American Thinker: Trump sees the Trojan Horse

Actually the Ottoman Turks (the Muslims) were ultimately defeated at the Gates of Vienna in 1683. Polish Hussars, pictured here, pushed the Turks back on SEPTEMBER 11-12, 1683 freeing the Austrians and sparing Germany. Gates of Vienna blog posted a good report on what happened here a few years ago: Unfortunately, the Muslims are back today as so-called “refugees” being welcomed to take Europe without a fight.

There is a good article about the Hijra by Ted Belman at American Thinker yesterday. Here are the opening paragraphs:

Ever wonder why there are so many Muslims and Muslim countries in the world? Over the millennia many countries were conquered, but didn’t remain Persian or Greek or Roman as the case may be. You see, the countries conquered in the name of Islam, became and remained Islamic. For example Pakistan, part of India, and Malaysia both were Hindu; Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Egypt and N. Africa were Christian; Afghanistan was Buddhist. They are all Islamic now.

This transformation was not by chance but by design. All these countries were conquered by force then shorn of their wealth and many of their women. Then the Muslim conquerors introduced Sharia and continued fighting the local inhabitants. The inhabitants were either forced to convert or accorded Dhimmi status. As time went on all cultures submitted and eventually became Islamic.

The advance of Islam was finally reversed in Spain and stopped at the Gates of Vienna in 1642 [Not sure about 1642, here is the final battle in 1683. More here—ed]. Thereafter the power of Islam went into decline but other than Spain, it never lost its hold on the people it conquered. This decline was reversed in the Twentieth Century when Arabs became wealthy as a result of their vast oil reserves. This wealth was then deployed to conquer the west, not by Violent Jihad, but by Stealth Jihad.

This design was referred to as The Islamic Doctrine.

Continue reading here.
The Islamists know and understand their history better than we do!  I bet they are laughing their heads off about the success they are having invading Europe today!  Interesting isn’t it that Poland is one of the few European countries that ‘gets it’ and isn’t inviting in the Muslim ‘refugees.’
BTW, we have a category here at RRW for years called ‘Stealth Jihad.’  Check it out sometime.

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