Refugee admissions from Africa and the Near East/South Asia way off the mark

While the Europe ceiling has been almost reached after 7 months.
As you know, the President set the CEILING for refugee admissions for Fiscal Year 2018 back in September at 45,000.
We are now 7 months in to that fiscal year and the US State Department database (maintained by contractor Wrapsnet) has a detailed accounting of who we have admitted and where they are from.
First, here (below) is a graph showing the CEILING and the actual monthly admissions numbers for the last ten years. On April 30th, the seven month mark, we have admitted 12,188.
When you go to Wrapsnet, here, this is data from a spread sheet found by clicking on this line under Admissions Reports: PRM Admissions Graph April 30, 2018.
(They usually update these numbers around the 5th of each month for the previous months of the fiscal year.)
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The world is divided into 5 regions for the purpose of setting ceilings and admitting refugees.

See how many we have admitted so far….
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