CNN ballistic over Rep. Steve King's tweet about demography being destiny

Holland’s future or not? If left unchecked, the Turks and the Moroccans will outbreed the Dutch. It is a fact.

I’ve mentioned before that I watch CNN every morning while my coffee is perking. I recommend it to all of you because one is instantly oriented to what the political Left is going to harp on for the day.
This morning they were aghast at the remark Rep. Steve King tweeted in relationship to tomorrow’s election in Holland where Geert Wilders has a shot at winning.
(By the way, I also recommend tweeting to all of you. If you follow the right sites and people, it is the fastest way to get breaking news—even better than Drudge. You don’t have to tweet yourselves, just get an account and follow certain people. Then, throughout the day, check in to see what is breaking around the world! I tweet a lot of news out that I never have time to write about.)

Here is what got Rep. Steve King in hot water with the Lefties at CNN.

Isn’t this the absolute truth! The Dutch election tomorrow is about saving Holland and Western Civilization!


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