“Biden’s delay on welcoming refugees has been a huge disappointment for refugee advocates.”
(Boston Globe columnist, Marcela García)
The refugee news from the last week primarily revolves around two main themes—the ‘children’ surging across the US border and where to put them before releasing them into the country; and why Biden has yet to sign the document to start the flow of third world refugees from Asia, Africa and the Middle East to Anytown, USA.
The ‘children’ as we have been reporting in recent weeks are not refugees even as the open-borders-promoting mainstream media wants you to believe they are.
The mostly teenagers are illegal aliens hoping to claim asylum, or so they say.
The vast majority will never achieve refugee status because most will never appear in any asylum adjudication process, and even if they did show up few could prove that they were persecuted in their home country.
Also, as I have been saying, the largest number of those getting in are older teens who will soon age-out of the system altogether. In one story this week a weak attempt was made to answer the question—what happens when they age-out?
See that story here:
What happens to unaccompanied migrant children when they turn 18?
They must find a sponsor—-what a joke!
Moving on to the other major theme of the week, the mystery deepens—so why hasn’t Biden signed the annual determination document that would lift Trump’s low number from 15,000 refugees to 62,500 for the fiscal year?

His State Department already told Congress that the Administration wants 62,500, an absolutely unattainable number as the fiscal year ends in a little over 5 and a half months.
But, no Biden signature yet!
What surprises me most is that the refugee contractors*** who have a pipeline into the State Department, a pipeline that was functioning during the Trump years, don’t appear to know what the hold-up is.
However, a theory is developing—Biden doesn’t want to look TOO PRO-IMMIGRANT!
The crisis on the border alone tells us it is a little late for that!
Everyone with eyes can see that the Biden/Harris administration is the most PRO-immigrant and most Americans-last administration of all time.
See the Boston Globe op-ed:
Is Biden afraid of appearing too soft on immigration?
The official name of the malady is xenophobia. Donald Trump did everything he could to spread the condition, and it still infects us. [LOL! They can’t resist whacking Trump!—ed]
Unlike Trump, President Biden doesn’t fear displaced foreigners who fled their homes due to civil conflict, natural disasters, persecution, or systemic violence. Nor does he blatantly use them as handy political props. Still, he may be afraid of appearing soft on immigration, just as some were labeled soft on crime a generation ago.
That could be one explanation for why Biden hasn’t reversed Trump’s historically low refugee admissions cap of 15,000 annually, leaving many in the resettlement world baffled. It could also be that the administration is consumed with managing the influx of migrant children at the US-Mexico border.
Regardless of the reason, Biden’s delay on welcoming refugees has been a huge disappointment for refugee advocates.
The Globe opinion piece directs us to an exchange that happened at a White House press briefing with Jen Psaki on Thursday. The reporter is not identified:
Q Gotcha. And then, a quick follow-up. Why haven’t refugee flights continued at this point? Last month, the President did announce that he intended to raise the refugee cap before the typical, you know, end of the fiscal year —
MS. PSAKI: Yeah.
Q — where it traditionally happens. That hasn’t seemed to happen yet. Why haven’t those flights continued?
MS. PSAKI: He remains committed, but I don’t have an update on the timing of the flights.
Q Does it have anything to do with the fact that resources are going towards the border at this time? Or —
MS. PSAKI: No, no, it’s not related to that. No.
Q Thank you, Jen. [Reporter meekly accepts Psaki’s non-answer–ed]
More at the Boston Globe, here.
Incidentally, the Biden team has put the Temporary Protected Status program on steroids demonstrating that their pro-immigration policies are moving full steam ahead, except (strangely) for the Refugee Admissions Program.
Here we see the not wanting to look too PRO-immigrant theme continued at the Buffalo News:
Refugee numbers drop in Buffalo – and Biden isn’t boosting them
Privately, some refugee advocates speculate that Biden is delaying opening up refugee resettlement so long as undocumented immigrants continue crossing the border with Mexico in record numbers, perhaps fearing political blowback from any move that might be seen as pro-immigrant.
Why is Buffalo so eager for more refugees?
Dear readers, this is a major reason why Democrats want refugees!
Democrat-run cities are dying and they see that moving the third world to their cities will be their ticket to saving them and their own political power. Nevermind that you pay for it both financially and culturally.
The Buffalo News continues….
Biden’s inaction has prompted a growing sense of frustration among those long have backed refugee resettlement as a key cog in stabilizing or even growing Buffalo’s population, such as Rep. Brian Higgins.
By the way, besides the fact that dying cities need bodies to keep Dems in power, it isn’t just the Democrats. The globalists (including Republicans!) push for cheap labor, as outlined in a lengthy, but well worth reading treatise at the Last Refuge, explains more.
It explains why they hate Trump so much and why he had to go!
Okay, this is getting way too long!
Don’t miss my post at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ this week about the murder of a little refugee girl in Idaho.
There is a lot of talk about anti-Asian prejudice, but even Biden is in on it according to some in the Vietnamese community in America.
Still reeling from Trump-era policies, groups demand Biden address deportation, refugees
Although North Dakota lost its major refugee contractor, the state plans to pick up the slack.
North Dakota is not taking kids from U.S. southern border, but is hiring new refugee resettlement coordinator after LSS closure
It is a beautiful spring day on the farm, my garden calls, so that is enough for now!
***In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the contractors.
They worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris and as taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people.
Americans Last! is their motto!