I wonder do they hire cheap refugee laborers like Chobani Yogurtor BIG MEAT or BIG CHICKEN?
Since I’ve been on the subject of food processors and their refugee hiring or promotion practices—see my two previous posts on possible new foreign-owned meatpackers in Montana, hereand here, and on Chobani’s expansion in Idaho here, Ithought I would just put up Ben & Jerry’slatest.(hat tip: Joanne).
I think you need to know which globalist companies are changing America by changing the people so you can walk on by in your local supermarket. Ben & Jerry’s is a subsidiary of the Dutch company Unilever.
Discerning readers will recognize the same old tired talking points and the virtue signalling to hide the fact that this is not about humanitarianism. It is about the cold hard facts surrounding the cheap and abundant supply of labor that can be moved around the world.
LOL! An afterthought! Click here for your ‘walk on by’ theme song!
“Having this in my backyard ruins everything about why we moved out here in the first place.”
(Stacy Hermiller a neighbor to the proposed site)
In my previous postI told you about the Trump Administration deal with China to supply Montana beef to China. To facilitate the deal, a Chinese company will build a huge feedlot and slaughter plant in the state—to hell with destroying the environment and disrupting the cultural make-up of Montana with migrant/refugee labor!
Now, we see that a Canadian company is one step ahead of the Chinese and trying to get its piece of Montana too!
A prominent Albertan livestock production and animal nutrition corporation filed an application within Cascade County to develop Montana’s largest slaughterhouse and meat processing plant on the outskirts of Great Falls.
In a highly controversial move, Obama’s US State Department opened a refugee office in Missoula two years ago. Learn about the controversy here: https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/?s=Missoula+Montana
If approved and constructed as described within a Special Use Permit (SUP) application filed with the Cascade County Planning Division, the proposed “Madison Food Park” complex could employ up to 3,000 people, exporting thousands of tons of meat to consumer markets throughout North America.
“The scope and scale of the proposed Madison Food Park (MFP) property and project will include, when complete, a state-of-the-art, robotically controlled, environmentally friendly, multi-species food processing plant for cattle, pigs and chickens and the related further processing facilities for beef, pork and poultry,”a Friesen Foods response to the special use application states.
Pie-in-the-sky” proposals for mass employment generating business enterprises are not uncommon, with varying degrees of reliability, but the prospects for the development of a Madison Food Park seem fairly reliable. [There is no doubt that they will be importing laborers—ed]
The Friesen family of businesses have been operating in Alberta for the past two decades. From a livestock production enterprise, the corporation has expanded to include meat processing and animal nutrition divisions.
Not mentioned in that article or this subsequent one ,where citizens are voicing concerns about their neighborhood near Great Falls, is the impact on the community from cheap migrant labor.
Worried neighbors concerned about environmental impact need also to ask—who is going to supply the thousands of workers needed?
Just ask any town that has seen what BIG MEAT, BIG CHICKEN OR BIG YOGURT has done, and is doing, to break up community cohesiveness. See Amarillo, TX, St. Cloud, MN, Greeley and Ft. Morgan, CO and Twin Falls, ID to name just a few. (Search RRW for each of those cities.)
Did all of these globalist food companies get together at Davos and listen to Mr. Chobani Yogurt? Hire more refugees!
Open a food processing company in America and the US State Department, at taxpayers’ expense, will provide you with cheap and compliant refugee labor and others with worker visas (and eventually the R’s will cave and grant amnesty to additional migrants)! American taxpayers will educate their kids and supplement their wages with healthcare/welfare/food stamps etc. When citizens complain, get the do-gooders to call them racists and haters. What a business model!
According to this storyat Montana Public Radio, there isn’t enough beef being produced in Montana to justify this big plant, so how does that jive with the subsequent Chinese deal? Will they be competing? Photo above is from Montana Public Radio.
By the way, the tiny town of Nickerson, Nebraska killed a plan last year to open a chicken processing plant there. The citizens were concerned about the impact on the environment, but also raised the issue of refugee labor overrunning the town.
See my complete archive on howMeatpackers are changing America, one town at a time! My Montana archive is ever-growing, here.
And, don’t miss Canada planning to welcome a million migrants to the country over next couple of years, so why don’t they keep their polluting meat plant on their side of the border? All those low-skilled refugees (the new younger replacement Canadians!) will need some place to work!
“It’s a really smart place for China to put in investment and to partner with Montana to have a really good packing industry and processing plant here.”
(Fred Wacker, rancher)
You know the phrase often used during Obama’s tenure in the Oval—changing America by changing the people. Well, that’s what is happening because greedy global corporations, especially food processing like BIG MEAT, BIG CHICKEN and BIG YOGURT, say they can’t find enough Americans to work low wage jobs so they need compliant immigrant laborers.
To hell with what flooding unsuspecting towns with third world workers does to rural America!
Trump with Republican Senator Daines giving Chinese investors a foothold in Montana?
Most egregious are the cases where the company (changing your town by changing the people) is foreign-owned.
We know this because we have been writing about the subject for ten years. In the early days the refugee resettlement contractors hid their relationship with global companies, but recently we reportedon one—Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service—signing a contract with Brazilian-owned JBS Swift in Greeley to help them “train” refugees as good employees for the meat giant. They signed another pact with Tyson Foods.
Now comes news that President Donald Trump made a deal with China to purchase Montana beef!
And, here is the catch: (To save money!) Montana needs a big new Chinese-owned meatpacking plant! What could go wrong?
US Senator Steve Daines and ranchers from the northwestern state of Montana on Wednesday applauded a 300-million-US dollar beef deal between Chinese commerce giant JD.com and the Montana Stockgrowers Association (MSGA).
“This landmark agreement has the potential to substantially increase Montana opportunity and agricultural exports to the fastest growing overseas market for beef,” Daines said in a statement.
JD signed the agreement with Errol Rice, executive vice president of MSGA, on Wednesday in Beijing as U.S. President Donald Trump began his three-day state visit to China.
JD also intends to invest up to another 100 million dollars to build a brand-new slaughter house and feedlot infrastructure in Montana to help set up its supply chain there, with construction beginning as early as the spring of 2018.
Win-win deal! Not!
Wacker says it’s cheaper to build a BIG MEAT plant in Montana than to ship to existing plants in other states. To hell with the disruption to Montana towns which will be flooded with migrant laborers, not to mention the impact on the environment!
The agreement follows an agricultural roundtable meeting in early September between a Chinese delegation and Montana farmers and ranchers, hosted by Daines at the Morgan Ranch House, near downtown Bozeman, Montana.
Fred Wacker, owner of Cross Four Ranch in Miles City, Montana, said at the meeting that it would cost him about 80 dollars a head to send cattle to feedlots and processing plants in the Midwest, so as to ship beef products to China and other overseas markets. He would like to seek partnership with Chinese companies to build a world-class processing plant in Montana.
“It’s a really smart place for China to put in investment and to partner with Montana to have a really good packing industry and processing plant here,” Wacker said, arguing that would help bring down logistic costs and guarantee stable supply of high quality beef to China, a win-win deal for both sides. [Losers are the citizens of Montana!—ed]
I suppose there is one bright side–unlike Chobani Yogurt in nearby Idaho, I doubt the Chinese owners will approve of Muslim workers in light of their clear historical animosity to the ‘religion of peace.’ I can just see the mess when the Chinese company gets hit with some discrimination lawsuits when they say “NO” to Somali workers.
Heck, maybe they will insist on bringing in Chinese workers!
In the summer of 2016 I traveled around the country to visit mostly meatpacking towns and haven’t eaten store-bought meat since. I raised beef cattle on a small scale for 20 years, but when I saw those mile-after-mile feedlots, cattle standing in the hot Colorado sun (and the migrant labor disrupted towns), I lost all interest in supermarket beef.
Montanans you don’t want massive feedlots in your lovely state!
Readers should know that the US State Department opened a controversial refugee resettlement office in Montana two years ago. Paving the way for the arrival of cheap refugee labor?
More on Montana wannabe meatpackers next! Here it is!