.…but you might think so if you read two articles that appeared in my alerts this morning!
I urge you to read the two stories here and here and remember three things (I know you know!).
The little girl is the victim!
Threats of violence against anyone are never condoned.
Elected officials hate controversy, so keep the pressure on them.
On number three: Many of the elected officials in Twin Falls failed in their duty to be fully transparent with the community and all those concerned for the well-being of the real victim. Some called those who wanted answers (and are still waiting for answers) racists and bigots.
To see this cry-baby spin on the story now—that the poor elected officials are being besieged by e-mails from all over the country—is maddening.
They asked for the job of representing the people of Twin Falls, and as the saying goes, if you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen!
And, learn a lesson as it relates to the Refugee Admissions Program: Citizens of a community being targeted as a federal resettlement site have every right to all the answers about how the program is run, what it costs, who is coming and from where, and must have their questions answered as it relates to security and crime. Additionally, they must be told who in the business community is promoting and benefiting from the arrival of low-skilled workers from the third world.
I’ve long-since come to the conclusion that we can’t wait for Washington to reform this program, but all of you with concerns must work on getting local elected officials, who are unresponsive, hostile and downright rude and nasty to you, unseated!
You have more people on your sidethan you know!
I was surprised to see that this large number—38%—of Democrats think our refugee admissions are too high!
Readers you have to wade through a lot of column inches before you get to what I consider the meat of this story by AP. It sure looks like Americans generally are not in agreement with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton on admitting tens of thousands of refugees from mostly Muslim countries, especially Syrians. Associated Press at WHIO (12 paragraphs into the story). Emphasis below is mine:
Americans are slightly more likely to oppose than favor a temporary ban on Muslims who are not U.S. citizens from entering the United States, by a 52 percent to 45 percent margin that has been strikingly consistent in AP-GfK polls conducted this year.
Sixty-nine percent of Republicans say they favor the temporary ban on Muslim immigration, while 68 percent of Democrats are opposed. Half of whites and just a third of non-whites say they favor the ban. Seventy-six percent of Trump supporters are in favor.
On a trip to Scotland last month, Trump shifted his rhetoric, saying he would instead “want terrorists out” of the U.S., and to do so, he would limit people’s entry from “specific terrorist countries and we know who those terrorist countries are.”
The poll indicates that rhetorical shift could win support. Among those asked more broadly about a temporary ban on immigrants from areas of the world where there is a history of terrorism against the U.S. or its allies, 63 percent are in favor and 34 percent opposed. Ninety-four percent of Trump supporters say they favor this proposal, as do 45 percent of Clinton supporters.
“That’s a necessity for creating stability,” said Ryan Williams, 40, a health care provider from Jacksonville, North Carolina.
Most Americans — 53 percent — think the United States is currently letting in too many refugees from Syria, engulfed in civil war since 2011 and the Islamic State militant group’s de facto center. President Barack Obama has pledged to admit some 10,000 Syrian refugees this year.
Remember Hillary is on record saying she wants to admit 65,000 Syrians immediately (only 11 percent of Americans agree with her!):
Another 33 percent think the current level is about right, while just 11 percent want to let in more. About 4 in 10 think there’s a very or somewhat high risk of refugees committing acts of religious or political violence in the United States, 34 percent think the risk moderate, and 24 percent consider it very or somewhat low.
Seventy-six percent of Republicans think the U.S. should allow fewer refugees.Among Democrats, 43 percent think the current level is about right, 38 percent think the U.S. should allow fewer, and 18 percent want to allow more.
This tells me that Trump has to continue to pound the issue of refugees! (And, that the propagandists at The Hive have their work cut out for them). BTW, if every American could see what I’ve seen over the last two days on my road trip, these numbers would be even higher!
One more thing…I’ve heard several times lately that some Americans think that the US refugee program is a temporary one for the refugees, that they only come here until things calm down in their home countries. That is NOT the case! Refugees who come to the US come here permanently and ultimately become citizens.