…..lost in the middle, are the rest of us.
Yesterday I told you about the Trump/Daines (Republican Senator from Montana) deal to invite China to set up a massive meat processing plant in Montana. A Canadian company is planning a second one.
For new readers, meat processing=foreign labor.

And, I see Ann Coulter yesterday chastised the Republicans for not seeing that their weak immigration policies are allowing the Dems to turn red states blue with immigrant voters who invariably vote for the party giving them stuff.
Here is Coulter on what the real message from the Virginia election should be. (Hat tip: Cathy)
Putting these two events together one can only conclude that the R’s want money and D’s want voters and the rest of us be damned.
Yes Virginia, Immigration is Turning the Country Blue
Hey, Republicans! Did you enjoy Election Night last week? Get ready for a lot more nights like that as immigration turns every last corner of the country blue.
When Ed Gillespie lost in Virginia, liberals crowed about how they’re winning the war of ideas. The country has thoroughly, emphatically rejected Trumpism!
Republicans, being idiots, played along, arguing only about whether Gillespie’s problem was that he didn’t embrace Trump enough or embraced him too much.
Gillespie’s campaign was fine. No cleverer arguments, community outreach or perfectly timed mailings would have changed the result. Contrary to The New York Times’ celebratory article in last Sunday’s magazine, “How the ‘Resistance’ Helped Democrats Dominate Virginia,” it wasn’t Democratic operative Kathryn Sorenson’s savvy use of Facebook, Google and Eventbrites that carried the day. “The Resistance” didn’t win.
What happened was: Democrats brought in new voters. In 1970, only one out of every 100 Virginians was foreign-born. By 2012, one in nine Virginians was foreign-born.
The foreign-born vote overwhelmingly, by about 80 percent, for Democrats. They always have and they always will — especially now that our immigration policies aggressively discriminate in favor of the poorest, least-educated, most unskilled people on Earth. They arrive in need of a LOT of government services.
According to the Pew Research Center, 75 percent of Hispanic immigrants and 55 percent of Asian immigrants support bigger government, compared to just over 40 percent of the general public. Even third-generation Hispanics support bigger government by 58 percent.
They were brought in to vote for the Democrats. That’s the real job immigrants are doing that Americans just won’t do.
As Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy wrote for the Roper Center 20 years ago, the 1965 Immigration Act, bringing in “a wave of immigration from the Third World,” will go down in history as “the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.” [Ted Kennedy was responsible for the creation of the Refugee Act of 1980 as well.—ed]
There isn’t much time on the clock before it’s lights-out for the GOP.
And all Republicans can think to do is argue about how quickly to grant amnesty to so-called “Dreamers” and give the Democrats another 30 million voters.

How many times have I heard in the last decade that we have to work within the Republican party, that there is no hope for another party?
I am not buying it.
When Republicans are this dumb and this greedy they don’t deserve to be our ‘leaders!’
What happened to America First? Is Trump a globalist after all?
When Trump thinks it’s a good idea to welcome China to build a huge, polluting, meat plant in Montana (to feed the Chinese), a plant which will, without a doubt, use foreign labor (possibly even Chinese workers brought in to live in barracks!), then I’m done.
It is time for a commonsense party for commonsense people.
Go here to learn more about meatpackers changing the face of American heartland towns. I’ve been writing about the transformation for nearly ten years.