Refugee News Roundup January 24, 2022

The news on refugees is pretty sparse these days as the Afghan migrants (they are not refugees!) are consuming much of the bandwidth (and cash) the contractors need to expand the refugee program to admit their dream number of 125,000 refugees from every corner of the world this year.

The Afghans are seemingly being placed willy-nilly around America—not surprisingly in ‘welcoming’ cities like Buffalo, but also in places like Helena, Montana which did not heretofore have a refugee resettlement office.  Can you say ‘Trojan Horse!’

By the way, once an office opens in your community, good luck ever shuttering it!

More Afghans than expected to arrive in Buffalo | Local News |

Afghan refugees start a new life in Helena | Local |

But, as my alerts attest, struggles abound as housing and jobs are in short supply for Biden’s ‘new American’ Afghans and hey! you! taxpayers, in Des Moines their bad teeth need fixing….

Des Moines refugees struggle getting dental help – Axios Des Moines

So, we learned this week that the ‘No borders’ crowd isn’t happy with their man Joe one year in from his occupation of the White House. They know that as this Midterm election year commences, the likelihood of getting any significant legislation through Congress is pretty much DOA.

We all know, however, that they have a lot to be happy about as our borders are wide open and more are on the way (even dying on the frozen Canadian border) thanks to encouragement from the White House.

Rift grows between Biden and immigration advocates | TheHill

A year after mobilizing for Biden, young supporters feel let down on immigration – WAMU

Couldn’t we say that Joe is killing these poor souls?

Family of migrants including an infant found frozen to death at U.S.-Canada border – Washington Times

And, from goat farming to child brides, the Afghans and their fellow Muslim migrants are expected to change America in large and small ways….

Former Child Bride: Biden’s Afghan Resettlement Certain to Bring ‘Culture of Forced Marriage’ to U.S. (

Northeast Goat Market Keeps Getting Hotter | Main Edition |

Meanwhile in my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news category, a Presidential candidate declares he wants France to preserve its unique historic culture…

Eric Zemmour: ‘I Will Make Sure That Muslims Respect France’ (

And, for a little laugh, we note a kerfuffle at World Relief (one of the nine major contractors that monopolize all resettlement in the US)*** resulted in the resignation of its Seattle office honcho.  Headquarters apparently objected to the hiring of a gay man by the local sub office.

Scandals among the do-gooders are always good for a chuckle….

Shawn Vestal: Concerns over rejection of gay job candidate stirs World Relief | The Spokesman-Review

***If you are new here, these are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors overseeing hundreds of “affiliates” (aka subcontractors).

To learn more about them, just pick one, type its name in my search window and you will learn more than you ever wanted to know as there are over 9,000 posts archived at RRW!