From time to time, I post what I call “comments worth noting” that have been sent to me or in this case published on social media.
This (below) is a facebook entry from Peggy Traeger Tierney in Minnesota.
Readers ask me all the time, what can I do? Well, this is a prime example.
Help educate your fellow citizens with a little investigative work of your own and then find a way to get it out more broadly—through facebook as Peggy has done, through twitter, via a letter to the editor, or consider writing your own blog (goodness knows we need more citizen journalists!).
In Minnesota we were told by the bright minds in the legislature that they couldn’t figure out what the refugee population there is costing the taxpayers, well here is one piece of the answer.
More recently the outrageous revelation that massive fraud had been uncovered with Somali-run publicly-supported daycare centers has Minnesotans again demanding an accounting.
You too can do this!
This post is filed in my ‘Comments Worth Noting/Guest posts’ category.
By the way, one of my top posts of all time is this one (2011) about how so many Somalis first arrived in Minnesota thanks to Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services of MN, and then World Relief. One of the reasons those federal refugee contractors chose Minnesota—generous welfare!