World Relief (Evangelicals) defends its reliance on millions of dollars in federal grants/contracts

As you know, World Relief is one of the nine federal refugee contractors*** that depends on federal money to do its work.
Earlier this month we reported on their presence on Capitol Hill pushing for amnesty for the DACA ‘kids’ at a press conference headlined by Oklahoma Republican Senator James Lankford (have you noticed that Lankford is a FOX Newshound lately).

Lankford and world relief
Republican Senator James Lankford headlined the World Relief presser earlier this month on behalf of amnesty for the so-called ‘Dreamers.’ That is World Relief lobbyist Jenny Yang on far right.  Should any of our tax dollars be used for religious Left advocacy? And, will Lankford be their man to help them keep their government boodle?

World Relief’s out front role on behalf of illegal aliens raises questions about their financial support from the US State Department and HHS as refugee contractors as you can see in this story with the headline:

Conflict of Interest? World Relief, Refugee Resettlement and Immigration Debate

Recently, World Relief convened Christian leaders to speak out for immigrants.  After some raised questions on their mission and motives, the aid group responds.

Here is the story at The Stream (hat tip: Chris) which begins with a few words about the DACA vote, then this:

Some Senate leaders still see an opportunity to pass a targeted bill that could pass both chambers. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program expires on March 5. More than 700,000 immigrants, many brought to the U.S. as children, will face potential deportation. Senator James Lankford, R-Okla., vowed to keep working in coming weeks towards a solution.

Lankford appeared recently at a press conference convened by World Relief. He spoke alongside faith leaders who advocate the cause of immigrants and refugees. In interviews with The Stream, some questioned World Relief’s role in the coalition.

“I don’t doubt that these groups have sincere convictions,” states Mark Tooley, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy. “But World Relief and various Catholic relief groups get government dollars for refugee resettlement while lobbying for immigration causes. So there is a seeming self-interest.”

If money is not a driving factor, then they should say no thanks and not take another dime from US taxpayers!  ‘Christian’ verbiage doesn’t cut it! Let them demonstrate Christian love with privately donated funds!
The Stream continues….

Jenny Yang, vice president of advocacy at World Relief, responds in an interview. “Money has never been a driving factor,” she says. “Our staff members feel it is part of their missional calling to reach the nations for Christ by loving their immigrant neighbors. They make minimal amounts of money in doing this work.”

Kelly Kullberg
World Relief critic Kullberg.

World Relief operates as one of nine voluntary agencies with contracts under the U.S. refugee resettlement program. Since last year, the inflow of refugees into the U.S. has been drastically cut. Interviews with leaders on both sides reveal divisions — even when values are shared.

Often on Capitol Hill, Yang’s role is to advocate for human rights and religious liberty. “Any time we speak up on an issue, it really is out of knowing people personally in relationship,” says Yang. “Whether we’re speaking out on the food crisis in South Sudan or other parts of Africa, or we’re speaking up for immigrants in the U.S., it’s because these are individuals we know and serve in our ministry.”

Kelly Kullberg has been a volunteer missionary in seven nations. In the early 1990’s, she served at a World Relief project in Central America. “We helped reclaim a San Salvador garbage dump,” she recalls. “The project won a U.N. award as a redeemed home for 8,000 people.”

Since 2013, Kullberg has headed up Evangelicals for Biblical Immigration. The loose coalition critiques what it calls “pro-amnesty evangelicals.”

Today, she asserts a troubling agenda drives the venerable aid agency. “World Relief once did great Christian gospel work around the world — both in word and deed,” says Kullberg. “Perhaps World Relief should explain how they’ve received more than $256 million in U.S. government grants for resettling immigrants and refugees.”

The funding figure comes from official government sources at “While they still do work overseas, it seems that the priority has become refugee work in the U.S,” states Kullberg.


Concerns for Christian witness are at the heart of her criticisms, Kullberg claims.

Federal grant rules prohibit witnessing to refugees about Christ!

“By taking federal money, World Relief and other voluntary agencies cannot legally share the gospel of Jesus Christ, verbally, with those they are serving,” she says. “World Relief should consider the whole counsel of Scripture, the long-term consequences of their work and get back to their original mission.”


“We also adhere to strict humanitarian policies and guidelines. In our international and U.S. programs, we don’t engage in proselytism.  [NO! Because they would lose their federal money!—-ed]

US State Department rule:

The Department of State has cooperative agreements with nine domestic resettlement agencies to resettle refugees. While some of the agencies have religious affiliations, they are not allowed to proselytize.

There is much more in this story, please continue reading here.
See our complete archive on World Relief by clicking here.
*** These are the nine federally funded refugee agencies operating in the US.
The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  From most recent accounting, here.
There will never be reform of the US Refugee Admissions Program as long as those organizations paid to place refugees in American towns and cities are also able to do political community organizing and lobby for more refugees and more money for themselves.
If, as Yang says, money has not been a driving factor, how about just saying no.  We challenge World Relief to survive by giving up nearly 73% of its present income.

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