Israel: Maybe Netanyahu could teach Obama how to build a border fence!

Israel’s southern fence (from The Guardian)

Israel is planning another major border fence project to thwart a possible “invasion” of Syrians from Jordan via the West Bank (and for other reasons).   According to :

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he intends to build a separation barrier between the West Bank and Jordan after completing walls on the Egyptian and Syrian borders, according to a report by the Israeli newspaper Maariv on Sunday.

Netanyahu plans to construct the wall in order to send a message to Palestinians who oppose Israeli presence in the Jordan Valley, the report says.

The wall will also guarantee continued Israeli control of the border crossing, Netanyahu reportedly said.

He added that the thousands of Syrian refugees in Jordan pose a threat to Israeli security, the article continues. The wall would protect Israeli settlements from possible invasion.

A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas told Ma’an that new construction plans are a clear message from the Israeli government to the United States “declaring the failure of the peace talks.”

As we have reported many times on these pages, Israel was being invaded by Africans coming across its border with Egypt, but a sturdy fence has slowed that migration to near zero.

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