Will Egypt’s Coptic Christians become the new wave of refugees to the US?

There is no doubt that the hardline Islamic supremacists are making Christians’ lives miserable in Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood-governed Egypt, but because Obama and Hillary have so much invested in the glorious Arab Spring, a wholesale movement of Copts to the US would put a lie to their entire Middle East/Africa foreign policy gamble.  (Just as the murder of four Americans in Benghazi puts a lie to Obama’s Libya “democracy” experiment).

Here is the story from The Commentator (Get ready for Coptic Christian refugees):

 There is a refugee crisis taking place inside Egypt. This became apparent on October 5th, when Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi met with a group of Coptic Christians who had been driven from their homes by Muslim extremists in Rafah, a city located on Egypt’s border with the Gaza Strip.

Morsi met with the families in El Arish, a town approximately 30 miles from Rafah in an attempt to reassure them that the threats and violence they endured before fleeing their homes would never happen to them again.

“What happened is an individual case which represents neither Egypt nor its children, Muslim or Christian,” he said. “It’s a crime for which the perpetrators must be held responsible.”

Morsi intimated to his Coptic audience that he would work to find new homes and livelihoods for them elsewhere in Egypt. This prompted an angry response from the Coptic families who complained that they had already established their lives in Rafah – the city where they had just been driven from and where Christians had been living for close to two millennia.

It’s interesting to note that Morsi did not meet with the Copts in Rafah itself, but in a town approximately 30 miles away.

The city of Rafah, from which weapons are being smuggled through tunnels into the Gaza Strip on a regular basis, has been effectively overrun by Jihadists who are even more extreme than the Muslim Brotherhood. If Morsi, Egypt’s president, can’t set foot in Rafah, there is simply no way he can help Coptic Christians to move back into the city.

The ethnic cleansing of Coptic Christians from Rafah is of great consequence. Rafah is the place where, according to tradition, Jesus Christ crossed into ancient Egypt soon after his birth to avoid his detection and murder by King Herod in Bethlehem in a story told in the Gospel of Matthew.

By acquiescing to the cleansing of Christians from Rafah – where one church (out of three in the city) has been recently destroyed – Morsi is cooperating with the Islamist project of separating Christianity from its historical and geographical roots in the Middle East.

So what happens next?

Eventually, the refugee crisis inside Egypt will spill over its borders and become an international problem.

How will Western leaders and intellectuals respond?

One commenter to the story suggests that Israel might take them.   But ‘Raymond in DC’ said this (I have no idea if this is true!):

Won’t happen. Egypt’s Cops number some 8 million, while Israel’s total population is roughly 7.5 million. Besides, when Jews did live in Egypt they weren’t especially well treated by Cops, and many are, as you suggest, as anti-Semitic as their Muslim brethren.

So what happens when the Muslim immigrant population reaches critical mass?

Just ask Denmark!   You think it won’t happen here in the US, it will, it’s just a few decades away.

From Soeren Kern writing at the Gatestone Institute (emphasis mine):

Muslim immigrants in a town near Copenhagen have forced the cancellation of traditional Christmas displays this year even while spending lavishly on the Islamic Eid celebration marking the end of Ramadan.

The controversy has escalated into an angry nationwide debate over the role of Islam in post-Christian Denmark, where a burgeoning Muslim population is becoming increasingly assertive in imposing its will on a wide range of social and civic issues.

The latest dust-up involves the Egedalsvænget housing complex in Kokkedal, a town situated some 30 kilometers (20 miles) north of Copenhagen where Arab and Turkish immigrants now comprise more than half the total population.

At a recent meeting of the Egedalsvænget tenants’ association, the Muslim majority on the Board of Directors refused to authorize spending 7,000 Danish kroner ($1,200) for the community’s annual Christmas event.

The vote came shortly after the same Board of Directors authorized spending 60,000 kroner ($10,000) on a large communal celebration of the Muslim holiday Eid. Five out of nine of the board members are Muslims.

Convert Denmark into a Muslim country?  Nah, they need to adapt to Denmark (good luck with that!).

The dispute, which is the latest in an ever-growing list of Muslim-related controversies in Denmark, was first reported by the Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR) on November 7. Since then, the issue has snowballed into a national scandal and has become a key topic for public debate in the Danish media as well as in political circles.

A spokesman for the Danish Conservative Party, Tom Behnke, says he fears there are people who want to convert Denmark into a Muslim country. In an interview with DR News, Behnke said: “I think it is deeply alarming that our integration efforts are so ineffective that the moment there is a Muslim majority, we do away with good-old Danish traditions and introduce Muslim traditions instead. We are living in Denmark, and people have to adapt to the situation that applies here.”  [Sounds about as mealy-mouthed as some American “conservatives.”—ed]

When asked whether housing associations with a Muslim minority should sponsor an Eid party, Behnke replied: “We have to remember that in the past, an Eid festival was the Muslims’ victory celebration after they had slaughtered the Christians, so I don’t know how much there is to celebrate in Denmark. Still, people should be allowed to celebrate whatever festivals they want to, but they also must respect the festivals in the country they have come to.”  [Can you say paper tiger?—ed]

It is worth reading the whole article.  The last section is about the immigrant gangs:

The immigrant gangs are involved in countless criminal activities, including drug trafficking, illegal weapons smuggling, extortion, human trafficking, robbery, prostitution, automobile theft, racketeering and murder.

Many of the gang members are ethnic Arabs, Bosnians, Turks and Somalians. They also include Iraqis, Moroccans, Palestinians and Pakistanis.

I just looked back at our many posts on “welcoming” Denmark—a model country for refugee resettlement.  Note that in 2011, the country took a Left turn and elected leaders who are pro-immigration after the former government had tried to slow the trend, here.  Don’t you wonder why it’s so hard to learn from history?

Diversity Visa Lottery is for “new seed” immigration

I was looking for something else and came across this information page at the Immigration Policy Center (IPC) a pro-open borders organization.   (Have a look at IPC’s background here at Discover the Networks.)

We have from time to time over the years touched upon this legal immigration program called the Diversity Visa Lottery or Greencard Lottery and I plan to be writing about it more often.  For some of you I know it’s hard to believe that we have a lottery so that we can collect greater diversity from around the world.

Here is what the Immigration Policy Center says in its fact sheet about the lottery.

The diversity visa lottery was created to encourage legal immigration to the U.S. from countries other than the major immigrant sending countries.  The current immigration system favors individuals who have close relationships with family members or employers in the U.S.  People who do not have close family or employment in the U.S. have very few opportunities for permanent, legal immigration to the U.S.

The diversity immigrant category was created by the Immigration Act of 1990 (P.L. 101-649) to stimulate “new seed” immigration from parts of the world that are under-represented in the U.S.  The Nicaraguan Adjustment and Central American Relief Act of 1997 (NACARA) temporarily reduced the 55,000 annual ceiling by up to 5,000 annually to offset immigrant visa numbers for certain NACARA beneficiaries.  As of now, the diversity visa ceiling is still set at 50,000, and it is unclear how many more years the offset will continue.

The diversity lottery makes visas available each year to natives of countries with fewer than 50,000 total immigrant admissions over the preceding five years.  Natives of Mexico, India, China, and other countries that send large numbers of immigrants to the U.S. are not eligible.


Each year, diversity visa winners make up about 4% of all LPR admissions.  In 2009, there were 47,879 green cards issued to diversity visa winners.  Of those, 26,243 were principal applicants, 10,157 were spouses of principal applicants, and 11,479 were their children.  The vast majority were new arrivals to the U.S. (46,602 vs. 1,277 adjustments of status for immigrants already in the U.S.).   [This last part means that someone already in the US with another visa program or I suppose illegally in the US as well, can apply—ed]

This is what they say about the 2010 batch of “seeds:”

The single largest number of visas went to Ethiopia (3,987 visas), followed by Egypt (3,447), Uzbekistan (3,279), Nigeria (2,937), Bangladesh (2,800), and Kenya (2,279).   [I’ll bet you the majority of those are Muslims—ed]

Readers:  I’m adding a new category today—Diversity Visa Lottery.  But, for more that we have previously written on the topic over the last five years, type in ‘diversity visa’ and you’ll find a bunch of older posts.

Note to all of  you who say, “I’m o.k. with LEGAL immigration, it’s illegal that I have problems with.”  So is this program which brings in 50,000 a year O.K too?