Top posts of the last week and misc. news

I’m trying each week to take a few minutes to let readers know which posts were the most popular in the preceding week.  I’ll tell you shortly, but first a couple of other bits of information.

Heading West!

This coming Friday I will be headed out across America on RRW’s first (maybe only because my plans are pretty ambitious/nuts!) Road Trip!
I’ll be stopping in 14 or 15 states to see (first hand) how the UN/US State Department refugee resettlement program is changing American towns.
I’m especially interested in the economic drivers of the program.  It has long been my contention that this 35-year-old federal plan to distribute third world refugees to hundreds of towns has several drivers with the humanitarian motive serving only as a cover story for more powerful forces to hide behind.
As time permits (I’ll be driving a lot of hours every day), I will write from the road.  I assume I will still be able to keep up with the general refugee news around the country in addition to providing some insights about what I find. I do intend to continue to tweet (for those of you not on twitter see the right hand side bar for tweets) and to post to facebook.
And, although I haven’t had the time I hoped to keep up with my other blog—American Resistance 2016!—maybe I’ll see some Election 2016 news I’ll want to share while on the road.
To be clear! This is a ‘listening tour’ (a fact-finding trip) not a speaking tour!
Note to commenters!
If you are wondering why some of your comments haven’t been posted, perhaps its because you were threatening some sort of violence. Cut it out! We have three rules about commenting: no threats of violence, no foul language, and no ad hominem (personal) attacks on another commenter.  It is not that difficult to address the ideas and views of another commenter without calling them a ‘jerk’ or something worse.  Otherwise, I don’t mind views that I don’t particularly agree with.

Here then are the Top Three posts of last week (daily most read posts are in the right hand side bar):

Minneapolis Somali ‘youths’ invade suburban neighborhood, threaten homeowners

Minnesota victim speaks in case of roving Somali gangs in upscale neighborhood

How the Idaho story confirms what we have been saying for years: it is about MONEY!

Speaking of money…
You may have noticed that I have now added a ‘donation’ button here at RRW.  People have been urging me for nearly nine years to do it, so we will see how it goes.  Thanks to all who have donated to date. Just remember that your donations are not tax deductible because I don’t want the IRS dictating what I write about, and I will pay whatever taxes are due.
Also, I assume you have noticed that I don’t have ads popping up all over the place to interfere with your reading.
For my critics, let me be clear, I don’t work for anyone or any organization. I clearly have a bias, but it’s my own!
All previous weekly and monthly roundups can be found in our ‘blogging’ category by clicking here. Some of those roundups include discussions of how to find stuff at RRW.  With over 7,700 posts archived here, it can be daunting to find information. Tip: Simplest way to find something is to type key words into the search window.
Thanks as always for your continued interest in this critical issue!