RCUSA=Refugee Council USA. That is the consortium of Leftwing Open Borders groups, led by the nine refugee contractors, headquartered in Washington DC.
It is not a surprise that they are ramping up their political agitation in August when Congress is in recess and as the September deadline approaches for the President to consult with Congress about his “Determination” for how many refugees could be ‘welcomed’ to America in FY19 which begins on October 1, 2018.
Here is a screenshot of a portion of the page at their website giving their troops marching orders for August….
RCUSA, by the way, was mentioned in my previous post as it was this lobbying office that alerted contractors, like World Relief, to not talk to any of you who might call their subcontractors’ offices looking for information on what they were planning for your town.
Here is just a bit of what they are telling their supporters (but you need to read it all, here.)
Be an Advocate
Developing relationships with, and educating policy makers is necessary if we want to see welcoming policies and attitudes towards refugees. A powerful constituent visit involves impacted communities and allies who join together. Having a team of refugee leaders, resettlement staff, volunteers, employers, faith groups, and other community members who meet regularly is essential in building meaningful relationships with policy makers. It is important that policy makers understand that their constituents care about refugees, and that refugees are their constituents — they live, work, and contribute in their communities, obtain U.S. citizenship, and vote.
Engaging National and State Elected Leaders
At the national and state levels, individuals who oppose refugee resettlement are making their voices heard loudly and frequently to policy makers. These groups utilize anti-refugee, anti-immigrant, and anti-Muslim rhetoric and draft legislation to engender fear and foster hostile atmospheres for newcomers. More than 80 bills have been introduced in the last couple years that would dismantle or significantly damage the U.S. refugee resettlement program. In 2018, we faced 14 anti-refugee bills in 11 states and 10 anti-refugee/anti-immigrant bills in 6 states, as well as 11 pro-refugee bills in 6 states and 67 pro-refugee/pro-immigrant bills in 20 states. If we want policy makers to support positive legislation and oppose proposals that would turn our backs on refugees and violate our values of welcome and hospitality, then they need to hear from refugees and supportive community members.
Go here for links to their tool kit, and further instructions.
Of course they are exactly right about one thing—after all they are professionals—that you must let your elected officials know how you feel about more refugee resettlement to America! (Even if you think your Washington reps are useless!).
Since RCUSA was behind demonstrations against Trump (#NoMuslimBanEver) they have gained a new member!

See previous RRW posts on the Refugee Council USA by clicking here.