Africa, courtesy of the UN and the IMF, or the streets of London where the bobbies who couldn’t do much about the rioters are always available to shut down protest marches that might offend Muslims.

The Ground Zero Mosque is no different than the Al-Aqsa Mosque built on top of the holiest site in Judaism, or the Babri Mosque built on top of the destroyed Hindu temple of Rama. And the attacks of September 11 were no different than the piles of butchered Africans in Sudan or the Israeli family slaughter in their own home. All of them are the bloody toll of Muslim colonialism which will keep on going until it is stopped.

Muslim colonialism will only be stopped when we confront it for what it is, the brutal spree of an ideology that claims supremacy through religion, which whines incessantly even as it butchers leaving a trail of corpses across continents, subjugated cultures, burning cars, destroyed memorials and shattered lives.

We must resist!

Standing up to Muslim colonialism is not done on just a single day by a single people, it is up to everyone on every single continent, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Zoroastrians, Atheists and even those Muslims who know that things have to change, to stand up in resistance. It is up to us to deny the lie that the lives of Muslims, their political aspirations and their power is worth more than ours.  [Here, it is almost as if Greenfield is responding directly to Kull.]

It is up to us to write, to speak out, to protest and to tell the truth about over a thousand years of terror and the story of our ancestors of every religion and race who resisted them, who struck a blow against Muslim colonialism, whether it was by fighting, by teaching the next generation or by simply surviving. By continuing their resistance, we honor them and their sacrifices.

History repeats itself—believe it!

They hate us because we stand in their way.

Bhutanese/American blacks scuffle in Columbus, Ohio

And, one black suspected robber was killed by police.   I thought I had written about this case but maybe I only read it and never posted on it.

From the Columbus Dispatch (Hat tip: Trish):

A clash last month between black and Bhutanese Nepali residents of a North Side apartment complex started when two men tried to rob one of the refugees, witnesses said.

Now, the city of Columbus is trying to set up a meeting between the Bhutanese Nepali community and other residents to try to discuss cultural differences and other simmering issues.

Read about the incident that brought on the need for a meeting.

By the time police arrived after an onlooker called 911, the melee had grown. One woman who saw the fight said that as many as 20 Bhutanese Nepali refugees were beating four black men.

She said cultural differences between the two groups have been causing tension in the complex. She did not want to be named for fear of retaliation.

Among complaints: Bhutanese Nepali children play in the carports seemingly without regard for traffic, and drivers have to shoo them out of the way. People are occasionally awakened in the early morning by drumming from what they believe to be religious ceremonies.

On the other hand, some Bhutanese Nepali residents said they have seen or heard of black residents hitting or harassing members of the immigrant group.

It really is the same old story we’ve been writing about for years.  The resettlement agencies find some initially “welcoming” city or town and then overload the place so badly that tensions come to the surface from the sheer overload on an already financially challenged area (in dreadful economic times).  There is also something fishy about these apartment complexes that are “favored” by resettlement agencies—probably some kind of cronyism going on!

The refugees*began arriving in Columbus in 2008. Originally from Nepal, they had moved to the nearby kingdom of Bhutan, where the growing ethnic minority was considered a threat and expelled. Those coming to America are among 100,000 Bhutanese Nepalis who have lived in refugee camps in Nepal for nearly two decades.

The first group of more than two dozen families was placed at the Breckenridge and another complex by the refugee agency US Together. By 2009, the immigrant community had grown to about 120. Since then, the community has grown to at least 500, most of whom live in the same North Side area.

While communities deal with the tension—the do-gooders rake in the bucks!

So who is US Together?  When I googled them I came up with a post from where else?—RRW! in 2007 when they were bringing Iraqis to Columbus.  An affiliate (aka subcontractor) of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society ( a member of the top 10, or is it 11? federal refugee contractors) they don’t appear to even have their own website.

I had to laugh, I couldn’t find any financials on the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (if they are at the website they have it hidden well!)  until I decided to try their initials—HIAS—and sure enough here is their most recent Form 990.  Seems that HIAS (2009) had an income of $20,484,336 and $12,231,825 came from you—-the taxpayer!

US Together got about a million of that money.  But, here is the kicker—salaries and benefits at this organization amounted to around $12 million dollars!  HIAS’s CEO, Gideon Aronoff, racked in a cool $340,000 salary (with benefits) and the organization had at least another 8 executives making 6-figure salaries.    Once again that old adage applies—doing well by doing good!

In case you are wondering, HIAS doesn’t just resettle Jews anymore—Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists are all welcome.

*To new readers:  In 2007 the Bush Administration Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Ellen Sauerbrey, gave the green light for the US to resettle 60,000 Bhutanese (really Nepalese) to the US over 5 years.  Remember there is a Republican Open Borders faction whose members are convinced that we need a continuing stream of cheap immigrant labor.

The story with the Bhutanese is that they really aren’t Bhutanese but Nepalese who went to live in neighboring Bhutan, many at the beginning of the twentieth century, but then Bhutan had a resurgence of ethnic nationalism and wanted Bhutan for the Bhutanese and drove out the ‘foreigners.’   Nepal, a stable country, didn’t want to take its ethnic people back so they have lived in camps for upwards of 20 years.  It is those people we are now resettling by the tens of thousands into our miserable economy.

I bet we have close to a hundred posts here at RRW on the Bhutanese/Nepalese… so just type ‘Bhutanese’ into our search function to learn more.

It’s September—time for Wade Rathke and the union boys to organize Egypt!

Labor Day News!

You all know who Wade Rathke is right?  He’s the founder of ACORN and the SEIU, but he’s got a new gig—the Organizers Forum—and they are organizing their great Egyptian adventure this month where they plan to tell those Muslim Brotherhood guys how to community-organize American style.

Here is what they say about their upcoming trip:

Our fall 2011 International Dialogue will be located in Egypt where we will meet with labor and community organizers and other activists in Cairo.  There are exciting changes and developments that are currently taking place in Egypt with elections coming soon to determine leadership transitions in what has been an autocratic regime, now challenged by the Muslim Brotherhood and succession and democracy issues.  The trip is still in the planning stages, and we will post updates as soon as we have them.

We plan to travel with approximately 15-20 participants, and we will strive to have a mix of both community and labor organizers/leaders from a variety of community organizations and unions.  We look for participants to meet in Cairo, pay their own travel and visa costs in addition to a program fee. The Organizers Forum will pay for food, lodging, and ground transportation.  And, yes, though we are only planning to spend time in one city on this dialogue, we will see the Pyramids! [oh, yippee!]

I’m wondering if they could pop on over to Libya and get Obama’s rebel “freedom fighters” minds right on their treatment of black migrant workers.

So, why am I writing about Wade and the boys here at RRW (and at PTPR)?  Because two prominent leaders of the immigrant and refugee activist movement in the US are on the Board of Directors* of the Organizers ForumGustavo Torres of CASA de Maryland and Joshua Hoyt of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR).  I told you about them here and here.

Both of those organizations (CASA and ICIRR) are heavily funded with US tax dollars—don’t they have enough to do right here in the US?  Or, are they more interested in the One World Communist Labor movement—hey Wade! good luck with those Muslim Brotherhood folks, I think they have an Islamic Shariah-governed Caliphate in mind not a Communist utopia.

* Note that Torres has no bio listed on the Organizers Forum—you would think his Sandinista Commie-connections would be a plus with this gang.

Addendum:  I wonder if Hillary knows about this little union organizing trip by some of her old friends?  Or is she sending them on a recon mission?

Jihadists plot to take over Libya

Update September 6th:  More on the chaos in Libya as the “NATO rebels” take control and more blacks fear for their lives, here.

Gee!  Who could have seen this coming?

From the Washington Times (hat tip: Drudge and Snow Walker):

Jihadists among the Libyan rebels revealed plans last week on the Internet to subvert the post-Moammar Gadhafi government and create an Islamist state, according to U.S. intelligence agencies.

U.S. officials said spy agencies are stepping up surveillance of Islamist-oriented elements among Libyan rebels. A government report circulated Tuesday said extremists were observed “strategizing” on Internet forums about how to set up an Islamist state in Libya after the regime of Col. Gadhafi is defeated.

“Several forum participants have suggested that, following a transitional stage, the battle should turn against secularist rebels and members of the [rebels’] Transitional National Council,” the unclassified report stated.


….the report said the jihadist plotting coincided with the high-profile emergence of Abu Abdallah al-Sadiq, a former leader of the al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and now a leading rebel. He is currently known as Abdel Hakim al-Khulidi Belhaj and led rebels in overrunning Col. Gadhafi’s Tripoli compound.


A U.S. official familiar with intelligence reports on the region said there are concerns that some LIFG members remain committed to al Qaeda and others may be temporarily renouncing their ties to the terrorist group for “show.”


A defense official familiar with jihadist strategy said Islamists likely will emerge in power from the turmoil expected after the demise of the Gadhafi regime and the West will be partly [partly!] to blame.


The jihadists want to set up an Islamist state ruled by Shariah law.

Read the whole Washington Times article, here.

Who is to blame?

Will Samantha and the gals admit that the ‘responsibility to protect’ theory has backfired, especially in light of that round-up of African blacks I reported last night.  Here is what I said about Obama’s brain trust—Power, Clinton and Rice—in April:

We were told by the French, the British and the UNITED NATIONS that we had to save the people of Libya from Qadhafi.  President Obama said, oh sure, as long as the UN says it’s about humanitarianism we’re in!  There was apparently no serious planning, no serious thought when Macbeths’s “weird sisters” Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and Samantha Power told Obama to jump (and he did).  Now we are faced with a “slow motion humanitarian crisis”…

Get ready for it!  More “refugees” of Obama’s own creation will be headed our way!  LOL!  Just like Iraq—we “win” the war and our prize is we get more refugees!

Obama’s victorious Libyan rebels rounding up blacks

Update September 5th:  A reader sent this youtube clip of rebels playing with the dead body of an African they killed in Libya, here.

Those mostly Arab (Muslim Brotherhood) Libyan rebels supported and praised by the Obama Administration, and by Senator John McCain too, are making one of their first actions to be the round-up of all African blacks and then imprisoning them.  Gee, what happened to Samantha Power’s doctrine —- the responsibility to protect.

The Africans are mostly migrant workers Gadhafi had encouraged to work in Libya.  The rebels say they are all mercenaries.  Human rights groups have stepped in to protest.

From AP:

TRIPOLI, Libya (AP) — Rebel forces and armed civilians are rounding up thousands of black Libyans and migrants from sub-Sahara Africa, accusing them of fighting for ousted strongman Moammar Gadhafi and holding them in makeshift jails across the capital.

Virtually all of the detainees say they are innocent migrant workers, and in most cases there is no evidence that they are lying. But that is not stopping the rebels from placing the men in facilities like the Gate of the Sea sports club, where about 200 detainees — all black — clustered on a soccer field this week, bunching against a high wall to avoid the scorching sun.


The rebels’ National Transitional Council has called on fighters not to abuse prisoners and says those accused of crimes will receive fair trials. There has been little credible evidence of rebels killing or systematically abusing captives during the six-month conflict. Still, the African Union and Amnesty International have protested the treatment of blacks inside Libya, saying there is a potential for serious abuse.

Think about it! Those “rebels” we spent billions supporting with military assets would round up Obama too, if he were dropped in the middle of Tripoli right now as an ordinary worker.

Oh, by the way, it seems some of these same rebels were fighting against us in Iraq, here.