Washington is all a tither this morning about how now former FBI Director James Comey might make a reappearance on The Hill next week. So, lest you forget, the man of the hour, the day, the week, hell, the century! James Comey said this on his last visit to the Senate. Any chance that Senators McCain, Graham, Rubio, Lee, Tillis or Lankfordwill ask about this bombshell from his previous testimony? Don’t hold your breath! (Below is a repost from May 9th! Written earlier in the same day that Comey was fired.)
FBI looking at 2,000 cases of US links to foreign terrorists, 300 are REFUGEES
Just when you thought you had had it with FBI Director Comey he admits something that you would never expect a politically-correct Washington insider to reveal.
Comey grilled on the Hill: All they ever want to hear from Comey is information about Hillary Trump and how the Russians elected Trump. No mention that I’ve seen anywhere, except from Mark Krikorian, about the stunning news that 300 refugees are being watched.
Testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee last Wednesday, Director Comey said in response to questioning by Senator Thom Tillis of NC about those being watched by the FBI who are in contact with foreign terrorists (from a transcript published by the WaPo):
Then we have another big group of people that we’re looking at who we see some contact with foreign terrorists. So you take that 2,000 plus cases, about 300 of them are people who came to the United States as refugees.
As far as I know no reporter has mentioned this stunning news. Mark Krikorian, Director of the Center for Immigration Studies caught it though and published the revelation at National Review Onlinehere yesterday.
Krikorian reminds us that Comey had testified to Congress on more than one occasionwhere he admitted that there is no way to thoroughly screen refugees from failed states like Syria and Somalia.
So 15 percent of the FBI’s terrorism cases are refugees – far more than their share of the immigrant population, let alone the general population. And that denominator of 2,000 presumably includes people with no immigration nexus at all – skinheads, antifa, Klan, environmental and animal rights extremists, et al. So the refugee share of immigration-related terrorism investigations is more than 15 percent, perhaps much more.
Krikorian goes on to argue that, except for a few special cases, we should help legitimate refugees where they are in the world and not risk bringing them to your town and mine.
Read all of Krikorian’s post here.
But, are they really persecuted refugees or are they economic migrants from yet another African country whose government is a mess? And thus the fundamental question for us, as always, is: So why are they our problem? Pordenone, Italy. 15th April 2015 — (A group of 47) Somali and Eritrean migrants on the run as they try to escape from a police station in Pordenone while being round up for identification, Italy. https://reported.ly/2015/04/15/african-migrants-make-desperate-attempt-escape-italian-detention/
I did my usual end-of-the-week look at Wrapsnet just now. If you are following my updates in the right hand side bar here at RRW, note that as of today we have admitted 44,888 refugees this fiscal year (the FY ends on September 30th).
Checking the numbers this week I was interested to see that only a little over a quarter of the 813 admitted since last Friday are Muslims. The Syrian numbers are way down (18 of the 22 admitted this week are Muslims). We did admit another 57 Somalis, but of the 49 Iraqis admitted, the vast majority (38) are Yezidis. There were zero Iraqi Christians admitted this past week.
I was also interested to see that our Burmese Muslim numbers are growing with 35 admitted this past week (from 5/12-5/19), but of most interest to me was the large number of Muslims admitted during the week from Eritrea (68!).
I have to admit, I’ve never really paid any attention to the flow of Eritreans to the US. We know they are one of the larger groups flooding in to Europe mostly passing through Hillary’s failed state of Libya, but apparently our US State Department is scooping up a fair number of them as well. They have an African “authoritarian government,” but why is that our problem? Eritrea and Ethiopia have been on-again, off-again at war forever. Why is that our problem?
One of the ‘human rights’ complaints about Eritrea is its mandatory conscription to military service, so,again, why is that our problem? Felix Horne photo: https://www.hrw.org/about/people/felix-horne
Indeed, many question whether the Eritreans are legitimate “refugees” or are they “economic migrants.”
“In refugee law, it can be tricky to draw the line between an economic migrant and someone who is fleeing persecution,” says Felix Horne, a researcher at Human Rights Watch. “Eritrea is the best example of that…”
Admissions of Eritreans are on the rise in the US
I explored Wrapsnet a bit to see what we have been doing for about the last ten or so fiscal years with Eritreans and sure enough, the numbers we admit are on the rise.
In FY2008 we admitted only 251. That number jumped to 1,571 in Obama’s first year. In 2016 it was 1,949 and, in the first seven and a half months of this fiscal year, the number stands at 1,307. In the past week, ending this morning, we admitted 90 Eritreans and 68 of those are Muslims. That was the highest ethnic group of Muslims in the week. Are they getting “extreme vetting?” If we continue to admit 90 a week*** for the remaining weeks of the fiscal year, the Trump Administration could reach 3,000 by September 30th (well above any year during the Obama Administration).
Since FY2007 we admitted 16,897 Eritreans to the US.
There is a lot of useful information in the article I linked above and here from the Council on Foreign Relations if you want to learn more about the Eritrean tide spreading to Europe and America. One of the points that jumped out at me is one we discussed, here, recently.
Note that US dollars sent out of the US economy prop up Eritrea’s economy:
Eritreans in the diaspora also contribute to Eritrea’s economic survival by sending their families remittances, which provide the country with foreign reserves and keep families afloat.
So, as Syrian and Somali refugee numbers decline slightly, we are seeing an increase in Burmese Rohingya Muslims to the US as well as the Eritreans we have featured in this post.
*** Here is the breakdown of the Eritrean refugee admissions for the week of May 12-May 19, 2017 from Wrapsnet:
His “clients” are refugees admitted to the US in recent months.
Yes! for resettlement agencies paid by your tax dollars, the ‘refugees’ they resettle are “clients.” I think that is a better word than ‘refugee’ since most aren’t legitimate refugees in the first place. US Togetheris a subcontracting resettlement agency of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society,see here.
Here is a bit of the interview at IdeaStream (All things considered) entitled: Uncertain Future Remains For Northeast Ohio Refugee Resettlement Agencies.
After you listen, I want to give you some facts about what the US Together employee is talking about and on resettlement to Ohio in general.
White House press secretary Sean Spicer yesterday said President Trump’s travel ban order is fully lawful, and he was confident the order would be upheld by an appeals court. The comments came after a three-judge panel from the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in Seattle heard arguments in Hawaii’s challenge to the ban. [As is the case with most reporters, they don’t know the difference between the ‘ban’ and the President’s lawful power under the Refugee Act of 1980 to set refugee admission numbers each fiscal year.—ed]
After the first executive order in January affecting travel from mostly Muslim countries, Northeast Ohio refugee resettlement agencies feared lay-offs and uncertain finances [because they are paid out of the federal treasury!—ed].
Yesterday I spoke with Evan Chwalek with agency Us Together, about how things were going:
CHWALEK: “The way I like to think about it is, there are the things that the judiciary can affect, and the things they can’t affect, and we’ve been able to continue the resettlement process, but because the President has essentially cut the number of refugees admitted to the country in this fiscal year in half, we have fewer refugees to resettle, and unfortunately because of that we had many lay-offs.” [You see how they do this, “cut…in half!” From what, from Obama’s 2017 dream number of 110,000 for a year he would be in the WH for only 3 and a half months!—ed]
GANZER: “How many would you say?”
Hear the whole interview with US Together employee Evan Chwalek here: http://wcpn.ideastream.org/news/uncertain-future-remains-for-northeast-ohio-refugee-resettlement-agencies
CHWALEK: “Somewhere in the neighborhood of 10, I would say, across the Cleveland office, and then we have offices in Toledo and Columbus, as well.” [Chwalek identifies the employees let go as “contractors.”—ed]
GANZER: “And you personally were affected by this. You were laid-off, right?”
CHWALEK: “That’s correct. I was laid-off in February and because of the changes in staff, they actually brought me back on as a full-time employee just three weeks ago.”
GANZER: “Not knowing many of the things that will come through the courts, or what the Administration might do next, what is the mood would you say around Us Together? Is it one of fear, or panic, or optimism?”
CHWALEK: “Fear isn’t the word I’d use. Resiliency comes to mind. Despite the uncertainties of the future, we have to continue offering the day-to-day services to our clients: getting them from medical appointments, applying for Social Security, making sure they understand how to use the bus on the way to work.” [If only poor Americans knew ‘refugee’ “clients” get such “services!”—ed]
GANZER: “How many families do you think will come to Cleveland this year, projected, would you say?”
CHWALEK: “I don’t really know the answer to that, but I would say somewhere around 175 individuals by the end of this fiscal year, which ends in September.”
GANZER: “In a pre-Trump Administration era, can you compare how many families we can look at?”
CHWALEK: “I look at the arrival sheets, and they are almost completely blank now. We probably had 400 resettled in the last fiscal year, individuals that is.”
CHWALEK: “We recommend that our clients don’t leave the country.
Chwalek goes on to say they are waiting to see what Trump does for the next fiscal year after admitting that Trump can change the numbers within a fiscal year (either up or down). We too are waiting to see what the Trump State Department does in September when the Presidential Determination is sent to The Hill for FY18.
First, on this last point I snipped above, if a ‘refugee’ is truly a persecuted person, why would he/she leave the safety of America to risk the danger they supposedly escaped?
I went toWrapsnet to get a feel for the numbers that Chwalek is talking about.
Look up data for Ohio and you can readily see how deceptive they can be to reporters who don’t have their facts in advance.
I went back to FY12 (in the Obama Administration) and found that the average number of refugees admitted to the whole state of Ohio for FY12, 13, 14 and 15 was 2,709 per year. Then the numbers jumped in Obama’s last year as he pushed for the huge increase in Syrians. Ohio “welcomed” 4,194 in FY16 (obviously well above the previous average for 4 years). So far in FY17 (about 7.5 months) Ohio has received 2,274 refugees. Again the pre-FY16 average for Ohio is 2,709 for the whole year, so they will likely hit their average this year (excluding the anomaly year FY16).
As for numbers for Cleveland/Cleveland Heights, the average resettlement there was about 75 per month during that anomaly year of FY16 and at this moment Cleveland/Cleveland Heights is getting an average of 60 per month—clearly not so far off the FY16 banner year. Chwalek was rehired because the numbers are not that drastically lower and paying “clients” are still coming in, but they don’t want reporters like this guy Ganzer to know that! The story line they are selling is that Trump is bad and the agencies need money (so please give!).
(There are several resettlement contractors in addition to US Together vying for paying “clients” in Ohio so some of those going to Cleveland are clients of other federal contracting agencies.)
For new readers, in 2013, I alerted Ohioans that the big push was on to diversify Cleveland by seeding it with ‘clients’ of federal contracting agencies like US Together and its parent organization the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
European nations on the edges of Europe have taken the full brunt of the migrant flood to Europe. The fault lies in the fact that the EU leadership never had the guts to turn the boats back to Turkey or the North African coast when the invasion began in earnest several years ago. Additionally the invasion of Europe from N. Africa accelerated when several European countries, with the Obama Administration’s help (Hillary!), destabilized Libya. Polish Prime Minister Beata Szydło. If Donald Trump really wanted to change the subject, go on the offense, and at the same time encourage his base, he should invite Beata to the White House! Don’t you find it interesting that fearless women opposition leaders in Germany, France and Poland are so vocal about defending against the invasion of Europe?
So the people of Poland elected a government that has steadfastly said, this is not our problem! Why should we welcome the mostly Muslim migrants when statistics show that doing so results in increased turmoil and violence (and expense for taxpayers!)? See map here. Here is the latest news on efforts to pressure Poland and Hungary.
Always remember that it was a Polish king who saved Europefrom a Muslim takeover in 1683! Maybe the Poles have a long memory (unlike the French who also once in history turned back the invasion).
You go girl! UK Independent:
Poland’s Prime Minister has claimed the country “cannot accept refugees” as the EU threatens legal action against nations failing to comply with quotas.
Alongside Hungary and Austria, it is one of only three countries not to have relocated a single refugee, “in breach of their legal obligations” and commitments.
Dimitris Avramopoulos: Do as I say!
“This cannot be the responsibility of just a few member states – this must be shared be all,” said Dimitris Avramopoulos, the European Commissioner for migration.
But Prime Minister Beata Szydło told a press conference there had been no formal agreement to compulsory quotas, which Hungary and Poland voted against.
“A critical attitude towards the mechanism of migrant relocation is becoming increasingly widespread in the European Union,” she claimed, according to a translation by state broadcaster Poland Radio.
“Poland cannot accept refugees.”
The EU originally set the goal for the distribution of migrants at 160,000 by September 2017. They will be lucky to seed 40,000 by later this year.
But fewer than 18,500 people have been resettled so far and while Poland has been assigned 6,200 refugees, none have been admitted.
The country committed to taking in up to 10,000 migrants at the start of the crisis but after winning the 2015 elections, the populist Law and Justice party (PiS) reversed the decision.
Go hereto continue reading.
My Invasion of Europe archive is here. It extends back for several years. Click herefor more on Poland.
You may recognize the name Paul Nehlen because he attempted to save Congress (and us!) from Speaker Paul Ryan by running against him in Wisconsin in 2016.
He is now attempting to alert America to the concept of Hijrah, the Islamic doctrine of jihad by immigration.
Please consider purchasing his documentary film (here) to encourage the continued education of the American public, your friends and family to the concept of a longterm, quiet invasion of the West.
Reader Brenda forwarded the latest trailer which includes a snip from one of my videos. Go hereor see it below.