There has been a second fatal boat sinking in the Mediterranean as “asylum seekers” attempt to escape the lawlessness and economic decay of North Africa (and Syria!).
Just 8 days ago, hundreds perished off Lampedusa, here.
Update October 13th: Another boat sank on Friday carrying mostly Palestinians, here.
It is my observation that the number of boats carrying hundreds of migrants has increased dramatically since the highly touted Arab Spring got underway. And, one wonders why European and American powers (who cheered-on the Arab Spring and helped overthrow Gaddafi in Libya) can’t get at the source of the problem (the crime!) in Africa.
Most news accounts of the quandary faced by European countries on the receiving-end of the migrant tide, directs the responsibility to find a solution on to European citizens to “welcome” the largely economic migrants instead of getting at the root problem in Africa and stopping the boats from launching there.
It almost makes me wonder if there aren’t ‘powers that be’ in the West who want the immigrant tide to continue.
I have never seen a single word in the press I follow on the Mediterranean boat people crisis that suggests attacking the problem in Africa, except of course that the West must help financially fix Africa.
Here is the latest news. This boat carrying 250 sank in waters patrolled by Malta. No nationalities of the deceased have been mentioned yet.
From the Irish Independent:
A boat packed with an estimated 250 refugees and migrants has capsized in the middle of the Mediterranean, just a week after a similar accident off the Italian island of Lampedusa left more than 300 people dead.
At least 200 people were reported to have been thrown into the sea after the boat tipped over yesterday and corpses were reportedly floating in the water.
According to Italian media reports, at least 12 people died in the incident and 50 are still missing, among them children, but up to 200 people have been rescued.
The capsizing happened around 60 miles south of Lampedusa, in waters where Malta has search and rescue responsibilities.
Malta immediately requested Italian assistance in going to the aid of the migrants.
According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 32,000 have arrived in southern Italy and Malta this year alone, around two thirds of whom have filed requests for asylum.
In a dark mood? Read the 40-year-old prescient fictional work ‘The Camp of the Saints’ by French author Jean Raspail. Raspail got one thing wrong—the continent—his third world invaders were coming from the Indian sub-continent so their voyage was longer.