Readers, I use these sporadic weekly or monthly roundups as an opportunity to write directly to you.
I think you will be interested to know what the top three posts of the month were for January, but I’m writing to tell you that I’m going away later this week and so posting will be lighter until I get back early next week. I don’t want you to think I’ve quit! Pushing onward toward July 2018 for RRW’s eleventh anniversary!
Before I get to those top posts, I want you to know that I had a good chuckle this morning about all the trolls this tweet (below) generated yesterday. I guess because I hash-tagged it with a trending tag #SuperBowlSunday it reached beyond my usual fan club.
I got messages about how racist I am (with foul language tossed in), how old I am (do I wear diapers? the ageists asked!) from some high IQ commenters who couldn’t spell or write. It was actually fun to see. Here is the tweet that apparently stirred them up.
I am @RefugeeWatcher…. Immigrants had been expressing fear of Humvees etc. This is what I linked to:
Here are the Top Three (actually four because there was a tie for #3) Posts of the month:
That Australia “dumb” deal takes the highest honors!
You can find more information on how to use RRW by clicking here. (That is my mid-December roundup.)
And, you might want to look at my message hereabout your e-mail notices. WordPress is telling me it isn’t on their end if you aren’t getting e-mails after subscribing. They tell me it is in your/our e-mail server (I’m not getting my e-mails from Leo Hohmann’s new site.)
Frankly there is more here at RRW then you get in e-mail, so why not just visit every day or so to see what is new.
Even if you aren’t tweeting yourself, you can see what I’ve tweeted most recently in the right hand side bar.
This post is filed in my ‘blogging’ category,here.
That would be Charlottesville, Virginia.
When I saw the story headline at something called The Daily Progress, I initially wasn’t going to bother reading the Op-Ed by Harriet Kuhrbecause I figured anything with Daily Progress in it would be some commie publication.
It is, in fact, the sole daily newspaper in the Charlottesville area, and the International Rescue Committeeis the only federal resettlement contractor working to change that portion of Virginia.
Opinion/Commentary: New immigration policies have been devastating
(Trump is a bad guy column!)
Here is Harriet in 2015 selling the IRC’s ‘humanitarian’ work to another unsuspecting Virginia town, a suburb of Charlottesville. I see the map was made before the IRC captured Montana.
But, I’m glad I read it because opinion writer and International Rescue Committee‘s face in that city, Harriet Kuhr,has an important factual error that I see repeated by the Open Borders Left whenever they get a chance.
They say that Ronald Reagan is responsible for the Refugee Act of 1980. It just ain’t so.
He presided over it during its first year (as it admitted thousands escaping Communism), but it was the brainchild of Senator Ted Kennedy (who else!) and it was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter (who else!). See here March 18,1980. (It was 8 months later that Reagan whipped Carter by winning the Presidency.)
And, just so you know, when these Leftists try to make the program sound like it was a bipartisan effort they are spinning like tops. See the list of co-sponsors to the Kennedy bill (not exactly a balanced group):
Sen. Javits, Jacob K. [R-NY]
Sen. McGovern, George [D-SD]
Sen. Randolph, Jennings [D-WV]
Sen. Pell, Claiborne [D-RI]
Sen. Ribicoff, Abraham A. [D-CT]
Sen. Moynihan, Daniel Patrick [D-NY]
Sen. Williams, Harrison A., Jr. [D-NJ]
Sen. Riegle, Donald W., Jr. [D-MI]
Sen. Sarbanes, Paul S. [D-MD]
Sen. Hatfield, Mark O. [R-OR]
Sen. Tsongas, Paul E. [D-MA] Sen. Biden, Joseph R., Jr. [D-DE] [To this day, Delaware only takes less than 10 refugees a year!–ed]
So here is what Harriet is trying to sell to the good citizens of Charlottesville at The Daily Progress: This is Harriet’s boss in Manhattan! British national and one-worlder, IRC CEO David Miliband, pulls down an annual salary package of $671,749 (doing well by doing good!). In 2015, the IRC received 66% of its $688,920,920 budget from US taxpayers! A “VALUED TRADITION” THAT MUST END!
The Refugee Resettlement program is one of the United States’ most valued traditions.It is the bar that sets the standard for other resettlement programs; an effort above party politics that enshrined the core common values of our nation to tackle global problems right here: that families ought to be together; that our children should have a better future than we had; that hard work, persistence, strength, and character would be treasured in our great land. [Our children means something very different to me!—ed]
Ronald Reagan began this tradition, and his successors strengthened it. They understood that it supported our global leadership and national safety, and it stoked a humanitarian tradition, an entrepreneurial spirit, and collective economic success. [What a load of mumbo-jumbo!—ed]
This tradition is something we at IRC see come alive every day, thanks to the talented and resilient people we, and the Charlottesville community, have the opportunity to work with.
Read the rest of her pitch here and see comments. You can see our friend Jim Simpson has jumped in.
This other commenter, Brad London, immediately goes to the sorry old ‘you are a racist’ line and yammers about the Native Americans.
If he wants to give America back to the Indians, then I want to give North Africa and most of the Middle East back to its early inhabitants (before the Muslim invaders came)—to Christians and Jews!
Here is screenshot of the Simpson/London exchange. If you want to get in on the action, click here.
See my archive on the International Rescue Committeehere. It is the financially largest of the nine contractors that are paid to place refugees in to your towns and cities.
(Numbers in parenthesis below are the percentages of their funds that come involuntarily from you).
And, I will continue to repeat: as long as taxpayers pay for fake non-profit groups like these to distribute refugees around the country and then to politically organize against us (who disagree with them), the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed.