Litany of layoffs!
Priscilla Alvarez writing at The Atlantic runs through a partial list of the nine federal refugee contractors and tells us how many staffers have been fired because of that mean old Donald Trump not sending them enough refugee paying clients.

There really isn’t much new here (like so many of the fear-mongering stories the lapdog media is publishing these days, there isn’t much here that you haven’t heard over the last few months), however, it is worth posting for a couple of reasons.
First, we are reminded that the US State Department is rumored to be preparing to cut one of the nine federal contractors completely off the federal dole!
Which will it be?
My guess is that they might cut out the smallest—The Ethiopian Community Development Council. It surely won’t be the giants: International Rescue Committee or the US Conference of Catholic Bishops!
It could be one of the others (besides ECDC) that is almost COMPLETELY funded by you through your tax dollars. See the list below.***
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