This is an update of the story from Colorado Springs—a story getting almost no media attention—where an Iraqi refugee is charged with critically wounding a local police officer.

On Saturday, Officer Cem Duzel remained in critical condition.
Breitbart is reporting that Attorney General Jeff Sessions used the near fatal shooting of Duzel as something that would not have happened if earlier courts had not blocked the Iraqi refugee’s deportation in the wake of other crimes he had previously committed.
But that isn’t the important bit of news I want to focus on…..
Buried in the Breitbart story here, is perhaps the first time in ten years that I have seen any reporter make a direct connection between a refugee’s violent crime and the resettlement agency responsible for his placement in the state—Lutheran Family Services is specifically mentioned in news reports.
That is a breakthrough!!!!
Continue reading “AG Sessions blames courts for allowing cop shooter to avoid earlier deportation”