The Tent Foundation hires Lutheran refugee contractor to write refugee hiring guide

the founder of Chobani Yogurt (we mentioned their expansion in Twin Falls, Idaho, here recently), created a personal foundation launched at Davos (Switzerland) in 2016 he called The Tent Foundation.

clinton and Chobani
I’m using this photo because I’m intrigued by the fact that last night on two different Fox News programs focusing on Clinton’s past indiscretions, they used a clip from this event with . Why? Sending some sort of message to viewers? Or, just coincidence because it was a quick and easy video to find?

To learn more about Ulukaya’s pitch to global corporations see his 2016 opinion piece published at CNN Money (watch the video!) where he says he has hired 600 refugees for his yogurt plants in New York and Idaho and that he has pledged to give half of his $1.4 billion personal wealth to refugee causes.

Now comes news that The Tent Foundation has hired Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service to pen a guide for their “member” companies (affiliated with Tent) to answer questions corporations have about hiring refugee labor.

Let me be clear:

We applaud global corporations (like those below) and uber-wealthy CEOs that send millions of their own dollars to care for refugees living in camps and in other difficult situations around the world.

However, when they rely on the federal taxpayer, through the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program, to deliver their potential workers to the US (to compete with Americans for jobs), it becomes our business.

For new readers, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) is one of nine federal contractors*** hired and funded (on a per refugee-head basis) by the US State Department and the Office of Refugee Resettlement in HHS to place refugees in towns where citizens have no say in the matter and are generally kept in the dark about the process and plans for their communities.

LIRS, approximately 96% funded by taxpayer dollars, is at the moment in a tight spot due to internal turmoil.

We have also recently reported on two other LIRS side ‘deals’ with global corporations— the meatpackers JBS Swift and Tyson Foods.

hartke with logo

Now we hear that Ulukaya’s personal foundation, The Tent Foundation, has hired LIRS to write “a 15-page resource toolkit for employers laying out why they should hire refugees.”

According to a signed contract seen by RRW, the finished product was to be delivered to The Tent Foundation by the end of October.

It is unclear if that happened, or if it did, if the ‘guide’ will be available to the public.

Making a deal…..

Here, below, is a July e-mail provided by someone close to the arrangement from an obviously very pleased Linda Hartke, LIRS CEO, to staff members (recipient names removed by me).

From: Linda Hartke
Sent: Monday, July 24, 2017 3:05 PM
Subject: RE: Recruitment of a contractor

For those who are not aware of the background on this project, the focus is the development of a 15 page resource toolkit for employers laying out why they should hire refugees, what are the legal and cultural issues to consider, how to go about it, and where to get help. The Tent Foundation is the foundation of the founder of Chobani yogurt who is himself a refugee and employs many refugees. They have many large corporate “members” related to the foundation, and their members have been hungry for such a resource.

While current LIRS staff will manage this project, the heavy lift of the research and writing will be done by a contractor as described below.

There is no formal contract or paperwork on the grant yet – but there is email communication confirming agreement on terms. We have asked them to proceed this week to finalize the necessary paperwork and begin the process to transfer funds. We did not provide a budget, but rather a fixed amount to produce the toolkit.

Congrats all, on this new funder for LIRS!

Linda Hartke
President and CEO | | 410-230-2762


Here (and below) are those companies and NGOs affiliated with Ulukaya’s foundation which wikipedia refers to as his “personal foundation.” You will surely recognize many global corporations on the list!  Don’t miss Soros Fund Management!


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And, here are the non-profit’s working with The Tent Foundation including our old pals at ‘Welcoming America.

Click here for our complete archive on the community organizers at Welcoming America.

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*** These are the nine federal resettlement contractors paid largely with your tax dollars to place refugees in hundreds of locations around the US.

Go here to see a recent accounting of their finances and CEO salaries:

Denver Post: donors thought they were helping refugees in the Middle East

A non-profit group called Humanwire based in Boulder, Colorado was allegedly the piggybank for the group’s founder—Andrew Baron.

How many more ‘non-profits’ have been set up to take advantage of gullible donors responding to the refugee ‘crisis’ around the world?

Here is the story from The Denver Post:

Boulder police on Thursday arrested Andrew Baron on felony charges of charity fraud and theft in excess of $100,000 from Humanwire, a nonprofit he said he established to help Syrian refugees.

The arrest follows an investigative report in The Denver Post on the practices of the Boulder-based charity, which managed refugee campaigns in Greece, Turkey and Lebanon.

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Watch Baron in September trying to explain-away the Denver Post story including bashing his whistleblower employee. He takes a whack at Trump too! This is incredible!

Humanwire advertises on its website that pledges from donors go directly to needy refugees with “0 percent” going to operating costs. It offers itself up on its website as a one-to-one connection between donors and volunteers, promising to remove the “charity from the middle.”

But The Post revealed in September that amid delays in promised aid for refugees, the nonprofit’s bank records showed a steady stream of withdrawals from Humanwire’s accounts by Baron. Amid those withdrawals, more than 100 refugees who had been promised aid from Humanwire faced evictions and other deprivations, according to interviews with former Humanwire volunteers, workers and donors.

“Between October 2015 to present, Andrew Baron’s bank accounts have received all the donations for the Humanwire campaigns,” states an affidavit filed Thursday by Boulder Police Detective Traci Cravitz. “Despite stating that 100 percent of these donations would go to the intended families, at least $130,000 was used by Baron for his own personal expenses.”

Go here to read the remainder of the gory details that came to light when employees blew the whistle.  As of this writing, Humanwire’s website is still up.

Speaking of employees blowing the whistle, any more brave souls out there like the “source” of the news from Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service we told you about here?

Message to readers:  Feeling the desire to help those with less than you have?

Find a needy local family and support them and know exactly where your money is going!  Thanksgiving is right around the corner after all.

While Republicans welcome Chinese companies ($$$) to the US, Dems welcome new American voters….

…..lost in the middle, are the rest of us.

Yesterday I told you about the Trump/Daines (Republican Senator from Montana) deal to invite China to set up a massive meat processing plant in Montana.  A Canadian company is planning a second one.

For new readers, meat processing=foreign labor.

Buchanan state of emergency
My first thought when I read Coulter’s piece was of the warning that Pat Buchanan trumpeted for years in innumerable books. It must be maddening for him to see his predictions playing out just the way he said they would.

And, I see Ann Coulter yesterday chastised the Republicans for not seeing that their weak immigration policies are allowing the Dems to turn red states blue with immigrant voters who invariably vote for the party giving them stuff.

Here is Coulter on what the real message from the Virginia election should be. (Hat tip: Cathy)

Putting these two events together one can only conclude that the R’s want money and D’s want voters and the rest of us be damned.

Yes Virginia, Immigration is Turning the Country Blue

Hey, Republicans! Did you enjoy Election Night last week? Get ready for a lot more nights like that as immigration turns every last corner of the country blue.

When Ed Gillespie lost in Virginia, liberals crowed about how they’re winning the war of ideas. The country has thoroughly, emphatically rejected Trumpism!

Republicans, being idiots, played along, arguing only about whether Gillespie’s problem was that he didn’t embrace Trump enough or embraced him too much.

Gillespie’s campaign was fine. No cleverer arguments, community outreach or perfectly timed mailings would have changed the result. Contrary to The New York Times’ celebratory article in last Sunday’s magazine, “How the ‘Resistance’ Helped Democrats Dominate Virginia,” it wasn’t Democratic operative Kathryn Sorenson’s savvy use of Facebook, Google and Eventbrites that carried the day. “The Resistance” didn’t win.

What happened was: Democrats brought in new voters. In 1970, only one out of every 100 Virginians was foreign-born. By 2012, one in nine Virginians was foreign-born.

The foreign-born vote overwhelmingly, by about 80 percent, for Democrats. They always have and they always will — especially now that our immigration policies aggressively discriminate in favor of the poorest, least-educated, most unskilled people on Earth. They arrive in need of a LOT of government services.

According to the Pew Research Center, 75 percent of Hispanic immigrants and 55 percent of Asian immigrants support bigger government, compared to just over 40 percent of the general public. Even third-generation Hispanics support bigger government by 58 percent.


They were brought in to vote for the Democrats. That’s the real job immigrants are doing that Americans just won’t do.

As Democratic consultant Patrick Reddy wrote for the Roper Center 20 years ago, the 1965 Immigration Act, bringing in “a wave of immigration from the Third World,” will go down in history as “the Kennedy family’s greatest gift to the Democratic Party.” [Ted Kennedy was responsible for the creation of the Refugee Act of 1980 as well.—ed]

There isn’t much time on the clock before it’s lights-out for the GOP.

And all Republicans can think to do is argue about how quickly to grant amnesty to so-called “Dreamers” and give the Democrats another 30 million voters.

More here.

Trump and Daines
The Trump/Daines dumb deal!

How many times have I heard in the last decade that we have to work within the Republican party, that there is no hope for another party?

I am not buying it.

When Republicans are this dumb and this greedy they don’t deserve to be our ‘leaders!’

What happened to America First? Is Trump a globalist after all?

When Trump thinks it’s a good idea to welcome China to build a huge, polluting, meat plant in Montana (to feed the Chinese), a plant which will, without a doubt, use foreign labor (possibly even Chinese workers brought in to live in barracks!), then I’m done.

It is time for a commonsense party for commonsense people.

Go here to learn more about meatpackers changing the face of American heartland towns. I’ve been writing about the transformation for nearly ten years.

If you are looking for something to do, help your fellow Americans in Montana and contact the White House, tell Trump what you think about his dumb deal to feed the Chinese while destroying America, here.

Ben & Jerry’s ice cream loves refugees too

I wonder do they hire cheap refugee laborers like Chobani Yogurt or BIG MEAT or BIG CHICKEN?


Since I’ve been on the subject of food processors and their refugee hiring or promotion practices—see my two previous posts on possible new foreign-owned meatpackers in Montana, here and here, and on Chobani’s expansion in Idaho here, I thought I would just put up Ben & Jerry’s latest.(hat tip: Joanne).

Don’t miss JBS Swift here and Tyson Foods here.

I think you need to know which globalist companies are changing America by changing the people so you can walk on by in your local supermarket.  Ben & Jerry’s is a subsidiary of the Dutch company Unilever.

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Continue here.

Discerning readers will recognize the same old tired talking points and the virtue signalling to hide the fact that this is not about humanitarianism. It is about the cold hard facts surrounding the cheap and abundant supply of labor that can be moved around the world.

LOL! An afterthought! Click here for your ‘walk on by’ theme song!

Canadian meatpacker wants a piece of Montana too!

“Having this in my backyard ruins everything about why we moved out here in the first place.” 

(Stacy Hermiller a neighbor to the proposed site)

In my previous post I told you about the Trump Administration deal with China to supply Montana beef to China.  To facilitate the deal, a Chinese company will build a huge feedlot and slaughter plant in the state—to hell with destroying the environment and disrupting the cultural make-up of Montana with migrant/refugee labor!

Now, we see that a Canadian company is one step ahead of the Chinese and trying to get its piece of Montana too!

From the Great Falls Tribune (hat tip: Caroline):

A prominent Albertan livestock production and animal nutrition corporation filed an application within Cascade County to develop Montana’s largest slaughterhouse and meat processing plant on the outskirts of Great Falls.

In a highly controversial move, Obama’s US State Department opened a refugee office in Missoula two years ago. Learn about the controversy here:

If approved and constructed as described within a Special Use Permit (SUP) application filed with the Cascade County Planning Division, the proposed “Madison Food Park” complex could employ up to 3,000 people, exporting thousands of tons of meat to consumer markets throughout North America.

“The scope and scale of the proposed Madison Food Park (MFP) property and project will include, when complete, a state-of-the-art, robotically controlled, environmentally friendly, multi-species food processing plant for cattle, pigs and chickens and the related further processing facilities for beef, pork and poultry,” a Friesen Foods response to the special use application states.


Pie-in-the-sky” proposals for mass employment generating business enterprises are not uncommon, with varying degrees of reliability, but the prospects for the development of a Madison Food Park seem fairly reliable. [There is no doubt that they will be importing laborers—ed]

The Friesen family of businesses have been operating in Alberta for the past two decades. From a livestock production enterprise, the corporation has expanded to include meat processing and animal nutrition divisions.


Not mentioned in that article or this subsequent one ,where citizens are voicing concerns about their neighborhood near Great Falls, is the impact on the community from cheap migrant labor.

montana worried citizens
Worried neighbors concerned about environmental impact need also to ask—who is going to supply the thousands of workers needed?

Just ask any town that has seen what BIG MEAT, BIG CHICKEN OR BIG YOGURT has done, and is doing, to break up community cohesiveness. See Amarillo, TX, St. Cloud, MN, Greeley and Ft. Morgan, CO and Twin Falls, ID to name just a few. (Search RRW for each of those cities.)

Did all of these globalist food companies get together at Davos and listen to Mr. Chobani Yogurt? Hire more refugees!

Open a food processing company in America and the US State Department, at taxpayers’ expense, will provide you with cheap and compliant refugee labor and others with worker visas (and eventually the R’s will cave and grant amnesty to additional migrants)! American taxpayers will educate their kids and supplement their wages with healthcare/welfare/food stamps etc.  When citizens complain, get the do-gooders to call them racists and haters.  What a business model!

According to this story at Montana Public Radio, there isn’t enough beef being produced in Montana to justify this big plant, so how does that jive with the subsequent Chinese deal?  Will they be competing? Photo above is from Montana Public Radio.

By the way, the tiny town of Nickerson, Nebraska killed a plan  last year to open a chicken processing plant there. The citizens were concerned about the impact on the environment, but also raised the issue of refugee labor overrunning the town. 

See my complete archive on how Meatpackers are changing America, one town at a time!  My Montana archive is ever-growing, here.

And, don’t miss Canada planning to welcome a million migrants to the country over next couple of years, so why don’t they keep their polluting meat plant on their side of the border? All those low-skilled refugees (the new younger replacement Canadians!) will need some place to work!